Friday, February 26, 2010

TGIF - Finally

GR&DF it is here - finally - the day of the week we do not dread - as Mondays are a downer -Fridays are just duper de duper!!!

Last night I was cleaning/straightening/shifting the crap around and instead of moving some frames upstairs and into the closet where they belong I thought tomyself - "hey self, why not just frame something!!" So of course my mind shifted to something more fun than messing with the mess!!!!! And, the result is this -

I am liking the way this looks in this old wooden gold frame. The piece is so busy that any bigger frame would look way heavy. After the last tack was in I got that sucker up on the stitching wall!! Here is a rather crappy snap of this space which I have the darnedest time trying to get a snap of -

I then got to some exchange stitching.

The "big storm" is pushing in from the Pacific ocean this morning and Mission street is already showing the wet of that mess and I think today, tonight and even in the morning the rains are going to be heavy and the winds blustery - which sound to me like a warm, stay in the house stitching weekend!

Just so you don't think I did nothing constructive last night I did get the four loads of laundry washed and put away so I don't have to do it this weekend!!

The flickers last night where - "Guadalcanal Diary" - 1943 -starring Lloyd Nolan, William Bendix, Richard Conte and a really young Anthony Quinn. A hard hitting film version of the first offensive in the Pacific Theater. Just one year after the actual invasion it was an amazing movie for the time. This was followed up by "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" 1953 - a great musical romp starring Marylin Monroe and Jane Russell and aptly supported by Charles Coburn and Norma Varden. A really fun film that if you haven't seen it you should make the time.

There you go sports fans - Have a great weekend and do stop by again!!

Take care,

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Devil Wears a Print Dress

GR&DF only one more day..... then two glorious days off. It is a shame that I am wishing away the days and as time is a precious commodity I probably should be more circumspect and relish each day..... but I am basically selfish in that I want to sit around and watch film and stitch - I don't think that's asking too much. Even if I have to squeeze in doing the laundry, vacuuming and raking through the piles on the dinning room table occasionally. Heaven knows if I didn't do that we would be inundated with a flood of crap the likes of which are unimaginable.

On the way home yesterday we detoured over to Japan Town as I was out of incense, and I gotta have that - and the little shop I like is over there. I picked out two kinds this time both aloeswood based. The owner was there and we spent a long while trying out different kinds from some very run of the mill stuff to a really exquisite kind the ran $530 for a box of 30 sticks. This stuff was deliciously potent - but I am in no way able to afford this kind of luxury...... he does sell this by the stick and I may have to splurge at some point.......

We stopped at KFC/Taco Bell for a quick dinner - is there anything better than fried chicken!! Then it was home for the evening. I spent watching film and exchange stitching.

The post title reference is from - "The Devil Wears Prada" - 2006 - starring Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway and Emily Blunt. From the book supposedly based on Anna Wintour and Vogue. The film last night was the new release "The September Issue" - 2009 - starring Anna Wintour and Co. - which is a sort of rebuttal to the DWP. Although I thoroughly enjoyed the book and the movie DWP - I also enjoyed the SI last night. It was nice to see the actual Anna Wintour in action - although guarded at times - you see her moving through the daily meetings a run throughs leading up to the September issue - which they work about 5 months on. She is very determined and makes hard decisions without apology to produce a great product. A fact I will admit - not that I am a fashoinista by any stretch of the imagination - I do buy the Vogue September issue and have for years. It is a beautiful piece of work and a very interesting read. The DVD has a bonus disc that has much more footage so the movie and bonus stuff is about 3 hours of information. I liked it and if you want to see the real work being done I would recommend the film.

I did get the Third Trade/Swap Post and snaps up so give it a look.

There you go sports fans. Thanks for stopping by - do come again!!

Take care,

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Gigi Posting

GR&DF here we are looking out for the weekend - or at least I am. I can not wait for it to get here!! Not that there are any plans other than the usual loose ones - I am just ready to have a day or so off.

Last night I was busily working away at an exchange so no snap of that piece. I also rummaged about and pulled together the last of the stuff for the Trade Blog. I will get that posted tomorrow as I forgot the camera and list at home.

Last night was a nice evening of movie watching with "Gigi" - 1958 - watching this film for the umpteenth time I got to thinking that it is almost too pretty for its own good. Such a lush film - with Vincente Minnelli Directing you feel his touch and that every little shot is a vignette of loveliness.

Here are some shots from the film - Leslie Caron in the white gown with bird accents - I love this quote of Gigi's - "One must not read novels they only depress you, one must not wear powder it spoils the complexion, one must not wear a corset it spoils the figure." - words to live by!!

There you go sports fans - Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comments!

Take care,

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Movie Post

GR&DF thank you all for the kind comments and warms wishes. I am at about 92% power this morning. I am taking off 8% because I still have a cough and my voice is a bit Brenda Vaccaro sounding, but I feel soooooo much better it is like night and day. Just to think a week ago I was completely out of it buried in bed an blurry eyed. Now I sit typing away stringing together words and thoughts. The power of feeling better!!

Since I was working on an exchange last night there is not snaparoo of stitching - and probably will not be for the next few days - being sick has completely thrown me off my schedule to get things finished. I have two deadlines this week and may only meet one of them. Loosing 6 stitching/finishing days has thrown me for a loop - or made me loopier??
I guess thems the breaks.

So today I think I will catch up on some of the filckers I have seen in the past week - first up will be - "Good Hair" - 2009 - starring Chris Rock - he interviews celebrities and documents Black hair in America. Being folically challenged as I am - I was fascinated by some of things I learned. I really enjoyed this film but it has gotten some really bad press - you decide for yourself. "The War Lover" - 1962 - starring Steve McQueen and Robert Wagner - set in 1942 WWII England, they play very different types of airmen - McQueen a rough and ready maverick type and Wagner and by the book type - and then there is a girl that comes between them. Very well done in B&W with some actual WWII footage. Next up would have to be "Summertime" - 1955 - starring Katharine Hepburn and Rassano Brazzi - a great movie I have talked about before - this love story about an American visiting Venice and meeting one special Venetian. I would highly recommend it if for the acting and for the cinematography. Venice is beautifully shot and captured on film by Director David Lean. Last up would have to be "The Barrett's of Wimpole Street" - 1934 - starring Norma Shearer, Charles Laughton, Frederic March, Maureen O'Sullivan and Una O'Connor. This is a film from a stage play and is melodramatic in the extreme. The film is about the love story between Elizabeth Barret and Robert Browning. It is also about the tyrannical control of the family by the father played by Laughton. In the end it is Shearer's performance one watches and it is for her you cheer - another of her fine performances. Tonight TCM is showing "Gigi" - 1958 - starring Leslie Caron, Maurice Chevalier, Louis Jourdan and Hermione Gingold. A beautiful film with some memorable music - on the East coast it begins at 11:15pm and on the West at 8:15pm.

There you go sports fans. Thank you for stopping by, do come again!!

Take care,

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sweet Friends - a Wonderful RAK

GR&DF it is such a warm feeling on a cool Monday morning to come back to such nice comments and well wishes!! This Blog has me once again saying something I often think - how great stitching folks are!!!! AND - how wonderfully generous everyone is!!

Last week - as you may remember was far from a high point - and even over the weekend I was still head achy and just couldn't get it together to stitch - as that was just too much effort and completely wore me out just thinking about needle and floss. Geez - I sound like the biggest baby Huey there ever was!!!!

Friday Mail brought a RAK box from Sharon - a dear reader of my blatherings here at BSB. She contacted me a while back saying she had a couple of charts from my list that I was wanting. What came was a most wonderful RAK to be imagined......

As I hefted the box into my bag I couldn't believe how heavy it was - I got home Friday night and put everything on the dinning room table - a catch all spot in our house - and passed out once again. This cold thing had just kicked my butt last week and I was without strength. On Saturday morning I opened it up and found to my amazement how very overwhelmingly generous Sharon was!! Not only was there the charts but even more charts and she also included some film photos, lotion, some lovely linen and the greatest erasable highlighter - all I can say is - thank you so very much!!! This brightened up my entire blurry, sick filled week!!!

The weekend was a total bust for the my stitching - I basically sat in my chair wrapped up in my quilt passing in and out of consciousness. Rico did get me some really yummy Won Ton Soup for lunch on Saturday. He had gone to lunch with a friend and brought it back for me - ain't he sweet!!!

How about a Sweet Peach snap......

There you sports fans - I do thank you all for your kind words and comments - They where warm hugs this morning!!!!! Do stop by again!!

Take care,

Friday, February 19, 2010

A Songbird Passes

GR&DF thank you so much for your concerned emails. I have been completely wiped out by a cold - since Monday evening. In fact from about 8pm Monday until 8pm Tuesday I was a completely comatose and curled up snotty mess - hows that for a visual!! I answered a few emails yesterday but had to get a least an end of the week post up. Working at about 65% is tough but a cold is mostly mind over matter - or head over toilet!! :)

On Wednesday we lost one of the lovely songbirds of the cinema -

Kathryn Grayson - 1922-2010

A short but stunning career that included the 1951 remake of "Showboat" and the 1953 triumph in "Kiss me Kate." Both films are shown regularly on TCM as are many of her other performances. I would recommend them all.

I have not touched a needle since Monday evening - but I did want to show a piece I framed -

This is one of the frames I picked up last Saturday and I couldn't be happier with the way it turned out - almost like it was made for the piece. I have an idea for the second frame but it may not work - we shall see.

That's about it for today - I am staying close to home this weekend and trying to get back to 100%. I did want to share a snap of some trees - looking out our sliding glass door it does look like spring has sprung....

Have a great weekend!!

Take care,

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Whole Bunch of Weekend Stuff

GR&DF I am happy to report that Friday afternoon we came home to new windows and a new sliding glass door - installed correctly and not backwards. With only a minimum of worker dirt a quick vacuuming and a wipe with some Windex - and everything was cleaned up!!! It is amazing how quiet our home is now - it is usually, but with tight closing windows we can hardly hear the #24 Divisadero (a bus) rumble past our house at the bottom of the hill. I also felt quite a difference in how warm the rooms are..... I am now wondering how much of the heat was just pouring our of the cracks and crevices for the past 8 or so years!! The best window we got was in our bedroom. Where we had a stationary wall of glass - great for the views to the Bay Bridge - but for ventilation it just bit the big one!!! Now the wall of glass is actually broken into four large panes with the top two sliding windows to let in some air. I am a happy camper now!!!

The weekend events were few, but fun. On Saturday Dale and I went around to the Estate sales and Thrift/Consignment shops!! Here is a snap -

I picked up a couple of frames, a couple of books, a cute little chalk lamb (dated Easter 1952), and an Immersion blender. One of the Estate sales was the home of a stitcher/stasher. The entire guest bedroom was a stitching room. Mostly needlepoint things with dozens of projects started and either on scroll bars or pinned to frames. She had "startitus" really bad!! There was lots of finished and framed things but the unfinished outnumbered the finished by about 100 to 1. There was bags and bags and then some more bags of yarnage for knitting and crochet work. There was also lots of cross stitch projects started on Aida cloth and kits. Since I don't work on Aida I just passed these over, but in my digging I found a yard of 32ct white linen and a 1/2 yard of 32 ct cream linen - at a $1 a piece how could I pass it up - now I can try my hand at some dyeing of linen and not feel guilty if I screw it up. It was also at this sale that I found the two little embroidery scissors and the beautiful pinking shears along with the little oblong hoop and tape measure - can I have too many of these??? The large Roseville Poppy Jardiniere I picked up in a consignment shop for a pittance - $25 - now how could I pass this!! I don't collect Roseville but a bargain is a bargain - it is in really great condition without cracks or crazing.

I also worked on a couple of things this weekend. I finished up my section on Carol's RR - and here is my crappy snap of a lovely piece -

Carol chose a beautiful shade of blue - Magpie Tears - a HDF Silk. I worked the upper right corner and had to drop an acorn out to get my "M" in. This is working up beautifully and I hope that Carol likes what I have done.

I also worked a it on my Memorial Sampler - and here is another crappy snap -

This picture murders the piece and makes it look all brown - it really isn't but you can get the idea.

I watched a bunch of flicks - but I am going to save them for tomorrow.

It was a gorgeous weekend and the cherry trees are all in bloom. I do want to thank you for stopping by and hope you will stop by again. Until tomorrow my little cabbages.....

Take care,

Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday is Here

GR&DF - sorry about the no title post yesterday - I couldn't think of one and didn't even notice there wasn't one - today's title isn't much better.

Well, yesterday as we came up over the hill on the way home and looked across Noe Valley we could see that our building had gotten many new window installations..... but it looked like they hadn't gotten to us yet. When we walked in it was obvious nothing had been done - and so there we where our home completely piled up one one side of every room and nothing done - but with a note saying the date had been changed to today. Now just imagine the top of my head just completely coming unhinged and my brain spinning splat against the ceiling!! Got that image in your mind - pretty ain't it!!!! I couldn't believe it - so I threw open the sliding glass door onto the balcony and there was a worker person - on a ladder still working on the our neighbors windows - and I asked him about us and when they might get to ours..... and got a sort of answer of maybe tomorrow - well, there went the rest of my dwindling patience (and there was damn little to spare at that point) I couldn't believe it - I slammed the sliding door shut and stomped about a bit The hounds ran away and Rico went upstairs. Then I moved some of the furniture around and then TV and hooked that monster back to working order - I certainly wasn't going to miss a super musical evening on TCM!!! So we got up at the crack of jack this morning and moved everything back into piles and will hope for the best - that we won't have to live like this through the weekend will be a kind of a miracle!!!!!

Last night I finished up the stitching on the exchange I was working on and will finish- finish it this weekend - I am totally happy with the way it looks an I think I might have to stitch this for us!!

As I mentioned - it was super musical evening starting off with "Alexander's Ragtime Band" - 1938 - starring Tyrone Power, Alice Faye and Ethel Merman. A great vehicle for all three and some great musical numbers!! TCM is linking all the films to each other and the link for the next film is the "Mermanator" and the film was "Call me Madam" - 1953 - starring Ethel Merman, Donald O'Conner, Vera Ellen, George Sanders and Billy de Wolfe - a wonderful film with a top notch performer. It was unusual for Ethel to be able to play on film a roll she originated on the stage - as she lost so many film rolls to other actress' - she lost the leads on film in - Annie Get your Gun, Du Barry was a Lady, Panama Hattie and Gypsy - so to see her in this film is great!! The link to the next film was Donald O'Connor to "Singing in the Rain" - 1952 - starring Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor, Debbie Reynolds and Jean Hagen - I have talked about this film lots - it is great and you should see it!! The final film of the evening was linked by Cyd Charisse and the film was "The Band Wagon " - 1953 - starring Fred Astaire, Cyd Charisse, Oscar Levant and Nanette Fabray. A really fun film with super musical numbers!! All the films are good and if you like the musical you will totally like them!!

Other DVD's that are being released on March 30 are both Disney releases. The fist is the 2 disc "Un-Anniversary" Edition of "Alice in Wonderland" - 1951 - and the 2nd is "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" - 1954. You know I like Disney and these are on my list!!

At the suggestion of Ariadne I have added some snaps on the Trade Blog of the charts - what a great idea -THANKS!!

There you go sports fans - thank you for stopping by and for you kind comments!!

Take care,

Thursday, February 11, 2010

GR&DF thank you for stopping by and for the sweet comments!! Like warm hugs in the morning from distant friends - love them!!!

Not too much going on in my little life.....

Except - and you knew there would be one - we are getting new windows and a new sliding glass door. Our Apartment building was sold - again - and now we actually have a management company that is fixing up some of the problems that have been going on for years. Our pool - which the previous two companies kept locked up and unattended - is getting an overhaul - and they are even fixing the heating unit. In SF it stays pretty much in the 50's or 60's and foggy or overcast so there is no chance for the pool to ever really heat up from the Sun and the heater has been broken for the past decade. Needless to say it was an ice cold dip in the cement pond for those brave enough to get in - brrrrrrrrr! If the cold wasn't bad enough the pool was more like swamp water than a pond water - it had gone the most interesting shade of moldy greens and blacks. They have also replaced the rickety stairs and fencing all around the pool and parking area. Since we are built on a hill the pool is on the lowest level and required hanging on and gingerly maneuvering some not very stable stairs to get there. In addition to all that work they are replacing all the windows in every apartment and all the 2 story townhouses. Today is Townhouse day which makes it our day for window upgrading and replacing. When we get home there should be new windows in both bedrooms and in the living room, dinning room and a new sliding glass door. The one that is there now was actually put in backwards and it never ever closed properly. Anticipating this work we had been warned to move everything from in front of the work areas an leave a 3 foot space for the work to take place. We finished moving everything this morning and what a pain that was - we have way too much stuff and now all that stuff is all in piles - but in the end it will be worth it - hope springs eternal!

On the stitching front - I have been working on an exchange piece so there are no snaps of that.

On the flicker front Mel mentioned a really super film - "Leave Her to Heaven" - 1945 - starring Gene Tierney, Cornell Wilde and Jeanne Craine. A Good film worth a look. My film watching included two made for TV who dunit's - "Dead Man's Folly" - 1986 - starring Peter Ustinov and Jean Stapleton. Ustinov is super as Hercule Poirot - as he always was. The second film was "Murder with Mirrors" - 1985 - starring Helen Hayes (In her swan song), a very frail Bette Davis and John Mills. A very easy mystery to solve it is a nice piece to look at - with a very weak screenplay. Both films are weak, but if you are a fan of Agatha Christie and the starring players they are worth a look.

There you go sports fans - a short one today. Thank you for once again sharing a bit of your day here.

Take care,

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Mail brings some Goodies

GR&DF how very kind you all where about the goofy snap of myself and my beautiful scarf - which btw I was told is made from a blend of cotton and silk and not wool and silk - it is still lovely and soft no matter what it is made from.

I was a winner over at Jolene's Blog back in January - she had acquired some grab bags and wanted to share the bounty. The package went into the mail on January 22 and it just arrived yesterday - and it only had to came from Utah..... such a long time it must have gone by way of outer Mongolia or something - usually the mail is so much quicker. Here is a snap of all the goodies....

There was some really cute charts and a chocolate/caramel treat also - Thank you so much Jolene!!!!!

There where some questions in the comments.... Donna asked if I used the soap I got - I do - and I love it. For some reason my old rhino hide is dry as a bone and using handmade soaps keeps my from being a flakazilla - I will cut the bars in 1/2 as they are really big and it makes them easier to use. Terri mentioned a flick "The Uninvited" - 1944 - an excellent spooky film set at the seaside in England. Sharlotte mentioned a film I had not heard of "Onionhead" - 1958 - I will need to look out for this film as it does sound interesting, thanks!! Ariadne wanted to know of any Sea Themed samplers - the one the immediately springs to mind would be Carriage House Samplings - "Shores of Hawk Run Hollow"... I am sure there are more out there - any suggestions??

I am really enjoying my venturing into the world of trading charts - and will be post some more charts for trade today - check it out HERE.

Keeping it short today - thank you again for the kind comments I do appreciate them all!!

Take care,

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday Answers

GR&DF I do thank you all for the kind comments about my new header snap and once again thank Margaret for the super idea!! I even pondered as I posted the snap if I should list what is there - and with the request put in I will - from left to right - "Le Jardin " sampler from a lovely French stitching magazine that Julianne loaned me. We - or I should say I - cant get it over here and they always have such lovely things in every issue. "Quaker Garden" a BBD Loose Feather. "Sail Away" from SB. "Village of Hawk Run Hollow" from CHS. "Grand Abecdaire" a SAL from a great site gazette94, she has some really lovely free things all the time. "5 part Mystery Sampler" from the BBD Loose Feathers. "Hetty Child" from The Sampler Company. My most current finish "Alphablocks" from CHS - Kathy is posting some peeks at the different blocks for her newest release "Autumn in HRH" - it is going to be another winner!!!! "Serenity" from Exemplar Dames. "Heritage" a stamped sampler kit I did when I got back to cross stitching. "Quaker Christmas" from ByGone Stitches. There it is - the list.

Yesterday the mail brought me a super gift from my sister. Here I am looking kind of goofy - with my beautiful new scarf....

She asked me at Christmas if I wanted one and I certainly did - I love knitted things and now I have a wonderful original - this yarnage (is that a word?) was some beautiful stuff she had left after making herself a gorgeous sweater. I think it is a silk/wool blend as it is super soft and not scratchy at all - thank you sweet sister!!!

In the comments the question came up about the super soap - it came from a craft site called etsy. A really wonderful place to buy and acquire lots of handmade things. The maker of the soap is called BeSem Natural Scents and she is located in Texas. BeSem is a Hebrew word meaning "pure, worthy, sweet smelling." The soaps and other things she makes are all that and more.

On the flicker front - Jules mentioned seeing a great movie - "My Man Godfrey" - she doesn't mention which of the two most popular versions she saw - 1936 or 1957. The 36 version stars Carole Lombard and William Powell - a superior film in every way and a top notch period screwball comedy. The 57 version stars June Allison and David Niven and is a good film for both actors - but it rests squarely on the talent of Niven.

More flicker news - on the upcoming DVD release front.... 3 films are coming out - "The African Queen" - 1951 - starring Katharine Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart, this is releasing on March 24th. The 45th Anniversary edition of "Dr. Zhivago" - 1965 - starring Omar Sharif and Julie Christie releases on May 4th. Also on May 4th "No Time for Sargent's" - 1958 - starring Andy Griffith, Myron McCormick, a truly funny film about being drafted into the Air Force.

Thar's about it for today sports fans! Thank you for stopping by and for your very kind comments- I do appreciate them so much!

Take care,

Monday, February 8, 2010

A New Look, some Stitching, Mail and a couple of Flicks

GR&DF as you can see I have switched up the header with a new snapperoo. I borrowed - or blatantly stole - the idea from the lovely snap on Margaret's blog. I thought it was such a super idea - putting little teaser bits of past finishes - thank you so much for the idea!!

It was a relatively productive weekend stitch wise - I frogged out the crappy stitching that I miscounted last week and made some headway with the Memorial Sampler - here is a not so super snap -

The colours are off and the snap is on the dark side - but like most of the snaps I take of my stitching progress it was almost 11 pm last night and the light was truly sucking!!..... but you get the idea.

On Friday the mails brought a couple of things I had ordered. First up would be a new chart from Heartstring Samplery.

I just love Beth's work and this new one did not disappoint!! You can get your copy from her Etsy store.

Another Etsy purchase (I spend way too much time looking at this site!!) is another thing I am in love with - handmade soap - I have no idea why but I love the stuff.

I have ordered handmade soap from a few places but I think this is some of the best out there. I had waited until she had some more Sweet Anisette made before I placed this order - can you believe it licorice soap!!! - she is so sweet and always includes a little sampler bar - this time it is cinnamon!!

The flickers this weekend were good. Two that stood out would be "The Reader" 2008 - starring Ralph Fiennes, Kate Winslet and David Kross. A real tour de force part for Kate Winslet - winning the Oscar for Best Performance for an actress in a lead role. The book was so superb and moving I knew the film would be very powerful and I was not disappointed. It is really two films in one with very adult themes of love, hate, war, murder, redemption - a very thought provoking and moving film if there ever was one.

The second film made during WWII was taken from a Broadway play by Cole Porter. "Du Barry was a Lady" - 1943 starring Lucille Ball, Red Skleton, Gene Kelly and Virginia O'Brien - Not the best musical ever but one of the most beautiful by far!! This was one of the first big Technicolor musicals for MGM and they took full advantage. Starting off with dyeing Lucy what became her signature flame coloured hair. This was only Gene Kelly's second major role in a film - doing this right after appearing with Judy Garland in "For me and My Gal" - he only gets to do one solo number but it is a wowzer! I enjoyed the film but the story line is kind of sappy - watch it for the musical numbers and glorious color!

There you go sports fans - thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments - I do appreciate them!!

Take care,

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday Movie Posting

GR&DF it is the end of another week and a glorious two day break from reality is here - and do I need it!! The rains have stopped until this evening so it will be a dry day - and I can get out to lunch at a new Hot Dog place - they left a menu on the front door of my work and what they are calling the "Southern Dog" sounds like a winner - the description of this culinary wonder is.... a "what's up dog topped w/ chili and fresh cole slaw" now how can you beat that!! I brought a cream soda and some Cheetos - a delicious lunch for the last day of the week!!

Last night TCM showed two great flickers - "Kitty" -1945 - starring Paulette Goddard and Ray Milland. This great little movie has Paulette playing an 18th century Eliza Doolittle type roll. From the gutters of Houndsditch to becoming a Duchess we see her change and marry a couple of different men for the man she loves. I really liked this film and thought she was at the top of her acting game.

Paulette Goddard - 1910- 1980

IIt is a splashy big costum drama and t is a shame that it wasn't shot in colour - and you rarely hear me saying that!! The second film of the evening was a favorite I have seen many times - " The Adventures of Robin Hood" - 1938 - starring Errol Flynn and Olivia de Haviland. This colour spectacle is long on adventure and action and a little short on actual historical fact. It is still a great film and worth seeing.

I worked a little on Memorial Sampler but found a mistake and so I will have to frog it all out tonight so no snapperoo of that tiny mess!!!!

Short and sweet today my dears - have a great weekend and I will see you on the flip flop!!

Take care,

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Memorial Start and a couple of Flicks

GR&DF you overwhelmed and humbled my poor little person!! Thank you all so much for the kind words - and - with 61 comments for a finishing post I am quite speechless..... I also thank you for the kind words about my changes and shifting of floss colour. Ariadne had a couple of specific questions - why no capital N in needle - and - what an odd shaped small s? I am not sure but would think that the capitol N would have been odd - and the s is from some older sampler. I really have no answer..... anyone know why? Littlebit asked how much time I spent stitching - I usually stitch each evening and when I am watching movies on the weekend. I guess I have a needle in hand if I am sitting down. I will think about moving the 1/2 star up a few stitches to make some room for my last name - you know I thought about that but just kept pulling out the letters and not this motif - go figure.

Last night I started on the Memorial Sampler with very little progress.... here is a snap -

It is a very dull picture, but one has to start somewhere. I am stitching this piece on 36 ct LL Vintage something (at the moment I just can not recall). April Mechelle commented yesterday that she is also stitching this piece. Click on over to her blog and see the wonderful progress she is making. I am so happy to see that someone else is stitching this piece. It is such a nice one but I really haven't seen any others out there getting stitched up.

Last night there where two flickers. TCM is at the beginning of the 31 Days of Oscar film fest and I got to see "Pinky" - 1949 - starring Jeanne Crain, Ethel Waters and Ethel Barrymore. The basic story is of a girl passing for white at school in the North. After returning home in the South she must confront her true color and background. It is amazing how much this film rings true toady as it did in 1949. The second film of the evening was "Julie & Julia" - 2009 - starring Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Stanley Tucci and Chris Messina. I really enjoyed this charming film. Both Meryl and Amy did wonderful jobs embracing their characters making you believe them and their situations. The working through Mastering French Cooking is something I applaud and is also something I would never attempt. It is a wonderful cookbook and I own an older copy of it but would never try each and every recipe. Both films where good and both films are really worth seeing.

That's about it for today sports fans!! Thank you again for stopping by and for your super comments - do come again!

Take care,

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

An ABC-erific Finish!!

GR&DF your comments are so dear to me and warm my cold withered old heart!!! :) For some reason I am feeling the chilly weather this morning - I think it is because of the rain storms that are pressing down on us. These will be drenching the Bay area over the next few days. Since we have our rainy time now during the winter it does seem that the dampness and cold intensify as the weather worsens - oh well - nothing to do but enjoy the drops!!

I finished up Alphablocks last night and here is a crazy Batman shot........

my name just wouldn't fit and I pulled out and restitched that sucker a couple of times shifting it around - as you can see I just finally gave up and let the s touch the last 1/2 star - and here is a full on shot.....

Alphabet Sampler - The Whole Kit and Caboodle
by Carriage House Samplings
November 28, 2009 - February 2, 2010
Using mostly the recommended floss

I am really pleased with how this turned out. Sometimes I can visualize how it will look in the end and am not surprised, but with using the different coloured floss' for the box fill and re-charting the J and Q - I wasn't too sure. I am still thinking about some little additions here and there but at the moment it is complete as is. I have already ironed and readied all the supplies for the Memorial Sampler - so that will begin tonight.

Last night the flicker was "Amelia" - 2009 - starring Hillary Swank, Richard Gere and Ewan McGregor. I wanted to see this film for a few reasons. I knew that it had gotten not so good reviews, I like Hillary swank, I am interested in Amelia Erhart and early aviation and I wanted to see the cool period aeroplanes. The basic premise of the film are the highlights of Amelia's flying career leading up to her flight around the world. I enjoyed the film and realize that not everything can be included in a bio-pick. I thought it was filmed beautifully and had a great look. It was not not a heavy hitting movie by any stretch of the imagination but very enjoyable. I liked Hillary much better in another period film - "The Affair of the Necklace" - 2001 - while many think she was miscast in the role of the Comtesse de la Motte I totally enjoyed her and this really beautiful film. I liked both films and would suggest them to anyone - give them a look.

In the comments yesterday Vonna asked about Rico - and yes, he is a Catholic and I have learned lots of Catholic things from him. He is also very helpful when we visit different Churches as I see them from an architectural or artist point of view while he sees them for what they were intended to be - houses of worship and contemplation.... and.... Ariadne mentioned a film I also enjoyed - "Memories of a Geisha" - 2005 - taken from the excellent book this beautifully conceived picture is really worth a look.

Also Ellen S has started a new Blog so lets all welcome another to our wonderful world of Blogging!!!

One last Batman shot......

That's about it for today sports fans!!
Thank you all for the super interest in my stash Trade stuff!! Do stop by again.

Take care,

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday Things

GR&DF thank you all for the overwhelming kind comments - you are all so nice!!! I was very lucky to get those shelves - and will probably need to get a third... but for now my next thing to hunt down is an additional bookcase. You never know what will turn up at a sale!! I did forget to post a snap of something that Rico picked up -

This enormous wall Rosary. It is made from some sort of wood and is just huge. Being the good little Protestant that I was raised I was just speechless at the enormity of this and wondered who would be able to use it - It is about 3 feet in length and I was told it is for hanging not for actual use.

I also heard that Berit received the Valentine Exchange I sent - here is a snap -

The Pyn Keepe I made for this exchange is from the Alphablocks I have been working on recently. It is stitched on 36 ct Silkweaver Purely Primitive using the recommended floss. Included are a few treats and a chart from Berit's wishlist.

There was a small film fest over the weekend - Bing Crosby was the star and Netflix supplied the DVD's. I got two of them on Friday and they where both double features!! Let's start off with the two Rhythm titles - "Rhythm on the Range" - 1936 - Starring Bing Crosby, Frances Farmer, Bob Burns and Martha Raye. A rich Socialite played by Frances flees her rich life in NY to rough it on the Frying Pan Ranch - while being chased by kidnappers - some good musical numbers. The second film "Rhythm on the River" - 1940 - starring Bing, Mary Martin (playing a girl named Cherry Lane), Basil Rathbone and Oscar Levant. Poor Basil Rathbone, an egotistical composer who's lost his muse. He's been faking it for some time, buying his lyrics and his music from various sources. Trouble is that two of the sources (Bing Crosby music) and (Mary Martin words) happen to meet and fall in love. And then they discover what they've been doing. Complications ensue, but all is righted at the end. The second disc films where - "Double or Nothing" - 1937 - starring Bing, Martha Raye and William Frawley. A film where a rich Philanthropist to thwart his family from getting his money devises a scheme to give away his millions to a regular good person. A nice easy film with some good but unremarkable musical pieces. The ending is worth the entire film. Last and what I think is the best of the four - "Waikiki Wedding" - 1937 - starring Bing, Martha Raye and Bob Burns. This fun film has Bing playing a PR rep for a Pineapple company in Hawaii. The company has crowned a Miss Pineapple and she is flown to the Island and is bored stiff. After meeting up with Bing the antics begin - some very good musical numbers and Martha Raye is top notch throughout the film!! This must have been Paramount's answer to Astaire / Rogers as it had the same feel as one of their films. Over all some nice flicks and worth seeing.

I wanted to mention I have posted some things I no longer need on my wish/trade blog - if you have any questions about anything feel free to ask - my email is in my profile.

Thanks for stopping by and for your very kind comments!!! Do come again!

Take care,

Monday, February 1, 2010

Keeping it Local

GR&DF I do hope you got to catch some of the films from the Jean Simmons evening. I did watch Great Expectations and most of Elmer Gantry - but it was the third film of the evening I was most interested in not having seen it before. The Happy Ending - an interesting film and typical for the era it was made. Having now seen it once - It was not my favorite of the evening by a long shot, by well shot and written. There are much better films from her career that they could have shown, "So Long at the Fair," "Black Narcissus" or "Guys and Dolls" just to name three - but it was a nice evening and well worth a look.

The weekend was just a quick busy two days. Saturday we got back out there to the Estate Sale/Thrift shop shopping and it was lots of fun. At one pretty good estate sale we visited there where two hanging shelves I really wanted. Let me explain.... for the past few months in the back of my head I have been thinking about how better to display my stitching treasures I have received. The baskets I have them in where running over as was the glass Jar - and these things did do the pieces any justice at all. I had gotten my brain around to thinking that some sort of shelf unit thing would suffice..... fast forward to this past Saturday .... we walk in and in the dinning room are two practically perfect 3 shelf things hanging there!! Covered in tea cups and saucers I wanted them then and there, but they where priced pretty high - and not being that old or exactly what I wanted I just sort of circled them for a bit and walked around the house looking and thinking. I decided to let them stay and come back on Sunday. Usually the Estate sales in this area will cut the price in half on Sunday so I figured that if they where still there then it would have been that I was suppsed to have them. All Saturday evening and waking up Sunday morning I was totally obsessing about these dang things. After a cup of fuel (coffee) we headed out and over to the sale to see if they where still there..... walking in there they where with a big old sign stating everything was half off... shebang..... they where off the walls and in the trunk faster than you can shake a stick at!!! Here is a few snaps of them adorning a wall in the 2nd bedroom -

a close up of the right one...

and the left one ...

I am really happy about them and think that all the pieces look great now that they can be seen!!

I only picked up a couple of other things in our travels on Saturday...

Another 2 cup measure quite different from the other ones I have - a really nice and heavy colander - the one we had was all bent on one side and missing a handle - and the Footsteps in the Fog book. This great book is all about the Alfred Hitchcock and his filming here in the the Bay area. I have wanted this book for a long time but even in paper back it was really expensive - but at a $1 how could I pass it this time!!

Yesterday was another get out of the house and go shopping day. On the way over to the Estate sale to get the shelves we stopped at a great Cafe/Bakery -

The Liberty Cafe makes the best bread and Rico wanted some. After snatching the shelves up we met up with Dale again and then got over to a new to us Farmers Market in the Inner Sunset Area - right off 9th avenue between Judah and Irving streets -

I wanted to specifically get to this farmers market to get some local honey. Here is the reason - and the story... there is always a story isn't there!!! I have been reading a book called "Robbing the Bees" by Holly Bishop - a super book that I would highly recommend!! This got me to thinking that there was probably some local honey I could get so to the Internet I went and found City Bees. They sell honey that is made in the different neighborhoods of San Francisco. How great is that - and so I got a bee in my bonnet so to speak finding that this farmers market - is their only selling outlet except on line. So here is a snap of our local purchases...

A loaf of Liberty Bread, a jar of delicious unfiltered Delores Park Honey and a jar of Pick-a-Peck pickled salad beets - just scrumptious!!! I just love me some pickles - just about anything pickled I love!!!! crunch, crunch, crunch!!!!!!!

That just about covers it for the weekend. Thanks for stopping by, do come again!!

Take care,

A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...