Thursday, June 30, 2011

Up and Running Again

Gentle readers and Dear Friends sorry for the blip in posting.  That little note I posted yesterday took about 45 mins to post - and I knew something was wrong.  I usually think it is me as computin' gadgets tend to not like me and will malfunction in a New York minute when I'm around.  I was gratified that others where experiencing problems and that it wasn't just me.  Not that I was going to post anything earth shattering, but I do enjoy posting something a little more interesting than - " It don't work and I can't fix it."

The rains came on Tuesday and boy was it wet - like for the whole day - we had the second wettest July 28th on record.  I took a snap of the wet that sort of says "hey, it's raining, but we can sure use every drop." -

I pass this great old building everyday.  I love the way the flowered vine is so lush with the red flowers popping out all over.  The rain made it just glisten and washed the buildings of the accumulate dust and dirt.  That is one thing with SF - during the summer and fall this city gets mighty dusty, and dirty.  So the first rains of winter usually wash that all off and the city kind of gleams with a freshness that is very nice.  An odd little tidbit about this picture - the reflected roof you can see in the window on the right usually hosts naked tribal dancers.  You never know when they will break into dance and song, but most days you can see a handful of them gyrating to loud music in the all together and you get a real eye full!! Gotta love the city!!

I have also been stitching away on the Mystery sampler - it is a really great little piece with just enough colour changes to keep it interesting....  here is a snap.....

 I hope have the borders completed and get a start on Part II over the long weekend.

Last night was "A Tribute to Scotland" on TCM and they showed a favorite flicker on mine - "Brigadoon" 1954 - starring Gene Kelly, Cyd Charisse and Van Johnson.  A wonderful film made entirely on the sound stages of MGM, expertly directed by Vincent Minnelli.  This film is a top notch musical and wonderfully done - it is such a pleasure to see Cyd Charisse dancing and paired with Gene Kelly - its magic!!  Here is short clip from a number from the film - The Heather on the Hill -

Another film the Cyd is in that is often over looked is "It's Always Fair Weather" - 1955 - again her co-star is Gene Kelly.  Cyd does a great dance routine in a boxing gym with boxers and looks and dances terrifically!!!

Both films are winners and I would highly recommend them.

There you go sports fans.  I do thank you all for the kind comments and help with the "problem" yesterday!  Do stop by again.

Take care,

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Blogger Issues

I am having trouble with Blogger this morning - something is up with posting snaps and just posting in general.  Anyone else having issues???

Will try again in the morning - 

take care,

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Some Weekend stuff - with Snaps!!

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends  - we are to be getting some rain today from a swirling storm coming in from Alaska. We aren't supposed to be getting rain this time of year!!  What's up with that??  I do love the rain - and I enjoy listening to it falling and splashing.  Our rainy season here is the winter - the most weather we should be getting now is fog - we got lots of fog yesterday afternoon - it rolled in over the city like a grey misty blanket.  Oh, well, one day of rain and it will blow out and we'll be back to our usual cold fog, yea!!  

It was Pride Weekend here in the city - and although many thousands of people flock here to watch the parade and then walk around the Civic Center Festivities - that was never on our agenda.  I haven't been to the Parade in years and have avoided the crowds in the CC area for just as long.  You can click HERE to read all about the events.
Instead we had a birthday party to go to  in the east Bay -Rico's cousins son turned 8 and so we went to his festivities instead.  The theme of the party was SpongeBob Square Pants - and who doesn't love SpongeBob??

There was cake - and it was filled with fresh strawberries.....

There was a pinata filled with candy........

Here is poor SpongeBob pinata after the whacking.....

There was a bouncy house..... 

filled with a Rico......  It was lots of fun and the weather couldn't have been more perfect.  We had a great Barbecue lunch and saw some other family members we hardly ever see.  So, kudos to Kurt and Nicole for the wonderful time they showed everyone and Happy Birthday Jaden!!!!

I often forget that not everyone knows what I am talking about all the time.  Like last Friday when mentioned that I love me some purple Gatorade.  I didn't think that not everyone would know what it is.  So, here is a snap of the stuff...

I will also like the blue, but only the purple and blue, and not the yellow, green, orange or the red.  Gatorade was invented at the university of Florida as a sports drink - the mascot of the school is the Gators - hence the name Gatorade.


That's it for today sports fans - Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments!!!  Do come again.

Take care,

Monday, June 27, 2011

And We Have a Winner

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends this morning in the rush to get out of the house I forgot to grab the cord thingy that allows me to load up my snaps.  So, here I am with a camera, but no way to get the snaps from it to here - that bites!!!  

Even though I am a ditz I did want to announce the winner of the Gift-a-way - Yesterday we hauled out the magic BoD and stirred up all the entries and the hag claw pulled forth a slip of paper.....  
upon the paper was ........ 

"Land-Pomeranze said...  Hello Edgar, now I get up the nerve to write a comment. :-)  Your Calender squares look great, you did a fantastic stitching job as always.  I would love the chance to win.  Petra  June 20, 2011 9:28 AM"

Thank you so much Petra for entering - and if you would send me your snail mail address I will whisk the charts to you.  I wanted to thank everyone for your great posts and for taking and interest in my little Gift-a-way.  I am thinking up another one soon - so stay tuned for that Post.

Without my snaperoos I am at a loss - so I will wrap it up for today.  Thanks for stopping by, do come again!!

Take Care,

Friday, June 24, 2011

A Most Delicious Lunch

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I didn't want the week to wrap up without posting.  I did want to remind everyone about the Drawing Gift-a-way that will close today around 2:30pm (that's when I shut up shop, run an end of day and skedaddle on out the door).  You will need to leave a comment on this posting (HERE) to get your name entered - I will announce the winner on Monday.

So, today I thought I would talk a little about myself (like I don't everyday) and how much a creature of habit I am.  I seem to do the same things repetitively day in and day out - I love routine - I think it settles the whirlwind that is often my brain. I love the everyday, the known factor - my motto - "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!"  That little statement can apply to most everything in life.  In the morning on the way to work - Tuesday through Friday we stop at the same little donut shop on 24th Street - I will get either and chocolate glazed, plain glazed or coconut donut - Rico always and I mean always gets a plain cake donut - on Mondays I will take a slice of whatever I have baked on Sunday.  

This is leading some where so if you've gotten this far you might as well hang on for the rest.  

I was thinking about this yesterday on my way to pick up something for lunch.  My all time favorite sandwich is a BLT - and I have found a place that makes a pretty terrific one - AK Subs on Harrison and 8th.  I have started to pick them up pretty frequently - so frequently that the girl behind the counter just says - hey edgar, the same.....  I nod my head and in a few minuets I get a toasty, BLT on sourdough with onion (gotta have onion).  I also pick up some vinegar and sea salt chips......

.....along with my yogurt and Babybel cheese and my purple Gatorade (it has to be purple) and you are looking at a lunch I probably have 3 or more times a week.  Even if the centerpiece changes to soup or even leftovers I will always have a yogurt, Babybel and purple Gatorade.  Is that just a little but nuts or what!!!  I am like that at home - everything put away in the same place, the same routine day in and day out - and I embrace my routine and wonder "I can't be the only one that likes "sameness."

I put about 3 stitches into the Mystery Sampler - so I have no progress snap.

Well, I think that about wraps up today and the week sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by and putting up with my little binges into crazy.  Have a wonderful weekend, do come again - if you can stand it!!

Take care,

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Farmers Market

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends the weather has turned and gotten lovely and cold - as it (the fog) blew in over Twin Peaks and the cool breezes filled the city - I was once again refreshed and chilly.  Walking over to the Farmers Market yesterday at lunchtime -  I have to cross Market Street at 8th and when I turned and looked West towards the incoming fog I thought it might be nice to show you what I saw...

The fog bank had covered all of the Upper Castro and under that fog are lots of houses and above them are the Peaks themselves.  The fog continued to cover and darken the city all afternoon.  By the evening the city was shrouded in this great grey mist.  I even had to close the sliding doors and crank the heat on to take the chill off the room - I love summer in this City!!!

I took a few other snaps at the market - as there were the great summer fruits, vegetables and flowers.....

there were these lovely sunflowers...

and huge piles of stone fruit........

and what I think these were the last of the asparagus until next spring.  I was also told that the cherries where waining and that they would only be around for a couple more weeks -so of course I bought a big bag of them.  It was nice to get back to this larger market.

I finished up this book.....

I really enjoyed it and had no idea the back story behind this great winery.  HERE is a site to buy their wines.  They produce some really terrific prize winning - full reds and do love me a good big red wine!!

There you go sports fans - remember that this Friday, 6/24 is the last day to throw in for the Gift-a-way - you can click HERE to post a comment and be entered.  Thanks for stopping by and for your terrific comments!!

Take care,

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Short Post

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you so much for the kind comments on the last post.  The coffee cake is super easy to make.  I  got that recipe posted up on Blacksheep Bakes - click HERE to go there.  Not much going on here - the weather shifted and it is coolness all over here in the city this morning.  You could feel the winds shifting yesterday afternoon.  We were sweating bullets and so decided a dip in the cement pound would be just the ticket..... so we trotted on down for a little while.  Even with the sun blazing down and the sky blue as a pale aquamarine - the air was dry and the wind was cool and delicious blowing off of Twin Peaks. 

On the stitching front I worked some on the Mystery Sampler - and I got the second part in the mail.  I had to frog some of it as the count is not the same all the way round with the border flowers.  It changes up here and there - I just need to be a bit more careful.... "count twice stitch once."

There you - a shorty post today.  Thanks for stopping by, do come again!!

take care,

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Arrives

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I do thank you for your kind comments about the finish yesterday.  As usual you are all too kind!!  Yesterday was a warm one here in SF - it got to an official 88 and today it is supposed to be a bit warmer.  With all the micro climates in the city I think it was only 88 down in the Mission and SOM (South of Market)- up on Red Rock - where we live if it was in upper 70's I would have been surprised.  We have been told that by Saturday it should be back to normal temps - the mid 60's with some nice fog - can't wait for that to happen.

I wanted to answer a couple of questions from yesterdays comments -  the linen I am using for the Mystery Sampler is the recommended WDW Confederate Grey - 35 ct.  Although it is more brown than grey it is a very pretty piece of linen - and - Mouse asked about "why no WIP" - I would guess that the reason is I am just lazy and was totally jonesing to start the new Mystery Sampler - you know how it goes sometimes.

Over the weekend we got to some estate Sales and Consignment Shops - and here is a snap of the haul.....

Working clockwise from l to r - I picked up a couple of books - "Q" by Luther Blissett and an early copy of "Goodbye Mr. Chips" by Jame Hilton - on the books are a couple of ornaments and a little St Patrick, in the back is a great pressed and etched "celery vase" - moving r... an older aluminum shaker, a "scissor frog", pin cushion and strawberry and little blown mercury glass miniature star for a small Christmas tree.

Thinking it is Christmas time my crazy Christmas Cactus is all a'bloom and looking really lovely.....

This is the second time since last fall this plant has popped out a bunch of flowers.

I also got around to baking up a tasty blackberry coffee cake
- since the berries are just beautiful this season....

I will get the recipe posted in the morning - it was very easy to make.

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to post a comment on yesterdays post if you want to enter the Gift-a-way.

Take care,

Monday, June 20, 2011

A Finish, a Start, an Exchange and a Gift-a-Way Drawing

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends - the post title tells all - this will be a stitchity post if there ever was one. Sometimes I find myself babbling along with not a bit a stitching.  It was because of cross stitching that I started this Blog and I really feel bad about not having more stitching stuff.  Oh well - it is what it is and I do what I can do - so enough of that - on to the post.....

First up, I wanted to post about a  finish I had on Friday evening.  I wasn't going to finish this piece so quickly but it was the one of the pieces I took on vacation with me and it was such a fun stitch.  Here is a snap..

of the top half - and here is another snap...

of the bottom half - and here is an overall snaperoo...

LHN Monthly Squares stitched as one sampler - 32ct PTP Earthen 
Recommended Floss (mostly)
1/18/11 - 6/17/11

If you remember I was doing these squares - one each month, but that fell to the wayside quickly as these squares work up fast and are fun to do!!  I threw in some decorative stitches here and there and changed colours where I thought they needed changing, but mostly I followed the charts as charted - sort of.

I couldn't let my hands fall still and lord knows I certainly couldn't dig out a WIP so I started up the "Mystery Sampler" and here is the small amount of stitching I have gotten done....

I am loving the colour choices on this piece!!

The "HOE Snowman Ornament" round piece made it to my partner, Lisa.  
Here is a snap of what I made for her...

For some reason I had the hardest time getting any kind of decent snap of this piece.  It is from the JCS 2008 Ornament Issue and is called "Let it Snow" by CCN.  I used mostly the called for floss - a cute piece, that I may have to stitch up for myself.

Now to the Gift-a-Way Drawing - The "LHN Monthly Charts" where a wonderful win from Ma Teakettle and I loved getting them and the stitching was super de duper - I think it only fair that I now pass on these lovelies to some other lucky person.  If you would like the set of six charts -  all you have to do is post a comment on this post only - and mention in that comment that you would like to be in the drawing - that's it - so simple.  I will mail them to the winner anywhere in the world, so if you can receive mail - you can enter - no fuss no muss (I wonder what muss is??)  I will get the Hag Claw to draw a winner from the BOD (Bowl of Destiny)over the weekend - the last day to enter will be this Friday 6/24. - I will announce the winner on Monday - 6/27.

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,

Friday, June 17, 2011

Florida Trip Eats

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I am so happy you have been enjoying the snaps of Florida.  If you ever get the chance to visit the Sunshine State there are lots of things to do outside of Central Florida and all the attractions there.  Don't get me wrong - I love me some Disney/Sea World/Universal but Florida is so much more than the man-made theme parks.  It is a sad fact but, often the readily available and naturally beautiful is overlooked for the more flashy and obvious things in life.

Today I wanted to mention some of the eats I enjoyed whilst visitng.

From reading this Blog you know that I am a big fan of the Diners.  One of my favorites is Waffle House!  You don't find them outside to the South much and there are none anywhere by me here in northern California.

They usually occur near highways and are great for fast and tasty breakfasts!!  The one pictured above is in Daytona Beach at International Drive and 95 and is as good as all the rest.  The one I ate at the most is the one in Ormond beach on US 1 and 95.  You get a great meal for very little!!  

Another place that exists in the South and when I was growing up and lived there you could only find in a Mall location is Chic-fil-a.  They are some here in California but none in the SF - 

You just can't beat a good chicken sandwich, Cole slaw and some waffle cut fries!!!  Tha's some good eating!!!

I also love some good Barbecue - and Dustin's fits the bill.  Along with very tasty pulled pork they have fried okra - and I do love okra - anyway it is fixed, but especially fried. They serve is with a side of ranch dressing (which I don't really care for).

We had Barbecue a few times while I was there and even went there for my mom's Birthday dinner - where I was the only one to order Barbecue pork - my mom, brother and nephew all ordered fried shrimp!!

There you go sports fans - a really nice trip south - it was hot, but nice!!!  Thanks again for stopping by and for you super comments!!

Have a great weekend!!

Take care,

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Florida - Side Trips Pt 2 - lots of snaperoos

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends here we go with Part 2 of my Florida Adventure.

In Daytona Beach is a gem of a Museum.  The collections are terrific and I usually try and get there each time I visit.  Click HERE for more info.


One of the side trips I took was sort of last minute.  I had just finished up breakfast and was sitting there....  thinking what to do, what to do...  I think I'll drive to St Augustine.  I hadn't been there is years and have always enjoyed visiting there immensely.  You can click HERE for a site that has some info, but is very commercial.   The drive is about an hour or so and it was another beautiful day.  I did take a bunch of snaps......

I think the main reason to go is to visit the Castillio de San Marcos - it is a wonderful historic site and you can climb and walk all over most of it!!

There are cool armaments to see....

There a great battlements to scamper around and imagine firing the canons - they actually fire one at 1:00pm which you can hear all over the city!!

Standing here daydreaming and looking out over the Bay towards the Atlantic ocean you can easily imagine Pirates ships coming in for attack.

Looking down from the battlements into the interior of the fort.

.....and just like other historic sites you have the costumed interpretation team.

These are the old city gates

I love the old houses and buildings the litter the historic district - they are now restaurants and small shops - some good some not so good and some just dreadful.  But, you get that anywhere that lots of out-of-towners gather with vacation bucks!!

I couldn't go to St Augustine and not visit the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Augustine.

an interior shot of the Basilica.

The High alter

A beautiful side alter to Our Lady.

A great old cemetery that is closed to the public... but look into the distance and you can make out the Castillio.  I love looking at older cemeteries they are just bursting with history and info!!

On the way home - I drove up taking US 1 - and going home I went across the Bridge of Lions and took A1A along the beach - a great drive, but not fast.  You can see the ocean most of the way and get some super breezes!!  I did stop one more time at the Light House in Anastasia State Park.  You can click HERE for more info.

The 1874 Brick Lighthouse

The 1876 brick Lighthouse keepers house - it is a really beautiful site!!

That about wraps it up for today sports fans.  Only one more day with a few more things 
- if you can take more of my trip!!  :)

Thanks for stopping by, do come again.

Take care,

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Some Stitchin' and Florida Side Trips Pt 1

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I thought I would start off the post today with some stitching stuff....

I took part in a couple of HOE Exchanges - one of them was the "Prairie School Seasonal Exchange."  With the stitchers stitching the partners choice of season. I stitched and Autumnal piece for Angela 
- here is a snap - 

- My stitching partner was Faye.  She stitched for me a wonderful needle book 
- and here are a couple of snaps - 

 This is the outside cover

and on the inside she included some size 28 needles (my favorites) and some lovely pins she made.  I love this special piece and it looks great in my stitching basket.

I also took part in the "Snowman" Ornament Round.  Today is the mailing day and mine goes out this morning, but my stitching partner Meari sent mine early - and here is a snap - 

How cute is he!!  I love the little snowflake embellishments!!  Thank you both for these lovelies!!  It is wonderful experiences getting and giving like these that keep me exchanging!!!!

Also on the stitching front is some recently acquired stash....

From l to r an older BBD Pattern and a "Florida" Tree chart I picked up in Florida... a cute Blacksheep Pyn Cushion chart, the "Bliss" sampler, an older Heartstring sampler and the Summer Mystery Sampler - as you can see all the "non" progress I have made on this piece.  I think I will wait until all three pieces come out before I start - I chose 35ct Confederate Grey for the linen - it is a really great colour.

Now on to Some Florida stuff - I think I will break up the FL posts over the next few days.  Today I wanted to talk about the trips within the trip - or - the side trips.  Starting off with a Birthday dinner for my mom down at our cousins house in Ponce Inlet.  They live right on the Halifax river, they boat a lot.  Here is a snap from their dock looking west towards the river - 

You step out of their house onto the pool deck and then down to this dock - it is really beautiful and breezy.  This is actually a man made inlet the feeds into the river in the distance.  Here is a snap of all of us taken by a neighbor - 

From l to r is...  my sister, PA (Gordon's wife), me, my mom, Gordon, Scotty (Howard's wife) and Howard - Gordon and Howard are brothers and 1st cousins once removed. You can see the great pool on the right and the sunset reflected in the window.  It was a great evening and super fun to get together!!  We drove home along A1A and the summer evening with the top down was just "delicious!!!"  (no other way to describe the early evening!!)

 Another side trip I went on was a visit to Ocala.  I moved from there to SF almost 18 years ago.  When I lived there I worked as a Curator at the Appleton Museum - on this trip I wanted to revisit and also stop off at a stitching shop.  Here are a couple of snaps...
This is Brick City CS - a great small shop between Silver Springs and Ocala.  It was well worth a visit as they where really nice and I needed a couple of things.

This is the Appleton Museum and if you are ever get close enough well worth a visit.  I stopped here for a few hours and met up with some people I worked with all those years ago - it was lots of fun!!  I then had a very late lunch and headed back to Daytona Beach.  It is very easy drive to get to Ocala  - it is a straight shot on SR 40 - and takes about an hour to get there.  On the way back I just had to take a snap of this in Barberville-

When I was driving over I almost wrecked the car when I saw this giant pink chicken - and knew I would have to stop and get a snap for the Blog!!

I think I'll wrap it up for today.  Stop back tomorrow for Part 2 of "Florida Side Trips."  Thanks for stopping by today - and for your super comments!!!

Take care,

A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...