Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Still Playing Catch Up

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I still can not believe how much there is to do - you would think that things would have just taken care of themselves while I was away - but no such luck.  I had a pile of mail that I am working through at home.   I found in that heap of mail two really wonderful exchanges - I will post them tomorrow.

I did love the comments from yesterdays post - they make me feel all warm and fuzzy with all that cyber love out there!!  I do have to laugh about my mom and her car.  I really never think about her zooming all over the place in that car - with the top down and her hair blowing in the breeze - she seems to have always driven some sort of sports car - I think the sportiest car was the bright yellow Camero she drove for years.  The current car/convertible looks like this....

(this is a snap I lifted from the web - not her car, but it is what her car looks like - green with camel interior) ..... and it is because of this fun/fast car that I am now as brown as a nut - the magnolia pallor I was sporting before I left has disappeared after a couple of weeks of bright sunny weather.
I did get the Partner Info caught up with the HOE PS Exchange.  It is getting late again and I must get to work - I do promise to have snaps and stories about my trip.

Thanks again for stopping by - do come again!!
Take care,


  1. I do hope you took a snap of you and your mom. She sounds like such a character!!!

  2. What a great car. Must be great to zoom around in that.

  3. That's so cool that your mom is a sporty car kinda woman! Love the convertible! (Green is my favorite color!)

  4. Welcome back, Edgar, I have really missed reading your posts every day. WOW to be 85 years old and dashing around in such a great car? how fantastic is that? :)
    I hope your Mum's birthday was as nice as my Mum's, she was 87 on 10th.

  5. welcome back Edgar (sorry missed last post :( cooo your mum still dries that car wow well done that girl :) hope she had a fab birthday :) love mouse xxxxx

  6. Welcome back, we missed your posts!

    That a great car, sure would love to zoom around in it!


  7. Your mom sound like a hoot! I think the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

  8. your mom is funny. who wouldn't love a sports car.

  9. Welcome back Edgar! I missed your post yesterday. Hope you had a wonderful time in Florida!

    I love your Mom's car!

  10. Nice car! And so glad to have you back with us!! Can't wait to read all about your trip and see the photos...

  11. What a great looking car! I would love to have a convertible!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...