Monday, June 13, 2011

It's Monday Morning and I'm Back!!

Gentle Readers and Dear Sweet friends!!! How I missed you all!!  I so enjoy this daily Blogging and getting little bits of myself into print - that I really didn't think I would have such bad withdrawals.  Like some sort of cyber crack - I thought about different posts I could have written while away.  Daily little journals of things happening I wanted to share, but without a computer - no posting   :(

Heading East on SR 40 outside of Ocala - 
 It's crooked because I was holding the camera above my head while driving my mom's convertible - 

I did get in a couple of side trips - visited only a single "Stitichery" Store - and ate way too many bad things that I can't get here in San Francisco.  Visited lots with my Mom - fixed a couple of problems she was having - and I will now be much more involved with her life.  With here reaching the mile stone of 85 and still getting around pretty good she is just amazing - BUT - stubborn as a "Georgia Mule" as my grandfather would have so eloquently put it!!

Today's post will have to be super short - I have a ton of snaps to go through - and piles of crapity work to get through today!!  

Let's just say - it was sweltering the entire time - I was damp from dawn to dusk and then some, but it was bright and sunny every single day - we have one rainy day and quite a bit of smoke from all the fires - but over all - lovely sunny weather..... if that's what you like.

I am playing catch up with my emails also - please take no offence if I haven't written back, I will get them all answered int he next few days!!
Thanks again for all your kind words and thoughts!!  Check back over the next few days to read and see some snaps from my trip.

Take care,


  1. Welcome Back! Mom has a convertible; wow!~

    Looking forward to tales and pics.

  2. Welcome back! Hope you were able to hit some estate sales and took pics!

  3. So glad to hear that you are safely back home...really missed your daily posts! God bless your mom, driving a convertible, no less, at 85!!!
    Busy Hands...Happy Heart

  4. Glad you're home safe and sound! Next time you're in Florida, I would love to meet you. You're one of my Stitchy Inspirations.


  5. Glad to see you back Edgar. I may not always comment but I really do enjoy reading your daily postings.

  6. Oh Boy I was missing my daily dose of Blacksheep Blog!!! So glad you are back and can't wait for the pictures. Hopefully you did some stitching. Sideway picture or good to see your posting again.

  7. Squeel of joy... Blacksheep's BACK!!! Mom's got a convertible!?!? WOW Lucky you to get to drive that. :-) Can you tell we've missed you Edgar just as much as you've miss us.. {LOL}

  8. Welcome back! I missed my daily dose of Black Sheep.
    Did you visit Silver Springs? My mom was just a bit south of you in Ocala!
    But she doesn't drive a convertible LOL!
    I can't wait for your stories!

  9. Welcome back! Glad you had a good time and look forward to all your stories and pics:)))

  10. I suffered withdrawal as well and missed your posts rather badly ... glad to have you back ... Blacksheep's Bit of the Web is one of the true highlights of my blog list.

  11. We did miss you oh so much I am glad you had a great time, God Bless Your Mother a convertable can make a girl feel so yummy.

  12. Welcome back! I love that your mom, at 85, drives a convertible!

  13. It's so good to see you posting again! Welcome home! Glad you had a good time with your mother in FL. Convertible, huh? Hope you got pics of you driving it. :D

  14. Nice to see you back. Look forward to hearing your posts.

  15. Glad to have you back! I love the fact that your Mom has a convertible. She must be some grat lady.

  16. Welcome back - I missed your posts! And your mom is awesome; so glad she's doing well.

  17. Welcome back!Missed you too!

  18. Welcome back! Your mom must be one fiesty 85 year old with a convertible! ;)

  19. Welcome back,really missed your daily posts,glad you had a super time and look forward to reading more this week

  20. Welcome back Edgar - you have been missed! I look forward to seeing your vacation snaps on my favourite state! You should have popped in to see Cathy at Golden Needle in Port Charlotte - such a lovely lady with such a lovely store!

  21. So glad you are back and had a good time! Would that we all have convertibles when we are 85! Go Mom!

  22. Welcome back Edgar. I was on that same road 3 weeks ago going to Beverley Hills and Crystal River, Flordia it was 96 to 99 the whole week I was at my brother's but I loved it.
    Have fun catching up.

  23. I want to be like your mom at 85 and have a convertible! Love it!! Can't wait to see your pics.

  24. Welcome home, your blogging has been missed :)

  25. Welcome back!! Did you happen to get any snaps of your mom in the convertible?

  26. So glad you are back! Your mom is 85 and has a convertible? Awesome!

  27. So glad you're back! I missed your posts too! I'm glad you had a nice visit with your Mom. 85 and a convertible! I love it! Hugs, Nancy D.

  28. LOL @ "cyber crack" addiction!

    Glad you had a nice vacation. Welcome back.

  29. Welcome back. I missed your posts!

  30. It's good to have you back Edgar. Missed your posts while you were away!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...