Friday, June 24, 2011

A Most Delicious Lunch

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I didn't want the week to wrap up without posting.  I did want to remind everyone about the Drawing Gift-a-way that will close today around 2:30pm (that's when I shut up shop, run an end of day and skedaddle on out the door).  You will need to leave a comment on this posting (HERE) to get your name entered - I will announce the winner on Monday.

So, today I thought I would talk a little about myself (like I don't everyday) and how much a creature of habit I am.  I seem to do the same things repetitively day in and day out - I love routine - I think it settles the whirlwind that is often my brain. I love the everyday, the known factor - my motto - "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!"  That little statement can apply to most everything in life.  In the morning on the way to work - Tuesday through Friday we stop at the same little donut shop on 24th Street - I will get either and chocolate glazed, plain glazed or coconut donut - Rico always and I mean always gets a plain cake donut - on Mondays I will take a slice of whatever I have baked on Sunday.  

This is leading some where so if you've gotten this far you might as well hang on for the rest.  

I was thinking about this yesterday on my way to pick up something for lunch.  My all time favorite sandwich is a BLT - and I have found a place that makes a pretty terrific one - AK Subs on Harrison and 8th.  I have started to pick them up pretty frequently - so frequently that the girl behind the counter just says - hey edgar, the same.....  I nod my head and in a few minuets I get a toasty, BLT on sourdough with onion (gotta have onion).  I also pick up some vinegar and sea salt chips......

.....along with my yogurt and Babybel cheese and my purple Gatorade (it has to be purple) and you are looking at a lunch I probably have 3 or more times a week.  Even if the centerpiece changes to soup or even leftovers I will always have a yogurt, Babybel and purple Gatorade.  Is that just a little but nuts or what!!!  I am like that at home - everything put away in the same place, the same routine day in and day out - and I embrace my routine and wonder "I can't be the only one that likes "sameness."

I put about 3 stitches into the Mystery Sampler - so I have no progress snap.

Well, I think that about wraps up today and the week sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by and putting up with my little binges into crazy.  Have a wonderful weekend, do come again - if you can stand it!!

Take care,


  1. Nope, you're not the only one. Sameness and routine are the comforts in my life too.

  2. Here, here for 'sameness'! I like routine and live my life that way. Not so with my stitching!

  3. I am somewhat of a routine girl but not quite as much as you are. BUT, I LOVE a BLT! I mean, one of my favorite things, too! I can't wait for my tomatoes to come in so I can make them myself. 3 times a week though and my cardiologist would have an absolute fit. YUM! Guess what I want for lunch???

  4. Oh, that is so funny. I love an ordinay, routine life. Back when I was in sixth grade my mom started telling me I lived like an old man HAHA - set in my ways. I'm 49 now. One of my major "things" is that I want to stay at the house. Of course, this means I have to get into my car and go everyday!! On the rare occasion I do get to stay home, I don't even go outside to get the mail :)


  5. You're too funny, no shame in liking things the way you like 'em, thx for the giggle. How weird your weather has cooled down, was similar for you last summer as I recall, no sense to it at all. Have a blissful weekend...

  6. Edgar --
    I'm exactly the same way. I love my routine and get don't like it to change (ask my husband!))

    BLT sounds great for lunch too:))

    Have a great weekend

  7. I envy you your "routine" ... I work different hours each day of the week and that blows any chance for a routine existence. I love a good BLT too, but Edgar, three times a week !!! My cardiologist would hang me by my toes until I vowed never to touch bacon again!

  8. What is gatorade? Never heard about it. Not sure if I would want to eat something
    I'm a tad different I think. I like my routine...and then I throw it all overboard and find a new one. I do that with everything. I change the ways I do things every now and then. No clue why, but at once the way I did things doesn't work for me anymore and a new way does.

  9. You're definitely not alone. My phone, keys,and bag go in the same place. I go to the diner...BLT! (Though last time I got fancy and ordered an egg salad BLT and it was yummy!) And at Dunkin D- a plain cake donut (hi Rico!). At favorite restaurants, I read the menu and specials closely, then order the same thing I always get! My DH on the other hand, nothing in the same place twice. Go figure!Have a fun weekend- hope you do your "routine" estate sales! NancyD.

  10. Oh I'm definitely a creature of habit! Always tend to order the same thing at restaurants, always have the same thing for breakfast and lunch, etc. You're making me hungry. Your lunch looks sooooooo good!!!!!! I want some. lol!

  11. Tell Rico - he's not alone. When I go to the donut shop, I order a plain donut too! That to me is a donut - the other stuff is cake disguised as a donut.
    Your BLT sounds yummy. Me - I'm a Reuben fan!!1

  12. I just love a good BLT! Why do I consider one of those sandwiches comfort food? Never tried it with onion. I will have to do that next time!

    I'm a routine type of girl too and always go for the same things over and over again.

  13. I love routine, there is a soothing comfort to knowing whats happening next.

    I love the look of your BLT, I think I shall have one for lunch tomorrow :D

  14. Hi Edgar,exactly like you I eat every day a yogurt and a babybel piece but I don't know the Gatorade: please, what is it : we don't have that in France and of course I am really curious about it :-))
    Have a great day,

  15. I'm a creature of habit too! If we go to a restaurant - I order the same meal I had last time - depending on the restaurant. If I buy a sandwich it's always the same one - prawns in mayonnaise. I only drink Coca Cola and coffee at home - if I go out it's sparkling water!
    Have a good weekend Edgar and Rico.

  16. I also like routine but never that awful purple Gatorade!!!!!!!

    Mary in TN

  17. I oooove vinegar and sea salt chips - yum!

  18. lol Purple gatorade IS the best one. WEll...plain or orange are okay too. And I pretty much avoid it these days. :/. But if we're getting one I'm getting purple! I'm always "searching" for the perfect routine--I figure if I can find the perfect items and tweak them into the perfect arrangement nothing will ever be wrong in my world again! :D

    BLT...I don't think I like bacon enough for them to be a favorite. They either have almost no bacon on them (what's the point?) or are overloaded for my liking! lol!

    I am a fan of the open-face tuna melt! Marc's been wooing me to Reuben fan-dom lately though. Oh, also, eggs Benedict (also like 'em with spinach!)

    I'll get that "instead" of a sandwich often at diners.

    Oh, I did remember my habit--NO MATTER WHAT I want your coleslaw and pickle. Even if have my own. And no matter what my own plate is--lol!

  19. You're not alone Edgar, I love routine and "sameness" too. When I try new things I'm often disappointed but it doesn't put me off trying sometimes - then I go straight back to the same old same old!

  20. I am so with you! Whenever my world goes topsy turvey all I do is crave a quiet routine. Your lunch looks delish!

  21. I think having some sort of routine is the only way to go. Otherwise I feel kind of adrift. I used to listen to the light classics music channel on Comcast every Sunday morning. Then I changed to u-verse that had horrible music channels. I couldn't get my act together on Sundays for love or money. Then u-verse switched to the Music Choice channels and now all is right in my Sunday world. By the way that BLT looks great and I'll have to try some onion on my next one! Happy Weekend!

  22. I am the same way - But since I have 4 children I have learned to cope with the less than routine ;)

  23. BLT is my fav sandwich too...yummy...and yes I am also a creature of habit. I love reading your blog and your postings make me smile and sometimes chuckle!! Have a wonderful weekend xx

  24. It's 6:30 a.m. here and you have made me so hungry for that sandwich! Looks so good!


  25. I say I don't like donuts but if I am forced, I always BUT ALWAYS have a plain cake donut. Yum. My great aunt used to make them. Heaven. The dude has the exact same lunch every day (I make it). And we used to have a sushi joint in LA that knew our dinner order. So I hear you! (But I need to eat something different for every meal.)

  26. I completely understand your routine sameness, and I can one up you. I eat out about twice a week, and the rest of the time I cook dinner for myself. I eat the same thing every time I cook (unless I have company). Taco baked potato. My friend and her boyfriend tried it, and he took one bite and said, "I feel an obsession coming on," lol. It was quite funny. So don't feel bad that you have the same lunch often. You're not the only one!

  27. I would give my eye teeth for your sameness routine right now Edgar. Busy over the top with end of school(projects & exams) but had to pop by for a bit of sanity and you knew exactly what to say/post...soon I hope!!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. P.S. Try Sweet n' Hot mustard with your fried ocra. Kroger grocery store makes a nice knock-off of French's brand.

  30. Removed and edited post to correct my glaring spelling errors. So now my "P.S." is in the wrong order.

    Haven't visited many blogs lately...which really messes with my routine! I am also a creature of habit to the extreme! It must be a gymnastics thing....all those Compulsory Routines and scores running around in my head. I am comforted by sameness and order.

  31. I also am a creature of habit!!! Love my daily routines!! See you are not the only "one"!!!!
    Have a great sameness day!!


  32. I'm the same way, I like my routine! (I like purple gatorade too!)

  33. As always, I am a walking contradiction! I adore sameness; it helps keep me productive... you should see me when I get 'out of order' with my routine... I flounder around like a crazy person. On the other hand, I am often and often willing to chuck the routine to change up my life a little. Drop everything to volunteer? Be right there. Go on a little trip? Let me pack. Clean the house on Thursday instead of Tuesday? Why not?

  34. That BLT sandwich looks great! I'd have to pass on the rest, though. LOL

    I think a lot of us has our "rituals/routines" we like to do every day. So, you're not abnormal ;-)


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...