Friday, February 26, 2016

An Easter Treat

Gentle Friends, every season seems to encourage candy makers to release "Limited Edition" flavours and this Spring is no exception.  M & M has released a pretty tasty flavour..."Strawberry Shortcake."  You know me I've got to try all the new and interesting things that come down the when I saw all the M & M's at target last weekend I zeroed in on the pink bag and bought some......

 ... when I got home  I found my Easter candy dish and popped open the bag - and with one gigantic whiff of strawberry from the open bag I was sold!

... they really taste of strawberries - and are coated in Spring pastel colours..... a nice change for the season - next week I'll be doing some Peep Reports.......

Have a super weekend!!

Take care,

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thrifty Thursday

Gentle Friends, once again we were out an about, to the thrift and consignment shops, but no Estate sales, there were three, but they were outside of the City.   That is my only rule for visiting Estate Sales, if they aren't in the City then I skip them.....  I did find a few things...

... this weeks haul includes....a book about the Jerome Sisters, a Depression era pitcher, a DVD about the feral Parrots here in the City - and a great little Icon.

Short and sweet today sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The "Dutch" Windmill in Golden Gate Park

Gentle Friends, every year we try an get down to the far western end of GG Park and make a visit to the Northern or "Dutch Windmill" (1903) and Queen Wilhelmina Tulip Gardens - there are actually two windmills originally put there to pump water into the park for irrigation.  The southern one is called the "Murphy Windmill" (1908)....

...  the lovely Garden was a gift to the City from the Netherlands and contains 1000's of tulips and Icelandic poppies - they are usually in bloom throughout March and April, with the weather being so warm lately and so many buds a'poppin' we thought the gardens may be in bloom.....  there was some colour, but not what there will be in the next few weeks.  We'll be revisiting later on and I'll get some full bloom snaps......  

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Monday, February 22, 2016

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle Friends, I've finished up Santa's Sleighworks - the first on the last row......

....  I think for the next week or so I'll work on the red and white border........

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stops again!!

Take care,

Friday, February 19, 2016


Gentle Friends, we had a mishap with one of the cell phones the other day, it dropped face first onto a cement pavement......
Broken smartphone Uno de cada dos usuarios tiene un smartphone daƱado
... the glass face was shattered.  

A guy I work with suggested "iCracked" to fix it.  Not knowing what to do - and after a little research on what iCracked could do - we decide to give them a call....  within two hours the phone was fixed and working perfectly!!  They came to the house a zippy zap - popped the broken glass out and replaced it with a new one.  Now, I try not to talk about anything here on the Blog that I wouldn't totally recommend, and I totally recommend these folks.  You can click HERE to go to their website and poke around. 

Not much on the agenda for this weekend - at the moment, but that could change.  Thanks for stopping by have a super weekend!!

Take care,

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Thrifty Thursday

Gentle Friends, a few things we found over the weekend in our travels....

 ... a HTF book from Hollywood Photographer Murray Garrett, a great little parian ware pitcher, a sweet matryoshka, a Santa troll (Rico collects Trolls) a couple of other fun books and a DVD of a really super film from Spain, Pans Labyrinth - 2006 ( El Laberunto del Fauno)....

 ... it is a smaller matryoshka , but still there are 5 little dolls.....  and a real surprise....

... we found this cuckoo clock at one of the Estate Sales we hit, it is on the newer side and since we were near the close of the sale we picked it up for a terrific price, and Rico bought it for me!!  I've wanted on ever since my trip to Germany a few years ago.  I saw so many there but they were far beyond my what I wanted to pay and then ship home, so I've sort of been of the look out for one ever since.....  now it hangs in the living room and the little cuckoo pops out on the 1/2 hour and hour and  kind of drives the dogs a little more nuts than they usually are!!

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A Little Fog

Gentle Friends, while riding around Saturday we spied a great view from the hills above the Sunset (an area south of the Park) around Lawton and 15th Avenue.....

...  as you can see it was bright and lovely at about 72 degrees and the fog was rolling in through the Golden Gate and over the Presidio... the road at the bottom with the red car is Lincoln, the trees in the foreground are part of Golden Gate Park, in the far distance to the right you can see a bit of Marin county.

A short post today sports fans, thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Another Sweet Valentine Surprise...

Gentle friends, I had yet another surprise for valentines Day.......

 Rico, got us a Dozen Cako Valentine Cupcakes!!!  There were four flavours.... vanilla, red velvet, chocolate and a strawberry!!  We really enjoyed them all weekend!

....what is really great about Cako cupcakes it the ratio of frosting to cake - lots and lots!!

It was a great Valentines Weekend here by the Bay, sweet treats and lovely weather - it's been hovering in the low 70's still!  So nice a warm, it won't last as we are to get some more rain towards the end of the week..........thanks for stopping by.

Take care,

Friday, February 12, 2016

A Crazy Little View

Gentle Friends, I thought you might be interested in a lovely Penthouse "move in" ready......  click HERE to see something extraordinary!!!  It's located on top of this building....

....I'm sure they would take a cheque!!

On that expensive note, have a super Valentine's Weekend!!!

Take care,

Thursday, February 11, 2016

A Valentine Surprise.....

Gentle Friends, look what arrived at work......

...from Rico and the Who Hounds, they'll go home with me on Friday... flowers on the desk are so nice and brighten up an otherwise bleak work place!!!

Happy Valentines Day a bit early!!!

Take care,

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

An Early Spring

Gentle Friends, all over the City there are signs of Spring, especially with the flowering trees.  They seem to have blossomed overnight with the lovely weather we've been having lately....  down by our pool the ornamental plum tree is vigorously flowering...

... so I walked down there and took some snaps....


Not much else going on, thanks for stopping, do stop again!!

Take care,

Monday, February 8, 2016

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle Friends, I've finished up the second row on "Santa's Village" and now it's on to the last row.....

...  the main change I made with "Candy Cane Cottage" was to use a darker green on the outside wall.  I had to because my CC "Poblano Pepper" Green for the door wall, was not as light as the one that must have been used when the piece was being designed - in fact it was basically the same shade of "avocado green" as the called for outside wall DMC.  

As I pulled the floss for the next house "Santa's Sleighworks," I've decided I'm going to make some major shifts in colour so that it will be a bit more visually interesting... more about that as I move forward....

 Friday evening we had more fireworks...

...celebrating  the Super Bowl Weekend festivities which seemed to never end, thank goodness they were concentrated downtown and were easily avoided!!  There were also some fireworks Saturday evening - the who hounds were just beside themselves with all the loud noises two nights in a row!! That's about it for today sports fans...

Take care,

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Thrifty Thursday

Gentle Friends, not much at all going on around here.... some silly football game, but other than that nothing, nada, stitching is slow and not much to show - we did however get out last weekend to the shops and a couple of Estate Sales......

... I found a few things..  a book about the Regent and regency of Louis XV, a great, brilliant cut shot glass, a cute porcelain Woodstock, a Cornishware honey/jam jar in the rare yellow colour - from the mark stamped on the bottom I think it dates to the mid 1960's, I've always loved Cornishware and you never and I mean never see it over here in America very much, a 1967 Christmas Plate, 1st year of issue from the Bareuther, a sweet hand painted Nippon Nappie, and a painted Chicken.....

..... not just any painted chicken, when I picked her up it rattled and then I popped the bottom off and out fell 5 golden eggs....

.... and in each golden egg was a baby chick....  it was a great matryoshka and on the bottom is some Russian writing, that I've no clue what it says, but I am presuming the date it was made is 2000???  Any translators out there????  For some reason I am getting quite a collection of these wonderful things.......


That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!

Take care,

Monday, February 1, 2016

1925 at the Abbey Comes and Goes

Gentle Friends, I had pre-ordered the Blu-Ray of the Final Season of Downton Abbey, it arrived and we spent the weekend watching show after show with it wrapping up last night....

Downton Abbey Getting Ready for Another Wedding
A shot of the Cast from the Christmas Show Season 6

...  yes, I am sad to see it end and I could have gone on watching Season after Season, but I guess it is better to wrap up a good thing than wait for it to "jump the Shark" as they say.   I'm not sure about the negative things I've read about the 6th Season or what was so very bad about it - and  I'll not break any spoilers here, but I will say we thoroughly enjoyed each show with all the twist, turns and little intrigues and we will certainly go back ad re-watch all the Seasons.

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!

Take care,

A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...