Friday, April 29, 2011

Finally Framed Finishes

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank  you so much for your input about floss colours - I think I know the direction to take....

Yesterday evening we drove down to South City, as a visit to Target was needed and there isn't one in San Francisco - and  - since it is only about 10 minutes away it is close enough to make a quick stop.  While we where there I thought about checking on the two pieces I had being framed at Michael's (you just can not beat a 70% off coupon) - I hadn't gotten a call but they are getting much quicker in the turn around of things.  Luck was with me they had them finished up and just waiting for me - I call the serendipitous!!

Of course I took some snaps that really aren't half bad - for me at least.... The two pieces I had framed where the "Emblem of Love" Round Robin that I arranged with Wendy Jo, Suzanne, Margaret. Carol and Deb.  The pattern is "An Emblem of Love" designed by Ellen Chester of "with my Needle."

I had it framed up tight like a traditional Quaker but chose a brighter frame with a little band of blue that I think brings out the blue in the piece.  Here is a close up of the frame....

I really enjoyed this RR - and love the group stitching on a piece.... Now, I need to think about starting up another one.....  any takers??

The second piece I had framed up is a piece I did a couple of years ago called "Les Jardin des Arbes" (The Garden of Trees) designed by d'Isabelle Vautier for the French Cross Stitch Magazine Mains & Marveilles.  The magazine was OOP and I had the darnedest time finding a copy... but, with the kind loan of a copy by Julianna that I was able to do this really beautiful sampler.

I chose this frame because it looks all woodsy and I think fits the piece - it also has a light blue stripe that picks up the floss in the piece ( I did not use the recommended DMC Floss but came up with my own over dyed palette for this piece)  Here is a close up of this frame...

Both pieces where made because of the friends I have met through this Blog and will always remind me of them!!  I do thank everyone that either stitched and or help in the making of these lovelies... now to get them up on the wall.

At Target I found these treats....

..... for the freezer.  You know I love me some Icy Pops - and to find super sour ones - woohoo!!!!!

There you go sports fans.  Thanks again for all the kind comments and for stopping by.  
Have a wonderful weekend!!

 Take care,

Thursday, April 28, 2011

How About Some Flicks

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends - wowzers!!  I am just beaming a mighty smile this morning at the interest in my little 4th Blogoversary Drawing!!!  Thank you all so very much for the kind comments - I have said it before and I'll say it again - kind comments = warm hugz!!!!!  Here's a question for you - what do you think is the most popular colour of floss for projects?? - I know what I think , but what do you think.  I am thinking Red, but I do see lots of blue things.....  a thought to ponder.

As usual I have been watching lots of movies and there have been a couple of top notch flickers lately......

Let's start off with "In a lonely Place" - 1950 - starring Humphrey Bogart and Gloria Grahame.   A little synopsis from Rod Craford....... "Screenwriter Dixon Steele, faced with the odious task of scripting a trashy bestseller, has hat-check girl Mildred Atkinson tell him the story in her own words. Later that night, Mildred is murdered and Steele is a prime suspect; his record of belligerence when angry and his macabre sense of humor tell against him. Fortunately, lovely neighbor Laurel Gray gives him an alibi. Laurel proves to be just what Steele needed, and their friendship ripens into love. Will suspicion, doubt, and Steele's inner demons come between them?"  A nice little flick with a twist ending.

Secondly was a newer film based in fact "Spring 1941" - 2008 - starring Joseph Fiennes, Clare Higgins, Kelly Harrison and Neve McIntosh. A very successful surgeon, his wife and their two daughters need to get away from the Nazi invaders of Poland.  Eventually finding a safe haven on the farm of Emilia, their grocer.  She lives alone after her husband never returned from fighting the German Invasion.  Told in flashback the story unfolds dramatically with the family running from gun shots through deserted city streets to the concert stage thirty years later.  Although there are some pretty graphic moments that are hard to watch it is a movie that should be seen and a piece of history not to be forgotten.


There you go sports fans - do forget to throw in for the 4th Blogoversary drawing -  Click HERE to read the "How to Enter Post."  Thanks again for stopping by!!  Do come again.

Take care,

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

FOUR Years and Counting - a Blogoversary is Upon Us

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you most profusely for all the kind, sweet comments for yesterdays post.  I did have a great time over at NiaH - it is a super store!!!  - and -  for all the kind words about my WIP - LHN Monthlies, still stitching on that sucker!!

Today's post is all about an upcoming 4th Blogoversary for me and my little "Bit o'the Web."  

I started Blacksheep four years ago on May 9, 2007 - and have never regretted that decision.  I always enjoy babbling on about the goings on in my little life and reading all the other Blogs.  I also have enjoyed meeting so many great stitchers and crafters out in Blog Land.  I often wonder at how connected we are being linked together with this computer thing - and how much richer my life is knowing everyone that shares my interests in needlework and craft.  It does make for a smaller world, but that is a good thing - IMHO - If it weren't for this Blog and all our Blogs I would never have tried to stitch on linen, tried using silks, or ventured out from the comfortable.  I love being enabled by everyone!!  I love the camaraderie and kindness - the sharing of our lives.  It is so worth it!!

Now on to the Drawing - I couldn't let this Fourth year pass without one - This Drawing is open to everyone everywhere - so don't be shy....  To enter all you need to do is Comment on this POST only, for a single chance.  For a Second chance either be a Follower or become a Follower of my Blog .  If you would like a Third entry just mention in a posting on your Blog about the Fourth Blogoversary Drawing - AND for a Fourth Entry post a link on Your Blog back to this Post.   There you go - you can have FOUR chances in the drawing - now - what will you win if you are chosen.....  I thought about it for a couple of days and have in my mind what it will be, but no snaperoo yet.  Let's just say I think its a nice prize and leave it at that.  I will close the entries on May 7th at 3 pm PST - and haul the BOD (bowl of Destiny) out and have the drawing on Sunday May 8th - then announce the winner on Monday May 9th, the actual Fourth Blogoversary.  You can't win if you don't enter.  Do make sure that I have a way to contact you if you win.  
Easy Peasey - Mac and Cheessey!!

There you go sports fans.  Thanks again for your continued kindnesses and wonderful comments!!!
  Do stop by again!

Take care,

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Part II - A Visit to Needle in a Haystack

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends since this was a three day weekend I made plans for a visit to NiaH on Friday.  NiaH opens at 11 am so we coupled this visit with a stop off at IKEA first - they open at 10.  Making our morning a great adventure of getting onto the highway and zooming across the Bay Bridge to Emeryville.  Check yesterdays post for the report about our first stop at IKEA.

After leaving IKEA loaded down with some cool stuff we headed into downtown Oakland - Rico knew a short cut through town instead of getting back onto the Highway.  Driving on the highways is something I hate to do.  I think my biggest gripe about highway driving is that most drivers treat it like some sort of speedway. Going in excess of 80 or 90+ mph, cutting in and out of traffic and just reckless driving typify the highways here in California.  Saving 3 seconds getting someplace and disregarding everyone else on the road is not safe driving and it makes me just insane.  Getting off my soapbox....

Getting onto Alameda and finding Niah was so very easy and the parking was plentiful.  We walked in and as usual the store is a dream and just packed with all sorts of goodies.  Here are some snaps.......

There was so much to see and look through.  When ever I make a trip over I go with a list in my head or for specific things.  If I didn't I would go wild and just spend way too much.  This time was no different - I had and idea of what I wanted to get - some linen, some buttons and any chart on my list.  Of course I picked up a couple of other things ...  here is a snap of my little stash acquisition...

As you can see I didn't go crazy - but found some things I really wanted.  Starting in the top left - this is my main WIP basket in which I keep my most current projects  - inside you can see that each project has its own zippered pouch - I needed a few more pouches for the secondary WIP basket - I also picked up a PS chart I didn't have, "May," and a couple of other charts - "Mighty Oak Sampler" from Chessie and Me and "Jenny Bean and Friends" from Shakespeare's Peddler.  Moving to the lower middle you can see my completed "Christmas Rules" by Lizzie Kate.  I stitched mine on 36 ct linen instead of the recommended 28 ct.  That meant that the buttons included with the charts never really fit right IMHO - so I took the piece with me to find smaller buttons.  Talking to Cathe I found out that these where the smallest buttons out there and then she suggested using beads - well, I never even thought about beads - so we looked through the huge number of choices and found some sparkly opaque ones that will work just great.  Now I need to clip off the buttons and attach the beads a-  I think then I will be much happier with the results.  Moving towards the top you can see a great needle minder from Klemscott - it is the sheep one that released last year - I wanted it then but never got it - I just couldn't pass on it when I saw it this time.  Next to the needle minder is a great Blacksheep, scissor holder, pin cushion and thimble holder - there were both Black and White sheep - was there any choice??  I picked it up when I first walked in and just loved this little darling!!  I stood there and thought and thought about it  - remembering that I did have a list - and then passed.  When we got into the car to leave Rico handed it to me and said "Happy Easter!!" - wasn't that a sweet thing to do!!!  All of these wonderful things are sitting on the reason I wanted to go over in the first place - for some linen.  I actually wanted a piece of linen to make a new start.... this lovely piece is by Lakeside Linens, 36 ct "Vintage Sand Dune" and a special cut for Autumn at HRH.  It also happens to be the exact size I need to make my start on "And They Sinned."  I really want to start on ATS but didn't have anything near long enough in my stash pile.  I also like to see linen in person since I enjoy over dyed and hand dyed linen - the dye lots between pieces can be really dramatic.  Cathe and Debi were a super help and they hauled out many pieces of linen that would work before I finally decided on this piece. There you go a smallish stash pile, but things  I "needed" or is that wanted.

I have been stitching on LHN Monthlies and here is a progress snap.....

..... as you can see I have finished up April and May and am now working on June. I am making slight changes to colour placement from the charted placement - just because I think it looks better and for no other reason.   I should be able to finish up June and be able to start on ATS  this weekend - woohoo!!!

There you go sports fans - a visual visit to a lovely shop with wonderful people and great stuff!!!  Let me know if there is anything specific you wanted to know.  Thanks for stopping by and for your super comments!!  Do stop by again!

Take care,

Monday, April 25, 2011

A Three Day weekend - Part I

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends - well, here I am back at the salt mines on a wet, windy Monday Morning!!  The weekend was just beautiful - bright and breezy - dampish with fog, but nice all the same.  It has been on the cool side, but that's they way it is most of the time and I love it!!

I am breaking up the weekend into two posts - Friday we spent running to the east Bay with a visit to IKEA in Emeryville.  This gigantic Swedish store is just stuffed to the rafters with home stuff.  We haven't visited in the longest time -  We got there about 20 mins before they opened and got a great parking spot.  We really were not shopping for anything in particular but we did find some new Summer linen's for the bed.....
They were very inexpensive and brighten up the room - even the Lolly approves!  From IKEA we drove over to Alameda to Needle in a Haystack.  The NiaH Report I will save until tomorrow - so check back then.

After making one more stop on the way back into the city at an Antique Collective (Mall) we decided to stop for a quick lunch at Jack in the Box.  The only reason I mention this is that they have a really delicious new summer shake - Blackberry....

If you get the chance try it you'll like it!!

Last week I was going to post about a RAK I received but you remember the issues with Blog/Google so that never happened.  But, now we are back and working I can post...  I received from sweet Coni, Aunt Chrissy, Stewey and little Bosco a wonderful Easter Treat...

Not only treats for Me and Rico , but the who-hounds got lovely treats.  Thanks you so much for making our Easter so super special!!!!!

Another treat the hounds got was from Gabriella a co-worker of Rico's- she made some doggie cookies that the who hounds love....

They are peanut buttery delicious and the hounds really go for them!!

On Saturday we ran around to some sales and Thrift Shops - Here is a snap of the few bits I picked up...

I got two really nice older frames - four travel books and a gorgeous black and white transfer ware mug c. 1880 - you might not be able to see but there are cows on the mug - just super!!

I think that about wraps it up for today.  Check back tomorrow for Part II - A trip to NiaH.  Thanks so much for stopping by.

Take care,

Thursday, April 21, 2011

An Exchange Arrives and 2 More Lovlies

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends - was I the only one yesterday that couldn't make Google work????  I tried off and on for most of the morning and then just gave up the goat!  By the afternoon I was so busy that I just couldn't get back to make a post.  I don't think that has ever happened, sometimes it is slow as a slug but never - not coming up.  Oh, well - it is up today.

The day before yesterday I heard that my HOE Quaker Ornament had arrived at its new home.  My Exchange Partner was Lisa - and here is a snap...

The design is from Milady's Needle called "Quaker Smalls."  I stitched it using the recommended Belle Soie silks on a piece of mystery 36ct mystery linen.    This was the second round in the perpetual Ornament Exchange - round three is "Snowmen" - what fun....  I have already narrowed down what I want to stitch!!

In the last post I showed a great new sampler release - well, Terri brought to my attention another lovely new sampler, from Brenda Gervais over at "With thy Needle & Thread" - she has just released "Ann Sandlers - 1846".....

Just a lovely A&E Sampler - I usually do not go for the A&E's but I love how this is different - the border, building and saying - are all just super!! 

The third - must have - new sampler is from Beth Twist over at "Heartstring Samplery" - It is called "Thirsty Hart," here is a snap from her blog.....

I love deer in samplers and that is the focus of this gorgeous piece.  Along with the hart is a lovely border and a few butterfly's - just beautiful.  I am sorry to be such an enabler but I wanted those that might not have seen some of the new releases to be aware of the great things out there to be gotten!!
I think that is a wrap for today.  We have tomorrow off so I might not post.  The plan for our Friday off is a trip to Alameda - and we all know what that means.....  cross stitch fun at Needle in a Haystack!!  They moved a few months ago and I haven't gotten the chance to see the new digs - I can't wait!!  Rico wants to stop off at Ikea which is also over in the East Bay - so we will have a busy day.  I do hope everyone has a super de duper Easter!!!

Thanks again to you all for your kind comments!!  I do appreciate the time and trouble you take to leave them.  Do stop by again!!

Take care,

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hit and Run Posting or Do I Need More Stash?????

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends - I really didn't have anything to write about today, but has that ever stopped me???  Not really!! 

So I have been here just thinking about doing a little postlette about the On-Line Needlework Show.  There were lots of nice things, some things I had seen before and some I hadn't.  I also thought about how much stash I have and what I shouldn't be buying...... all that being said....   there where two really lovely things I know I will add to that ever growing heap.

The first is a new sampler from Milady's Needle - called " In Search of Bliss -

I love the symmetry and the little saying.  A must have in my book.

The second is actually something I have seen before but is now being offered as a set instead of individually....  the 12 Days of Christmas, ornaments from Marking Sampler.  I couldn't find a snap of the set, but these little lovelies have been being released over the past few years and I really liked them lots!  There are many versions of the "12 Days" but these seem to really speak to me.

That's it for today sports fans - thanks again for all your kindness, I do appreciate it!!

Take care,

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Monday Posting...

Gentle Readers and Dear friend the weekend went by much too fast - as always.

Saturday was just beautiful here, bright blue, breezy and full of sunshine.  A very nice day all the way around.  I made it to two Estate sales, 4 Thrift/Consignment shops and found zero things to buy.  Sometimes it is just that way.  There was lots of stuff to buy, but nothing hit me just right - and I already have a pileo'crap now - There will be other sales and other weekends.

I did some stitching on my LHN Monthlies - and of course I can't get the colours right - or to my liking, but I want to show a progress snap so here 'tis.....

The linen is not pink by any stretch of the imagination, but for some reason the reds are a bit off and I just can not wonky them back to normal, but you get the idea.  I have started up April and will have it done by the end of the month.

On other stitchity notes I went through the majority of my stash and found quite a few things I no longer need or have stitched and will not restitch - so I will have that stuff together and up at some point soon.

Yesterday the city was completely encased in a dense and damp fog for the majority of the day.  It was more on the windy side and less breezy than Saturday - a more typical SF day.  We went to early Mass - and Palm Sunday services where just lovely - and after we got home stayed in for the rest of the day.  It was a very nice way to spend the remainder of the weekend.

There you go sports fans - thanks for stopping by - do come again!!

Take care,

Friday, April 15, 2011

HOE Quaker Ornament Arrives

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends the mail brought me a lovely Exchange piece yesterday.  As part of the HOE I joined in on the second round Ornament Exchange - the theme was a Quaker Ornament -and you know how I loves me some Quaker!! - so how could I pass!!  Yesterday my ornament arrived from my partner - all the way from Singapore - Ellen did a wonderful job on this exchange!!  Here is a snap ....

The design is from JCS 2006 by Ellen Chester - stitched on 32ct Vintage Mocha Belfast.  This was a no goodies exchange but sweet Ellen included a darling little porcelain thimble from Singapore, how cute is that!  I do thank you so very much Ellen, and it will look super on the tree this year!!! 

I got my ornament into the mail this morning - it should arrive in a few days as it hasn't that very far to go.

There you go sports fans - another week gone and two wonderful days off looming in front of us!!!  Have a great weekend and do stop by again.

Take care,

Thursday, April 14, 2011

One day Closer to the Weekend...

Gentle readers and Dear Friends thank you so much for all the great comments about the ABC Hornbook finish.  They are the warm hugs this cold morning.  I would totally recommend this stitch for anyone - It is not difficult and with so many little designs and do-dads it continually holds your stitching interest!!  I would also say that for the most part the only floss one needs to acquire is the Charcoal and Bark and that would be two of each colour - as those are the only colours I really used any great amounts.  You could totally stitch this form stash as so many of the colours use single strands of any given colour - the motifs are so small with not many colour changes it would be easy to do.

I worked again on LHN Monthlies last night - I think I will show a snap on Monday so there will be something interesting to see.  I am changing up some of the colours as the recommended ones are bleeding into the linen to the point of disappearing - and I can't have that.  :)

I also finished up my HOE Ornament that is due tomorrow - and will have that in the mail in the morning. 

The flicker last night was a restored version of Frank Capra's "Lost Horizon" - 1937 - starring Ronald Coleman, Jane Wyatt, Edward Everett Horton, John Howard and Thomas Mitchell.  This really wonderful film is about a group of British citizens fleeing revolution in China.  They board a plane with seconds to spare and think they are flying east to Shanghai... but are in reality being kidnapped and are flying west towards the Himalaya mountains.  The plane crash lands in the mountains.  The survivors are found and brought to Shangri-La.  This Utopia in the clouds is filled with people who never grow old and never get ill.  This restored version is as close to the directors vision as is possible with set stills filling in here and there where actual film is missing.  At a little over 2 hours this film never seems long - the sets and photography are top notch.

There you go sports fans - thanks again for stopping by - do come again!!
Take care,

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Hornbook Finish

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends my batteries are charged up and I got some snaps of my finish from last night.  Happy Jigs all around.  You know that some stitching can be arduous and never ending - we've all had those kind of projects - this piece never once fell into that tedium.  The only real problem I had at all was the frog issue - and it really was my fault for being off a stitch or two. (count twice stitch once)

Here are some close ups of the Hornbook .....  
the colour is a bit off, as in all the snaps, always,  of this piece....

Here is a snap of the entire piece, it is largish so it was a bit on the tricky side to get it lit overall....

ABC Hornbook, by Lisa Roswell of The Primitive Needle
3/13/2011 - 4/12/2011
36ct BoF Sandpiper, with the recommended over dyed floss

I really enjoyed this piece and would totally recommend it as a great stitch. 
Lisa was so talented and will be certainly be missed!!!!

After I finished and took the snaps there was still some evening stitching time so I pulled out my LHN Monthlies piece and worked a bit on it.  I do not want to fall too far behind so I will stitch up a few months and get back to Shores or I might just go back to Sampler Wreath, that would be a sweet finish!!

Looking at all the charts I have in my completed pile I think I need to go through and have a small stash reduction sale/trade - I really do not think I will restitch some of the larger things I have done and they should move on to new homes.  I'll let you know when I post some things for sale/trade.

I think that about wraps up the post for today.  Again I can't thank everyone enough for your kind commenting - and sweet words for the Blog - and as always - thanks again for stopping by, do come again!!!!

Take care,

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

One Dead Battery

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you so much for stooping by and for leaving such kind comments.  I do appreciate the time and trouble you take!

As the post title says - I got one dead battery - so my camera was out of whack for a snap lat night.  I didn't realize it until I went and tried to get a couple of snaps of the Hornbook and my battery light was a'blinking.  So, I popped it out and plugged it into the recharger and will be able to get a snap this evening.

Last night the flicker was "Clash by Night" - 1952 -starring Barbara Stanwyck, Paul Douglas, Robert Ryan and Marilyn Monroe.  A bit talky and stage bound in some scenes--but an interesting melodrama thanks mainly to the gripping performances of Stanwyck, Douglas and Ryan. Ryan would have made a great Stanley Kowalski in 'Streetcar' based on his drunk scene in this one. He can play a brute about as well as anyone and here he's quite an actor, matching Stanwyck's intense performance with a sturdy one of his own.Worth a look.

There you go sports fans - Thanks again for stopping by , do come again!!

Take care,

Monday, April 11, 2011

A very lazy Weekend

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends this past weekend was a total lazy weekend - don't get me wrong I still did laundry, vacuumed, dusted, cooked and ironed, but besides the regular running of the house I also sat around lots and stitched.

Saturday we ran around to the sales and shops and here is the haul...
Not very much at all - but from L to R... two books - a newish copy of Les Miserables, a book about the history of some of the worlds more famous jewels, a brand new tube of draw liner paper (it has a really old fashioned floral kind of scent) a great hinged tin Christmas box and a nice repro annunciation Icon.

I also put two pieces of stitching in for framing - they should be back in the next few weeks.

I baked up a red velvet cake - normally a red-velvet cake is a layer cake, but I wanted a sheet cake version and found a great recipe on line - with a delicious whipped cream cheese frosting......

Here is a snap of it an hour or so ago all hacked up a ready to be brought into work.  I'll post the recipe in the next day or two - it turned out pretty tasty if I do say so myself!!

Yesterday we spent at home, never leaving, not even for Mass, breakfast or the farmers market.  I baked up some strudel for breakfast and then made some steaks from the freezer for dinner.  I spent the entire day just hanging out stitching and watching Elizabeth Taylor flickers - it was a very good day!!!!  I'll post a snap of the stitching later as I forgot to get one last night.

There you go sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by - do come again!!  Did anyone else catch the new "Upstairs Downstairs" on PBS that started last night - what did you think?????

Take care,

Friday, April 8, 2011

A Movie Tribute Reminder

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends just a quickie posting this morning - I wanted to remind everyone about this Sunday, April 10, 2011 -  TCM  24 Hour Tribute to the late Elizabeth Taylor.  You can click HERE to view a the list as I posted it of the movies they have lined up or click HERE to go directly to the TCM Tribute page.  It should be a great movie watching day!!

Not too much on the agenda for the weekend - just the usual things - and some stitching!!

Thanks for stopping by - do come again!!!  Have a great weekend!!

Take care,

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Little Flicker Post

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends your kind words where so nice to read this morning - I do thank you and appreciate them!!  Last night was some more, not much more, but a little more stitching on Hornbook, it's coming along nicely.

The flicker for the evening was a relatively new one compared to the many old Noir and Dramas I usually watch.  The film is called "Greenfingers" - 2000 - and stars - Clive Owen, Helen Mirren, David Kelly, Warren Clarke, Danny Dyer and Adam Fogerty.  This very English film revolves around a group of prisoners, gardening and a National Competition they enter.  Helen Mirren has never been better in this a stand out performance as "Georgina Woodhouse" gardening guru..  Based on a true story this perfectly charming film is a real gem - filmed in England with some beautiful footage of Hampton Court Palace it is really worth a look.


There you go sports fans - short and sweet.  Thanks for stopping by do come again!!

Take care,

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hornbook Update

Gentle readers and Dear Friends today I am posting one of the worst snaps ever - of a piece of needlework. This piece is not only large, but the linen is impossible to get a decent picture of - and this one is also way crooked, what was I doing -  falling over or something when I took it!!!  Oh well, it's what I have of the Hornbork progress so here it is....

The stitching moves along pretty quickly and with the little breaks every three lines it keeps it interesting and fun to do.  I will have to put this away for a few days while I work on an exchange piece that is coming due next week.  But, as soon as I finish up that -  I will get back to this piece and finish it up..

I have posted both the "Jewish Coffee Cake" and the "Apricot Nectar Cake" on Blacksheep bakes - you can click HERE to get to them.  I cannot find the chocolate chip mini muffin recipe, but will keep looking and when I find it I will get that one posted also.  I had a request for a red Velvet Cake for next Monday so that will probably be what gets baked this weekend.

There you go sports fans - a short one today.  Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments!!!!  I do appreciate them.

Take care,

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Weekend Posting - a day late.....

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends so sorry not to have posted yesterday, but in the move (and it ain't over yet) there was another big push over the weekend and I came into work with no working computer.  So for the first 3 hours I sat here reading away - not much else to do.  After all was fixed I actually had to get to work and couldn't get a post up.  
I started off the weekend by stopping off Friday at a new (at least to me new) place for a treat ....  Pinkies Bakery - click HERE to read more about it - here's a snap of what I picked up......

cute box holds delicious......

......chocolate cupcakes sprinkled with sea salt - now that may sound odd by the salt really adds a great note to the dark chocolate!!

Over the weekend we had some really gorgeous weather - bright and sunny and in the mid 70's both days.  Real summer weather - not too cold, not too hot - no fog - it was just right.  On Saturday morning we got out to some Estate sales - not that there was much to buy - I did pick up a few things.....

Three books and a super little Bunnykins Christmas Plate.  from l to r - a children's picture book copy of a favorite story of mine by Truman Capote "A Christmas Memory" - if you have not read this story do yourself a favor and pick up a copy.   The story is from Capote's childhood and revolves around making fruitcake.  You can click HERE to read more about this short story.  The next book is a great book from classic Hollywood and the third is a wonderful travel book I have been looking for. The Bunnykins plate just hit me right - I love Christmas and the rabbits a really cute.... and was a total deal - how could I pass it up.

I baked up a "Jewish Coffee Cake" - now what make this Jewish is beyond me, but I had everything in the house and it came together really fast......

Now I have three recipes to post to Blacksheep Bakes - I really will get them up at some point, never fear!!  This particular cake had a get heavy feel to it and went so well with a cup of hot coffee yesterday morning - while I was reading I enjoyed my piece - the rest went off with Rico to his office.

I also got some stitching in on ABC Hornbook - and I thought I had a progress snap, but I forgot to take one, now what's up with that??  I'll get one up tomorrow.

Well, that's about it for today sports fans - thanks so much for stopping by!!  Do come again......

Take care,

Friday, April 1, 2011

A Movie Posting

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends our wacky weather here in the Bay was totally out of whack yesterday - it was bright and sunny with the heat getting into the low 80's - and I had actual sweat appear on my porcelain brow!!  Now, it is only spring and it was only a single day, but for goodness sakes - that hot, that soon - through me for a loop!  It is much better today and will be back in the low 60's over the weekend (with a chance of rain) so I guess one warmish day is OK.

Last Sunday we lost another Movie Star

 - Farley Granger - 1925-2011

He started his film career with a small part in "The North Star" - 1943 and then moved on to bigger rolls.  Two of his most memorable films were collaborations with Alfred Hitchcock - the films are - "Rope" -1948 and "Strangers on a Train" - 1951.  By the late 50's he had moved onto the small screen with lots of TV work.  He worked steadily at his craft through the 1970's, 80's and 90's with his last role in "The Next Big Thing" - 2001. He will be missed.

Last night the flicker was "The Cowboy and the Lady" - 1938 - starring Gary Cooper and Merle Oberon.  A light fun film about a socialite masquerading as a lady's maid that falls for a plainspoken cowboy.  A simple plot but great chemistry between the two stars.  Well worth a look.

There you go sports fans - thanks again for stopping by, do come again!!  Have a super weekend!!!

Take care,

A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...