Monday, July 31, 2017

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle Freinds, I am stitching away on "October; and had to frog out quite a bit when what I had stitched didn't really work for me..... so although I had stitched quite a bit more here's where I am at the moment....

... I went back and pulled out the light colored pumpkin that goes in the lower right corner... then  I pulled out all that is now the green part of the vine border.  It started off a sort of tan/brown and blended far too closely with the golden part of the vine.... as with the last block once this is finished I'll list all the changes I made.

There you go sports fans, thanks, for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Friday, July 28, 2017

A Little Fall Color

Gentle friends, I didn't want the week to go by with out another post... so it'll be another sort of stitching post.... I'm stitching away on "October" and have shifted out some of the colors already and then thought I wanted to increase the orange flosses...... 

... so I went back through my floss stash and pulled all the orange shaded flosses I could find..... I was really surprised at how many I had and how slight some of the variations were.....  BTW I am loving this block immensely!!!

Have a super weekend sports fans see you next week!!

Take care,

Monday, July 24, 2017

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle Friends, I finished up the last Block on the second row... "Septemeber"....  here's a snap.

... this square is all about education, I was the third in my family to graduate from East Carolina University...  so I put the years my Grandmother, my parents and when I graduated...  I shifted lots of the floss to Purple and Gold - they are the school colors, the tree looks kind of like a long needle pine tree, which is all over Eastern NC so I left it alone, I changed up the house to a "Carolina Blue" color, which is a reference to UNC where I did Graduate work... so it's sort of an ode to North Carolina and Higher Education!  Here are the specific changes I made:

 I stitched the Quaker motifs on the left and the Algerian Eyes in CC Cappucino 
The Butterfly is stitched using GAST Ye Olde Gold, Old Purple Paint, and Butternut Squash
The Heart on the right is stitched using GAST Berry Cobbler and CC Queen Bee
The House is CC Rain Shower
The Bricks on the house are GAST Pomegranate
CC Tufted Yellow I changed to GAST Shaker White
The numbers and letters are all GAST Ole Purple Paint

Here's a snap of the entire piece as it stands....


That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Friday, July 21, 2017

A Fine Film

Gentle Friends, I was only a few weeks old when JFK was assassinated in Dallas, TX, I have no first-hand recollection of the event but have grown up hearing and reading about the events of that day and all the repercussions following.  Through the years I've read or been made aware through TV and newsprint of the life being led by the former first lady up until her death in 1994.  Then there was the frenzy that was the auction of her things in the Spring of 1996 - so I've always been interested in the Kennedy administration and the idea of that short time that was once called ... "Camelot"

So I was really excited to see there was a film coming out about "Jackie"  
and the portrayal of her by Natalie Portman.....

....  after seeing the film I was really impressed, it was told from a flashback point of view.  It won many awards and was received by most critics favorably.  I would recommend the film and Natalie's performance is worth a look for sure.

There you go sports fans, thanks for stoppng by do stop again!!

Take care,

Thursday, July 20, 2017

A Little Thrifting

Gentle Friends... out and about again over the weekend - cast your mind back a few years and you may remember when I found this fun cookie jar...

... I have a few cookie jars and switch them out seasonally, but this one sits out quite a bit when I need just a fun jar out the counter...well...this past weekend here are the things I picked up ...

... from L to R ... a great old 19th platter in a modified Imari pattern, a fun piece of Beswick of kitties, a "new" coffee cup for work, a vintage chrome and amber glass tidbits dish...and
...another cookie jar...

... the same maker (unknown) with some super chickens... and I like chickens more than ducks so I'll probably just move the duck one through the Bay of evil and keep the chicken one for myself!!

There you go sports fans - thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

A Little Summer

Gentle Freinds, after mass we headed out o breakfast and then on to one of our favorite Farmers markets here in the City....  here are some snaps...

... it was great to pick up some fresh fruit and flowers for the house...

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Monday, July 17, 2017

A Little Stitching

Gentle Friends, well, here I am at the end of the second row and 10th Block.... here you go with a snap of where it stands at the moment....

... sorry about how wonky it looks.  I've changed up the border floss and there will be more changes as I go along.......  but you'll have to wait and see those as they come!

Thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Friday, July 14, 2017

Thursday, July 13, 2017

A Little Thrifting and a "Sweet" Treat

Gentle friends, here's a snap of the few things I picked up when we were out and about over the weekend...

... I really enjoy Alison Weir's writing and have never read this one - and you know what a fan of the Tudor's I am so it was a win-win for me!!  I picked up the pilsner glass in a pattern called "Cavalcade" by Libby Glass.... I like this pattern and have quite a few pieces of it... I found a couple of DVD's to add to the collection.

...the CEO of the company Rico works for went on a fishing trip to Canada and one of the bits of schwag he brought back was this super bottle of maple syrup...  what a treat!!

There you go sports fans, thanks again for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

A Little Breakfast

Gentle Freinds, after Mass we headed south of Market to a little neighborhood place called Rocco's...

 ... it's a place we've heard about from quite a few people but just started trying out recently... most places here in the City they have quite a few brunchy type specials....

.... it's a great neighborhood place and with so many things to look at on the walls...


I usually remember to take a snap when the plates hit the table but forgot this time and about half way through took my snaps....

... I had a short stack, eggs over easy and a side of Italian sausage...

... Rico had poached eggs (hard) on English muffin, grilled tomato, avocado and as always....

.... he ordered a side of french fries!!  These were especially good since they sprinkle some kind of seasoning on them and that makes them really good!!

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Monday, July 10, 2017

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle friends, I've finished up block eight on AotH .... here's a snperoo..

 ... I stitched my paternal great grandparent's initials and marriage year into this square - and now that I look at it I think I will go back and stitch the date also -  this was his second marriage.  He was named after his father (my Great-great grandfather) and my dad was named after him and I was named after my father so I am the fourth to carry the name - not too confusing.

Here's a snap of the entire piece as it stands at the moment..... sorry about the wrinkles....

I made quite a few floss changes.  This piece as with most BBD calls for overdyed flosses - I felt that the skeins called for that I had were really much to light or I just didn't like I converted them to darker shades or colors I like better.  

Here is the list with the suggested floss first and my change if any:
CC Avocado no change
CC Gingersnap to GAST Butternut Squash
CC Little Brown House no change
CC Olive Branch no change
CC Onion Skin to GAST Hazelnut
CC Peanut Brittle to CC Pumpkin Harvest
CC Stepping Stones no change
CC Sunkissed to GAST Brandy
CC Tiny Vine to GAST Endive
GAST Lexington Green no change

I think after I finish up the next block I'll go back nd fill in all the dates, initials and other familial information.

Once again it was a lovely cool and breezy weekend here by the Bay.  All around us, to the North, South and East Bay the temps were hovering in the low 90's and into the100's, while we were in the low 70's on Saturday and then the temps moved back into the cool upper 60's on Sunday..... thank goodness for the Pacific Marine breeze and fog!!!

There you go sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Friday, July 7, 2017

A Little Fun at Land's End

Gentle friends, our 4th of July started off with a little breakfast at Louis' down at the beach overlooking Land's end, The Cliff House and points west..... we went with some friends that have lived here in the City for years, but have never been..... here are some snaperoo's...

... Louis' sits alone overlooking the Pacific... and with all the fog and wind it was a really typical Summer morning here by the Bay

... we got one of the booths so that we could look down on the ruins of the Sutro Baths...

... here are what Mike and Rico ordered....

.... and I got a waffle with some berries and John got french toast....  it was a really tasty breakfast and the views as usual spectacular!!

After breakfast, we walked down to the beach....

... some of the ruins up close... the tide was coming in ...

... some of the rocks down by the shore...

... we walked back up the hill towards the Lands End building and I got this nice shot of the entrance to The Golden Gate and through the trees, you can just see the Marin Headlands...

That wraps up the week sports fans, thanks again for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

A Little More Stitchin'

Gentle Friends, the weekend was long, cool, windy and wonderfully foggy!! and I loved every minute of it!!  Most of the time the temps hovered in the low 60's - so it was perfect for this old buzzard to stay in sweatshirts for four days!!  

I've been stitching a bit on AotH and here's where I left off last night...

... I've switched out most of the called for flosses for what I think are better choices - but I've tried to stay within the colour groups as the piece was charted....

There you go sports fans just catching up this morning at work  - since I've been gone things have piled up quite a bit!!  Thanks for stopping by... do stop again!!

Take care,

A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...