Thursday, June 30, 2011

Up and Running Again

Gentle readers and Dear Friends sorry for the blip in posting.  That little note I posted yesterday took about 45 mins to post - and I knew something was wrong.  I usually think it is me as computin' gadgets tend to not like me and will malfunction in a New York minute when I'm around.  I was gratified that others where experiencing problems and that it wasn't just me.  Not that I was going to post anything earth shattering, but I do enjoy posting something a little more interesting than - " It don't work and I can't fix it."

The rains came on Tuesday and boy was it wet - like for the whole day - we had the second wettest July 28th on record.  I took a snap of the wet that sort of says "hey, it's raining, but we can sure use every drop." -

I pass this great old building everyday.  I love the way the flowered vine is so lush with the red flowers popping out all over.  The rain made it just glisten and washed the buildings of the accumulate dust and dirt.  That is one thing with SF - during the summer and fall this city gets mighty dusty, and dirty.  So the first rains of winter usually wash that all off and the city kind of gleams with a freshness that is very nice.  An odd little tidbit about this picture - the reflected roof you can see in the window on the right usually hosts naked tribal dancers.  You never know when they will break into dance and song, but most days you can see a handful of them gyrating to loud music in the all together and you get a real eye full!! Gotta love the city!!

I have also been stitching away on the Mystery sampler - it is a really great little piece with just enough colour changes to keep it interesting....  here is a snap.....

 I hope have the borders completed and get a start on Part II over the long weekend.

Last night was "A Tribute to Scotland" on TCM and they showed a favorite flicker on mine - "Brigadoon" 1954 - starring Gene Kelly, Cyd Charisse and Van Johnson.  A wonderful film made entirely on the sound stages of MGM, expertly directed by Vincent Minnelli.  This film is a top notch musical and wonderfully done - it is such a pleasure to see Cyd Charisse dancing and paired with Gene Kelly - its magic!!  Here is short clip from a number from the film - The Heather on the Hill -

Another film the Cyd is in that is often over looked is "It's Always Fair Weather" - 1955 - again her co-star is Gene Kelly.  Cyd does a great dance routine in a boxing gym with boxers and looks and dances terrifically!!!

Both films are winners and I would highly recommend them.

There you go sports fans.  I do thank you all for the kind comments and help with the "problem" yesterday!  Do stop by again.

Take care,


  1. I love Brigadoon as well ... but my only copy is on VHS which I can no longer use ... our TV with videoplayer finally died two weeks ago, to be replaced by a HD flat screen ... we've decided to try and replace our favorite VHS tapes with DVDs or BluRay now that we have finally entered the 21st century along with the rest of the world. I have been seeing a lot of that Mystery Sampler around the blogs ... very pretty, wonderful colors.I wish you lots of joy in the stitching of it.

  2. Love your progress on the Mystery Sampler. I can't wait for mine to arrive (I was late ordering it). No worries through - I am finishing up a BBD piece for my July sampler guild challenge - hope to post pic soon. And really no worries - it's not like I don't have more wip than I can count to work on in the meantime.

    Love your pictures. As I have not ventured that far west I am really liking the opportunity to see your city the last year or so through your blog! I hope the weather her in Michigan continues to be nice and mild at night, slightly warm and bright sunshine in the day!!

    Enjoy your holiday weekend, Edgar!!

  3. You are coming right along on the Mystery Sampler. I'm a little behind ya but it is a fun piece to stitch on. Have a terrific 4th if I don't pop in again before then!!

  4. I love Gene Kelly! Mystery Sampler is very nice, and coming along quickly!

  5. Cyd Charisse! Oh, to have legs like that!

    Your Mystery Sampler looks great! :)

  6. Great progress on the Mystery Sampler. I will enjoy watching it come to life!

    I love reading about the classic movies that you watch. I love old movies too...I hope to watch a few over my summer break. Keep up the great reviews!

  7. Brigadoon is one of my favs. And I also performed it in college so it has a second reason to be a fav. I love to watch it by myself so I can sing along and not bother anyone. LOL

    Love the colors in your mystery sampler. So pretty.

  8. Glad you were able to post today. Love the mystery sampler -- so pretty! Brigadoon is definitely one of my favorites. I love Gene Kelly!

  9. Maybe the vine is so lush because of the naked dancers. If talking to your plants is good, just think what naked dancing could do for them!

  10. That vine is beautiful! Did not know that SF got dry and dusty in the summer...guess I thought you got rain all year. Great progress on the Mystery Sampler. Mine is started but I have put it aside to work on other projects for now! Enjoy your holiday weekend!

  11. Nice progress on the Mystery Sampler. The colors are beautiful.
    Naked tribal dancers??!!! And people say only in New York! LOL

    Hugs, Nancy D.

  12. Very nice start on your mystery sampler Edgar - it's looking great. I'm glad you enjoyed Brigadoon - it's one of my favorites (of course it could be related to the song Bonnie Jean..LOL). I just love Van Johnson in this film and his sarcastic dry humor. It's such a shame they couldn't film it on location like they wanted to but there were budget constraints. Maybe I'll watch it again this weekend - have a great July 4th!

  13. Pretty WIP and lovely picture of the building. That flowering vine is indeed gorgeous!

    Ah, Gene Kelly! A great dancer!!

  14. Hey Edgar, did a bit of catching up with your blog. Love the shot of Florida and yes we have Waffle House and Chik A Fil here in Georgia. Also have some good barbeque. Love your 12 'calendar' days stitched piece - just perfect. Looking forward to seeing the mystery piece progress.


  15. I love musicals and will definitely put both of those on my list! Thanks for the tips Edgar. Love the flowers growing on that building. They're gorgeous, and so big!!! Wow, amazing! Glad your computer is no longer acting up. I don't think I even logged on to blogspot yesterday. Too much else going on! You're progressing well on the BoaF Mystery Sampler. Can't wait to see your part two. (I haven't seen it yet as no one has posted a pic, even though I know several people doing it.)

  16. I think Brigadoon is one of my very favorite movies!!! Two thumbs up!

  17. I also love Brigadoon, and DVR'd it last night so I can enjoy it at my leisure. Some nights I am more tired, so I don't get into movies-- I listen to music as I stitch. Havent' seen the other film, but will look for it in Netflix. Thanks for the heads up on these flicks!

  18. What a great building and that vine is amazing. Don't know what I'd do if I saw a bunch of naked dancers in the window. Oh yes I do.... I'd watch. D'uh!

    Great progress on Mystery. I gave up on the border and moved to part 2. Got way too bored... Yours looks great!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...