GR&DF thank you again for stopping by and commenting - yesterdays comments where very nice. I love the acquisition of fun new stash and the shimmery colours of silk. The Belle Soie Ring had a skein of each of the colours I have so far collected - I added 12 new colours to this ring.
The mail brought me the prize from Sharlotte's Drawing - it was a mystery what would come - and what arrived was super!! Here is a snap -

It is a wonderfully finished Patriotic stocking from BBD. I really like these stocking and have all the patterns, but am just to ill at ease with the finishing to attempt the stitching of one - oh well some day I am sure. Thank you so much Sharlotte!!
Last night we ran out to the Mall to get Rico a new shirt and tie for an upcoming work event. While we where out there we stopped off in the "food court" for dinner - and had a yummy but not the healthiest dinner at Hot Dog on a Stick - love the limeade and fries. We also got a cheese on a stick - pepper jack - and that was another stingy deliciousness!! I also picked up one of my favorite mags -
Just a bonanza of royal info and fun facts every month - I know I'm crazy but it is so interesting - what about the current scandal with Sarah that's going on now????
The flicker last night was "Never so Few" - 1959 - starring Frank Sinatra, Gina Lollobrigida, Peter Lawford and Steve McQueen. Set on the China-Burma Border during WWII Sinatra plays an OSS (Office of Strategic Services) Officer in charge of Kachin Natives that harass and disrupt the Japanese. Here is the trailer for the film -
The trailer makes the film look exciting with a story line. In reality the story is very disjointed and bounces back and forth from jungle warfare to Gina's heaving bosom cloaked in gorgeous but not very period gowns. I was amazed at director John Sturges attempt at showing as much cleavage as possible - I guess it was a deflection for the deplorable dialogue and love story bits. This was a pretty bad film all around and lasted for just over 2 hours - I would skip it.
That's about it for the week - thanks for stopping by - do come again!!
Take care,
The mail brought me the prize from Sharlotte's Drawing - it was a mystery what would come - and what arrived was super!! Here is a snap -

It is a wonderfully finished Patriotic stocking from BBD. I really like these stocking and have all the patterns, but am just to ill at ease with the finishing to attempt the stitching of one - oh well some day I am sure. Thank you so much Sharlotte!!
Last night we ran out to the Mall to get Rico a new shirt and tie for an upcoming work event. While we where out there we stopped off in the "food court" for dinner - and had a yummy but not the healthiest dinner at Hot Dog on a Stick - love the limeade and fries. We also got a cheese on a stick - pepper jack - and that was another stingy deliciousness!! I also picked up one of my favorite mags -

The flicker last night was "Never so Few" - 1959 - starring Frank Sinatra, Gina Lollobrigida, Peter Lawford and Steve McQueen. Set on the China-Burma Border during WWII Sinatra plays an OSS (Office of Strategic Services) Officer in charge of Kachin Natives that harass and disrupt the Japanese. Here is the trailer for the film -
The trailer makes the film look exciting with a story line. In reality the story is very disjointed and bounces back and forth from jungle warfare to Gina's heaving bosom cloaked in gorgeous but not very period gowns. I was amazed at director John Sturges attempt at showing as much cleavage as possible - I guess it was a deflection for the deplorable dialogue and love story bits. This was a pretty bad film all around and lasted for just over 2 hours - I would skip it.
That's about it for the week - thanks for stopping by - do come again!!
Take care,