Monday, October 15, 2007

Pretty quiet weekend, stitiching on BP

Not much happened this weekend. I worked at the bookstore watched some movies and stitched, there ya go. I worked on BP and here is a snap of the progress.

There is a snippet of silk between the second and third motif/medallion that I sure did not notice last night when I took the picture, sorry about that. I thought I had shaken them all off, as there seems to be quite a few at the end of evening when I am packing up.

One of the movies I watched was a documentary called "Always a Bridesmaid" written and directed by Nina Davenport. It was very interesting. Only about 98 mins but what she was delving into was the abyss that some single people feel when all around them everyone they know is married or getting married. She even shows that within a year some of her friends can go from grumping about been single to marching down the aisle to Lohengrin. I really like her style of working and the film is worth a viewing.

Hope the weekend was good for everybody!!!! Thanks for stopping by!!!!

Take care,


  1. Great progress on BP! By the way, bought some pumpkin ice cream and it is yummy! I always look forward to the limited edition Girl Scout cookie ice creams!!!

  2. Wonderful progress Edgar! I'm hoping I can get some time on my BP this week.

  3. Beautiful progress!

    The documentary sounds interesting. My mom complains a lot about trying to find a social life that fits, when she's single and most of her friends/acquaintances are not.

  4. Bea is so pretty! With or without orts sticking to her. Hey, you work at a bookstore? Isn't that the greatest job in the world?

  5. Oh, it's looking great, Edgar :)


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...