Friday, June 29, 2012

11 and a Bonus!!

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends once again I must say how very nice it is to open up the Blog and read all your kind comments!!!  Now for todays post....  I always enjoy answering questions asked and try to get back to any and all with some kind of answer - that's why I really enjoyed the "33 Questions" the other day.  Now I have 10 great questions from Riona from over at "Obliette" that I wanted to answer......

1. Do you enjoy designing projects of your own? - I have only ever designed one piece on my own and found it lots of fun.  I am not sure if I am creative enough to turn out a bunch of designs, but the single sampler was enjoyable, and who knows, I may just done more.

2. How often do you find yourself swapping out fibers: solid for overdyed, silk for cotton etc?  I almost always convert and switch colours and often switch up silk for cotton and overdyed for solid choices, I usually go for what I like instead of what is recommended.

3. Do you enjoy using "different" specialty fibers, e.g.: bamboo floss, velvets, silk ribbons, metallics and the like?  The few times I have used metallic floss I really hated it and so I shy away from any kind of specialty fiber.

4. Have you ever stitched on fabrics "outside the box," e.g. on regular sewing fabrics, burlaps, gauzes or even screening?  Not yet, but if the project called for some I would certainly not mind trying.  I always say and live by the mantra of....  "You gotta try everything at least once!!"

5. Is there any form of needlework that, try as you might, you just can't quite master?  Yes, I have tried stump work and it never looks "right" - so I just stick to what I know.

6. Are there other textiles arts on the horizon that you want to explore?  I would love to know how to quilt, but have just never taken the plunge.

7. Is it really necessary to have more than a dozen pairs of embroidery scissors?  How can you have less than a dozen with all the beautiful scissors out there???

8. What is your favorite non-framing finish?  I do love Pyn-Keepes!!

9. Do you select you vacation destinations based on the locations of needlework shops and tea shops?  What's a vacation???  No, really, when I travel, it is the destination first, but I always do research before going to see what needlework shops might be doable or in the vicinity.

10. If you could plan the very finest of stitching cruises, what would it be like?  I have never had an interest in cruising so I have no idea where to begin or what is available.

11.  How many stitching Blogs do you read daily?  Quite a handful.... upwards of 20+, if time permits.

Bonus Question: What is your favorite Needlework related Website?  Well, two I visit daily are the 123 Stitch site - I really enjoy reading the Message Board and the other is Hand Dyed Fibers - for the Stitching Forums - I usually never post on either of them but I do keep up with what others post.

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks again for stopping by, have agreat weekend and do stop in again!!

Take care,

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Cottage Catch-up

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I am running short of time this morning so will make this a short post about the CCN Cottages - 

I don't think I ever got a snap of completed June up - so here is a snap of that - 

I think my favorite part of this cottage is the thatched roof.  As you can see I changed up this one a bit, but leaving off the floating flowers and I deleted the french knots from the strawberries - they looked nothing like seeds to me - I did stitch in some seeds with really small stitches, but you can not see them in the photo.

Here is an overall shot of the piece showing the little progress I have made with July...


That's about it for today sports fans!!  Thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Wonderful Summer exchange and Some Holiday Stash

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends the mail was really very good to me yesterday!!!

As you might remember I am part of a small group of stitchers doing a year long exchange over at Friends Stitching Through the Seasons 2012, and yesterday I received my Summer Package from my partner Karen.  Here is a snap of everything she sent...

In addition to the beautifully stitched and finished Recipe Box, Karen included a couple of fun things....  a Wooly Wily and light up caterpillar.  Inside the box where a set of great molds and a patriotic heart to hang up - and - two lovely pieces of fabric for finsihing!!  Here is a close up of the Box...

It is perfedctlly stitched and the finishing is top notch.  I know this will be a wonderful addition to my kitchen and help corral some of my ever growing pile of recipes!!!  Thank you so much Karen another super duper exchange!!!!

The mail also brought some stash.  Every year Prairie Schooler releases new patterns for the Fall/Winter Season and this years additions I could not resist - I do love me some PS!!!!

In addiition to the New PS charts I got a couple of OOP Charts I won off the Bay of Evil...  both BoF Hallowe'en charts and both totally cute!!  I have been after these for a while and now they are mine!!!

I think my favorite of the new PS charts would have to be "O Christmas Tree" I really like the 12 Days of Christmas ornaments - and know they will have to be stitched up!!  I also really like the new idea of Hallowe'en Cards, like the annual Santa Cards

I started "July" Cottage last night after converting all the floss to over dyed choices I like (and have already).  I'll show a snap in a day or two.

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for all the great comments and emails and for just stopping by - do stop again!!

Take care,

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Luscious Lemon Coffee Cake

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends another lovely cool and breezy morning to enjoy here by the Bay.  I watch the news in the morning and evening and the weather channel whenever "something" is going on in the South East.... can we say TS Debbie.....  I just see the temps going up and up... if I enjoyed the warm/hot weather I could get some by just crossing the Golden Gate Bridge over into Marin County and driving 10 minutes... the heat spirals up quickly over there - in fact we are surrounded by heat and hot-ness.  "They" are saying we are to be getting warmer towards the weekend.... we shall see.  

Yesterday was damn near perfect in the afternoon when we got down to the pool - mid 70's slight breeze and a warm pool.....  I threw some steaks on the grill and we had our Sunday evening Steak and baked potato meal a day late. Rico's got together a green salad and it was a perfect addition!!

I wanted to post the link to the recipe for the coffee cake - I found it over at "Stolen Moments Cooking" a great place that Kate Miller has gotten together some super recipes, check it out.  I started out on Saturday making the lemon curd that was the filling - the recipe says you can use lemon pie filling, but when lemon curd is so very easy, why would you not make some!!

Since it only takes 4 ingredients I whipped some up.  HERE is a version with video on how to make Lemon Curd.

On sunday I pulled the curd form the fridge and it was tangy and thick!!

The recipe is very straight forward and easy to make.  HERE is the direct link.  It made one delicious cake....

I got the curd a bit too close the edge and it browned a bit ....  but when cut the cake is really beautiful...

 - and - the recipe for the Lemon Curd made enough for the cake and some extra for later!!!!


That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for dropping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Monday, June 25, 2012

A Monday Morning Posting

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thanks for stopping by and a great good morning!!!!  It is a brisk 56 degrees outside with a nice breeze - I love SF in the summer!!!!  Over the weekend we really beautiful days -  not warm at all but bright and sunny both days.  We were to have some rain but that fizzeled out - the most mositure we got was some fog rolling in Friday evening - and then not too much.

As you might remember I am taking part in a year long exchange with a small group of stitchers over at "Friends Stitching Through the Seasons" and my partner, Diane received her Summer box safely.  Here is a snap of the exchnage I sent...

and here is a close up of the stitched piece....

I used the Farmer's Alphabet from Priaire Schooler to create this Pyn Keepe - It was a fun piece to stitch but for Summer I had a hard time thinking up something... now, with Fall approaching I have some super ideas!!!

On Saturday I ran around to some Estate Sales and a couple of Thrift/Consignment Shops and picked up some fun things...  here's a snap

From front left to right....  a little plate in my Mom's wedding china - Castleton "Lace" - this has been out of production for 45+ years and what on earth you would use this tiny plate for is beyond me, I picked up these great Limoges pieces (covered vegetable and tureen) not beacuse I need them, or even have the room but because they were 1/2 price - from the marks on the bottom they date to the 1880's and are in super condition, the Native Harvest's cookbook is really interesting and finally the great old maple rolling pin, perfect condition and a lovely old worn colour!!

On the stitching front I worked some on cottages - so here is a progress snap...

...... as you can see I am almost there with June - what a great month.  I tried a couple of other "whites" for the house but settled on the DMC B5200 I have been using as my white throughout.  I also frogged out the fence in March (like it much better).  I will certainly have June finished before the end of the month and get a good start on July.  I have seen a picture of August Cottage, and I am sort of put out with it being another light blue cottage, that will make three and the way I am stitching them August will line up with May - I am thinking of seriously changing up the light blue for another colour.

I also baked up this tasty Lemon Coffee Cake yesterday......

I post up that info tomorrow.

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thank you all for your great comments and emails.
Take care,

Friday, June 22, 2012

33 Questions

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I wanted to take a minute and thank you for you kind comments about yesterday post.  I usually don't use my Blog to pontificate about an issue, but I just couldn't let that go - so once again thank you for your patience!!

I was tagged by Tam over at "I Want to do One More Stitch"  with the "11 Question Game" that is going around the Blog's.  I tied to come up with a list of bloggers that I thought would like to play along but so many have been tagged at this point that - instead of passing on the Game - I will answer not only the 11 Questions for me but also the two sets of Questions she was tagged with.....  I hope enjoy learning just a bit more about me and my nuttiness!!!

Questions from Tam - 

1) Favorite pattern ever stitched - show a snap -  I have so many, but one of my favorites would have to be CHS Alphabet - 

2) Favorite Junk food to have while stitching? I don't eat at all while I am stitching, I always have something to drink - tea, coffee, Gatorade, but never any food near my stitching.

3) Your Favorite Blog to Visit? - There are way to many to name.

4) Do you leave comments on Blogs?  I do if I have something to say, usually I am so far behind in reading them that I am constantly playing catch up.

5) Do you reply to your comments on your Blog?  When I can I try to - especially if there is a question in the comment.  It is hard if the comment is a "no-reply" type then I have to leave the commenter just hanging, but I try.

6) Your favorite thread to work with?  Hands down Belle Soie - love the feel, love the colours - just love the stuff - but any over dyed floss I think is great just for the variation in colour you can achieve.

7) Do I know a male stitcher?  Not personally - I know of a few - like 3 - I am sure there are more out there.

8) What is the biggest stitched piece you have stitched?  That would be a toss up between Village at HRH or Shores at HRH - just the amount of stitching they take make them are large pieces.

9) What is the furthest away you have travelled to go to a stitching store, what was it called?  I have never purposely travelled a distance to get to a stitching store, but when I travel I always try and find a store...  One that I visited when in Florida in December was Brick City Cross Stitch.

10) Favorite tool to use when stitching?  Would have to be my Ott Light

11) Do I like stitching for others or for yourself and why?  It depends on what and who - I do enjoy stitching things for those that appreciate the time and effort it takes..

Now, questions from Trina - 

1) Why do you love stitching?  It's creative, to a point, and it keeps me off the streets!!

2) Do you have a favorite genre/type of pattern that you like to do?  I do love doing samplers.

3) Have you ever had to re-stitch a pattern?  No, but I have restitched something I liked or thought someone else would like.

4) How often do you try to stitch a week?  I stitch every day, it is rare when I don't do a little stitching every evening.

5) What DMC colours do I lean towards?  The more dull earth tones seem to pop up most often.

6) How did I come to stitch?  Although my Mom stitched as did my Granny.... in college I had a roommate, Louann, and she taught me how to stitch.

7) Do I have favorite stores to buy stitching from?  My LNS Needle in a Haystack, but I also like Needlecraft Corner and 123 Stitch, for online stuff.

8) Do I have a favorite designer?  I like quite a few, but the top three would be - Prairie Schooler, Blackbird Designs and Heartstring Sampler.

9) Do I have a stitching Blog?  Yes

10) Have I read fictional books about stitching?  No

11) How many times a week would I say I visit other stitchers Blogs?  I try an read some every day.  I do not touch the computer over the weekends - Only M-F.

and now some questions from Janye -

1) How do I feel about blended threads as in T Wentzler's projects?  I like using a single piece of floss on high count linen - so I guess I don't care for them.

2) Do I launder my projects before framing?  No, never.  I use way to much over dyed floss to take a chance.  I keep my hands clean and the area I work in spotless so there is not a problem of getting my stitching dirty.

3) How do I feel about the lack of colour fast in all the flosses now?  It really is of no concern - I like the colour choices of over dyed and the overall look of the stuff.  I try to be really careful and have had no problems thus far - knock on wood!!

4) When you begin a project with a black and white chart how do you choose which symbol to begin with?  I usually start in the upper left hand corner regardless of the symbol.

5) Do I do my own framing?  I have done lots of my own framing, but some pieces are just not a standard size - so those have to be professional framed.

6) Do I choose my own mats and molding or let someone else tell me what I would like?  I always choose my own moldings and they way a piece will be framed.

7) Pins or lace?  Pins

8) Do I have any wall space for a new project?  There is always room for a new piece to go up on the wall.

9) Have I ever gifted a finished piece right off the wall because someone really liked it?  No

10) Would I stitch it again for myself?  No

11) Do I have a group of friends whom I share the love of stitching with on a regular basis?  Yes, all my Blog Buddies!!!  It's what keeps me coming back to mu Blog!!!!

Well, I hope you enjoyed learning just a bit more about me. 
 Thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!  Have a great weekend!!

Take care,

Thursday, June 21, 2012

May Cottage Finish and a Stupid "Ann Taylor" Employee

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thanks so much for your kind comments on Mr Stanley and his adventures here in Sf and Florida.  If all goes as planned he will be winging his way home today.

Last nights stitching involved lots of frogging and my figuring out what exactly my problem was with this particular Cottage.  I think after I took off quit a few bits that it was overcrowded.  I removed the fence, two clouds and the sun.  I also converted all the DMC Floss to over dyed choices to soften up the colour - now I am much happier about this month and have moved on to June.  here is a snap...

I took about a dozen snaps of this and can't seem to get a decent shot - the flash bleaches out the colour something terrible, but you get the idea.  I'll try over the weekend for a better shot in natural light.  Here is a list of the floss' I used - with the recommended Floss choice coming first:

676 - WDW Whiskey
959 - CC Tyler Boy Blue
964 - WDW Aqua
3031 - CC Hickory Sticks
3806 - WDW Peony
CC Frog Legs - HSH Leapfrog
WDW Bright Leaf
White - DMC B5200

I kept the WDW Bright Leaf, I couldn't get any of the CC Frog Legs (it seems that everybody had run out), but I did have the HSH alternate Leapfrog in my stash.  I kept the DMC B5200 White - as I have used it in the other Cottages.  Here is an overall shot...

Sorry about the extra "wonk" to the shot, but you get the idea.  For the June Cottage I have once again converted all the DMC's to over dyed, including the white..... and as I keep looking at the piece I am thinking about frogging out the fence in March......

I usually try and not get on my soap box often but yesterday I read an article on line that set my teeth on edge and got my dander up!!!  Here is the ARTICLE - in a nutshell - an Ann Taylor store employee basically asked a shopper in an Ann Taylor store with a guide dog to leave the store as "dogs" weren't allowed in the store.  Clearly she was with a guide dog and needed her to navigate and shop, but the employee was adamant and so she and her dog Cricket were asked to leave and they left.  Becky, the shopper with dog, posted about it on her BLOG.  The store issued some lame excuse .....  "that the reason she was asked to leave was the dog was off her harness"  ....  what .....  are they kidding!!!  A guide dog is there to guide, hence would be in a harness....  a complete fabrication by the store to get out of a sticky situation.  In this day and age an employee dealing with the public can't tell the difference between a guide dog and a dog on the loose!!!!  What a commentary about the stores training and dealing with public.  Now, I don't shop at Ann Taylor, but if I did I think this horrendous move by their employee and then by corporate would sour my perception for a good long time and I would do my shopping and spending elsewhere!!!  Read the article and read Becky's posts about the incidents and the "apology."  It's an eye opener for sure.

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by, do come again... I'll be a little less caustic tomorrow!!!!

Take care,

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Some Flat Stanley Snaps

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends, there is really not much at all going on here!!  A typical day for me.....go to work come home - go down to the pool to relax and get some sunshine for an hour or so, fix dinner (and I didn't even do that last night... we ordered Chinese  - and had it delivered... so I didn't even have to change out of my sweat pants/shirt ensemble I was rocking!!) stitch some and go to bed ....  then it starts all over again in the morning.  I do love routine, but the Blog takes a hit with the same old boring stuff!!

I finished up "May" cottage last night, but I am not going to show it here until I make a decision to either keep the little white fence or frog it out.....  I am leaning towards the frog and just having some open lawn.  I'll get a snaperoo up in the morning.  

I thought I would show some of the pictures we got over the weekend of Flat Stanley...

Taken at Lands End looking towards the Golden Gate Bridge and the Marin Headlands

Taken at the California Palace of the Legion of Honor -  "The Thinker" by Rodin

Taken at Alamo Square looking East towards downtown San Francisco

I have about 30 or so snaps from both Daytona Beach and San Francisco getting printed that I will put into a little Photo Album - then I'll get everything together and off to Australia in the morning!! This was a great project I had lots of fun getting it together!!  Thanks to Rico and Cissy!!!

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Monday, June 18, 2012

A Post About the Weekend

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends the weekend was very nice and relaxing!! As the week wound down the weather heated up and by Saturday we were in the upper 80's and for out here that's a scorcher!!  But, Friday evening the winds died down and the sun set with this glorious sky...

Taken from our balcony looking North East across Noe Valley towards downtown SF.

.... and the old saying - red at night sailors delight... held true, as the weather was dry and lovely Saturday and Sunday - if not a bit hot Saturday.  Sunday early morning the winds picked up and the cool/cold Pacific breezes blew in and we had a perfect SF day - cold and clear most of the day, then the fog rolled in and Summer in the city was back in full force.

One of the things I accomplished was to finally wind up and organize my DMC.  For the longest time this project has sat bagged up and forlorn...

..... I finally got it together to get the skeins of floss on bobbins and in order!!

Now, I have all the colours in order and handy - I felt Like I had killed a bear when I finished.  I was amazed at how may duplicate bobbins and skeins I have - some colours I must have bought a dozen times!!  That at least will not happen again, I hope!

On the stitching front I worked some on Mary Ann....  just lots of grass stitching...

Sorry about the wrinkles.  I am stitching the grass diagonally to add some visual interest.  Since there are three rows of colour I am stitching the two narrow rows leaning left and the fat middle row leaning right, it sure gets tedious after a while!!  I also worked some on the Cottages...

I converted all of May's recommended DMC's to over dyed floss and I'm really pleased with the outcome.  I am very behind on this piece and I plan on playing catch up this week.

Yesterday after Mass and a quick breakfast at Eddie's Cafe, we made it to the Grove Street Farmers Market.  The summer fruits and flowers were just great....


That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,

Friday, June 15, 2012

Wrapping up the Week

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I think I will wrap up the week on a high note 
- or at least a wet note!!

Yesterday they re-opened the pool - we have new owners yet again and they had turned off the heater so the pool was virtually unusable for a few months.  We had quickly gotten out of the habit of going down and spending an hour or so poolside in the afternoons.  It had become a wonderfully relaxing time - and now we have it back.

Even with the sun shinning brightly the wind howling down from Twin Peaks can be bone chilling!!  I think the temps yesterday go into the low 60's with wind.  The heater in the "ON" position is a necessary thing and most welcome.  They also fixed the BBQ - so it looks like some delicious grilled steaks are in our very near future!!

That's about it for today sports fans.  
Thanks for stopping by, have a great weekend!!!  Do stop again!

Take care,

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Florida Stuff and a Little Plug!!

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends let me welcome all the new and old followers I notice today that I reached 700!!  Woo-Hoo!!!  It's a nice feeling to know that my little Blog postings are enjoyed by so many!!

I thought to day I would mention a few of the things we did in Florida - one of the things I did was to take a Flat Stanley with me.  I was sent one to visit here in SF from a little girl in Australia and it arrived the day before I left to go to Florida so he went with me...  and some of the places he visited in the Greater Daytona Beach Area were....

...breakfast at the I-95 Exit waffle House in Ormond Beach...  and ...

...a Salt Water Taffy shop on the Boardwalk in Daytona Beach .... and...

... Bruce Rossmeyer's Harley Davidson Shop.

It was lots of fun taking pictures around town and I was amazed at how many people I knew who Flat Stanley was.  This weekend I will run around SF with him and get some snaps of the city sites - then it is back to Australia from his America adventure!!

For my Mom's birthday we went to one of her favorite restaurants - The River Grille - on the Tomoka River.  here is an old stereoptican slide of the river c. 1905...

It was a great dinner and we sat outside on the veranda over looking the river...

We started off with some tasty hush puppies - served with spicy aioli...

and I had some delicious fried oysters - with cole slaw and more hush puppies...  it was a really nice dinner.

I am often amazed at how many offers/emails I get weekly and sometimes daily for all sorts of products and folks out there wanting me to use my Blog for plugging different things - often things I have never heard of to begin with.  Anytime I mention something here it is because I have used some or been there done that and that's how I am going to keep it here at BSBotW - my Blog my rules!!!!

 With that said I wanted to mention something I read about a few months ago but just never could find here in SF.....  Bacon Salt.  You know my love of bacon and just about anything bacon related...  well I looked all over the place for this stuff and just couldn't find any.  While I was in Florida I ran to the Winn Dixie (a grocery store) for my Mom and I found some....

...and last night we had some fresh summer corn and I sprinkled some of this stuff on it and let me say it was just super delicious!!!  I think I paid about $3.99 or so for this bottle - and from now on this will be a staple in my spice cupboard!!!!  Thank you, thank you Justin and Dave!!!!!!!!!!!

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for the info about Flower Floss yesterday, it has come in handy already!  Thanks for stopping by do stop again!

Take care,

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Mid-Week Posting

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thanks so very much for all your kind comments on the stitching projects in yesterday post.  Last night I was a total slacker and didn't even pick up a needle.... just sat there cover in the who-hounds watching the boob tube.

I finally got the recipe for Broccoli Salad posted over at BlackSheep Bakes.  It is a super easy salad to get together and easily adjusted to your personal taste.  I know there a many 100's of version of this out there, this is just the way I make it - if you have any questions please feel free to ask.

I did have a sort of a general question for everyone - I won a while back on the Bay of evil - a set of Santa Charts that call for DMC Flower Thread - I have never used it and don't have any in my heap o'stash - and find that it was discontinued by DMC - my question is "What was the colour palette like?" and - "Does it convert to the regular DMC numbers?"  I think I am SOL on this stuff and will just have to shift the colours myself - but if you know of a conversion chart out there I would love to see it and get a copy. - Thanks!!

That's going to wrap it up for today sports fans - sort of short and sweet.  Thanks again for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take Care,

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Stitchity Post

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I really missed my daily Blog "fix."  Although sometimes I think I drone on and on about practically everything - I find it cathartic to sort out my thoughts and put many of them here.  Don't get me wrong, not every thought gets out and on the Web, but quite a few do!!  :)

I think today I will devote to some stitching stuff - since that is what binds us to each other - those thin gossamer threads of silk and cotton.

There are three pieces I wanted to talk about....  first up would have to be the surprise waiting for me when I came in the office yesterday.  There was a big box from the Sweetheart Company waiting for me.  Here's a little background- a while back Dena had posted that she was looking for a completed "Christmas Rules" by Lizzie Kate to create a frame - I had my finished piece and it wasn't framed so I agreed to let her do her magic and work up a frame and use it as a model for her site (her site is just darling by the way).  Here is a snap of the wonderful job she did on my piece....

If you remember I stitched mine on 36ct linen so there is tad more "white" space than would be when using the recommended 32ct linen - but what a stupendous job she did!!  All hand done and just too cute!!  Here is a close up shot to show some of the detail...

I couldn't be happier with the finished piece and will treasure it for years to come!!!  Thank you so very much Dena. On the Sweetheart Company site it is in the "New Releases" area.

Another framed piece I wanted to show is a piece I gave my Mom for Christmas.  It is the LHN's "Sampler Months" - here is a snap...

The frame she picked out is a great blue coloured painted one that fits really well with the piece. My Mom was super happy with the framed piece and that's what counts!!

The last piece I wanted to talk about today is the ongoing stitching on Mary Ann Hutton....  It was one of the two projects I took with me last week, but it was the only one I got a chance to work on -  here is a snap of how it stands at the moment...

.... it is just bee-bopping along not very fast but steadily.  I am not sure how I am going to handle the name and date - as I don't usually stitch the original stitchers names and dates when I stitch an historic sampler, but with this one  - it's like a banner across the lower part so it will be hard to loose it or stitch something else in it's place....  I have lots of time and quite a bit of border before I need to make a decision, so I won't worry about that at the moment.

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks again for all your kind comments and for stopping by, do stop again!

Take care,

Monday, June 11, 2012

Back in SF!!

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I got back into SF around 11pm Saturday night and used yesterday to do laundry and just watch movies...  It was a nice trip home - but I always forget how oppressively humid Florida can be!!  Flying overnight and arriving Monday morning to bright sunny weather in the upper 80's was quite a shock, but Monday was the only bright sunny day.  There were rain storms the rest of the week and Saturday afternoon I flew out in the middle of a huge downpour - I enjoy the rain and it did keep the temps out of the 90's and in the low 80's - so that was a mercy.

Here is a quick snap.....

Taken from the Pier at Daytona Beach looking north.  This is pretty much how the sky looked all week - With there being so many years of light rains in the area and the ongoing drought - every drop that fell was needed.  Hopefully the rains will keep down all the fires that ravage the forests in the western part of Volusia County during the Fall.

I have quite a bit more to share, but I am still catching up up on emails so I'll cut it short today.  
Thanks fro stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,

Friday, June 1, 2012

Thrifting and a Salad

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you all so much for the kind comments about Mary Ann - I am really enjoying the stitching and the Belle Soie....  I always love using that stuff!!

Last Saturday we hit a few estate sales and a couple of Consignment/Thrift Shops...  
I did find a few things...

A couple of super Christmas books - a lovely illustrated version of "The Twelve Days of Christmas" and "The Dreaded Feast" an anthology of humorous fiction, nonfiction and poetry about the Holiday Season, I also found another Longaberger Basket and a great Franciscan creamer in the Desert Rose pattern - I have no idea why I bought this little pitcher - I don't collect it nor do I have room for it......but it was not much money, in perfect condition and pretty....  I need to find it a good home with someone who collects "Desert Rose".... any suggestions????

With summer upon us - I can tell that by the calender since the weather here in the City has been hovering in the low 60s (gotta love SF in the summer!!!!!)  
I whipped up one of our favorite summer salads..

Broccoli Bacon Salad - it goes super with BBq'ed stuff !!  I'll post my version of this recipe over a Blacksheep Bakes at some point.

That's gonna have to wrap it up for the week sports fans.  I wanted to let you know that I will be away from the Blog next week - I will be in Florida visiting my Mom for her Birthday - she will be turning 86 next Friday!!

Until next time - Take care,

Border Stitchin', Visiting NIAH, Eatin' Burgers and Brunch!

 Gentle Friends, I've been stitching away on the border, and here's a snap... ... just fill it in at the moment so it's not too ...