Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Little Stitching

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I do thank you so much for all you kind thoughts.  All the cyber hugz make me all warm and fuzzy.  Since I didn't shave on my sick day it was a little on the extra fuzzy side!!  Or should that be scruffy side, when I'm not feeling good that kind of detail personal grooming falls to the wayside quickly - now don't get me wrong, I'm gonna take a shower  - and nothing short of a coma wold keep from one, but shaving, I can skip.

Last night I worked on the left side capital letters, and am just burning through my little skeins of WDW "Charcoal." I am really happy I acquired a couple more than the chart called for.  There was a question in the comments about the missing letter "I."  I am thinking that Lisa left it out on purpose as many older samplers where also missing the letter "I."  I think is was because the letters "J" and "I" where used interchangeably, but I could be wrong - it has been known to happen.  :)

There you go sports fans - a short one today.  Thanks again for stopping by and for all the super comments, I do appreciate them very much!!!

Take care,

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Craptastique .......

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends - the title sort of describes the last day or so.  As you know I took a day off yesterday.  Feeling at about 30% - and just loving the porcelain reading room was my yesterday!!!  That wraps it up nice a neat.  I realize that was a bit of a TMI moment, but in a nutshell - it was my little life.

In between visits to the RR I napped on and off for most of the day.  Not a needle did I touch.  I just didn't have the energy.  The TV was on -  but wrapped up in a quilt with the who-hound heating machines I was too comfortable and I couldn't tell you what I saw if you paid me.  By the evening I came out of it a bit to watch the elimination on Dancing with the Stars.  I wasn't to surprised with what happened.  I am looking forward to next week!!

I did get the camera out and took another snap of the ABC Hornbook in the daylight - and again the post title describes the snap......

Now it looks blue - and super wrinkled - but you get the idea of where I am - I had to restitch that sheep/lamb a couple of times until I settled on this version.  The recommended floss melted into the linen and then I chose another floss and he was really striped looking - I do like this version, but may change it out again.

There you go sports fans - I do thank you for the kind comments about the cake.  I'll get that recipe up in a day or two.  Thanks also for stopping by, do come again!!

Take care,

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Musings

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends another Monday is upon us - the weekend was a lot less wet than the week - so that's something to be grateful for.  We started off the weekend on Friday evening by going out to dinner to a favorite restaurant of ours.  It is a little Italian place we haven't been to in a while called Capri.  It is on upper market in the Castro district and has been there forever.  I had some delicious lasagna - it's what I always have when we go there.  I often have the same things over and over at specific places, I guess I get to liking one dish and just stick to it - occasionally I break out and try something new, but the old tried and true always wins in my book.

On Saturday we made it to a few of the local Estate sales and I picked up a few things......-

A locally published version "David Cooperfield" - 1947, a great old vase, a wooden shelf, an old hard paste porcelain plate, a new box of Grinchy Xmas cards.... and we stopped off at a Blockbuster that was going out of business and I picked up a couple of BluRay flicks I didn't have.

I made a recipe of my great aunts - Apricot Nectar Cake - I have seen the recipe on line as it is not hard, but very tasty.....


 - and - I got in a little stitching - here is a progress snap of ABC Hornbook.... the Blogger thing is giving a ton of trouble - I'll try again tomorrow to post a snap.  sorry.

There you go sports fans - a low key weekend!!  Hope yours was a easy going as ours. 
Thanks for stopping by, do come again.

Take care,

Friday, March 25, 2011

Stitchin' and a Rippin'

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends wrapping up this week we end on another very damp note.  Yesterday we had some pretty heavy rain storms.  Lucky me was out walking back and forth between the offices three - count them - 3 times - so my day stayed pretty damp!!!  Today we will be having those intermittent type rains - with - one hopes -  lots of breaks!

I have been stitching steadily on the ABC Hornbook for the last few days.  I thought I was just breezing along and stitching away just fine - little did I know that I had miss counted two threads up and one over.  I ran up against my mistake on Wednesday evening.  I was very exasperated with myself!!  I tried to figure if I could fudge it a bit and make it work - but to no avail - it needed a major rip-rip-rip.  So that's what I did last night I pulled out a ton of stitching and started back where I had made the mistake.  Although I was sad to see the work pulled out I knew it would have driven me crazy to have everything off and wonky.  Even with the piece being a bit wonky in design - it would have been much to off in the end.  I usually count twice to stitch once, but this time I should have counted thrice!!  I'll have a snap on Monday - or maybe Tuesday.

Last night the flicker was "Fallen Angel" - 1945 - starring Alice Faye, Dana Andrews, Linda Darnell, Charles Bickford and Anne Revere.  Directed by Otto Preminger, this follow up Film Noir to his 1944 release (and much more famous) "Laura" - is usually cast aside as not as good and completely neglected.  I found this super B&W film to be really spectacular.  The acting was top notch - from the subtle grifter type that Andrews plays to the slutty Darnell - everyone was perfectly cast - the camera work superior - and the lighting/closeups and long takes make this film well worth a look!!

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thank you all for your kind comments and stopping by for a visit.  Do come again!!

Take care,

Thursday, March 24, 2011

TCM Tribute April 10, 2011

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends as I continue to think about Elizabeth Taylor's death yesterday my thoughts are drawn to her film legacy.  She was many things to each decade - from budding star in the early forties and small rolls through the decade - to the 1950's where she tested her acting abilities with more grown up rolls - as the decade was ending she was hitting her stride as a screen goddess and top movie actress.  The 1960's dawned on a roll she did not want but won her that elusive 1st Oscar.  As the rest of the decade unfolded she played other great rolls - being the good, the bad and even the ugly!!.  The 1970's saw her with fewer quality acting opportunities and her screen career wained, but she found other outlets for her abilities and fame.  

TCM (the best teevee station out there) is having a 24 hour retrospective of her work on Sunday, April 10, 2011.  Click HERE to see a schedule of the films they will be showing.  There are some really good choices.

My list of the top 11 
Elizabeth Taylor Films are:

Giant - 1956
Cleopatra - 1963
The VIP's - 1963
Little Women - 1949

I just couldn't cut the list to 10 - and here are two other films - "Life with Father" - 1947 - a great small part and "Father of the Bride" - 1950 - a super film.  She led such an amazing life journey - growing up on film and in front of the world.  Making big and small mistakes as we all do - and also making huge contributions to humanity.  Her life and legacy will not soon be forgotten.

Take care, 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Stars Where out Last night

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends you are too kind - your comments are super and make this morning much brighter and bit warmer.  Today is another cold one and we are to be getting a bunch of rain as the day wears on - or like it happens sometimes the rain may just pass on by and make the south peninsula wet - you never can tell with weather patterns!!

As you know I enjoy watching old movies, be they DVD's or TCM,  I also like to watch travel on PBS, Miss Ina on Food TV and the History channel - BUT - Last night I broke down and tuned into the first show of Season 12 on Dancing with the Stars - a show I have avoided for many a Season.  I tuned in for one reason and one reason only......  and that was to watch my girl Miss Wendy Williams.  Although she was a bit stiff you have to give her credit for all the hard work she has put in and getting out there on the stage and dancing!!  I was pleasantly surprised at how very entertaining the 2 hours actually turned out to be.  There was a couple of break out performances - Kirstie Alley and Ralph Macchio and then there were the less than stellar performances - but we will call that "first night nerves."  If you click HERE you can read the run down of contestants.  I did have a question though - if this show premiered in the summer of 2005 - how can this be the "12th Season?"  Just asking.  :)  It should really be called "Spring 2011 - Dancing with the Stars."  Can't wait for next Monday nights performances and then somebody gets the boot on Tuesday evening.  Boy, I've really gotten sucked in haven't I!!!


There you go sports fans - thanks for stopping by, do come again!!

Take care,

Monday, March 21, 2011

Some Weekend Stuff

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends it was a very wet and blustery weekend here by the Bay.  Lots of rain, lots of wind and lots of staying in and staying warm.  That about wraps up the last two days.

I was the winner of Rory's 2nd Birthday Give Away.  Go check out Kathy's Blog and see Rory all decked out for St Patrick's Day - how cute is he!!!  The package got to me on Friday and I took it home to open.  Here is a snap of everything....

Thank you so much for all the wonderful stitchy Hound things - I just love everything!!!!!!

On Saturday, after spending the morning working at the move, yes it spilled over to a 3rd day, I got home and got a wild hair because of the weather....  It was nasty out and I wanted something rich and delicious.  Rico suggested I make a Beouf Bourguignon - that sounded like the ticket.  I got my "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" out, and got to work.

I chopped some extra onions for the freezer, and had everything at hand, garlic, mushrooms, carrots, little white onions and a cut up roast.

After quickly browning the meat you then cook the veggies and then set them aside.  Put the meat back in the casserole - sprinkle with a bit of flour, bake this for a few minutes - to achieve a brownish crust.

Measure 3 cups of wine and pour over the meat -  then cover and bake for 3 to 4 hours.  While baking you cook the mushrooms in butter, set aside.  Braise the little white onions, set aside.  After the meat is baked you pour off the liquid into a saucepan and add to this more wine and stock to make a nice reduced sauce.  Putting the meat back into the casserole you lay all the cooked veggies, mushrooms and little onions over and pour the reduced sauce over everything.  Stir it all together while simmering and bringing everything up to temperature.  Et Voila - a nice hearty meal, I served it with buttered potatoes and garlic bread.  I was a total ditz and did not get a final shot.... but it looked a lot like this one from the Internet...

All I can say is YUM!!!  I had never tried to make it before, but the directions where very clear and easy to follow.  It made a big old potful so we are having it as leftovers tonight.


Yesterday morning we went out to breakfast to Flippers, over in Hayes Valley.  It is nice to stop there occasionally as we can pick up some Blue Bottle Coffee after we finish.  We stop at their Kiosk on Linden Alley.  Here is a snap .....
I like that right next door is a custom corset shop, with some really gorgeous undergarments!!

I did get some stitching in on ABC Hornbook - here is a progress shot - 

Once again the snap makes the piece look green - oh well - at some point I'll get a better shot.  This is really working up as a fun piece.
That's about it for today, thanks for stopping by!!  Do come again!!

Take care,

Friday, March 18, 2011

And the Winners Are.......

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you all for your continued kind words and interest in my little ole Blog!!   After gathering all the entrants for the drawing there was quite a bowl full of slips of paper.  (I had some snaps but Blogger is acting up again so I can't post them).  I had the Hag Claw Pull three winners from the Bowl of Destiny......  In no particular order...... 
The First winner is.....

Patricia - she left this comment...  Simple Pleasure said... I would love to win the delicate porcelain bowl...seems most fitting, as St. Patrick is my name/saint! Busy Hands...Happy Heart Patricia

The Second Winner drawn was....
Carolyn - she left this comment.... Stitchinowl said...Throw my name into the Bowl of Destiny. I would be honored to win any of the Beleek pieces. It would be a nice reminder of reading about your Estate Sale weekend adventures on your blog.  Carolyn 

and last but not least.....

The Third Winner is...  
Lisa - she left this comment....Lisa said...Oh, Edgar I would love to win that piece of Belleek! Please, please enter me in. I have a little glass case that contains 3 shelves of Belleek. My great-grandmother collected Belleek and when she passed away, I received her whole collection. Since then, for every special birthday (like when I turned 25, 30, 35, 40, etc) my mother and grandmother continue to add to the collection. I have some really old pieces in the cabinet as well as some new ones...and ones that were signed by a member of the Belleek family.
The reason my great-grandmother started to collect these porcelain pieces w/shamrocks is because of the small amount of Irish blood that ran through her veins. As she would tell the story...her mother, Katherine O'Connell who was Irish married the milk man who was German. The romance of the story always intrigued the family...however, Katherine was not from Ireland, but from Iowa :) Oh, well - you gotta love family stories.

Take care...I hope that I have the luck of the Irish in order to win the bowl :) 

Congratulations to everyone and Thank you all again for entering!!!!  If the three winners could send me their addresses I will get the three pieces of Belleek out next week!!


I hope everyone had a super St Patrick's Day - did anyone watch "The Quiet Man" - I certainly did, and loved every minute of it!!

There you go sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by - do come again!!  Have a great weekend.

Take care,

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St Patricks Day

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends hitting 400 followers just makes the whole day for me!!!!  I do thank each one of you and send out a big collective hug to everyone!!!  For it to happen on St Patrick's day - how lucky and wonderful!! 


Remember today is the last day to sign up for the St Patrick's Drawing - you can click HERE and leave a comment - but do so before3:00pm PST as I am closing it out and having the drawing this evening.  I need a little time to clean up the entries, clip them into slips, fold them and mix them up in the Bowl of Destiny.

For tonight's flick I have waiting "The Quiet Man" - 1952 - starring John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara - the quintessential film for today - set in Ireland - an American born Irishman returns to his family's home in Ireland and falls in love with local colleen.  I think this is a really good film and beautifully shot on location in County Mayo Ireland.  Maureen O'Hara never looked lovelier!!!  Supporting cast includes Barry Fitzgerald, Ward Bond and Mildred Natwick.  You can't go wrong with this John Ford directed film!

Last night the flicker was a film from Netflix - "The Jane Austin Book Club" - 2007 - starring Maria Bello, Emily Blunt, Kathy Baker, Amy Brenneman and Jimmy Smits.  I found this film doing a search for Emily Blunt Films.  Being so young she has quite a few really wonderful performances to her credit.  You can click HERE to read her full Bio on IMBD.  I think what just kills me is that she was born after I graduated from High School - boy am I getting old!!!!  All that aside she is a very talented actress and you should check out some of her other films.  Getting back to "TJABC" it was a nice ensemble film that used the structure of reading Austins books and how they reflected the Book Groups contemporary stories.  I liked the film  - and at 106 mins the time just flew by.

There you go sports fans - thanks again for stopping by - I will post the winners of the Belleek Gift-a-way tomorrow at some point....  it may be in the evening, so check back to see who won!!!

Take care,

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mid Week Short Post

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends - not too much going on here.  I have been trying to catch up on my Blog reading, but there is so much going on out in the Blog World I never seem to get caught up.  

A bit o'news - If you have not seen it  - check out Theresa's new and gorgeous sampler, Miss Ann Dale,  over at Shakespeare's Peddler - another beauty!!!

On a personal note - my department at work is moving about 3 blocks away to a new building so it will be sort of  hit and miss for the Blog posts over the next few days.  I never thought the move would come off, but everything sort of fell into place in the last day or so....... so I move spaces.  A sad thing, as I have been in this space going on almost decade, I just can't believe it... all these years... just slipping away... I just. can't.believe. that!!  This little move will in no way hinder the St Patricks Day Drawing, I will still have the Hag Claw Draw (cackle noise in the background) three lucky entrants from the Bowl of Destiny (who hounds a'dancing ) and Post the winners on Friday....  it may be Friday evening, but come hell or high water I will get the winners posted.  If you have not entered and still want to, you have until tomorrow evening to post a comment on this POST.  The three pieces of Belleek are still here and waiting for new homes. 

I lost another Follower - I wonder why? I do hope that I've not offended anyone or pissed them off  - it is a mystery????

So there you go sports fans (don'tcha just love it when I get a wild hair and just sort of type a stream of conscious post??.....from my addled brain to my fingers!) - thanks for stopping by - and for your kind comments -  I do appreciate the time and trouble you take to post them.

Take care,

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

TWO Days Left

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you all so very much for the kind words about Shores and the new start.  Both are wonderfully entertaining and relaxing projects to work on - and isn't that what this is all about.  Although at times it can be frustrating - running out of floss, wrong colour used, mis counting, the dreaded frogs... most of the time it is a great hobby - this stitching we do.  Last night I worked some on ABC Hornbook, but not enough was accomplished for even a craptsatique snap.

I just wanted to mention that there are only TWO days left to throw in for the St Patrick's Gift Away.  If you wanted to enter - and all are welcomed - just click HERE and leave a little comment letting me know.  That's it, no fuss, no muss (I have always wondered what "muss" is??) 

There you go sports fans - a short post today.  Thanks for stopping by, do come again!!

Take care,

Monday, March 14, 2011

A New Burger Place - Old and New Stitching

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends another wet and breezy Monday here in the Bay area.  We are supposed to have rain off and on for most of the week.  The weekend was on the dry side Saturday and overcast and sprinkly on Sunday.  Typical for this time of year.

Friday we started off the weekend by not cooking dinner at home and going out.  We opted for a burger and tried a new place (to us) - Urban Burger - click HERE to got to their web site.  It was a dry evening and we had some super parking mojo - finding a spot within a few minutes.

It is a small place right on Valencia Street in the Mission District.  They have a pretty extensive menu with lots of specialty burgers....

Since it was my first time there I went for a plain old cheeseburger.  They have notices all over that they cook their burgers to medium well - for me that's way over done.  I likes my steak and steak products rare - it can't be too rare for me.  I always say "If it's still mooing then its done enough."  I got mine on Texas Toast instead of a bun..... and I got frings (onion rings and fries).......

I must say - it was pretty doggone tasty!!!  AND we will be back!!  The service was super fast.

The Estate Sales and such sort of sucked and there was not much to buy at all.  I picked up a 1st Edition  of "Simcas Cuisine."  Written by Simone Beck, it is a wonderful book of menus with accompanying recipes.

On the stitching front I finished up the sails in the large square on Shores.  
Here is an overall shot of the entire piece...

Sorry for the craptastique snapperoo - but once again it was the late at night - and lamps + flash sort of suck.  I am super happy to be done with the sails, now only the anchor, sea and compass and this sqaure will be done.

Other stitching I started, yes - I said started  - was a piece I had thought about doing a while back but as with so many things it got pushed back into the stash heap.  I started to think about it again with the passing of Lisa Roswell  - actually I went and pulled all the charts I had that she designed under the Primitive Needle name.  I have quite a few and thought it would be nice to actually have one of them in progress. So I pulled out one of my favorites....  ABC Hornbook.   I went to the stash supplies and found a lovely piece of 36ct BoF Sandpiper, this project is a largish piece and the piece of Sandpiper was just the right fit with 2 1/2 inches extra all around the border.  I then went and pulled all the recommended WDW - I actually had all the floss' - so I am thinking this was just meant to be - as I usually come up short by about half when I go to look for floss.  

I got to stitching on it yesterday - and here is the little start  made.....

 "ABC Hornbook" - The Primitive Needle
36ct BoF Sandpiper - WDW Floss

This snap makes the linen look greenish - trust me, it isn't.  Sandpiper is a weathered grey colour and just beautiful, I think I will have a really difficult time getting a true colour shot of the linen for this Blog, please forgive.

I also got to rattling some pots and pans yesterday afternoon and baked up a mess of muffins.....

Mini muffins with miniature chocolate chips - pretty tasty with a cup of coffee.  The majority went off to work with Rico this morning, I do hope they enjoy them.

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by and for your continued kind comments!!!  
I do appreciate them.

Take care,

Friday, March 11, 2011

Old Stash & New Stash........ Guarding Her Stufff!!

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I do appreciate all the great comments!!  Thanks you for setting my mind to ease about the wash/rinse on finished pieces.  I do often wonder if I do things "like everyone else" or "am a maverick blazing my own trail."  I wonder if maverick is just the right word there... it might be that "stubborn" is a better fit.  I do feel better that so many stitchers iron pieces - and use a lite mist - I use a steam iron and when needed a lite mister - whenever I wrap up a piece.  It seems that I can never get the wrinkles out if I don't.  Every piece I have ever stitched has that little extra "specialty" fiber - delicious Who-Hound fur - no matter how close I look and pick them out, there always seems to be a couple I miss.  I did like the idea of a roller to remove them, but those suckers seem to wriggle into the stitches and only a tweezers can get at them - just a little obsessive I know.

By now everyone has learned of the terrible devastation in Japan - with the 8.9 earthquake and the multiple aftershocks.  Here in the Bay area they have closed off the Beach to traffic - the Great Highway is closed that runs along parallel.  Yet there are people going down there to "watch" as the waves roll into and onto the beaches....  can we say dumb move!!  I have heard that many of those that live along the coast in teh Outer Sunset have started to leave - as nobody knows what the tsunami will do to our coastline.  It will hit at around 8am PST and at a low tide so they are thinking it might just hit and cause a large high tide condition.  We wait and see.....
I really didn't have anything to yap about this morning, but last night I thought I hadn't posted a stash shot in a  long time - I really enjoy looking at what other stitchers acquire - sometimes I see something I had missed and add that to my list.  As ever I have far surpassed SABLE.  Here is a shot of the latest things I have added - New things from shops and older things from eBay and direct stash sales......

I get a real rush out of finding an OOP chart - and one that I have been looking for a long time is..."Sarah Maddock Sampler" - I saw this completed Debbie's Blog a long time ago - fell in love with it, especially the grape vine border, and have been chasing after one it ever since - they rarely if ever become available.  It is the complete kit but I will shift out the 25ct linen to 36ct and shift the DMC to silks. Overall I am really happy about everything  - and now need to file it all into my already stuffed binders.

I wanted to leave off today with a snap of the Peach.  Although she is going on 9 - she is an out of control maniac high energy puppy when ever anyone touches one of  "HER" toys.  I don't mean just any toys but her squeaky skinneez toys.......

She usually gathers them up - there are 5 of them - and then just dares Lolly to try and touch them.  Pete never comes near them, but Lolly will try and grab one and then run away with it.  If Peach sees this then she is after her all growls and snarls until Lolly drops it  and puts it back with the others.  She has 3 raccoons, a fox and a spotted coyote.  I think that everyone of them one only has a single squeaker left - they start off with two.  They get punctured and stop working since she chews and scratches at them so much.

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks you so much for stopping by, do come again.

Take care,

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Broken DVD's and some Horror........

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends - I wanted to thank you all for the kind words about Shores. I knew when this chart was released how much I would love working on this piece, but it does seem to be moving along much faster than I thought.  I will have to break up the stitching like I mentioned yesterday to make it last.  On another stitching point - I was reading on a Forum yesterday about rinsing/washing finished pieces.  A stitcher had done this to a completed piece and her silks had run and now the piece has a pink cast to it - I have never washed or rinsed a piece of needle work - ever - the main reason being that once I am finished I have never felt the need to - the piece is not soiled and smudged.  I will iron it, but never get it wet.  Is washing/rinsing a regular practice? Should I wash/rinse completed projects?  I really see no need to - and with all the over dyed silk and cotton floss I use I would be afraid that something would run and bleed all over the linen.  I keep my hands immaculate when ever I am going to pick up any stitching for fear of getting it dirty.  

The biggest problem I have is keeping the who-hound hair off - whenever I sit down to stitch I usually have at lest one of them in my lap - or on my shoulders - or snuggled up next to my leg - and - for them being "hairless" chihuahuas they shed like nobodies business.  I usually have to go over everything pretty closely to get all the little hairs off. - Oh well, just wondering.

The movie last night - should have been - a Netflix pic.  But, when I opened up the little envelope out fell and multiply cracked disc.  It was completely unplayable - so back into the little envelope it went and into the mailbox this morning.  I reported it broken.  The flicker was "Whispering Smith" -1948 - with Alan Ladd and Brenda Marshall.  We'll see if they can come up with another copy to view.  Instead we watched "The Picture of Dorian Gray" - 1945 - starring George Sanders, Hurd Hatfiled, Donna Reed and Angela Lansbury.  This wonderfully shot and superbly acted film of gruesome horror is a really super film.  Set in late Victorian London this story by Oscar Wilde of a portrait that grows old and horrid while the man remains forever youthful is lots of fun - it has music, it has rich folks, it has pretty women and it has murder!!!.  I have always enjoyed this film and the growing suspense as it moves along is really great!!!  I would recommend it for just the witty dialogue along, snarky in all the right places.  If you get the chance give it a look.


There you go sports fans - thanks again for stopping by, do come again!!

Take care,

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

SoHRH Update

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends it is the middle of the week  - two days from and two days until the weekend.  We are already making some plans.  They're all about food (surprise) and dinner reservations, what could be better or more fun to look forward to - than food that someone else cooks and cleans up!!

I have been plugging away at Shores off and on for the past few days and have been remiss in posting any kind of updated snaperoo.  Before I wrapped it up last night I took this snap of where it stands....

I have made quite a bit of head way in this large middle "square."  I would like to try and finish up this section and then drop back to my LHN "Monthlies" - I really do not want to fall behind on that piece - and my missing floss came in so I am ret-to-go!!

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by and you kind comments!!
Take care,

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

More Weekend Snaps and Some Flicks

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I do thank you so very much for all the kind comments about the yesterdays weekend post. I love seeing the sampler hanging in the front hall. It seems to be in a happy spot. I had a couple of emails asking about other stitched pieces I might have passed on at Sales. I do pass on many stitched pieces for various reason - not really something I like, not stitched well, in poor condition, all sorts of reasons. There are lots of things I just can not give house room to so I leave them where they are for somebody else. I also do not get to all the Estate sales. Living here in the city I do not leave it to visit sales in other towns in the Bay area. We have 5 or 6 Estate Sale Companies that run the sales so there is usually a good assortment of them to visit. I also usually wrap up my "saleing" by the early afternoon so that I can get in some stitching or just get to some chores done around the house. Heaven knows I have a pile of stuff I live with so that if I never bought another thing or visited another sale I wouldn't be living in an empty house. I think it is the chase that I really enjoy and the sifting and looking and finding that next special something - or that next super de duper bargain. That's what keeps me interested and driving around to all the new Estate and Garage Sales every Saturday.

I wanted to post a couple of snaps from Saturday that I didn't get up yesterday. I got some new mural snaps that I think are interesting and do hope you will enjoy them......Blogger is not letting me load this morning - how odd - sorry.

I caught some flickers this weekend - The first is "99 River Street" - 1953 - starring John Payne, Evelyn Keyes and Brad Dexter. A really good Noir Film of the "twist around every corner that keep you guessing what will happen next" kind. I really enjoyed this flick and thought all the characters where played for everything they where worth. John Payne is often over looked in films but this was a great roll for him - playing an ex-boxer trying to find his cheating wife's killer - his side kick looking is an aspiring actress of the prerequisite "tight sweater" type (hubba, hubba) This film is not on official DVD - but I had a copy on pirated DVD to watch.  TCM (best channel ever!!) does show it occasionally and at 83 mins well worth a look.

John Payne - 19112- 1989

The second film was last nights Netflix Pic - "Tom and Viv" - 1994 - starring Willem Dafoe, Miranda Richardson, Rosemary Harris and Tim Dutton.  This Bio pic about the married life of T.S. Elliot was a little on the long side but well done.  Filmed in many of the actual places they lived the look of the film was excellent.  I really enjoyed Richardson's performance - in fact I like all her performances and cannot think of one I do not like - she can be seen in these good films - "Empire of the Sun," "Enchanted April," "The Crying Game" and "Sleepy Hollow."  All really good films.  Why not have a Miranda Movie Night!!  You wont regret it!!

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by - do come again.  Maybe next time Blogger will let me post a snap!  Don't forget to throw in for the March Gift-a-way - click HERE to post an entry comment.

Take care,

Monday, March 7, 2011

A Super Estate Sale Weekend

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends it is a blustery Monday morning here in the City by the Bay.  Our weekend weather was just odd....  Saturday was a gorgeous sunny and almost warm day.  We had the house open most of the afternoon - perfect for running around to estate sales and such. Then Sunday was completely overcast, cold and raining all day.  When that pushed through yesterday evening we go lots of cold winds that are supposed to be here through the day.  It feels like a crisp Fall day.  I would guess its March coming in like a lion.... we'll see if it leaves like a lamb.
We started off the weekend going out to dinner with a friend for his birthday to Olive Garden.  We waited for almost 45 mins for a table.  By the time we were sat customers where being told that the wait had gotten to and hour+ wait.  The meal and company were a great way to start off the two days.

Saturday we do our grocery shopping for the week and this past Saturday was no different.  We drove over to the Potrero Hill Safeway - there's a Noah's bagel place next door so we had a bite to eat there first.   i do love an asiago "bagel mit."   They have a few tables for outdoor seating - since the weather was so pretty we sat outside. It was really nice to see all the little sparrows hopping around for crumbs.  You are not supposed to feed the birds, but I'm a sucker for a cute bird and so I was dropping little crumbs about.  Some of the birds where pretty brazen and started to hop on the table and on my leg and on my arm.......  It was then we knew it was time to go get up and get the shopping done. 

After getting that done we started our rounds of the sales.  I had mapped out the Estate sales I wanted to get to - so the plan of attack in full swing by 10am.  At two of the sales I found some great pieces I wanted, but the prices where on the high side so I didn't get anything, but knew that coming back around on Sunday the prices get slashed and we could certainly stop back in the morning - to see where the prices had fallen to and if the things I wanted had been sold or where waiting to go home with me.  I always shop with the attitude that "if it is still there then it was meant to be, if not then those are the breaks."

Here is a little something you don't know about us.  We cat sit quite a lot for neighbor's in our building.  We love doing it and know that they would do the same for us if we needed the who hounds to be taken care of.  Over this past Christmas and into the New Year we took care of the neighbor's kitty's while they where on vacation in South America.  They wanted to take us out to dinner to thank us and so Saturday evening they took us to "The Front Porch."  A great little place that does great food with a Southern slant.  I had a gator po'boy that was super tasty!!

Back to the weekend shopping

Sunday morning, like I said before, was completely overcast grey and raining.  We went to early Mass and then on to breakfast at Eddie's.  After stopping off at the little farmers market we were then off to check out the Estate sales from the previous day.......

I walked into the first one and still on the mantle was this lovely thing....

I couldn't believe it was still there.  This great old sampler in a beautiful old frame was something I really wanted, but the price was pretty steep the day before.  Now with it being the last day of the sale AND the weather being so bad the price had fallen to where I could afford it.  A really nice thing about this sampler is there is a hand written card on the back with its provenance... "Embroidered in Sweden in 1891 by Matilda Stromvall (Peterson) 13 years old  Eleanor's mother."  I love knowing something about the history of the piece, but find it very sad that no family member thought enough of it to keep it or that the family is completely gone and there was no body left who cared.   It now hangs in my house and will for many years to come.  It is very similar to the Pauline Schawrtz SAL that is going on right now, a bit smaller but stylistically very similar.

I also picked up these pieces....

The beautiful transferware plates came from the same Estate as the sampler and had little cards with their provenance....  "1886 Eli's parents wedding" - the date is right for the pieces and they are in perfect condition.  The Hallowe'en mug and frog came from a thrift shop - I do love me some Hallowe'en!!  and I know there is always a need for another frog!

We also stopped and another Estate sale where I had passed on a couple of things the day before.  Once again the fates where with me and I picked up these two beauties.......

Two more pieces of Belleek!!  Both of these are marked with the Second green mark and date to between 1955 - 65. Both of these will also go into my March Gift a-Way - so that means that there will be three winners of Belleek. When we stopped off on Saturday I only saw one piece.  But, when we came back on Sunday I found the second - I am really happy to be able to have three winners.  If you haven't thrown in for the Drawing then click HERE and post a comment.  You have to enter to win - and anyone anywhere can win - do make sure I can get in touch with you by email - The drawing will be March 17th , St Patrick's Day, and I will announce the winner on Friday March 18th.
That's about it for today sport's fans.  Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments!! Do come again.

Take care,

Friday, March 4, 2011

Sweet Treat Friday

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I just loved all the comments from the previous days postings and do appreciate all the time and trouble you take!!  Thank You!!

Not too much going on since yesterday - on the way home after paying out the wazoo for a tank of gas - we stopped off to get haircuts but our hair cut lady was out sick.  Getting my 4 hairs cut is very easy and a quick snip , snip -  I could probably get a Flowbee to do it with, but I do like the way she cuts them so I keep going back. Since she wasn't there we stopped off at the Walgreen's next door to pick up some stuff and made the mistake of walking down the aisle of delicious seasonal Easter candy.  Big Mistake.  Looking about I found a new something for the Easter Baskets this year....

I like dark chocolate. I like Peeps.  So I thought whats not to like about this blue wrapped deliciousness????  - and at 2 for a $1 - I could take two chances on liking them.  When you open the little package out pops ....

.....this little peep - and  inside the chocolate shell is a yellow peep -  so what you end up with is a sticky, chewy choco covered treat.  If you don't like Peeps or marshmallows I would avoid it, but if that's your cup o tea give them a try.

We also stopped off at the Safeway (grocery store) and wandered around looking for something to fix for dinner.....  lumbering up the frozen aisles we picked up some frozen chimichungas.  We also picked up a dessert...  Drumsticks.  Click HERE if your not too sure about what a Drumstick is.  They are a favorite of Rico's and the who hounds......

After Rico nibbled off the chocolate shell they hounds always get a lick or two at the creamy vanilla center.  Yes, the hounds are spoiled, there is no denying that!!  Pete is so timid that he is off to the side while the girls get their licks in first.

Another crazy evening at the who-house - Thanks for stopping by - do come again!!  
Have a super weekend!

Take care,

Thursday, March 3, 2011

One Day Closer

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends another Thursday looking at Friday wanting it to be Saturday kind of day.  I often feel bad about wishing away the days - since we get so few to spend here - I should really be more thankful.  Instead I am always counting them away.

It fills my heart and makes me feel good that so many have thrown in for the Belleek bowl.  I do love reading the comments... I wish I had a dozen pieces to gift away.  I still have two weekends of Estate sales to get to to find more - and if I do there will certainly be multiple winners.  Fingers crossed.   

Remember my friend Dale - he abandoned San Francisco and moved back to North Carolina?  Well, he moved in with his parents until he could find his own place.  I talked to him last night and he has found a small house in Ayden NC.  Very affordable and on a street that gets closed down for the Collard Festival.  Woo Hoo, all he has to do is step off his front porch and into a glorious celebration of that delicious green!!!  So mark you calendars for September 8 - 10, 2011 to visit Ayden and eat some greens!!

Not much stitching going on - still working on Shores, but not much. For some reason I usually flop in the stitching chair get ready to stitch and then either get wrapped up in a flicker or fall asleep.  Oh well - a few stitches here and there and eventually I might get enough done to take a snap.

I have been rolling around the idea in my head for another visit with my mother - who lives in the Sunshine State before it gets to awfully hot - and in doing some research have found a few stitching places in and around Orlando.  Past experience has shown that Daytona has none that I can find.  For those stitchers in Florida - I wonder if you could get to only one shop in Central or North Florida (or within driving distance of Daytona/Ormond Beach) where would you go?  Or have you been to shop in Florida that I should make an effort to visit.  All recommendations welcome!!!!

There you go sports fans.  Thanks again for stopping by, for commenting and for all you very kind emails!!  Do stop by again!

Take care,

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A March Gift-Away, a Couple of Books and a Flicker

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends a few weeks back at an estate sale I found a great little piece of porcelain.  I didn't talk about it then as I knew I wanted to have a gift-away for March and it would be perfect.  What I found was this lovely......

....little bowl covered in shamrocks from the Belleek Porcelain factory in Ireland.  It is very well marked with the 3rd green Mark which dates it to 1965-1981.  I have it nestled in among my other bits and pieces.  If you would like to win this piece then comment on this POST only and I will draw a name on March 17th - celebrating St. Patrick's Day.  Anyone, anywhere can enter - so if you collect Belleek or just like the shamrocks throw your name in the mix.... you have to comment to win.

I usually don't write about the books I 'm reading - I read lots - and usually have a few books going at one time and in a few different places.  Well, I just finished up two really wonderful "travel" type books.  Both by Marlene de Blasi - I read them out of sequence - the first was " Lady in the Palzzo: at Home in Umbria" - about her move to Orveito and the search and eventual restoration of a Ballroom/Apartment .  The Second book was "A Thousand Days in Tuscany:a Bittersweet Adventure" - a lovely book about her life in this lovely region of Italy.  I was totally taken with her writing style and adventures.  I would highly recommend them!!

The flicker last night was another colonial extravaganza - but from the Golden Year - 1939 - called "Allegheny Uprising" - starring Claire Trevor, John Wayne and George Sanders.  With Trevor getting credit above Wayne - she was the bigger star at the time.  I enjoyed this film, but found Trevor a bit much.  Wayne and Trevor acted earlier in 1939  together in "Stagecoach" a much better film and one where she was more suited to the character she played than in "Uprising."  Overall a good film and at about an hour and half not too long.

There you go sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by, do come again.

Take care,

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Two Losses Today

Gentle readers and Dear Friends we loose two fine women today - one from film and one from our own stitching community.

Jane Russell - 1921-2011

Her film career started with the 1943 classic Howard Hughes "The Outlaw" and she became a pinup for WWII's GI's.  After the war she and hit her stride in the 50's with such films as "His Kind of Woman" - 1951, "Macao" - 1952 and glorious "Gentleman Prefer Blonde's " in 1953.  This buxom beauty was always be remembered as a class act.

It has been reported by the Norwalk Reflector that Lisa Roswell's car was washed off of Ohio 61 into Cole River.  The car was retrieved from the river with Lisa inside.  Rivers in NE and NW Ohio have been flooding due to snow and rain swelling them beyond capacity.  She was the owner of "The Primitive Needle" - her passing is huge lose to the stitching community.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to her Husband and children. You can click HERE for the entire news story.

A sad day  - 
Take care,

A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...