I can't believe it but this is my 100th post. Little did I know when I started this that I would enjoy babbling about my stitching and life. I think that this type of journal writing has some really cathartic moments. Just being able to vent sometimes is wonderful. I also like to see the progress on the pieces that I am working on. I have also met such nice people out there that I would have not known and that alone is worth doing this blog!!!! I find it so nice to just sit and write something while it is quiet in the early morning before the day begins. I treat it as a waterfall of contemplation just washing away things by writing/typing them down, yapping about what is going on in my life and seeing that things are really alright and that through vetting them in a blog I am moving forward and growing.
All that aside....last night we had an earthquake of about 5.9 centered down around San Jose. I was just sitting there settled into watching "The Great Pumpkin," don't you just love this first of the holiday cartoons.... and shaky shaky.......then harder shaking.....and then it did not stop. I reached over for my drink and held onto that so it wouldn't fall and put down my needlework. Looking over at Hunny and Pete asleep on the sofa.....Hunny didn't stir and Pete just opened one eye as if to say " is it cookie time?" After it settled down and stopped the hard shaking I sat there for a minuet or two just in case there were more and harder jolts coming. It was over in about 15 to 17 seconds but it does seem that time slows down as you wait for it to either intensify or to stop. I picked up my stitching and that was that. Since last night there have been about 30 or so aftershocks, but I haven't felt anything. Where we live in Noe Valley it is up the side of a solid rock hill so for us to feel any shaking it has to be pretty hard jolting.
I finished up the stitching on the exchange I have been working on and then I went on to VOHRH as it is Tuesday and I wanted to sort of keep to the rotation. Here is a snap of the progress....

Sorry the picture is kinda wonky but you get the idea.
Here at work I keep on the accuradio all day and it is the first thing I click on when I sit down. I started on Monday listing to Christmas music and am really enjoying it. Everyone here can not believe it but I really enjoy the trappings of the season and would play the music year round if I thought I could get away with it. Usually the stations I listen to are three with me I toggling between mid century jazz singers, classic country music and pop tunes from 50's & 60's.
Hope everyone has a safe and Happy Halloween!!!!!! Thanks for stopping by!!
Take care,
All that aside....last night we had an earthquake of about 5.9 centered down around San Jose. I was just sitting there settled into watching "The Great Pumpkin," don't you just love this first of the holiday cartoons.... and shaky shaky.......then harder shaking.....and then it did not stop. I reached over for my drink and held onto that so it wouldn't fall and put down my needlework. Looking over at Hunny and Pete asleep on the sofa.....Hunny didn't stir and Pete just opened one eye as if to say " is it cookie time?" After it settled down and stopped the hard shaking I sat there for a minuet or two just in case there were more and harder jolts coming. It was over in about 15 to 17 seconds but it does seem that time slows down as you wait for it to either intensify or to stop. I picked up my stitching and that was that. Since last night there have been about 30 or so aftershocks, but I haven't felt anything. Where we live in Noe Valley it is up the side of a solid rock hill so for us to feel any shaking it has to be pretty hard jolting.
I finished up the stitching on the exchange I have been working on and then I went on to VOHRH as it is Tuesday and I wanted to sort of keep to the rotation. Here is a snap of the progress....

Sorry the picture is kinda wonky but you get the idea.
Here at work I keep on the accuradio all day and it is the first thing I click on when I sit down. I started on Monday listing to Christmas music and am really enjoying it. Everyone here can not believe it but I really enjoy the trappings of the season and would play the music year round if I thought I could get away with it. Usually the stations I listen to are three with me I toggling between mid century jazz singers, classic country music and pop tunes from 50's & 60's.
Hope everyone has a safe and Happy Halloween!!!!!! Thanks for stopping by!!
Take care,