Thursday, October 31, 2019

Monday, October 28, 2019

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle Friends, still moving along nicely with my Loose Feathers piece... here's a snap...

...I think this piece will wrap up in the next week or so... it's been a really fun piece and I'm still totally enjoying the stitch!!  For me, that's what it's all about!!

Driving into work this morning we could really smell the smoke in the air here in the City. Yesterday friends of ours got ready to evacuate as the fire in the North Bay was getting close to their home.  Her parents had already evacuated from their home a little further north.  Here's a snap that was taken late yesterday afternoon from their back door looking north... they are all packed up, and ready to move at a minutes notice!

There you go sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle Friends, still plugging away on my Loose Feathers piece and now the last third is well underway...

... since this is a smaller piece I've already lined up a little Christmas piece to start when this wraps up...  I've really not changed much about this piece and it is a real pleasure to stitch.

There you go sports fans and so another week begins!!  Thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

A Little Tasty Christmas Treat

Gentle Friends, on the way home yesterday we stopped off at Lehr's, our own German Specialty store here in SF, about 6 blocks from my home so that's even better!!  We stopped off to see if the German Christmas treats had started to come in... and woohoo!! they had and so picked up some fun things...

... they were still loading up and so not everything is out yet, but some of the Pfeffernusse and Lebkuchen were and I picked some up along with the gingerbread... so good and Rico got some Gummi treats...  with Christmas only 70 days away it's nice to start thinking about the Holidays... we've got some fun things planned this season and some tickets bought but December is way off and I'll enjoy Hallowe'en, and Thanksgiving first ...

There you go sports fans, Thanks for stopping by do stop again!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!

Monday, October 14, 2019

A Little Stitching and a Little Framing...

Gentle Friends, I've been re-stitching on the Loose feathers pice... I made quite a crucial mistake and had to frog lots of stitches... but I'm back on track and here's a snap...


I also picked up a few pieces I had at the framers... I can show a couple of them some I can't as they are for Christmas presents... here are some shots...

... this is Lizzie Kate's "St Francis Prayer" I stitched for Fr Matt our Priest at Most Holy Redeemer.  It's so reminiscent of him and his quiet demeanour and giving spirit...

... and my version of The Goode Huswife's "1798 Quaker"...  I love how this looks!!  Here's some info... I stitched it on 40ct Barn Owl using the called for NPI silks.

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by, do stop again!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!


Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Some Beautiful Stitching (Picture Heavy)

Gentle Friends, Sunday afternoon we drove over the Bay to Berkeley to see a small show of antique liturgical vestments.  The show was at ...

These lovely things came from a bequest of a Dominican Father who had been collecting for years.  Although there was not much history or provenance about each piece they are very accessible to the viewing public.  Only a few of the more delicate pieces are behind glass, the others are displayed well and open to close inspection....  so here are quite a few snaps .....

One side...

... a detail shot

... the other side

... and a detail...



... at first, I thought these were seed beads then I looked closer and saw that they are all knots...



These pieces are all greys blacks and tans...Memento Mori (remember you will die)  these textiles were created for funeral liturgies.

This antependium created to adorn the alter features the letter A;pha and Omega which make reference to a vision of John and the promise of a new and eternal life (Rev. 21)

This vestment fragment is gold thread on Chinese silk from Ayacucho Peru and dates to the 1750s.  Created by cloistered nuns of the Disclased Carmelite Order.  The central image of the pelican represents the self-offering of the Suffering Christ.

... another silk on silk fragment showing the Annunciation.


This chasuble features the Baptism of the Lord is made of silk and comes from the Rheinland ca 19th century.  The cross orphrey (central band) includes the text in Latin from Matt. 3: 17: (back)  Hic est filius meus dilectus; (front) in quo mihi bene complacui..."This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased..."  The text "reads" back to front because the backside of the chasuble is most visible to the people attending Mass.  Once they read the first few words, memory would recall the rest of the phrase (on the front).  Some detail shots...


This Dalmatic is made of silk and is also 19th century and from the Rheinland.  The orphreys include the text in Latin from Isaiah 12: 5-6.... Cantate Domino, quoniam magnifice fecit; notum sit hoc in universa terra.  Exsulta et lauda, quae habitas in Sion. quia magnus in medio tui Santus Israel.

"Sing praises to the Lord, for he has done gloriously; let this be known in all the earth.  Shout aloud and sing for joy, O royal Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel."



Off of the gallery was one of the classrooms... what a great place to study or listen to a lecture.
If you are anywhere near Berkeley and can get to this jewel of a show I would highly recommend it!!

There you go sports fans, thanks again for stopping by do stop again!!
Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!

Monday, October 7, 2019

A Little Birthday Dinner

Gentle Friends, a fun thing we did for my birthday was going out to dinner with some friends.  We headed over to our favourite Chinese place, Alice's.  We ordered a few dishes and here are some shots...

... we started off with some of their great avocado egg rolls!!

... some Mongolian beef...

... always have to have some Sweet and Sour Pork, Rico's favourite...

... a spicy Hunan chicken

... and I'm always going to get some kind of shrimp dish, this is called Chinese Prawns...

... and here's my fortune!!

Rico got me a delicious cake from Dianda's....a tres leches cake with rum, delicious!!!

There you go sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!

A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...