Monday, October 29, 2007

It was a Halloween party!!!!!!

On Saturday night I went to a Halloween party that was lots of fun!!!!
Here are some snaps from the evening.......

Here is a French maid, a little olde man and Wonder Woman.

Here is Colin, he came in a full kilt and carried his drum sticks.....
he is in a drum and bagpipe band.

and a witch and Mama Leone....

there was also a ninja and Spartacus....

and Eunice in a low tech costume.......

I heard that the party broke up around 2:30 am....I was long gone before then. :)

I did do some stitching on Friday and last night but all that I did do was for exchanges and presents so there are no pictures.

Hope it was a good weekend for everyone!!! Thanks for stopping by!!!
Take care,


  1. Edgar - looks like it was a really fun party, some of those costumes were great! I love some of the stash you picked up, and enjoyed seeing your progress pictures of VoHRH. I'm so far behind on mine, along with being behind on blog reading/commenting.

    I have Quaker Christmas mostly kitted up, just waiting on some fabric I ordered from Silkweaver for it. I want to see if I can have it done for next Christmas.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...