Monday, June 20, 2011

A Finish, a Start, an Exchange and a Gift-a-Way Drawing

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends - the post title tells all - this will be a stitchity post if there ever was one. Sometimes I find myself babbling along with not a bit a stitching.  It was because of cross stitching that I started this Blog and I really feel bad about not having more stitching stuff.  Oh well - it is what it is and I do what I can do - so enough of that - on to the post.....

First up, I wanted to post about a  finish I had on Friday evening.  I wasn't going to finish this piece so quickly but it was the one of the pieces I took on vacation with me and it was such a fun stitch.  Here is a snap..

of the top half - and here is another snap...

of the bottom half - and here is an overall snaperoo...

LHN Monthly Squares stitched as one sampler - 32ct PTP Earthen 
Recommended Floss (mostly)
1/18/11 - 6/17/11

If you remember I was doing these squares - one each month, but that fell to the wayside quickly as these squares work up fast and are fun to do!!  I threw in some decorative stitches here and there and changed colours where I thought they needed changing, but mostly I followed the charts as charted - sort of.

I couldn't let my hands fall still and lord knows I certainly couldn't dig out a WIP so I started up the "Mystery Sampler" and here is the small amount of stitching I have gotten done....

I am loving the colour choices on this piece!!

The "HOE Snowman Ornament" round piece made it to my partner, Lisa.  
Here is a snap of what I made for her...

For some reason I had the hardest time getting any kind of decent snap of this piece.  It is from the JCS 2008 Ornament Issue and is called "Let it Snow" by CCN.  I used mostly the called for floss - a cute piece, that I may have to stitch up for myself.

Now to the Gift-a-Way Drawing - The "LHN Monthly Charts" where a wonderful win from Ma Teakettle and I loved getting them and the stitching was super de duper - I think it only fair that I now pass on these lovelies to some other lucky person.  If you would like the set of six charts -  all you have to do is post a comment on this post only - and mention in that comment that you would like to be in the drawing - that's it - so simple.  I will mail them to the winner anywhere in the world, so if you can receive mail - you can enter - no fuss no muss (I wonder what muss is??)  I will get the Hag Claw to draw a winner from the BOD (Bowl of Destiny)over the weekend - the last day to enter will be this Friday 6/24. - I will announce the winner on Monday - 6/27.

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,


  1. The calender squares look fabulous - I would love the chance to win the charts please :D I love LHN and CCN too

    Lucie xxx

  2. Congrats on your early (?) finish! :D

    I lol'ed at that "certainly couldn't dig out a wip"! Love it! :D :D :D

    Also, nice exchange and great start.

    Oh, P.S. please leave me out of this drawing as I just had another win recently!

  3. Edgar, the monthly sqyares look great! I'm just a sucker for anything in a series or seasonal! I'd love to be entered in your drawing. Your ornament is beautiful too. Very nice exchange.

    Your new start is so nice. I've put off getting this series (somehow!)I'm waiting for the finish t see if I want to get it. "Certainly couldn't dig out a WIP" LOL! Hugs, Nancy D.

  4. The squares look great. I'd love to be in the giveaway to get the patterns. Never actually stitched anything from LHN yet.

  5. I am bypassing the BOD! Your finish looks great and I love your comment on your WIP's!! I'm feeling the same way right now and and will go stash-diving here later on!

  6. Your stitchery looks so cute
    Obviously, I'd love the chance to win the charts they're cutie patoties, thank you for sharing

  7. Edgar I love the ornament you stitched for your exchange. What a beautiful finish. I would love to be entered in your giveaway. I love LHN. Thanks for the chance. Pat

  8. I would love to win the calender squares...please enter me!


  9. LHN Months are fabulous, congratulations!
    Oh you have started the Mystery, yes it is wonderful to stitch and will get on with mine now lol.

    P.S. don't include me in the drawing, I have far to many UFO'S:))

  10. Love your little calendar squares.
    I would love a chance to win your LHN package of patterns.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  11. Oh wow! that LHN monthlies came out so beautifully! I love it! Love your mystery sampler too! And the exchange is so cute! I would love a chance to win those charts. I've gotten to love LHN recently and your sampler is just fantastic!

  12. What a fab finish Edgar...well done xx I would love to be entered into your drawing please...{{Hugs}} Elisa xx

  13. Congratulations on your finish! It looks great all on one pice of fabric.

    Nice start on the Mystery Sampler. I need to get going on mine.

  14. Edgar
    The finish is fabulous...can't wait to see it framed...any thoughts on this yet? I would love to win the charts and pass them along when I'm finished:+)
    Busy Hands...Happy Heart

  15. What a wonderful finish Edgar. It is such a lovely piece.
    I would love to win those charts. Please add my name to the famous/infamous bowl. LOL

  16. Your calendar squares look fabulous. Love it.
    So does your Birds of a Feather sampler. Stitching that one too and loving it.
    Love also your ornament. It's perfectly stitched and finished.
    Please leave me out of the draw. As much as I like these cute patterns, I have so many things here already kitted up that I better stitch first.

  17. Your finish is beautiful - I would so love to win these charts - I love LHN !!!!Thank you for being so generous !!!!

  18. The calender is just lovely. I have that ornament on my stitchy list too. I would love to be included in your drawing please.

  19. I love your LHN piece done all togeather. I did mine seperately. Nice exchange piece.

  20. Your monthly squares are really nice - hadn't seen this one before! Please enter me in your drawing - I love both LHN and CCN. Thank you!

  21. I would love to be entered in your drawing. Thank you for the chance.
    Amy from OK

  22. Edgar, great finishes! The monthly pieces turned out great! I'd love to be in your drawing for those.

    I really like the snowman ornament as well. I've been thinking about the mystery sampler...

    Because who doesn't need another new chart?? ha!

  23. The calendar looks lovely!So generous of you to giveaway the charts! I would love to enter the drawing!AriadnefromGreece

  24. Hello Edgar,
    now i get up the nerve to write a comment. :-)
    Your Calender squares look great, you did a fantastic stiching job as allways.
    I would love the chance to win.

  25. Great finish! I would like to be included in your drawing...thank you!

  26. I love how you did all the months on a single piece of fabric. I'd love the chance to do one-a-month. I have a lot of x-stitch displayed in my office and it would be great to change out the months. Your blog is fun to read Edgar - stitching or not stitching. Keep up the good work.

    Linda B

  27. Love the calendar squares and I'd love to win them to stitch them too!

  28. What a unique piece! The colors are lovely - 'you done good!'
    Please enter me in this very nice giveaway.
    Glad you had such a fun trip!

  29. I would love to be included in your giveaway - - - the calendar squares that you completed look fabulous (and tons of fun to stitch)!! Thanks for sharing.


  30. Congrats on your finish!!! Thanks for the chance to stitch these up!

  31. I would love the chance to win the charts. Heaven forbid I should pull out a WIP instead of beginning something new! :) lol Hope (

  32. Love your blog and would love to win the charts please.

    Karen :)

  33. Oh wow that is a stunning finish. I never thought it would look like that all together. It is great. I would love to be in with a chance to win the charts. x

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Great finish Edgar! And I love your new start. I'm itching to stitch it but am trying to stay on track. lol

    Cute exchange as well!

    No entry for me...

  36. What a beautiful finish Edgar! Can't wait to see it framed. I would love the chance to win these charts although I probably wouldn't get it stitched up as fast as you did.

    By the way...I love the way you call it a "gift-a-way" instead of giveaway.

  37. What a lovely stitchy post! Please enter me into the draw for the charts

  38. Thanks so much for the chance to win these charts Edgar! PLEASE enter my name in the drawing.

  39. The calendar square sampler is perfect. I would love the chance to win the patterns. I also have a question, what color fabric are you using for the Mystery Sampler? I ordered a kit with the Weeks floss, and it came with the called for Confederate Grapy fabric, and I am just not sure if I like the way it looks. But I do like your picture.

    Many thanks and happy stitching,


  40. Hi Edgar, I just found your wonderful blog and so enjoyed looking and visiting. Your blog header is a stitcher's dream! Blessings,Kathleen

  41. I have been trying to be less acquisitive [I've bought only 4 new charts so far this year] but you put temptation before me ... temptation I find difficult to resist. I'd like to be entered in your gift-away.

  42. I'd love to win the charts and stitch this as a big one just like you did. It's a beautiful addition to any home.

    Please enter my name in the Bowl of Destiny.

  43. Love the ornament you stitched for Lisa.

  44. What a great finish! I would love the change to win the charts so please enter my name in the drawing.

  45. Hi Edgar, what a gorgeus piece you have done! I love both LHN & CCN designs and would love to be entered!

  46. Oh, please include me! I love the way you made a sampler out of the squares, though popping them in and out of a single frame is appealing, too... Guess I'll have to win before I decide, lol.

  47. Wonderful finish and great start on the Mystery Sampler. I don't have much more than that done myself but like you, I sure do love the colors.

    No need to include me in the draw this time. Thanks!

  48. Lovely finishes.
    Please enter me for the draw ,

  49. Your stitching is just wonderful. I would love a chance to win the charts!

    Kris S

  50. Great finish and so quick,love your fabbie choice,would love to be entered to get a chance to win those lovely charts

  51. Oohhhh I would love those monthly designs! I especially like how you did them as one piece! ThAnks for offering them!

  52. HI Edgar :) ohhh they look fab done on one piece.... would love the chance to win these as I am an ardent fan of LHN and haven't got these ones :)... love the couldn't dig out a WIP dare I ask why not ???? and love that mystery sampler ... that's calling to me too :) take care and happy stitching :) love mouse xxxx

  53. What a great stitching post! The LHN calender squares are great. Love the start on the mystery sampler, lovely colours. I considered doing this one myself, but I have more than enough to keep me going without buying more,and anyway I have just ordered some stash - BBD's Honeysuckle Manor and Summer Iris. Anyhow, I look forward to seeing your sampler grow. Cute ornament too.

  54. Im working on the mystery sampler also, but after seeing your monthly squares i need a bit more color and fun!Pleae enter me in your drawing. Thank You, Beth N. (

  55. Edgar, please drop my name in the Bowl of Destiny. I love your finish, start and exchange!! Also love your blog.


  56. Hi Edgar, your Calendar sampler looks terrific. :)
    I would love to be entered in the draw for your giveaway! thanks, Sandy.

  57. Please enter me in your drawing. I have your site on my favorites and check it every 2-3 days to see what is new in your part of the world. Your stitching is amazing. I love the staircase wall. Thank you for the chance.

    Paula W

  58. Your stitching is always gorgeous and these are no exception. Can't wait to see more of the Mystery. Please enter me in your drawing as well. Thanks!

  59. What a beautiful creation! You're so talented! :) I'd love to be included in the draw! Thanks so much!

  60. Your stitching finish is awesome, as usual! Please enter me in the drawing :)

  61. Hi Edgar - I'm a "stalker" who reads your blog regularly with great enjoyment. It's nice to see all the months done on one piece - it's a very nice way to present them. I would like to be entered in your drawing so I can do the same! Thanks for your generosity.

  62. Congrats on the finish! The squares look great together! Love the changes you had made.

    Love that snowman too!


  63. Edgar,
    Your stitching is beautiful! I would love to enter in your drawing as it seems LHN is all I stitch these days. I enjoyed seeing them stitched all together. Again beautiful…

  64. Your LHN Monthly Squares really turned out nice! I would like a chance to win the charts.

  65. Love your LHN Monthly sampler! Beautiful! Would love to win the charts so I could stitch it too.

  66. You do beautiful work. Thanks for having the drawing!

  67. You do beautiful work. Thanks for having the drawing!

  68. I love this piece- it is so pretty!Please include me in the gieveaway- thanks!

  69. oh man, I kind of overlooked these charts because I didn't think they were anything spectacular...but your finish is AMAZING!! Please enter me in your drawing! <3


  70. You know - I have the charts for that SAL (not started), and I saw loads of completed pieces on line - but none prettier than yours - great color choices and nice additions.

    I would like to enter your giveaway - another generous one, as usual!

    Thank you,

    Mary in MN

  71. Great looking stitching as always. I would love a chance to win the big pot!

  72. Hey Edgar
    Even your non stitchy blog days are great to read - thankyou ....
    I'd love to be tossed in to your 'BOD' for the weekend and I'd also love to have a run at 'MUSS' - Mostly Useless (ummmm) 'Scrappy' Stuff :)
    (maybe not)
    Liz x

  73. Your monthly squares calendar looks fabulous, great new start too

  74. A beautiful finish on your Calender Squares. Good luck with your new start.

    Please count me in for a chance to sew your charts,

    'Till next time.

  75. Hi Edgar,great job on the squares.

    Can you please count me in for the draw.
    Thanks Julie.

  76. Congrats on your stitching finishes! The LHN squares look great :)

    I would love to be entered for a chance to win them!

  77. What a great finish, Edgar--they all look great stitched on one giant piece of fabric... And I'm loving seeing your Mystery Sampler appear :)

    I've been very lucky with giveaways lately, so I'll pass, but how generous of you to pass along the charts to another lucky stitcher!

  78. Please add my name into the BOD... I would LOVE to be able to win these!!!!!
    Thank you for sharing them with us!

  79. Edgar- Love your stitching. I love watching people stitch the mystery sampler, anxious to see what it will look like in the end.
    I would love a chance to win the LHN charts.
    Thanks ;)

  80. Grats on the finish Edgar! I'm not good at doing one of anything a month, so I would probably have your problem, lol. Like your BoaF Sampler start. I'm loving the colors in it! BTW, thanks for replying to my email. I'll be passing your suggestions along (and the links too) to my mother! Hope you're having a good week!

  81. Those LHN patterns make a great sampler! Beautiful finish, Edgar.

    Please enter me in the drawing for the patterns... :) Thanks!

  82. Just found your blog through Lisa's and am loving it :)
    The calendar looks awesome. A lovely idea to combine the months into a single sampler
    Please please include me in the draw. Would love to win the LHN patterns

  83. I love the way your sampler turned out! I'd love to be entered in your giveaway. The charts would be perfect to decorate the year-round ornament tree I have just started.

  84. Congrats on a fabulous finish, Edgar! I just love how you turned the monthlies into a sampler!

    I would love a chance to win the charts! Gotta love LHN charts!

    Also, that is a lovely exchange piece!

  85. I would love a chance to win the monthly charts. Your finish of them is super cute. I really enjoy visiting your blog Edgar:)

  86. Edgar, how generous of you!!! and your sampler looks FANTASTIC! i'm in FL this week on vacation and it's sweltering here! temps in the upper 90's and HIGH HUmidity! I love the ocean breeze, but geez the mugginess is awful!
    HOpe I win!!!

  87. Hi Edgar, Awesome stitching as always. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

  88. I always check back at your blog at just the right time! ;) I have been so bad about blog-reading and posting lately. Your finish is gorgeous! And never mind about you not always posting about stitching- your posts are always interesting even if they are about life in general! If people don't like it they don't have to read! :) That being said, please enter me in the giveaway. Thank you so much!

  89. Love your finish of the LHN Squares and please enter me!!
    Thanks :)

  90. I would love to enter your very generous giveaway please Edgar. I have just finished my first LHN design and would make these as individual ornaments to hang on my new Christmas tree this year - thank you :)

  91. Beautiful finish on the LHN monthly squares! Please enter me in the drawing.

    Why dig out a WIP when you can start something new--that's my motto, too.

  92. I LOVE your monthly squares piece!!! Your stitching is superb as always! If I had them I would do them the same way, all on one piece.
    I would love to be entered in your drawing ;)

    Thank You so much again for the "Let It Snow" ornament!! I LOVE it!

  93. Thanks for being a stitching inspiration for the past four years. I admired the LHN squares and am thrilled that you are offering the drawing. Your sports fans comment is still funny.

    Judy in Kalamazoo

  94. Congratulations on your fabulous finish! And I love your new start, I've just started that one too. Aren't the colors (especially the red) luscious!?

  95. Congratulations on your fabulous finish! And I love your new start, I've just started that one too. Aren't the colors (especially the red) luscious!?

  96. The monthlies look fantastic and I'd love the chance to stitch them.

  97. Edgar, I can't keep up with your posts! What a lovely problem to have. Your finish is fabulous and I'd love to be in on the drawing! Your mystery is looking very lovely as well.

  98. Your finish is just beautiful!!!!! I would love to have a chance to win the charts.


  99. Your monthly squares are great. Please throw my name into the BOD!

  100. I LOVE your calendar square sampler!

    Which also means that I would love to be in the draw too. :)

  101. I would love to win the calendar square charts! You did such a wonderful job with them.

  102. What a beautiful finish! I'd love a chance to stitch it too. I will PIF them if I win. Thanks!


  103. Congrats on your finish, Edgar. It looks great!

    I'd like to be included in your drawing. :)

  104. Oh! P.S. Your snowman ornament is just darlin!

  105. Your sampler turned out beautifully! Thanks for the chance to win!

  106. Edgar, what a stupendously lovely finish you have there with the LHN Monthlies :)
    LOVE IT!!!
    And your new start...GORGEOUS!
    I have both of these patterns and goodies all ready to go...if I just had the stitching time! Love and hugs dear friend :)

  107. I love your finish!!!

    I would love an opportunity to win those charts.

    Oh, and the ornie is adorable! I like the whimsy of the tree next to the snowman.

  108. Edgar,
    What a wonderful giftaway!! Would love to enter!! Your finished piece is gorgeous!!!
    Thank you!!!
    Ellen S

  109. Lovely stitching as always. I like the calendar on the one piece of fabric. I would like to do that too - please enter me in the drawing.

    Thanks for the snaps of Florida enjoyed your trip.

  110. Congratulations on the beautiful finish!! They are gorgeous charts; I'd love to just stitch the squirrel (my weakness) and then pass them on!! =D

  111. Hi Edgar, I would love to be in the drawing please. I love to read about your stitching and your yard sale attendance.

  112. Love your blog. Please add me to your gift away. Thanks

  113. I look forward to your blog EVERY weekday. Thank you for offering this giveaway.

  114. I would love to win. Your stitching looks so beautiful!!
    I love LHN !!

  115. I would love a chance to win. Your stitching is so beautiful!!!

  116. What beautiful stitching on the LHN monthly squares! I love them and would love a chance to enter your giveaway! You are so generous! I look forward to seeing how you frame them! Thanks so much!

  117. Your monthly squares are just great! I would like to enter the drawing :)

  118. Edgar,
    I would love the chance to win these charts.
    Your work is aways so beautiful.

    Sandra from MN

  119. Your monthly sampler looks great. Would love to stitch this.


  120. Edgar Dear Man: Your finishes are lovely, stitching is so relaxing I am sure you did lots of relaxing on your getaway.
    Please include me in your givaway.

  121. Your finish is lovely, Edgar. I'd love a chance to win those charts.

  122. Oh those squares look amazing!
    Please count me in for the drawing.

  123. How did I miss this! LHN charts always stitch up so pretty, and I would love the chance to have my name drawn out of the Bowl of Destiny! Thanks Edgar, and have a fantastic weekend.

  124. The calendar piece looks terrific! I'd love a chance to win. Your mystery sampler looks like it will be lovely. Have a great week.

  125. I would love to be entered. what fun your blog is...I enjoy reading it very much! Dianntha

  126. Your Little House finish is beautiful. Love the fabric you did it on, it looks great!

    I would appreciate a chance to win your gift-a-way and thanks for being so generous!!

  127. I'll throw my name, though with 120+ comments there's not a chance in hell, lol.

  128. Edgar, love the LHN monthly squares. Please add my name to the drawing.


  129. Love all of the pics of your vacation and all of your stitching. I'd love to receive the charts. Thanks for a great blog.
    Phyllis D

  130. I'm sorry I missed your draw but I had to congratulate you on a wonderful finish. PTP Earthen is one of my favourite fabrics and the monthly squares look fabulous on it!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...