Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Farmers Market

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends the weather has turned and gotten lovely and cold - as it (the fog) blew in over Twin Peaks and the cool breezes filled the city - I was once again refreshed and chilly.  Walking over to the Farmers Market yesterday at lunchtime -  I have to cross Market Street at 8th and when I turned and looked West towards the incoming fog I thought it might be nice to show you what I saw...

The fog bank had covered all of the Upper Castro and under that fog are lots of houses and above them are the Peaks themselves.  The fog continued to cover and darken the city all afternoon.  By the evening the city was shrouded in this great grey mist.  I even had to close the sliding doors and crank the heat on to take the chill off the room - I love summer in this City!!!

I took a few other snaps at the market - as there were the great summer fruits, vegetables and flowers.....

there were these lovely sunflowers...

and huge piles of stone fruit........

and what I think these were the last of the asparagus until next spring.  I was also told that the cherries where waining and that they would only be around for a couple more weeks -so of course I bought a big bag of them.  It was nice to get back to this larger market.

I finished up this book.....

I really enjoyed it and had no idea the back story behind this great winery.  HERE is a site to buy their wines.  They produce some really terrific prize winning - full reds and do love me a good big red wine!!

There you go sports fans - remember that this Friday, 6/24 is the last day to throw in for the Gift-a-way - you can click HERE to post a comment and be entered.  Thanks for stopping by and for your terrific comments!!

Take care,


  1. Thanks for the lovely pics :) Brings back brilliant memories of a wonderful 4 days we holidayed in San Francisco back in 2008. Would love to come back to your wonderful city again - so much to do and see and the people are just wonderful. Such an eclectic mix of all nations. Can you tell I loved being there :D L x

  2. Hi Edgar,

    I love your fog photo. When we visited a couple of years ago I didn't really pack cool weather clothes(yeah...duh!)We were on the way to Hawaii and stayed in SF for a few days at either end. I bought a jacket! They must sell tons of those jackets to unsuspecting tourists!Actually it's quite nice, water proof on one side and fleece on the other-reversable and worth it! But an odd "souvenir!" Hugs, Nancy D.

  3. What?! Thanks for the tip. I am going to buy asparagus and cherries at the farmers' market here on Sunday. I don't want to miss out! :)

  4. Well you're just plain weird Edgar. You LIKE cold summers. I can't seem to get enough of the heat. Of course, I grew up in Minnesota so I spent my first 48 years frozen solid! Your market pictures are lovely. Our daily market is just down the street from me and even if I need nothing, I go to feast my eyes and nose. And I'm always seduced into buying something. Right now, it's cherries!

  5. Oh I envy you your SF summers. lol! I love seeing pics of SF so much! Great stuff!

  6. Hi Edgar! I had to ask... When I was last in SF about 25 years ago, the buses and streetcars were sporting the 'new' orange and white colors. Lately, I have seen in your photos they are back to the 'old' green-y colorings... Interesting! Keep posting about the place where I grew up--it is fun to see! Hugs.

  7. Wonderful pictures and makes me wish that I could pay a visit. The only time I came near to visiting there was when that huge earthquake hit. I was driving up the coast but still a distance away (thank goodness) so I've never visited your beautiful city.

  8. The farmer's market looks wonderful. Glad you are having cooler temps. I wish we were, but it's been hot lately!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...