Friday, May 29, 2009

Welcome Friday - glad you're here!!!

I am so happy I am quite near to doing a jig!!! Our weekend should be very quiet and doing stuff we like to do - Out carousing at Estate / Garage Sales, movies and some stitching!! That is all that needs to happen this weekend. All the laundry is done - I finished up the last two loads last night - I probably will run the hoover around but that shouldn't take more that 10 or 15 mins.

Last night was some more exchange stitching and I am super stoked about how it is looking. I hope the recipient likes the piece!! The floss' I am using are the recommended ones and they are spot on for the piece - no snap yet - but soon!!

The flicker was "Stolen Holiday" - 1937 - starring Kay Francis and Claude Rains. It is a super Kay vehicle and she looks great. Being the clothes horse she always is the character she plays is a clothing designer so that means even more costume changes!! It also means more of the obligatory naked back shots she always had. A fun film that I would totally recommend!! Here is a shot of Kay in one of the many gowns she wore in the film -

Thank you for the nice things you had to say about the stitching from yesterday - I really appreciate it!!! Have a great weekend - and check back on Monday - same bat time same bat channel!!

Take care,

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Some Witchin' Stitchin'

Last night I finished up my square on Terry's RR - this will go into the mail in the morning winging its way back home - here is an overall snap -

and here is a closeup of the square I did -

The chart is from PS - Book 90 called "Spring-Fall." I really like how this turned out and you know how I like PS - I used the recommended DMC floss - the only changes I made was to fill out the tail - as charted it was cut oddly so I needed to fill it out a bit on top. This was a super RR put together by Donna and I had a great time stitching on all the pieces. I also finished up an exchange that will go into the mail also - but no snap of that yet. I seem to have a giganto list of things I need to stitch up - so I will be busy with a very few stitchy snaps for a while.

Last night the flicker was "The High and the Mighty" - 1954 - starring a bunch of actors leading the pack was John Wayne and Robert Stack. As you know John Wayne is not one of my favorite actors by a long shot - but this film is really a story driven vehicle for all the players - I enjoyed it but thought it was a bit long - the stories the passengers had and the interaction was top notch - one of the best scenes was the tossing out the door of all the luggage - to lighten the load. At about 2 1/2 hours I could totally recommend the film.

I wanted to thank you all for the kind things you said in yesterdays comments -
It was much appreciated!!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Busy few days - and a bunch of stuff!!

Dear Ones - please forgive the crappy post from yesterday, but I didn't want the day to go by without at least touching base. I had a very productive 3 day weekend. So where to begin..... Let's start off with some stitching stuff - I finished up a couple of exchanges and they are waiting to be mailed - so no snaps of them, but I did hear from Bonnie that the 2nd round for the PS Exchange reached her. Here is a snap of the Pyn Keepe that I made for her -

This is from PS Christmas Miniatures - book 29 - I picked out four of the 20 pieces from the chart that had birds - changed up a couple of colours and then stitched a border that I made up up et voici - I really like the way it turned out - except that the white swan just doesn't photograph very well - Bonnie is happy which is the main thing!! I just love me some PS Designs!!! The second stitched piece is a finish and frustrating framing of the latest La-D-Da - "Tis the gift" -

I just couldn't get this to sit straight in the frame so after the third attempt I just let it alone - I will go back and pop it out later and work on making it a bit straighter - I used one of the frames I picked up at some sale - I think it is from the 30's and fit this piece very well. I love how this turned out and I am super happy with the colour changes. This picture makes it seem that the floss connecting the little dots shows through but IRL all you see are the dots - I guess the flash let the thread leach through - oh well, more of my super photographic skills!!

I also received a super stitched penny rug from a dear friend - sweet Vonna!!!
I found a great place for it with some other things that are special to me....

It is really lovely and the colours are perfect - what a great treasure!!
Thank you so much Dear Vonna!!!!

It wouldn't have been the weekend if Dale and I didn't run around to a bunch of sales!! Here is a snap of the haul from Saturday -

The four hand coloured pictures where from a single garage sale - I really don't have the room for them - but a $10 a pop how could I pass. The 2 on the right of buildings I think are probably from the first half of the 19th century if not earlier. The two on the the left I think are late 19th century and are in period frames with "ormolu" mounts, as a group they have a wonderful look about them!! The guy I bought them from said he better not see me on Antiques Roadshow!! Here is a close up of the little things -

The turkey was brand new and in its original box - how great will he look at Thanksgiving - and the little "yarn" doll china bank is so cute. I got the pinking and little embroidery scissors along with the old thimble together for $2! The little Icon Dale found for me for a $1 - you just can't beat the prices!!!!

There was also a long list of flickers but I have droned on long enough today!!
Thank you all for stopping by!!

Take care,

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's Tuesday....

.....and I just don't have a spare moment this morning to post what I want to post.
I will be back in the morning with a big post with some snaps!!

Hope you all had a great weekend!!!!

Take care,

Friday, May 22, 2009

It's Friday and we have a 3 Day Weekend!!!

Woo HOO - three days off!!!! Just jumping for joy - nothing to do but stuff i want for 3 whole days!! You all know what that means - movies and stitching!!

Yesterday afternoon was pretty uneventful - our first guests arrived spending all day in Golden Gate Park visiting the New Academy of Sciences which they said was just fantastic!! They came with their preK child and said he had a great time seeing everything - the fishes, the planetarium, the dioramas. We met up with them after going out with some friends for dinner. They trotted off to bed early as they were wiped out!! Rico also went off early so I was left on my own with my stitching and a flicker on..... then click - the electricity snapped off on our side of the hill. Of course I could look out and see the other side of the hill still had lights. So I sat there waiting for a few mins to see if they would come back on. No such luck. I tossed the needle work to the side - lit a candle, grabbed Pete (the Peach had gone up with Rico) and off to bed I went!!! Some time near to 2am all the lights came back on so I had to get up and click everything off - it was a not very interesting evening!!

CarolR is having a super Give away - go check it out!!!!

Hoping Everyone has a safe and fun weekend!!
Thanks for stopping by!!
See you Tuesday -

Take care -

Thursday, May 21, 2009

It's gonna be a short one -

I think I will end up putting my initials on the La-D-Da piece - but they may be a smidge smaller. I am very happy about the response to the Pyn Keepe I made for Jen!! I love those little things and haven't a clue why!! I did forget to give the stitching info about that piece - the chart is "For a Friend" from The Marking Samplar - and is based on a 19th century piece - I have always wanted to stitch it up and thought this was the perfect opportunity. I used a conversion of my own of DMC and HDK silk and it is stitched on a small piece of over dyed linen that I won a couple of years back that is unidentified, but lovely... and I am running out of it. I think I need to get myself over to NIH and get Mary to figure out what kind of linen it is. She does a bang up job of figuring out that kind of stuff!!

There was basically no stitching last night to speak of - we where a whirlwind of cleaning - since we are having house guests starting tonight and lasting through the long 3 day weekend. The ones coming tonight are leaving Saturday morning and then more come in Saturday afternoon. It will be a busy weekend - but everyone is very self sufficient so I really am not worrying.

I did get two flickers in last night while doing stuff - The first was "Wake Island" - 1942 - The basic story is true while some of the story lines are Hollywood, but basically the film is set on Wake Island in December of 1941 just after Pearl Harbor - A small detachment of Marines and civilian contractors held the Japanese at bay for about two weeks and did this knowing that they were on their own and that there would be no reinforcements. Very good movie a well filmed - The second flicker was one I have seen a number of times but continue to enjoy - "A Letter to Three Wives" - 1949 - starring Jeane Craine, Ann Southern and Linda Darnell - just a great film. Wonderfully written and directed by Joseph Mankiewicz - done the year before his mega hit "All About Eve" - which he also wrote and directed. If you have not seen these tow flick give them a look you will not be disappointed.

Thanks for stopping by!!

Take Care -

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Blogoversary Prize Arrives...

I saw that Jen got the Blogoversary Prize and I wanted to post before I forget -

and here is a close up of the Pyn Keepe -

I loved making this piece and think it turned out pretty nice!!
Here's to another great year!!!

Take care,

Sweet RAK and the La-D-Da Start

The mail brought a sweet RAK from Carol - she knows how I love black licorice and so she sent me some delicious All Sorts - here is a snap...

All Sorts are made by many different companies and looks like this delicious mix of tasty treats!!!!! Thank you so much Carol!!!!

I think the corner of the finished "Gentle Words" piece from yesterday may just end up having my initials there - it is charted that way so why not - I think I won't make them as big.... that does seem to be a thing with these delightful charts - large initials - oh well - so be it. Here is a snap of the newest La-D-Da piece....

- not too much going on. I changed up the colours from what was charted .... I did not care for the pink flowers. This chart was a Rak from Jan and one I have wanted to do for the longest time - It is called "Tis the Gift" from an old Quaker song that I have always liked
- here are the words

-Tis The Gift-
'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free,
'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gain'd,
To bow and to bend we shan't be asham'd,
To turn, turn will be our delight,
Till by turning, turning we come round right.

There have been quite a few movies over the last few days - last night the flicker was "Lured" - 1947 - starring Lucille Ball, George Sanders, Sir Cyril Hardwick, Boris Carloff and Charles Coburn - this is a film I had never heard of and really enjoyed. It was directed by Douglas Sirk. It is a thriller crime film where Sandra played by Lucille Ball - is a stranded New York actress in London making a living Taxi Dancing and her friend disappears - she then starts working for Scotland Yard to find the "Poet Killer." You have to really suspend reality - but Lucy looks great in gown after gown after gown .... and in the final scene she shows up wearing a gorgeous little black cocktail number that is so tight you can read the label on her undergear!!! If you like Lucy and want to see her in top movie form with a great supporting cast check this one out!!! A flick from the weekend was "Everybody Sing" - 1938 - starring Judy Garland, Allan Jones, Billie Burke and the irrepressible Fanny Brice. A really delightful film. Judy is great in some unforgettable musical numbers - but the best parts and best lines of the movie are given to Billie Burke as the ham actress mother and Fanny Brice as the wisecracking Russian maid. This film is worth watching just for these two performances. It is so nice to see Fanny Brice since most audiences only know of her from the films Funny Girl and Funny Lady - it is super to see the real deal!!

Thanks for stopping by and all the great comments I do appreciate them!!

Take care,

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A 1/2 Way Decent Snap - finally!! And some Comments...

Well, I got home and trotted all over the house in natural daylight taking snaps of the La-D-Da piece and this is about the best of that bunch......

The natural light was pretty crappy yesterday since the fog was pouring over Twin Peaks and turning our world a nice gray colour - but you get the idea. I am really loving these pieces right now. The blank space on the lower left is where initials go but when I put them in they were so very big... I pulled them out and am not sure if I should put anything there??? I started another LDD last night after working on an exchange piece, but had so little done that it wasn't worth a snap.

Lets talk about comments today.... I love reading them and do appreciate you all for taking the time to "talk" to me!!

BeckyK - mentioned about "The Ten Commandments" - 1956 - one of my favorite movies - I just love those 50's over the top production pieces - everything is just magnificent!! I would love to have seen this at a Drive-In - how great would that be!!!

Suzie - mentioned two really great movies - "All That Heaven Allows" - 1955 - ... and "Magnificent Obsession" - 1954 - Both of these are Douglas Sirk pieces and really top notch flicks!!

Cathy - mentioned a great Doris Day film - "It Happened to Jane" - 1959 - one of the many Light and entertaining vehicles for Miss Day - I have seen it quite a few times and always enjoy the film.

Bronny - asked about the frog I got on Saturday - well I picked this one up because it was a deal I couldn't pass - I got a really big one a few weeks back and now use that one for my scissors. I don't collect them, but I see them so often at house sales...I just might!!

Glenna - asked about how long before my collecting would drive us to a bigger home - :) I think with all the bits and pieces I pick up and the junque that Rico drags home (notice how I wrote that!!) It may be sooner than later. We as in Dale, Rico and I talked about having a Garage Sale at some point...... that point is drawing near!! - We'll just have to wait and see - having a sale is such hard work!!

Thank you all for stopping by!! Do stop by again!!

Take care,

Monday, May 18, 2009

Weekend happenings.....

Let me begin today's post with a big thank you to all the nice things you had to say about my new specs!! It is so nice to have so much positive feedback - when I was trying on frames I think I only tried about 6 on before I made a decision - I knew what I did not like so that made the job go lots quicker - also I make decisions pretty quickly - I am not a very wishy washy person - my dad had a saying.... "either sh- - or get off the pot." Colorful I know but words to live by!!

The weekend started off with a little running around Friday after work and in that maelstrom we passed a little flower shop - and they had just piles of flowers spilling out onto the sidewalk - I just couldn't pass up this bunch of beauties....

After gardenias I have to say that lilacs are some of my very favorite flowers!!! Lovely colour, lovely fragrance and such good memories!!! Growing up in Maryland the house we lived in had big lilac bushes on the side yard that where just wonderful every spring!!

Then on Saturday Dale and I ran around doing the usual estate/garage saleing
- here is my very small haul -

I enjoy old cookbooks and these were all from the mid 30's and where give aways then - on Saturday they cost me .25 each - I also found another the glass frog - but am not sure I really want to keep it...... the 19th century print of Paris is really nice and the two linen towels and olive wood utensil will be really handy. The small Jesus picture was practically free so I couldn't pass on it. The weather was just beautiful bright and sunny in the upper 70's lower 80's both days.

The two finishes from the weekend I can't show just yet - one is an exchange and has to get into the mail in the morning and is a secret. The other is the most recent La-D-Da piece - but the snap I have is so very bad that I am totally embarrassed to show it - can you believe it!! I will try for another snap today and post it tomorrow.

I think that's about it for today!! Thanks for stopping by!

Take care,

Friday, May 15, 2009

Its a Spec-tac-cular Day!!

I had a call from the Eyes on 24th that my glasses had come in and so that was the stop on the way home. I had Rico take two snaps - one of the current 2 year old ones and then the new ones....

These are my old glasses - you really can't tell it but they are a sort of brown - but they seem to have photographed much darker than they are IRL. Now here are the new ones....

and you can sort of tell that these are a darker metally matte green/olive. These are super light-weight and are made by an English company called Jai Kudo. If you click the name you go to their very fancy site - I had never heard of them, but it trying on the different glasses I picked up a couple JK frames and really liked the way they felt. That is taken care of for another two years!!

It was very interesting to read the comments about glass or no glass in framing. I like glass as I agree that it protects the pieces from the elements and from people touching the stitched piece. It is a wonder that so many people feel the need to touch something.

The flicker was a super one last night - "GIANT" - 1956 - starring the ever gorgeous mega star Elizabeth Taylor along with Rock Hudson, James Dean, Jane Withers and Mercedes MacCambridge. I love this movie and have seen it a ton of times, but it has been a while and it was so nice to see it again. Its a long one at 201 mins but I would highly recommend it!!

A publicity shot for GIANT

There you go sports fans!! Have a great weekend and remember same Bat time same Bat channel come Monday!!!

Take care,

Thursday, May 14, 2009

It's been Stolen!!!

We where greeted with this scene....

...when we took the hounds out yesterday. If you remember someone very generously dropped a couch at the end of our street for those weary travelers that needed a rest!! Now it's gone - oh whoa is our naked street - such a deprivation - how will we survive!!!! Now the view is back to city, Bay Bridge and East bay - like it is supposed to be!!!!

I got one of my favorite MGM non-Judy/Mickey Musicals - "Good News" - 1947 - starring June Allyson and Peter Lawford. This delightful piece is set at the fictional Tait College in the 20's - and you would only know that because they tell you at the beginning - since the costumes and hair-don'ts are pure mid 40's and have nothing to do with the roaring 20's - the movie has a real musical treat - a very young Mel Torme is featured as a student and you really hear why he was called the "Velvet Fog." The music is bright and a silly love story is the plot, but even with that the flick is fun and a joy to see.

Robin over at "My Life's a Stitch" asked about the framing job I did - I think that my hesitation to frame was more from intimidation than anything else. I used the method that Sherry uses and she graciously sent to me. She is a real sweety and helped me get over the fear of even trying. Basically I took a foam core board (from Michael's - about $3) cut to just under the size of the frame - since you wrap the linen around this it makes up the difference in size and fits snugly inside the frame. I found some steel Flat head pins at Joannes - 700 for $4 - and then just pinned the linen to the board - it took a bit of jiggling and wiggling to get it to look straight and make me happy - but the end result makes me happy and who else do I need to please???? The frame came with a piece of old glass already so there was no need to have any cut. Talking about needlework under glass - Trillium asked about this and I think here is a good place to talk about that. Now, I don't know if it is better to put stitched pieces under glass or not - for me - I just like the extra protection that glass adds so I use glass. I would think that so long as no moisture can get behind the glass then the stitched piece will do better over time under glass - what do you all do - Glass or no Glass?????

Thanks for all the nice comments - I always appreciate them!!!!! Do stop by again!

Take care,

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Marvelous MAW Arrived

Don't you just love alliteration!!! I used it all the time when working at the Museum a million years ago - It just drove the Director nuts - :) Yesterday the mails brought a MAW (Make A Wish) piece from Shelleen - I had asked for an ornament - since you can never have to many - or can you.... my tree did fall over one year!!! That's a story for some cold wintry eve by the fire ..... back on topic - I left the MAW request quite open with the only parameters being something traditional..... and look at the super piece I got -

He is the greatest Santa!! I really like the edge finish!! Thank you so much Shelleen!!!

From the comments yesterday.... Colleen - you will so love "Mildred Pierce" - a real comeback or return for Joan and filmed so well!! I love "The Enchanted Cottage" - what a great film! Denise - the weekend brought no sales from either the yard, garage or estate - as Dale went off to commune with nature up a Guerneville - into the woods you might say. He often camps in the wilderness and has been just chomping at the bit to go now the weather has gotten better. We are planning to run around this weekend as the weather in the city is supposed to be just perfect!!

Last night was some more Exchange stitching and the flickers were more Mapp and Lucia. I got the second season from Amazon yesterday and just about broke a finger ripping into the box to pop in a DVD. I sat there all evening watching the wonderful adventures of the Tillinites at play. If you get the chance you should check out the books - or even pop in the DVD for a look - you won't be disappointed!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Super RAK

With me talking about anything that pops into my head and then onto my fingers here - I mentioned what a fan I was of the British Royal Family. In fact I am a fan of royal personages and history going back centuries, but since most of them have passed into oblivion not much is written about contemporary Royals - the biggest exception would have to be the House of Windsor. This is leading somewhere I promise - well, a while back a gentle reader Sheri saw this and then wrote me a lovely email offering me" The Royal Wedding Philatelic Panels Collection" - which turned out to be a gorgeous album.

Here is a snap of just two of the many pages in the album -

AND if that wasn't super gift enough she also included in the package was a stitched spring hanging pillow!! How sweet was that!!!!! Thank you so much dear Sheri!!!!! The stamps, album and stitched piece are just beautiful!!

I had a comment yesterday from Colleen asking about the movie watching over the weekend - there was a ton of it as usual - There were the Mother selections from Sunday on TCM - "Pocketful of Miracles" - 1961 - Starring Bette Davis, Hope Lange and in her first roll Ann-Margret. A really cute remake of "Lady for a Day" - 1933. They also showed "Mildred Pierce" - 1945 starring Joan Crawford and a nasty Veda, Ann Blythe - a odd mothers day movie, but what a great flick!!. A real Mother's Day film that I really love started off the afternoon - "I Remember Mama" - 1948 starring Irene Dunn and Barbara Bel Geddes. All three of these films are very superior and worth watching anytime and over again!!! On Saturday it seemed like TCM was having an adventure day - with "Adventures of Robin Hood" - 1938 starring Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland, then "Mutiny on the Bounty" - 1935 - starring Clark Gable and Charles Laughton and rounding out the afternoon with "Captain Blood" - 1935 starring Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland. Such great adventure films from the Golden Age!!!! Last night was a tribute evening to the advertising world - and TCM showed "The Hucksters" - 1947 starring Clark Gable and in her first big Hollywood film Deborah Kerr and the big break out part for Ava Gardner - a really watchable film!!

Stitching last night was non existent for an exchange so no snaps.

Thanks for stopping by and all the nice comments!!!!

Take care,

Monday, May 11, 2009

A Winner, Some Goodies, A Frame up…Some Stitching!!!

I will start off with the winner of the 2nd Blogoversary here at BlackSheep Site
- drum roll and a snap of The Peach a Pickin......

.... out the winner from the Bowl of Destiny..... (Now I know why you should never work with animals or children!!!! They just don't perform queue - ever!! ((is that a snack bite in there with those entries????) ) But, all that aside the winner that got pulled from all the entries was Jen over at My Stitch in Time - a newer Blogger here in our cyber universe - go check out her blog. Now - Jen just email me your snail mail address and I will get you super de duper prize in the mail. The email is edgar matt @ g mail . com (leave out spaces).
Thanks again for all of your kind regards and here's to another great year of my yapping and stitching!!!!!

On Friday the company Rico works for had the annual share holders meeting - super fancy and over catered as are most of those functions - well, all I can say it whoop de dam do - I love a party with catering - He brought home some leftover stuff -

and these....

We certainly made out and both of us were a couple a rooting hogs!!!
Just some delicious goodies!!!

I wanted to thank both Sherry and Jill for encouraging me to step up to the plate and try and frame something myself. I have been getting various frames from estate and garage sales and wanted to use them instead of having new frames made. It is so very expensive as we all know!!! Well on Saturday I ran down to Michael's and picked up some foam board and pins and just decided to try my hand at framing!!! Here is my first ever frame up -

I think it turned out really nice. So, for less than $10 I have a great old mahogany frame and the satisfaction of doing it myself!!!! There is going to be more framing in my future - In fact I have a list of glass I need to have cut for some other pieces!!!

I finished up the latest section of the ABC SAL - and here is a snap...

Only two more sections and this lovely will be all over -
I am still really enjoying stitching on this!!!

- and here is a new start - from La-d-Da - called "Peaceful Ways"

This will be a pretty quick stitch - I really like the colours and the sentiment.

Thanks again to you all for entering my 2nd Annual Blogoversary drawing
and for the continual encouragement!!!!

Stop by again!!!

take care,

Friday, May 8, 2009

Friday arrives

Here we are at another week ending and the glorious weekend is here. I heard from Amy that the Ornament I made for her had arrived safe and sound. Here is a snap....

I really enjoyed stitching this one up as I really like Midsummer Night Designs. I think I will need to make me one for our tree - it is called "Christmas Angel" and is from the JCS 2007 Ornament issue. I used the recommended floss' and stitched it on LL Maple sugar. I am still working on stuff that I can't show yet - but will in the near future!!

Yesterday we took the hounds out, like we do every day when we get home and this was sitting at the end of our street -

Now wasn't that sweet of someone to leave seating for the tired masses!!!! Such a classy thing to do!! Our street dead ends and doesn't go through. Behind this settee is a grassy little area (dog run) and then this drops off to a craggy cliff down to the backside of Noe Valley. I have seen other things "dropped' off here but never a broken down velveteen, being held together with staples couch!!

The flicker for last night was "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" - 2008 - starring Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, Tilda Swinton and Taraji P Henson. What a super movie and great story. I was a bit uneasy to get this - with all the hype about it when it came out - with all the usual Hollywood bull being slung about. I was very pleasantly surprised!! it is quite a long flick coming in a 166 mins - I would absolutely recommend the film - the production value was top notch and the special effects were there but done very well.

To answer a few questions that popped up over the week -

Yes - I did get a pair of those wonderful sunglasses to wear around when I was dilated - and what a thrill that was!!!

The silk that I am using for the ABC SAL -

is Belle Soie - Plush Plum and Teddy Bear - they are ECU school colours (purple & gold).

Colleen - I also love the movie "Witness for the Prosecution" - 1957 - one of my all time favorites!!! Every actor is top notch and does a superior job!!!

There you go chickens!! (see Coni I also can't break the GG spell either) Remember today is the last day to sign up here for my 2nd Blogoversary - give-away - drawing!! I will announce the winner on Monday!!

Thanks for stopping by!! have a great weekend!
Take care,

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Great Drawing ....

.... is going on over at Steph's. She is celebrating 10,000 Blog Hits - the prize is a $100 voucher of the winners choice - stop on by and leave a comment!!
How super is that!!!!

I couldn't see a thing....

... or I could see too much!! Last night after work I went for my annual (which was actually biannual since I didn't do it last year) eye exam! Dr. Bautista checked and rechecked and drop - drop - drop - drops into my eyes and he ended up with the wonderful dilating of the eyes- so everything was sooooo bright!!! I also got a new pair of glasses ordered as my ancient eyes ain't gettin no better!! But let me tell you - the not being able to focus and the bright light was a bit much at dusk!! It lasted into the middle of the evening with very little stitching getting done. I gues it is better to have the exam and know everything is alright for another year than not to do it at all!! The glasses on order are different than the glasses I wear now - now they are sort of tortoise shell brown plastique and the new ones are sort of metally - they come back in a week and I will post a snap then - I just know we are on pins and needles for that pictureoo!!

The flicker last night was the powerful Academy nominated film - "Vera Drake" 2004 starring Imelda Staunon in one of the most powerful performances of 2004. The film is directed and written by Mike Leigh who also did "Secrets and Lies" - 1996, and "Topsy, Turvy" - 1999, another wonderful film. "Vera Drake" is set in working class London of the early 1950's - the story juxtaposes the issue of abortion within the rich and the poor communities which both seek the help that at the time was illegal. It was a 2 hour plus film but you never notice the time and the character driven story line was really well done. No matter where you are on this issue - this non preachy drama deserves to be seen. A really great film!!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mid Week Madness

Sounds kind of like an old fashioned white sale!! But, we do begin the slide to the weekend today.

Not much going on I can show about my stitching - as all of the needlework is for others at the moment so no snaps.

Last night the flicker was "Captain is a Lady" - 1940 - a B flick starring a bunch of character actors beginning with Charles Coburn and a bunch of ladies.... Beulah Bondi, Marjorie Main, Helen Westley, Billie Burke, Helen Broderick. A fluffy sentimental piece - at 65 mins a very quick watch.

Something interesting at our house - we have been chosen by the Nielsen Ratings people to keep a diary of our TV watching.

I got a phone call a month or so ago from the Nielsen people asking if we would participate and I agreed - so here we are adding our 2 cents to the ratings for the US. I will be interested to see at the end of the week how everything pans out. The downstairs TV will show a ton of movies, and lots of Food, History, Discovery and National Geographic channel watching.... and the upstairs TV will show tons of HBO, MTV, VH1 and any kind of odd and unusual medical procedure Rico can find to watch!!

That's about it for today!! Don't forget the Blogoversary Drawing - comment on Mondays post -

Thanks for stopping by - let's give a shout out to Rico's cousin Peanut - Howdy!!!!!

Take care,

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Is it Friday yet......

I got up this morning asking myself that question!!! Of course it isn't - it's only Tuesday - and over the night there were two - count them - two earthquakes here in the Bay area!! Now, we have quakes all the time everyday, but I guess that last nights quakes where just a bit bigger than the rest - or - there was nothing going on so the News people needed some filler!! We of course slept right through them - I think it would take our building sliding down the mountain that we are on to wake us from the comas we pass into at night!!! Our building is not actually on a mountain - on "Olde Mapps" - the hill/mound we are on is called "Red Rock."

Last night I was a'workin on some more secret stitching so no snaps - Thank you all for the nice comments on the Flower Basket piece - I really like it and now need to spend some cash to have that sucker framed - I wish I knew how to frame things - boy, could I save some funions! I worked out what my projects for the next couple of months and instead of things slaking off they seem to be getting busier - now what's up with that!

The flicker last night was "Sweethearts" -1938 starring Jeanette McDonald and Nelson Eddy - this was the first full length color film from MGM and voted by the public as best movie of 1938 - A very entertaining movie with some really wonderful over the top musical numbers - it wouldn't be MGM if they didn't have that.

And there you go - don't forget to comment on yesterdays blog to win the Secret Blogoversary Prize!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!
Take care,

Monday, May 4, 2009

Rain, Stitch, Rain, Stitch, Movie, Stitch, a Winner and a Blogoversary Secret Prize!!!!!

Well, I was proved wrong with the rain - although not a downpour - it was a steady drizzle and spit for 2 and a half days more or less - and that was very welcome!!!!

On Saturday Dale and I ran around to a handful of Estate sales and I bought a couple of books and a Freida Kahlo poster for Rico and that was it! I was home pretty early in the afternoon which I spent watching Part I of "Mapp and Lucia" 1985 - a superior BBC production that I can not recommend enough!!! Taken from the books by EF Benson (which a great BTW) and brought to life by Geraldine McEwan and Prunella Scales. If you have not seen this series you really should!!

I did finish up ....

Flower Basket by La-D-Da - what a great Spring thing to stitch! I used a piece of unidentified 36ct linen and most of the recommended WDW Floss'.

On Sunday we got together with some friends at Los Jarritos for breakfast - then after getting home I settled into working on my neglected ABC piece - I did finish up last months section and got started on the section for this month and here how it stands today...

I am still really liking how this is coming along and will get the rest of this months section done this week!! It was a Judi Dench double feature on the tube from NetFlix during the afternoon. Starting off with "Jack and Sarah" - 1995 - where Judi was more supporting than starring - predictable by nice film of loss and redemption. The second flicker was "Iris" - 2001 - a love story about Iris Murdoch and her husband as she struggles with Alzheimer's disease - The storyis told with flashbacks to when they were students.

I heard from Julianne - she received her ornament for the Ornament Exchnage.
Here is a snap -

She really likes PS and so I stitched up a Santa from "A Christmas Visit" #50 using the recommended DMC on 36ct LL Maple sugar Linen.

I wanted toThank everyone that entered the "Lo Rose" Book drawing..... And we do have a winner for the Christmas Book - I loaded all the names into a Randomizer and out popped "Robin" - So Dear Robin if you could get me your mailing address I will get the book on its way to you. Just drop the address to me at edgar matt @ g mail . com (take out the spaces)


I also wanted to announce that this is a Blogoversary week here at the Black Sheep - In fact it is my second Blogoversary!! So in honor of this momentous occasion we are having a drawing on this Saturday May 9th - If you would like to win the secret prize..... just comment on this post and mention it on your blog (if you have one) and I will announce the winner on Monday, May 11th. I am not going to post a snap of the prize as I want it to be a surprise until the winner receives it in the mail!!


Thanks for stopping by !!

Take care,

Friday, May 1, 2009

Another Friday -

Another week passes and we are on the brink of the weekend..... and it is supposed to rain. RAIN - this is not our rainy season... it is supposed to be over by now!! I know, we need the rain, but why can't it rain during the week and not on days we have off and want to run around doing stuff!! I guess it's just the way that things are. All that said - it is just the weather people saying we are going to have a rain so I am really not holding my breath for a downpour - they tend to be wrong more than right!! I always say the best forecaster is sticking my head out the window - if it gets wet it is raining or there are large birds flying over!!!!!! :)

Gentle readers - thank you all for the nice things you had to say about the Woodland Exchange piece I sent to Tracy. I really like Workbasket designs and wanted to do Fox Forest for the longest time. Now I am thinking of another exchange ...... ???

I am working on stitching up another sort of secret thing so no snaps of that - I will have some stitchy snaps on Monday - I promise!!

Last night the flickers were - "Star of Midnight" 1935 - starring William Powell and Ginger Rodgers - a very thin version of the Thin Man series and Ginger is no Myrna!! But, the sets are gorgeous 30's deluxe and Gingers costumes are stunning. A thin plot but lots to look at!! The second feature was "The Kiss Before the Mirror" - 1933 starring Nancy Carroll, Paul Lukas and Frank "The Wizard of Oz" Morgan. A 67 min quickly paced trial movie. Adulterous wife killed and husband on trail with a twist!! Pretty good movie the print was a bit murky but worth a look. Neither of these movies is on DVD (I borrowed copies) but are played on TCM often.

Today is the last day to enter the drawing for the Christmas Book - I will close the entries at 3 pm PST and do a drawing with the Bowl of Destiny this weekend and announce the winner on Monday - when my Blogaversary Drawing starts!! Stay tuned - same Bat Time, Same Channel!!!

And as much as we like Adam West and Burt Ward - who could resist the lovely Julie Newmar - so statuesque!!!! What a cat suit - meow!!!!

Have a great weekend!! Thanks for stopping by -
Take care,

A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...