Monday, October 31, 2011

A Great Weekend of Fun Stuff

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends it was a lovely weekend here San Francisco - the weather was great low 70's bright and sunny - we got lots cleaned around the house and a bunch of errands run!!  

We started the weekend off Friday evening going out for Sushi to Kitaro in the Richmond.  I have mentioned this place before so I didn't bother to take any snaps.

Then on Saturday evening we had a special treat!!  You remember the kitties we watched a while back - their mommy and daddy wanted to take us out to dinner as a Thank You - how great was that!!!  We went to a San Francisco institution called "The House of Prime Rib."  I had never been here so I was really excited to go, as I had heard some super things about this place.

Reservations are terribly hard to get but Tom got us one and so our evening was secured!!  The menu is very small as they do one thing and do it superbly!!  They make prime rib!   You start of with a super salad that they dress at table side...

They use a special creamy house dressing - Then for dinner you decide which cut you would like of prime rib...  from a small, City Cut (which ain't so small) to a King Henry VIII Cut ( a monster piece of prime rib!). Then you have to decide what sides, mashed or baked potato, and either creamed spinach or creamed corn and there you go.  I had the City Cut... really rare, and going MOOOOO -

with mashed and spinach - absolutely delicious!!!!  
The other three went for the English Cut with baked potato and spinach..

the potatoes where just heaped with toppings.....

Also with each dinner was a piece of Yorkshire pudding - and the sourdough and corn sticks kept coming - lets just say they filled you up with some super delicious food!!!!  The HoPR also has deserts but by the time that came around nobody could look at another bit of food.  In fact I took home a piece of mine a some of Rico's for the who-hounds and they loved their bites of prime rib!!!!  It was super evening, great food and some super friends!!!!!! Thanks Tom and Mindy!!!!!!

Yesterday after Mass we stopped off for some breakfast and a quick visit to Trader Joe's and then it was home.  I spent the rest of the day watching films, stitching some and baking some.

I stitched some on my "ABC Noel" piece and am now at the half way point on the letter "M."  Here is a pretty bad snap of how it looks at the moment - 

The only major change I have made - aside from a small miscount - that I am leaving - is the Teddy Bear at "L" - it is charted as white, but after a few rows I did not like that so I frogged them out and switched to the golden brown colour I like much better!!

 - and - in the kitchen I whipped up some enchiladas and I baked up this great Fall Apple cake.

the recipe I found over at Amish Stories - click HERE to go there.  The recipe can be found on this Blog Posting.  The only changes I made to the recipe was to add some spices (if you would like my additions just ask)  - the recipe called for none and I thought it would help the cake immensely - and I was not wrong.

It turned out to be a delicious moist cake the brown sugar topping is just perfect!! It has great apple chunks and flavour, just perfect for the Fall!!!  Thanks so much Richard for the BLOG and for the great reading!!!

There you go sports fans.  I'm gonna talk movies tomorrow so get ready!! 
Thanks for stopping by do come again.

Take care,

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Film for Thursday

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you for the kind comments and wonderful emails about my version of Carol's SAL!!  I am really enjoying the whole piece and will certainly miss the SAL once it is over. 

Last night I worked on getting my "Christmas Rules" completed.  If you remember I finished this piece last year, but was not happy with the way the button accents looking so big on 36ct linen I used.  I got them off and then decided to accent mine with some beads - well, that is what I worked on doing and finished getting the beads on.  What may you ask lit a fire to get me moving on that piece???  Two reasons - firstly  -  this great piece had languished in the "stitching basket" far too long and secondly - it is going off to be framed.

Last night the film was "Half a Sixpence" - 1967 - starring Tommy Steele and Julia Foster

A nice story about an orphan, Arthur Kipps, who works for and tyrannical boss.  His life turns upside down when he inherits a fortune at his grandfather's death.  The songs overall are bright a cheerful - the musical numbers do tend to the long side.  Originally a stage play the movie version often suffers and has a stagy feel about it.  Overall a pleasant film.  Here is a You Tube "clip of clips" from  the film....

At about 143 minutes it gets a bit long winded, but just push through the Intermission.

There you go sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by, do come again.

Take care,

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Carol's Mystery SAL - Part 7

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends it is a cool morning here in the city... I am so grateful that the weather is holding in the cool zones - and will hold that way for a few more days.  I have become so accustomed to being chilly/cool that when the temps start to go up, like they did over the weekend, I just start to swelter.  I just can not take the heat or hot weather  - or warmish weather either.

I finished up the 7th part of the ongoing SAL that Carol is having over at iStitch - here is a snap of my piece as it stands at the moment....

I am using HDF Silks - the main colour is Oxblood - I am adding in bits of "Blueberry Soup" and for this section it was the little harebell flowers that are blue - since they are a type of bluebell, I thought it was appropriate.  Only one more section and this Mystery will be finished.  I love doing mystery SAL's they keep stitching so interesting and as a group project they can't be beat!!

There you go sports fans - Thank you for your kind comments and emails!!  Do stop by again.

Take care,

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

An Estate Find and a Fine Film

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you so much for all your kind comments about yesterdays post.  I mentioned yesterday about the framed piece I picked up on Saturday - I got a couple of snaps of it last night and here they are...

and here is a detail of the actual frame...

You can see the Victorian print is kind of sappy - and had a run in with some water, but that was not what I was buying - the frame is in perfect condition with and opening of 17 1/2 x 19 1/2 this will fit a good sized sampler at some point. I tried a couple of my completed pieces and they just do not fit.  Which is a shame as I really like this frame and wish I had something that would fit sot hat I could hang it up.  I was surprised that such a great frame was even left by Saturday afternoon as the house was pretty well picked over by the time we got there.  It might be that this was hanging sort of high up and in a dark little hall near a laundry room - I just snatched it off the wall - and $5 later I had a great old frame.

If you remember one of my favorite stories is "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens and since we are coming up on Christmas ( Only 60 More Days!!) I thought I should start my annual re-watching of the different film versions that have been made over the years - I started out this past weekend with a favorite version of mine - 

The 1951 B&W versions starring Alastair Sim - I have always enjoyed this version so much and would recommend it to anyone.  It is out on both DVD and BluRay.  The movie hinges on the Scrooge performance and Sim is really wonderful!!  The supporting cast is also excellent with Kathleen Harrison playing Scrooges charlady - and Mervyn Jones and Hermione Baddeley as the Cratchits - this Holiday classic is well worth a look.

There you go sports fans!  Thanks for stopping by do come again.

Take care,

Monday, October 24, 2011

Seasonal Things....

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends no big quakes over the weekend - lots of little ones - but nothing that you could really feel. I guess here in the Bay area we become immune to any quake that doesn't shake the buildings.  You hear all the time about "the big one" that's coming - and not that I doubt it for a moment, I just hope it comes after my time here.  

On to nicer things....  I heard from Roberta that the ornament I made her for the HOE "Words of Christmas" Ornament Exchange arrived safe and sound. Here is a snap...

"Christmas Angel" by Midsummer Night Designs
from the 2007 JCS Ornament Issue

Although I got off to a rocky start with this exchange  - I am really pleased with the way she turned out.  I have stitched her before and just love the whole design!!  It was a super Exchange and now with the HOE Ornament exchanges wrapping up with a "Stitchers Choice" it has been a great year of stitching ornaments!!

I also worked some on my "ABC Noel" - here is a snap, ignore the wrinkles!!
It is coming along nicely - I am finding small missing stitches in the chart that I am adding as I go - either they didn't make it to the chart, but appear in the picture or I like it better with my additions, whatever, it is still a great piece to work on!!

On Saturday we ran around to some Estate sales, I picked up a framed Victorian print, I bought it for the frame and not the print.  I forgot to get a snap, I'll get one up in the morning.  While out and about we ran by the Mall.  Now why would we go the Mall you might ask...  for a couple of reasons - to stop off a Trader Joe's, to stop off a Macy's for a Birthday Present for my Nephew and to make a stop off at William Sanoma's.  I make a trip to WS every Fall to pick up this stuff.......

I buy this every Fall and have for years - they only carry it during the Fall and usually run out by Thanksgiving.  I keep this soap in my refillable soap thing on the kitchen sink and every time I wash my hands during the year I get a flash of Christmas and the woods -  Call me odd, call my weird but when I start to run low come August I start to get very nervous to see whether my last dribble of soap will last until I can get more!!  We also stopped to get lunch at Micky D's as they have for a limited time the.......

McRib - they hardly ever get these here in SF and when they do I must have one!!  All BBQ sauced and delicious!!

I baked up a really great cake that Coni over at Spinster Stitcher posted about.  Called "Claudia's Root Beer Bundt Cake" you can click HERE to go to the recipe.  Here is a snap of mine...

The changes I made were...  to replace the allspice with some nutmeg and clove and instead of using a Bundt pan I used a tube pan and instead of butter and flour in the pan I used butter and cocoa powder, I think that turns out a nicer finish on the outside of a chocolate cake than flour.  The actual cake is a nicely dense, chocolaty, brownie type of cake that goes super with a cup of coffee!!

Thanks so much Coni for sharing this great recipe!!

There you go sports fans - thanks for stopping by and for your great comments - I do love reading them!!

Take care,

Friday, October 21, 2011

Shake, Shake Friday

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends just checking in to let you know that I'm still here.  Still working on "ABC Noel" - I'll get a snap up next week.

Yesterday we had a little excitement - two - count em' two earthquakes.  Well, we have them all the time every day, but usually they are so small they go unfelt or you think a bus is rumbling by.  But, yesterday as I was getting ready to leave to go home the entire building lurched back and forth and back and forth and back and then settled out. It is an odd felling  - after a quake - you sort of stand there (or sit) waiting to see if that is it or if that is just the beginning.......  so I sat and waited about 5 minutes and then met up with Rico to go home.  That first quake was 3.9 - 4.0 in size, so not gigantic, but big enough.  

Then last nigh at about 8:16pm the whole house sort of rumbled and then went bang and shudder....  we had had another one!!  This one at about 4.1 or so - well that got Smokie yapping and running around in circles and the girls sporadically barking and Pete shaking - again you sort of sit and wait it out to see if that is the beginning of something much worse.  Both quakes were quick, but unnerving and both quakes where on the Hayward fault over in Berkeley.  This morning the news (and they are always so right!!) explained that the first one was the quake and the second and after shock....  so who  knows!!

Thanks again for stopping by - have a great weekend!!

Take care,

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Movie Post

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you so much for your kind comments about my stitching story and how I came to really enjoy this hobby.  I had a couple of emails asking if my mom or grandmother stitched - and the answer is yes and sort of.  My mom used to stitch much more, usually needlepoint pieces and the cross stitching she did was the printed linen kits - and my paternal grandmother was more a crafter than a sitcher.  She could turn her hand to just about anything she set her mind to - her favorite hobby was ceramics and even taught classes in Raleigh for a few years in the late 50's early 60's.  I have a couple of pieces of her stitching that I haul out every year during the Holidays that I love - I have posted snaps in the past of them and will again this year....  but not today.  :)

Last night I caught a great little film called "Vivacious Lady" - 1938 - starring Ginger Rogers, James Stewart, Beulah Bondi and Charles Coburn.  

The basic story is about a Professor from a very conservative college, played by Stewart, is visiting New York to fetch his happy go lucky cousin home.  Finding the cousin in a nightclub the professor runs into Francey, a headliner from the Club played by Rogers.  After a whirlwind romance they are married and on their way home to break it to his parents - The Professors father is President of the College, played by Coburn and his mother is played by that wonderful actress Bondi.  At the Station waiting is the Father and the Professors Fiance!!  Some quick shuffling and the cousin leaves with Francey and the Professor with father and Fiance!  The rest of the movie details the ins and outs of telling the parents about his new wife.  A fun film at about 90 mins - shown on TCM frequently.  An interesting tid bit about this film is that this was Stewart's first starring roll in a top film.

There you go sports fans - not much else going on.  Thanks for stopping by - do come again!!

Take care,

Monday, October 17, 2011

A Busy Couple of Weeks

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends we did absolutely nothing over the last two days so nothing to report there.  

I did want to let you all know about the next 10 or so days....Posting here on the Blacksheep will be sporadic at best for the next couple of weeks.  My usual thing to do in the morning is get in to work, make a pot of coffee and post here - but we will be very short handed here so I will have lots more to do and my little bits of "morning downtime" I use here will evaporate.  I will try and post as I am able - I may even get on the computer at home and post, you just never know.  So, with that all said don't think I am gone, but just on an odd vacation - where I am still checking in!!
I had a question from Sharon about "How did I start stitching" a super question I may have talked about a long time ago, but can certainly talk about again - ...........  Picture it Sicily 1921 - there I was a lone goat herder....  whoops,  not my story, but a Sophia story..   :)    

My stitching story really starts back when I went away to school.  My first year at ECU (Go Pirates!!!)  I rented a room from a really nice widow woman.  She has a gigantic house with many bedrooms and all her children had moved on so she rented to University students.  She was also a friend of my moms so I had an in with her already!!  One of the bedrooms was rented to a great gal named Louann with whom I became great friends.  Well, my first two semesters my classes fell so that we both where home at about the same time and usually that meant around the time that "As the World Turns" came on the tube.  So I fell into watching the show with Louann - and she was an avid stitcher who continuously stitched away while watching the goings and coming in Oakdale - and eventually she taught me to cross stitch.  I learned on Aida cloth - and for the longest time had no idea that linen even existed.  Eventually I switched from cross stitching to needlepoint and did that for a few years.  Then for some reason I just stopped stitching altogether - for about 10 years or so.  Then in about 2005 I pulled out some old projects I had kept and stitched a bit, but was completely unenthusiastic - I thought what I needed was something new and or interesting so, I got on the Internet and found a bonanza of cross stitching stuff - and the Blog World!  I bought some things, started to stitch again and coasted about lurking for a couple of years before I started to Blog.  Here we are 4+ years later and I am still stitching and really enjoying it along with the Blogging it sort of rounds out the Hobby, for me at least.  So there you go.  My story in a rather large nutshell.

There you go sports fans - thanks for stopping by, do come again!!

Take care,

Friday, October 14, 2011

A Lovely Piece of Mail

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends once again I thank you for your kindness and ego boosting!!  I do love getting your comments and emails about my little projects and stitching.  I had a few emails and questions about the "ABC Noel" chart - I bought this a really long time ago when I first saw it and just do not remember where it came from.  I did a quickie search and found it HERE - I think that part of the expense is that there is a largish edelweiss bauble/charm as part of the design - so that may be why it is a bit on the high side.  I didn't work on it a bit last night - instead I was Mr frustrated stitcher as I am working on a ornament - or I should say I was working on an ornament - now I shifted gears and am working on another ornament - and leave it at that.  It will be my focus for the next couple of days and be in the mail on Monday - "Lord willing and the creek don't rise!!!!"

I wanted to show you a snap of the lovely ornament that I received from Ellen S as part of the "Words of Christmas" HOE Exchange we took part in - 

It is a really cute little pocket ornament from Bent Creek - 1998 - I filled it with a bit of excelsior to fill it out as I am without any Christmas candy at the moment.  It will look super de duper on my little stitching tree I put up every year.  Thank you Ellen!!!

 ... and that about wraps up the week for me - do stop back again!!  Have a great weekend!

Take care,

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mistletoe and Mail

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you so much for your input on the "ABC Noel" Sampler - I agree with the consensus that the letters and pictures do not correspond and are just red letters with seasonal images.  One super thing about this sampler is that I can finish up a letter in an evening stitching - it is like a little mini finish!!  That is a real jolt to the ego!  Last night was the lettre "C" -  here is a snap of the the entire piece as it stands...

That looks like mistletoe to me - later on there is a bunch of what I presume to be holly - and not on  the "H". The start of the lettre "D" is a dark green fir tree. .  It is a great sampler so far - and you know me - I do love stitching the alphabet!!  I will have to put this down for a day or so as I need to finish up an exchange piece I am working on so that I can get it in the mail on Monday.

Yesterday the mail brought a really lovely Birthday prezzie from Berit.  When I opened up the box I found....

....everything all beautifully wrapped with a gorgeous card!! And, here are all the treats....

...starting in the lower left corner some really delightful incense, a micro-planer for ginger and citrus rind, and some tasty cookies!! Thank you so much Berit!!

That about wraps it up for today sports fans - thanks again for stopping by and for your comments!!

Take care,

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"B" is for Stag? or What a Big Rack You've Got!

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you so much for all the kind comments about my post yesterday.   "Harvest Blessing"  was a fun sampler to stitch - and I have a few more Pocketbook Needlebook newsletters so there will be more of these little samplers in the future. 

I got the letter "B" stitched up and started on "C" - these letters really do stitch up very fast.  
Here is a snap..

 "ABC Noel" by Les Ambrosales 
36 LL Vintage Meadow Rue 
Recommended DMC Floss

Here's a thought about this sampler that has been working in my brain......usually when an alphabet sampler has images along with the letters - typically the image begins with the corresponding letter, but with this sampler I think that the images are just Christmas/Holiday/Winter things that have nothing to do with the letter.  I realize this is a French chart and the french words are different than the English words - but my French is good enough to sort out what the translation could be and I don't see any correlation.  Not that it matters - just a thought.    Any other thoughts out there readers????
I am really not liking the way the flash makes the stitching look so sparse - I am doing this 1 over 2 on 36ct and the coverage looks fine to me - except when I see a snap  - then the linen seems to just shine through - oh well, IRL it doesn't look so sparse.

There you go sports fans. Thanks again for stopping by and leaving a comment!!  Until tomorrow....

Take care,

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"A" New Start and a Finish...

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thanks for stopping by and for sharing a minute with me and my Blog.  I only have a couple of little things today.  I started one of my Christmas Stitches -  here is a snap...

"ABC Noel" - from AMBR
stitched on 36 ct LL using the recommended DMC Floss

The letter "A" worked up pretty quickly and so I am imagining that the rest of the Alphabet will also.

I also framed up the finish I had over the weekend - 

"Harvest Blessing" by Mary Beale
from Pocketbook Needlework No. 8 Fall 1990
Stitched on 28ct "Fresco" using the recommended DMC Floss

This is framed in one of the old frames I picked up at an estate sale - and fits it like a glove.  I really enjoyed this stitch - I have other Mary Beale charts that I will have to get to stitching.

There you go sports fans - short and sweet!!  Do stop back again!

Take care,

Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday Musings

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends the weekend once again flew by.....  and although it seemed relaxing we got quite a bit done.

Let me start off with a snap of Part 6 of the Mystery SAL from Carol

I really love the scissors in this square.  This is a really fun piece to do and I am so happy that I jumped right in!!  Thanks again Carol!!!

One thing we did do that was sort of out of the ordinary was a quickie visit to the Flower Market..

You can really tell that Autumn/Fall was winding down and Christmas was winding up...  here are some snaps from our visit....

There were a few chrysanthemums  - and these where really pretty.

Unlike Madonna - I love Hydrangeas!!  and this colour is great!!

These orchids look almost like silk in their perfection.

I do love a bromeliad - and these where really pretty

at Fantastico's (yes that is the name of the store)  They have lots of Christmas out already...

and they even have this very pretty Fall Tree in the middle of all the Christmas ones!.

Speaking of Christmas - one of my favorite things to get are these - 

Lebkuchen- a totally seasonal thing that our little German Store only gets during the Holidays - we stopped in not thinking they would have any and she had gotten some in!!  Woo-Hoo!!!  I was introduced to them when I travelled in Germany  - this cookie originated in Nuremberg=- and you can get the there all the year.

Keeping with the foodie theme...  we had a great end of weekend dinner last night -  I fixed us some onion rings and Rico grilled us a steak....


Yesterday afternoon I baked up a Pumpkin Bread with a brown Sugar glaze....

This recipe was posted last week over at The Country Cook - and it is simply delicious!!!!!  I'll re post it over a Blacksheep Bakes with my changes.  I did finally post the Taco Won Tons - let me know if you have any questions!!

I think I'll leave off today with a snap of Smokie - he has really taken to the Big Girls bed....

There you go sports fans - thanks for stopping by and for taking the time to leave a comment!!

Take care,

Friday, October 7, 2011

Bang, Bang, Bang went the Bats

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends here in the Bay area we are going to have two super nice days off - the weather is supposed to be perfect - no rain, no cold, just right.....  or at least that is the word form the weather magicians.  For the last couple of days it has rained and yesterday we had a super downpour mixed with hail.  So, two nice days - I'll take 'em!

I forgot the recipes at home so that will have to wait until Monday - whoops.

On the right side of the Blog I added a flicker account of some of my stitching.  Over the last few years I have gotten quite a few emails about "why I didn't have an album of my work" and getting that together came down to two things - ignorance and laziness.  A very bad combination for me!  So I got some help, thanks Sweet Coni!! - and got my rear in gear and got some snaps taken -  et voila - pictures of my stitching in one place.  As time goes along I will get info about each piece with each piece but for now I think I'm doing good to get this much done.  I love looking at all the stitching on the Blogs and think it only fair you should see mine in one place, so enjoy!

 Yesterday I got another little prezzie in the mail -  that is where the title of this post comes from 
- my friend in NC sent me these...

I immediately blew them up and was not too sure what they where for exactly until Rico told me you are to hit them together at sporting events to throw the opponents off - they do make an odd sound when hit and I guess if enough people have them and are hitting then in unison they would make a sound that could be construed as a distraction - the best part is the ECU logo - GO PIRATES!!!!  As you might remember it's my Alma mater!!  So when I next find myself at a sporting event I will be prepared (insert chuckle HERE).  Thanks Dale!!

There you go sports fans - another week gone!!  Thanks for stopping by, do come again!!  
Have a great weekend!

Take care,

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Some Super Mail

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends   - Happy almost weekend dancing.... 
..........woo hoo!!!

The last couple of days have brought some great mail - Birthdays are great and prezzies make it that much more special....  from my sister and her family.....

some gigantic Shari's Berries - so delectable!!!

......the mail also brought some great Birthday cards, and great PS pyn pillow from Vera - I just love this chart from PS, I have stitched it a few times for others but never got around to doing one for myself, now I have this great piece!!! and a GC to NIAH from Dale!!  Thank you guys so much!!!

I was the winner of Kathy's Feel Good Drawing" over at Kathy's Sit and Stitch - and this wonderful package arrived - 

"Snowflake Serenade" from CHN, and great cut of linen, some floss - and  - a really cute scissor fob with a little de-frog froggie charm on the end - I attached it to some scissors I had it it looks great!!!  And, if that was a great package Kathy also included a really cute Birthday card!!  Thanks so much Kathy!!
That about wraps it up for today sports fans - thanks for stopping by, do stop by again!!

Take care,

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Food Post.....

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends - I wanted to thank everyone for their kind Birthday wishes - I opened up the Blog and comments this morning and was so moved by them all - thank you, thank you!!!  It was just raining a bit too much so we stayed in last night and order Chinese Take out for dinner from Alice's - we really enjoy this place and they are super quick with getting an order together.  You can click HERE to go to their website.  There was enough leftovers so that we got lunch out of it for today!!  Woo - Hoo I love it when a dinner can do double duty!!

Over the weekend we did run some errands and one of them was to Trader Joe's .....

.....  and they had a gigantic display of canned pumpkin - there had to be 200 + cans of the stuff, so I picked up a couple of cans.  If you live near a TJ's check them out as I think this stuff will go pretty fast.  The supermarkets in the city are still bare shelved when it comes to canned pumpkin.  I also picked up a Dark chocolate bar with caramel and black sea salt - how tasty!!  And, we stopped at a Walgreen's and what else would I be getting but some candy corn - love this stuff!!

We often go out either Saturday or Sunday or both nights for dinner - but not feeling like going out we made a nice little dinner - 

....  I made some biscuits and mashed "taters and Rico fried some chicken and made some almond string beans.  I made enough biscuits that the lasted for a few meals - and we had enough chicken for lunch the next day.

Also in the kitchen......I found a few years ago on the Internet a recipe I have wanted to try and this past weekend I whipped up some.....
.....  Taco Won-tons - they turned out really tasty and the recipe made enough that I froze a bunch of them to have later.  Rico made some Spanish rice et voila, dinner!!

I also baked up this....

.... cranberry coffee cake - I made this before, but might not have posted the recipe.  I'll get the recipe for everything up on Blacksheep Bakes in the morning - everything is pretty easy to make!!  And, I found them all just surfing around and from others sharing!!!  I love the Internet!!!!!

 I will post a birthday snap tomorrow as I left my camera at home this morning
- something I just never do!!

There you go sports fans.  
Thanks again for you kindnesses and for stopping by.  
Do come again!!!

Take care,

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

48 and Not 49

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends - OMGoodness when I opened up my gmails I was astounded at your kind thoughts for me and my "under the weather day."  I was feeling "puny" (as my granny would say) all weekend and we pretty much stayed close to home. Now on to today - I turned 48....

What's so odd is that for the past few days I had really thought I was turning 49 - I am such a ding sometimes....  walking around in a total haze.  Then this morning I thought I can't be 49 I have to be 48 and so I hauled out all my fingers and toes for the recount..... darned if the numbers and years (year?) just fell away like last years ratty hairpiece!!!  So, now I have two more years in my 40's until I click over to my 50's.  In fact I never think of how old I am or am I getting old as it is so irrelevant to my life - its a number that will not stop going up so who cares!!   I have never understood those folks that are so completely obsessed with the year and time moving forward that they forget that this little bit of time we are given is for living and not brooding!!

 I am going to keep it shortish today - and only show the stitching I got done on "Harvest Blessing" -

I am really enjoying this piece but the 28 ct linen is so "open" woven and using two strand of floss feels very clunky.  But, this will look great in the frame I have for it, so 28 ct it is to be the size I need!  Notice that cow? Lower left -  kind of an odd little fellow.  At first I thought it might be a dog, but he has some horns - so cow it is.

There you sports fans - thanks again for your kind comments.  Look for my Birthday/Hallowe'en Gift-a-way in the next week or so!!

Take care,

A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...