Thursday, July 31, 2008

Some Stitching - an Exchange and a UFO

I heard from Laura that the Pyn Keepe that I made her from the MAW Exchange arrived. I was getting concerned as the mails are sort of sporadic at best - but all is well and it arrived!!
here is a snap of the piece -

Her wish was for a red pyn keepe - this is one of the Quaker motifs done in CC Cupid - if memory servers me right. I really enjoy making this, and think it turned out quite well!

Last night I worked on a UFO that was just calling out to be stitched on - this piece is something I have really enjoyed working on, but has fallen to the wayside in the press of all my other stitch obligations. Here is a snap of VoHRH and where I am now -
I am working in a counter clock wise direction from the center square and am now at the little white church - as we all know I do not care to stitch in white - but to get past this square I need stitch away I did. - I have finished up all the dark grass and the tree trunks - all that is left is the back stitching for the willow branches, the bushes and the church - You will be seeing this quite often as I really want to get this on finished and start on the Shores of HRH -

Last night the movies where "The Glen Miller Story" - 1953 with June Allison and Jimmy Stewart - such a good movie and very close to the real story of his life.
This was followed up by "The Naked Civil Servant" - 1975 -
the outrageous autobiography of the flamboyant Quintin Crisp.

There you go - Thanks for stopping by!!!!

Take care,

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wednesday entry

Last night was a Rosalind Russell Night - and the stitching pieces I worked on were both Christmas related and I can't show any snaps of them - yet -

I have two exchanges still in transit so I can't show any snaps of them either.....

Still trying to catch up on the blog reading/commenting - there are so many great things everyone seems to be working on and finishing - It really makes it hard not to have dozens of pieces going at the same time!! There is a pile of things ready to be worked on and I just have to so "NO" - don't start another piece - work on the ones you have going -!!! It is really tough!!! and the will power is failing fast!!!!

Thanks Patti for the name of the designer of the piece - yes it was Pat Rogers and I did a quick search and found out the pattern is called "Antique Alphabet Sampler" - very pretty...... now there is another piece I want to do!!!!

There you go - short and sweet!! Thanks for stopping by!

Take care,

PS - there be a snap of something tomorrow if it kills me!!! :)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Mailman was very good to me yesterday!!!!

Yesterday was a good mail day!! I received my HOE - Summer Quaker from Wendy Jo
- here is a snap of the entire exchange she sent -

and here is a close up of the Pyn Keepe -

Wendy Jo also made me my first floss tag and it is a beauty!!! Both the Pyn Keepe and floss tag were from Workbasket charts. In the package were some NPI silk skeins, and you all know how much I love silks, and a couple of pieces of linen for future projects - It is a wonderful exchange and both pieces are beautifully finished, Thank You so much!!!!!

The post also brought something I had won on eBay
- the Press Book for the original release of "Scrooge" - 1970 -

A Press Book was something that was sent to theaters before the release of a film to help with advertising - I had never seen one for this movie and it was totally cheap!!

The Movies last night were a couple of old time favorites - " Meet Me in St. Louis" - 1944 and "Paper Moon" 1973 - both of these films are great and I have seen them lots and lots - Tonight on TCM is the last evening with star of the month Rosalind Russell -
and they are showing "Auntie Mame" -1958,
followed by "Gypsy" - 1962 - both excellent vehicles for her and worth watching!!

Still stitching away at Christmas Presents so no snaps of that stuff - yet!!

Thanks for stopping by and Thank you all for the wonderful comments -
its like getting warm fuzzy hugs from cyberspace!!!!!!

Take care,

Monday, July 28, 2008

BBD - Sampler Finished

- I finished up the BBD Sampler and here is a snap -

It looks kinda crooked - but that is my poor snap - this is a Christmas present to Rico's Mom form us - and we need to get it framed up - the other stitching I did was exclusively on a piece for a present also but no snaps of that - don't want to give away the surprise. It was a great weekend here in the city... nice warmish weather in the 70's with a ton of fog yesterday driving the temps into the 60's - just perfect.

I did get in quite a few movies - "If It's Tuesday, This Must be Belgium" - 1969 - funny in places, then "Marriage on the Rocks" - 1965 - an OK flick that seemed to not live up to its potential. Then two more "Christmas Carols" - "Scrooge" - 1970 the all singing all dancing version - in fact a real favorite of mine that I have seen lots - I have even seen this on the stage in London. Then is was probably the best interpretation - "Scrooge" - 1951 with Alistair Sim - although it veers from the actual story in places it fleshes out some of the back story very well -

There you go a quick "hit and run " post!! have a great Monday!!
Thanks for stopping by!

take care,

Friday, July 25, 2008

Exchanges delivering everywhere....

Yesterday I received my second wish from the MAW Exchange - it was from Karen - I wanted something stitched in dark murky colours any finish the stitcher wanted to do -
and I received a gorgeously finished Biscornu that surpassed my wish by leaps and bounds and here is a snap of the top -

and here is a snap of the underside -

It even came in its own bag for travelling - It is perfectly finished and I just love it!!!!!
Thank you so much Karen!!!!!!!

I also heard from Carol that the HOE Summer Quaker had arrived - I couldn't decide what to make. So I stitched up and finished two things - and Carol does a ton for everyone and so I thought why not...... I sent along some extra goodies I knew she would enjoy!!
Here is a snap of the exchange as it was sent -

and here is a snap of the Pyn Keepe -

and the small box -

The Pyn Keepe design is called "Wheat" and since it is a summer crop I thought it would be appropriate.... and the box top are little rosebuds - The extras where from Carol's wish list -

I worked on the trees/flowers and here is the little progress I made last night -

There where no movies last night only commercial TV and that basically bit the big one
so I won't wax poetic there -

Thank you all again for all the nice things everyone says
- Have a great weekend!!!! -

Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Blooming away and some flicks

Getting those "trees" in the garden done, here is last nights progress -

Boy, it is extra crooked this morning - whoops!! - but you get the idea! :) This is stitching up pretty quick and I will probably have it done sometime this weekend - I will need to chart out some initials and shift a couple of the bits around to get them to fit - that shouldn't be a problem. Then I have an exchange to start and my last stitchy Christmas present to whip up - which I won't be able to show as the receiver reads this space and I don't want to spoil the surprise - :)

Last night there where a couple of flicks starting off with "Second Chorus" - 1940 - a pretty dismal film with Paulette Goodard (who was excellent as always!!), Fred Astaire and Burgess Meredith - both who were completely mis-cast !! The reason to see this film is for the band sequences - it was Artie Shaw and his orchestra who were superb. The films last night where part of the Big Bands in Film Series on TCM - the second film was "Du Berry was a Lady" - 1943 - not the best movie - but gorgeous in beautiful Technicolor - a Cole Porter Broadway musical reworked and cleaned up for film audiences then tailored for Lucille Ball, Red Skelton and Gene Kelly. The evening ended with the premier of "Sordid Lives - the Series" - parts where as funny as the movie but you can tell it is new so was bumpy in spots .....but the potential is there and if given time may come together.
Being a prequel to the movie they have lots of really great places to go.

Last but not least - I am overwhelmed by the out-pouring of awards and congratulations to this, my little blog!!! Thank you all so much!!! It really means a great deal to me!!!!!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

WMHB and some movies...

I made some pretty good progress last night -
here is a snap of the "Blooming" sampler as it stands now -

Sorry about it being so crooked - :)

The movies last night where NetFlix selections - I got all three yesterday - The first was a documentary about Irish Country Houses that was unwatchable as the disc was a total mess, sound wise and digitization so that went back in the sleeve within 5 mins - then it was on the the other two selections - both of them made in this century!! Imagine that!!! The first was "Housewife, 49" - 2006 - an excellent made for TV movie dramatizing the real life WWII Diary of an English Housewife, Nella Last. I really enjoyed this piece and would recommend it to anyone - it is about an hour and a half so it is not too long. The second movie was recommended to me - "My Blueberry Nights" - 2007 - about a journey to find oneself and then end up back where you started or there's no place like home - It was fine for a single viewing - but the way I have heard some people go on about this flick - I just didn't see it.

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Take care,

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A bunch of mail... and a close encounter?

Last night was a total bust in the stitching department. After the supper things were cleaned up and the dishwasher started - I sat down in my chair, the hounds jumped up and settled pretty fast ..... and the next thing I knew it was 10:37 PM - what happened to the evening????? I know it was alien abduction and mind control as it couldn't be just me passing out - and snoozing the evening away????? what's up with that???
Oh well - no snaps of any progress - or pictures of alien probing!!!!!! :)

I did however get some super mail yesterday - so lets start off with a great RAK - from Julianne over at "Julianne's Stitching Corner."
She sent me one of the charts from my wish list.
Here is a snap -

I have always loved this chart - not only because it has a sheep, but the saying is so homey and nice - Thank you so very much!!!! - Now I need to find the time for some ME stitching and get it done!!

I also got an order from Drema at Needlecraft Corner, and an order from 123 Stitch AND a couple of charts I had won on eBay - here is a snap of some of the stuff - not all - as some is destined for others in upcoming exchanges -

I have been chasing those Mary Garry charts for the longest time (as have others out there) and finally got a couple!! They are scarce as hen's teeth so I was really happy about winning them. Those little charts from JBW Designs are so sweet, and I have a bunch, how could I resist and the little alphabet came with MOP buttons!! The Homespun Sampler ornie from 1999 I did not have and it was on sale -now how could I pass that????

I also mailed out two exchanges - SBEBB - Red work V - travelling overseas so it will get there sometime towards the end of next week..... and HOE Summer Quaker - travelling domestically so it should arrive in the next few days at its new home!!

Yesterday brought a couple of super shots to my ego in that I have been awarded Kreative Blogger Awards by two wonderful ladies - Tammie over at "A Stitch in Time" and Margaret at "Margaret's Blog" - Thank you both for the super vote of confidence in my yapping about all and sundry here at Black Sheep - I often wonder if my babblings aren't just that - but I persevere and still really enjoy everything about the blogging world. I have met so many great people both in person - Michele and Valerie and numerous stitchers over the Internet that it has really been worthwhile - so I ain't going anywhere!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!!!

take care,

Monday, July 21, 2008

Christmas in July - Jingle, Jingle, Jangle

Although it is July the focus has been Christmas - I am in a stitching ornament exchange and my first ornament arrived at Staci's over the weekend
- Here is a snap -

It is from Milady's Needle - "Quaker Christmas Smalls" - stitched on 32 ct linen using the rec Belle Soie silk. I really like the way this turned out and now I want one!!! There are actually 6 in the booklet to stitch. On the back I put our initials and the date.

The stitching I got done was some work on "Where my Heart Blooms"
- and here is a snap of the progress -

As with all BBD, this is a really wonderful stitch - the colours and pattern are so "right" together - I really am liking this!!

And while stitching last night ( Rico was at the end of season softball tournament) I could watch some Christmas movies - as many of you know "A Christmas Carol" is probably my favorite story of all time!!- so I hauled out a couple of versions of "A Christmas Carol" - I watched both the 1999 version with Patrick Stewart and then the 1984 version with George C Scott. Both of these have good and bad points but I think that between the two Patrick Stewart pulls off a better Scrooge the G.C. Scott. Now I need to watch "Scrooge" - 1970 - not the best version of the story - but the music is so wonderful you have to forgive the lapses and rewrites.

Patti - welcome back to the fold of stitching!!! -
Kathryn - I have put "Paprika" on my queue so I should be getting it soon to watch.

Thanks for stopping by!!!

take care,

Friday, July 18, 2008

Some stitching and a couple of movies -

Last night was stitching on the house night - here is a snap of the progress I made -

Just plugging away at all the white space - not very interesting, but necessary.

I watched three movies last night beginning with "Sordid Lives" - 2000 - A very funny movie that takes place in Texas and deals with a family and their many problems - being made into "Sordid Lives: the Series"- 2008 and starts next week on LOGO. This was followed up by "Hotaru no Haka" - 1988 ("Grave of the Fireflies") - now let me first state that I am not a fan of Japanese anima, but even within this genre there are some really superior productions - "Howls Moving Castle" - ("Hauru no Ugoku shiro") - 2004 and the gigantic winner "Spirited Away" - ("Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi") - 2001 -.... last night watching "GotF" - I found another top notch film - basically it is about two children dealing with the final days of WWII and the devastation that was Kobe and their lives.
If you are not moved by this film it would be a miracle.
The last film of the evening was "Pork Chop Hill" - 1959 - a Korean war film that shows the ineptitude of the war machine - so is it a "War Movie" or "Anti-War Movie" that is for the viewer to decide.

Thanks for stopping by, have a great weekend!!!

Take care,

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Exchange Finishing, Christmas Stitching, mail and movies

I finished up All of my upcoming exchanges last night - it feels really good to see them all there waiting to get mailed next week. Some are going out today and that is also gratifying. No snaps of these until they start to arrive. I worked on an Xmas present that hasn't been out in quite a while - here is a snap of how it is going -

It looks pretty funny with the leaning chimneys!! This is a really nice stitch as are all the BBD.

I had some nice mail yesterday -
I bought some handmade soap off of etsy and it arrived - smelling great!!

What I ordered is called "The Man Stack" - the mind just reels at that title!!! ......but I guess it is because these are not flowery and more earthy smelling soaps - LC - has a piney/foresty smell, the emerald isle is kinda minty/earthy and patchouli is well patchouli. I also got a free half bar thrown in and that is sandalwood - I really like handmade things and this soap falls into that category quite well - I used the sandalwood this morning and it is really nice smelling and has a great lather!! I also stopped off last night on the way home and picked up some.....

Just delicious!!!!!!!!

Finally the fog has started to come in and we are getting our summer weather -

This is looking west from our balcony - the fog pouring over Twin Peaks into Noe Valley -

This is looking east from our balcony towards downtown SF - with the fog pouring up through the Golden Gate over the Bay. Now we are back in the 50's and cold windy loveliness -
that's why I love it here!!!!!
( I even had to turn on the electric blanket last night)

The Movies last night on TCM started off with "Ship Ahoy " 1942 - a cute musical with Eleanor Powell, Red Skelton, Burt Lahr and Virginia O'Brien. This was followed up by - "Cabin in the Sky" - 1943 a top notch musical with Ethel Waters, Eddie "Rochester" Anderson and Lena Horne. The last movie I got in was "Bathing Beauty" - 1944 a gorgeous technicolor musical with Red Skelton and Esther Williams.

Thanks for stopping by!!!!

Take care,

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It's Wednesday

Not too much going on here - Yesterday - after work, I finally got the 4 hairs I have left cut so that my hair looks less like a bird nest than usual!!! Then is was off to the fabric store in south city - Joanne's to be precise, and they were having a SALE!! So needless to say I bought a butt load of stuff when I actually had intended to buy a only a few things. Then from there we went over to Home Depot and picked up a couple of light bulbs - for a large stand/torchere lamp that was my grandfathers and takes a special giant base bulb - these are only $4 at HD. From there is was of to Target for some plants for the balcony. Up until yesterday the balcony was sort of a dead desert zone now it is a verdant garden again, thanks to Rico!! After a quick dinner at Carl's Jr we got home and the rest of the evening was spent finishing up exchanges, so not a single snap today. :(

The movie last night was from the Rosalind Russel star of the month series on TCM - called "A Majority of One" - 1961 - what a great little film!!! This was the follow up project after the super smash of "Auntie Mame" - 1958. "AMoO" co-starred Alex Guinness playing a widowed Japanese businessman and Rosalind played an Orthodox Jewish widow. The plot basically was- "A gentle love story about a Japanese businessman and widower, and a Brooklyn widow. But before a happy ending can ensue, they must learn again the lessons of tolerance, kindness and forgiveness." I really enjoyed this flick although it was really odd to watch Alec in Asian Makeup and odd accent, but it was still a time in Hollywood where actors played outside of race and tried everything. If you ever get the chance to see it I would recommend you do.

Thanks for stopping by!!!
Take care,

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

You ALL are just the BEST!!!!!!!!

All the nice comments yesterday - I couldn't have been more over whelmed if I had won the lottery!!! I so appreciate all them!!!! They really made a lousy Monday a MUCH better day!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!

Hi Wendy - I know what you mean about book back up!!
My pile seems to NEVER go down a bit!!

So-Natasha - just send me your snail mail to "edgarmatt at g mail dot com"
and I will get them out to you on Thursday.

I was totally thinking about you Jill when I bought that Workbasket Peacock chart!!
It is a great design!!!

Hi Julianne - that would be great - I seem to be always getting over there so the next time I am planning to get over let try and meet!!

Hi Margaret - of course I can answer that question about the UFO - The chart is the "Beatrix Potter Companion Sampler" - have already stitched and hung up the BP Sampler - it was a great stitch and this also turning out to be lots of fun!!

Lets look at that sucker again - it's so pretty!!!

and last night I was only working on finishing exchanges so this is the only re-snap for today!! :)

I also received Carol's Halloween RR yesterday - boy that got here super fast - there must have been some really quickie trickie broom work at the USPS!!! I just love that linen!! All grey AND splotchy!! I think I need some of that!! Terry - just a heads up mine is going out today and you should have it in a day or two.

Thank you ALL!!! New and veteran readers - stop by again!!!

Take care,

Monday, July 14, 2008

A bunch of stuff to yap about -

Lets start off with a quick trip to NIAH on Saturday morning - I needed to run over to pick up some things and found other things to get also - Here is a snap of the stash -

I found a great pair of Dovo scissors ( Like I needed another pair) and I replenished the dark Halloween threads I am running through - I also found a Workbasket Pattern for a Peacock and house I hadn't seen before.

This moves us along to the Halloween RR - I had to frog out some of the verse... as I didn't like the floss I was using - now I am very happy with the CC Timber floss and think it turned out pretty good - Here is a snap as it stands now.

There are 7 squares for others to stitch in and when I get it back I hope I will have decided what to fill in the left hand side and other bits -

Saturday evening we went to the east bay to the Concord Pavilion ( now called the Sleeptime Pavilion - yea for corporate sponsoring) to see Kathy Griffin.

We went with some good friends and had the best time - she was totally out of control!!! We had seen her in person last year here in the city and she was just as good this time!! I am absolutely addicted to her show - "My life on the D List" -

I spent yesterday finishing up ALL of my exchange stitching - now I need to get at that finishing!! I also worked on a favorite UFO a little bit and here is a snap of that -

I really enjoy working on this Quaker piece!! I just never seem to get the time to work on my own stuff!! Now what's up with that!

I also finished up the final book in the Jospehine trilogy -

They were a really good read and are written in the form of diary entries by Josephine - If anyone would like to read them leave me a comment and I will send the three books to you - I like passing on books - so - don't be shy..... only one set, so first request gets them....

There was also some pretty good movies this weekend - starting with the "49th Parallel" - 1941 a pretty good propaganda movie with lots of famous faces - Laurence Olivier, Glynnis Johns and Leslie Howard. About a WW2 U-boat landing party that is stranded in northern Canada. To avoid internment, they must make their way to the border and get into the still-neutral USA. Then there was " The Edge of the World" - 1937 - beautifully shot in the northern Hebrides. The story is about the ending of a way of life on a small isolated Island off the coast of Scotland. "Objective, Burma" - 1945 this WWII movie was about parachuters going into occupied Burma and blowing up a radar instillation before the invasion of Allied troops - The cast was headed up by Errol Flynn and a host of character actors - pretty good movie!! Then last night on TCM they showed an all time favorite of mine- "Meet me in St Louis" - 1944 - with Judy Garland, Mary Astor, Marjorie Main and Margaret O'Brien. I love this movie and have seen it dozens of times!!!

That starts off the week!! Thanks for stopping by!!!

Take care,

Friday, July 11, 2008

RR Stitching, Christmas stitching and a movie or two

I finished up the Christmas ornament for Staci ( I think I need to make me one!!) and will get that out next week, no snap yet. I also worked heavily on the Halloween RR - but am not sure if I like how it is looking..... so I will not show it yet on the off chance I need to hit the froggies - no matter - whatever is done is fine as it needs to get into the mail on Tuesday - so there might be a snap on Monday, but none today. I can't believe how indecisive I am about this piece - usually I just make up my mind and go with it -

The movies on TCM last night were chosen by the Programmer of the month and this month it was Sally Feild- The first flick was "The Awful Truth" - 1937 with Irene Dunne and Cary Grant. This is a great movie and I have seen it many times before - worth seeing if you haven't. This was followed up by "All About Eve" - 1950 - a perfect movie IMHO - and one I can watch over and over!! and have!!

The SBQ -
How do you balance your stitching time with your other obligations such as work,
household chores, etc.?

The way I balance my stitching time is after dinner I settle down and stitch until I go up to iron the clothes for the next day and go to bed. I generally stitch every night. If there is something that has to get done or an errand to run then I do that first. But, I am a creature of habit and I like doing the same thing every evening - I stitch and watch movies!! ( and fight off the hounds that want to sit in my lap and prevent me from stitching, that is another story)
There you go - pretty basic and I am very easy to please.

Now to the comments section of the show.....

Dear Vonna - I did know about the JCS issue this month - and YES, I got my copy as that is another great memorial chart - I really like these two patterns and both of the patterns are just perfect!! Such great sentiments about those that we love and loose.

Dear Donna - you just send any of those black jelly beans my way that you don't want - In fact if truth be told I even by the bags of just black ones because they are so yummy!!!

Dear Carol R - You know how I love those English Pontefract Cakes and just horde any I get - but I also don't really know anyone else who likes them like I do. :)

Another week zooms by - whooooosh - Thanks for stopping by!!!!

Take care,

Thursday, July 10, 2008

An exchange arrives, some super stash - and some movies

Lets start off with the super exchange that I received from Simone yesterday.
The exchange was the LHN exchange from the HOE - Here is a snap -

and here is a close up of the Pyn Keepe -

It is beautifully stitched and finished - the back even has a pocket to hold scissors.
I just love that she has used my antiquated spelling for Pyn Keepe - :)
Also included in the package was a beautiful piece of linen from Sugar Maple Fabrics called "Winter Meadow" and a cute LHN chart! Simone reads my blog and found that one of my favorite things is Black Licorice and the Dutch do this VERY well!! She included a big bag of the stuff!!! It is really very different from the American Black Licorice in that there is a distinct salty undertone to the candy and it is harder than expected. I really love this stuff and used to be able to get it here in the city but no longer as the store closed a while back.

The mail also brought a stash order from Drema including a chart I have been craving for a long time and some beautiful silk and cotton over dyed floss'. Here is a snap -

The silks where some new colours from Belle Soie and with my addiction to the stuff - I had to - needed to - couldn't live without - buying them!!! There ya go some rationalization!! I also needed some other colours for some upcoming things so I got some GA, CC and WDW. The chart I have been lusting after for so long is this gorgeous thing from Midsummer Night Designs - called "Memorial Sampler." I just love the verse and the thought behind this and have wanted to stitch it ever since I first saw it.

The two movies last night were as different as could be - starting off with "All the Kings Men" - 1999 a BBC production and aired on Masterpiece Theatre. As always they did a wonderful job with a less than wonderful subject - WWI and the Gallipoli campaign. The cast was absolutely top notch headed by Maggie Smith as Queen Alexandra (just love her!!) and David Janson as Captain Frank Beck. A very good movie and absolutely worth seeing!!!! The second movie was on TCM and part of the Big Bands in Movies this month - called "Two Girls and a Sailor" - 1944 with June Allsyon, Gloria DeHaven and Van Johnson. What a great movie with a ton of music and such wonderful talents very early in all their careers. With specialty numbers by Virginia O'Brien, Lena Horne and Gracie Allen. The side kick in the story was Jimmy Durante and he was as entertaining as always.

Thanks for stopping by!!!!

take care,

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Christmas Stitching - and a movie

Last night I spent working on my Ornament for the Christmas Ornament Swap. I am really enjoying making this piece and do hope that Staci likes it!! So no pictures yet but they will come shortly -

While stitching away you know there was a movie or two playing - Starting off the evening with a Rosalind Russell film - "Craig's Wife" - 1936 - a very good movie that was remade into "Harriet Craig" - 1950. It is interesting to see two really great actress' go at an identical part - and to see where the movies story lines are changed to accommodate different dialogue and issues. Both of these movies are good - but I think I like the performance of Rosalind better than Joan - probably because Rosalind was more the character and Joan was really playing hard edge Joan and not Harriet Craig.

This movie was followed by "Love Me or leave Me" - 1955 - a movie bio-pic where Doris is playing real life singer Ruth Etting. I have seen this movie before and really enjoy the music. James Cagney plays Ruth's "love" interest and eventual husband. Worth seeing for the musical production scenes alone.

Thank you so much for the help with the Halloween quote - Thank you Vonna for the offer of the BBD Book - but as soon as I saw yours I got one - and just love it!!

Thank you so much Michele - I have actually picked one of your suggestions!!! Now I need to chart that sucker out!

Kendra - I also really enjoy Oscar Levant - as his interpretations of Gershwin music is top notch!!

Thank you all for stopping by - those new and old readers - your the best!!!!!

Take care,

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Turtle lands in San Francisco -

I was the recipient of a most wonderful exchange yesterday!!! As many of you know I do enjoy the Quaker stuff - :) ....I was a part of an exchange that took place over at Quaker Inspired - and yesterday I received from my partner Mercy in NY a Super Duper Box O' wonderfulness!!! Lets start off with a snap of the box as I unloaded it -

Everything tumbled out from this cornucopia, some wrapped and some not - Mercy included some (From R to L) Delicious spiced tea - (Opening up the canister I got a beautiful whiff of Christmas - just glorious), a "to do" pad of paper that I always can use and the chart for "Peaceful Paradise" - which is a chart that I have wanted for a long time but have never mentioned to anyone that I wanted it - Now how did Mercy know I wanted that one????

Now - after unwrapping everything - the stitched piece is the Turtle wonderfully finished as a flat fold and done in the prettiest of "Cool Blues." Mercy also included (from R to L) a really pretty piece of linen, a needle magnet, a snip-it jar (that now sits next to my stitching chair.... and I won't have to listen to Rico's bitching about all the bits of floss that seem to be scattered about the house) a really cute needle book and a floss organizer.
I have been truly "Gifted", thank you so very much!!!!!

Last night I worked on an exchange and my Halloween RR
- here is a snap of one of the lower right corner -

I will work a house into the other corner and I am thinking of putting some sort of saying in the space in the middle - any suggestions..... or thoughts - I pulled out/ frogged some of things I put in as I am sort of winging it in this the lower register.

Last night the movie was "An American in Paris" - 1951 - almost a perfect musical - with Gene Kelley and Leslie Caron - it is a really beautiful movie to watch with great music and superior dancing!!

I did have a question from Joanie about the BPC Sampler and the linen that I am using. I got the piece over a year ago with a win off of eBay. It is some hand dyed job in 32 ct - I really don't have any other info. The auction I was going after a chart and the linen and a ton of DMC came along with the win. I held on to it as it was such a great piece until I had something special to stitch onto it like the BPC.

Thanks for stopping by and all the really nice comments!!!!!!

Take care,

Monday, July 7, 2008

Halloween RR Sampler

I worked and finished the two witches and here is a snap of how they turned out -

I am really happy with the way they look!! I have also blocked out the squares for everyone - they are about 50x50 so not too big. I need to do some stuff along the bottom of the piece - House, fence, trees more pumpkins....

I also worked on a couple of exchange pieces and a giftie - but can't show any of that.

I saw some really good movies this weekend starting off with "In Which We Serve" - 1942 - a really great WWII movie of flashbacks. If you get the chance this is a really good movie. Then there was "The Battle of the Bulge"-1965 an interesting and long movie at 2 hours and 50 mins. It seems to me there were too many story lines and it was kind of choppy - Then there was "Destination Tokyo" - 1943 with Cary Grant and John Garfield. A very good submarine movie - but some pretty hokey looking special effects!! Then there was "The Music Man" -1962 with Robert Preston and Shirley Jones - I love this musical and could watch it dozens of times - and I have!! Then last night on TCM was Robert Donat night. They showed two great movies - "Goodbye Mr. Chips" - 1939 for which he won the Oscar. This was followed by "The Count of Monte Cristo" - 1934. What a really great movie!! I had never seen this version and really enjoyed it!!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!! Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,

Thursday, July 3, 2008

HOE Exchnage arrives, spooky witch , Big Band Movie

My HOE LHN Exchange arrived at Georgie's in double quick time - just 4 business days. The exchange stipulated the use of an LHN pattern in any finish we wanted.
Here is a snap of the exchange I sent -

I included a couple of charts from Georgie's wish list, some BBB Lotion and some of those great Altoids mints. It is the pyn keepe that I made that I have an issue with...... Let me say that the way I stitch is not from the original pattern but from a copy I make so all I usually have is just a chart in front of me. So there I was just a'stitching along from the copy and was almost through and I needed to look at the original chart for some reason and I notice that this is NOT a LNH pattern but a CCN pattern - so I sat for a moment and thought -
"Close enough" !! I was really mad at myself as I try to follow all the instructions.
The end result is - Georgie is happy with the piece and that is all that matters to me
- but, boy - what a numb skull!!!
I really enjoyed stitching this one up - it has a nice summery feel to it.

Lat night I finished out the right hand witch - and here she is -

There will be another witch to the left by the end of the weekend -
hopefully , or at least that is the plan!!

The one movie I watched last night was a TCM flick - from the series of Big Bands in the movies - Wednesday evenings in July - "Reveille with Beverly" - 1943 with Ann Miller in the lead. The best part of this movie was the clips of the Big Bands playing popular songs from the 40's and a highlight was Frank Sinatra singing Night and Day. Thin plot great music!!

Another week ends - Happy 4th everyone!!!!!!
Thank you all for the nice comments!!!

Take care,

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Blogiversary Prize arrives and some Halloween stitching

I see from Carol's blog that the Blogiversary prize has arrived - and again in record time!!! I just sent that sucker out on last Thursday!!!! Yippee for the mail service!!!
Here is a snap of the package I got together for her -

I have been in an orchid kind of mood and here is a second go at some Soie d'Alger pale orchid stitching. Both Carol and I like the Quaker things so it was easy to decide on what to stitch. I included some b&w trimmings and some finishing fabric. There was also a SF mug and some Joseph Schmidt chocolates in another of his special summer boxes. I really enjoyed getting this together and know this will be a an annual event!!

I got my Halloween RR out last night and worked some more on the skeletal witch -

She is really starting to look like something - since this will need to get mailed on the 15th I am going to get as much done as I can before sending it out.

Last night the movies were part of TCM's salute to the fabulous Rosalind Russell. She is the star of the month. Last night started off with a bang - "The Women" - 1939 in which she plays the gossipy Sylvia Fowler. This was followed up with "My Sister Eileen" - 1942. Both excellent movies and worth seeing!!

Thanks for stopping by and all the nice things everyone writes, I do appreciate them!!!!!

Take care,

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

RAK'd and exchange mail!!!!

I have been RAK'd again!!! If you remember a while back I sent a book(Mistress of the Sun) to Jan in Maryland. I like to pass on books I have enjoyed.
Well, yesterday I received a chart from Jan that I really wanted "Tis the Gift."

That was so sweet of her!!!! Thank you so much Jan!!!!! The saying is from the first line of a Shaker song called "Simple Gifts" written in 1848 by Elder Joseph Brackett.
Here are the words of this "dance" song -
'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free,
'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gain'd,
To bow and to bend we shan't be asham'd,
To turn, turn will be our delight,
Till by turning, turning we come round right.
I don't know why but I have always liked this song - go figure.

I also got some "Christmas" silk from HDF - I just ordered it on Friday and here is arrived on Monday!!! Now how efficient and quick is that!!!!

I also heard from Yuko that the exchange with the Quaker Inspired Blog had arrived!! Now that was super duper quick!!! I am here in SF and she is in Japan - it should have taken at least a week - but slam bam it got there almost instantly!!! Here is a snap of the entire exchange - I stitched the Rooster (the exchange was to use the Quaker animals from Work Basket)

and here is a close up of the Pyn Keepe that I made -

I used Belle Soie "Creme de Menthe" silk for the body - that silk is like butter!!! I think the initials are in CC "Fools Gold" ( I really can't remember the yellow) :) I included a couple of charts from her wish list some tea from Lupicia that she likes, some lotion and some HDK silk. I am so glad the Yuko likes what I sent!!

Right now I am reading the trilogy by Sandra Gulland about Marie Josèphe Rose de Tascher de la Pagerie de Beauharnais - better known as Josephine Bonaparte. I am really enjoying it immensely!! I am also reading a new Book called "The Heretics Daughter" by Kathleen Kent - about Marthe Carrier and the witch trials in 1692 - Kent is a 10th generation descendant of Martha - it is turning out to be a very good book!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!!
take care,

A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...