Wednesday, April 27, 2011

FOUR Years and Counting - a Blogoversary is Upon Us

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you most profusely for all the kind, sweet comments for yesterdays post.  I did have a great time over at NiaH - it is a super store!!!  - and -  for all the kind words about my WIP - LHN Monthlies, still stitching on that sucker!!

Today's post is all about an upcoming 4th Blogoversary for me and my little "Bit o'the Web."  

I started Blacksheep four years ago on May 9, 2007 - and have never regretted that decision.  I always enjoy babbling on about the goings on in my little life and reading all the other Blogs.  I also have enjoyed meeting so many great stitchers and crafters out in Blog Land.  I often wonder at how connected we are being linked together with this computer thing - and how much richer my life is knowing everyone that shares my interests in needlework and craft.  It does make for a smaller world, but that is a good thing - IMHO - If it weren't for this Blog and all our Blogs I would never have tried to stitch on linen, tried using silks, or ventured out from the comfortable.  I love being enabled by everyone!!  I love the camaraderie and kindness - the sharing of our lives.  It is so worth it!!

Now on to the Drawing - I couldn't let this Fourth year pass without one - This Drawing is open to everyone everywhere - so don't be shy....  To enter all you need to do is Comment on this POST only, for a single chance.  For a Second chance either be a Follower or become a Follower of my Blog .  If you would like a Third entry just mention in a posting on your Blog about the Fourth Blogoversary Drawing - AND for a Fourth Entry post a link on Your Blog back to this Post.   There you go - you can have FOUR chances in the drawing - now - what will you win if you are chosen.....  I thought about it for a couple of days and have in my mind what it will be, but no snaperoo yet.  Let's just say I think its a nice prize and leave it at that.  I will close the entries on May 7th at 3 pm PST - and haul the BOD (bowl of Destiny) out and have the drawing on Sunday May 8th - then announce the winner on Monday May 9th, the actual Fourth Blogoversary.  You can't win if you don't enter.  Do make sure that I have a way to contact you if you win.  
Easy Peasey - Mac and Cheessey!!

There you go sports fans.  Thanks again for your continued kindnesses and wonderful comments!!!
  Do stop by again!

Take care,


  1. I'd love to be included Edgar, I know what you mean about blogging - it's a lovely way to connect and your blog was my inspiration (as you know).
    I'll be posting on Friday so I will give this a mention when I post the winner of my Royal Wedding Giveaway.

  2. I would love to be enter for a chance to have my name pulled from the BOD! I will also mention your drawing on my blog!

    Thanks Edgar!

  3. Edgar, Congrats.....your blog has certainly added to the stitchers reading delight. I love to see your projects, recipes, and "bargains". Thanks for the chance to win a prize...very generous of you. I do not blog but sure would love to be a follower. pj from iowa

  4. Count me in for the Giveaway Edgar :)
    I am a follower
    Happy Blogging !!!

  5. Easy Peasey - Mac and Cheessey!!

    Oh Edgar, you're a hoot! Congratulations on (almost) 4 years!

  6. Please include me in your drawing - I am and have been a follower - read your blog everyday around 11:00 AM EST (at work). I feel the same way about blogs - I would never have tried linen, never known about HDF silks, etc. I stitched years ago before I had kids and couldn't seem to fit it in for about 15 years - now I can't wait to get home at night to stitch. I really enjoy your blog and it is the first one I read everyday. Congratulations on your 4th blogiversary!

  7. Hi Edgar! I love your blog and it is one of my favorites. Your heading photo is still my alltime favorite. Please count me in on your giveaway!

    I am a follower.
    I have posted your giveaway on my blog, and
    I have added a link back to your blog.

    Thanks and have a super day.

    Peggy H.

  8. Hi Edgar, I read your blog every day too and even miss it at weekends!

    I am a follower and will post and link about your giveaway when I write up my blog again later this week.

    Congratulations by the way - four years is some achievement. Irene xx

  9. Hi Edgar,
    I am new to your blog but I'd love to get in on the giveaway. I have become a follower, posted this on my blog and added a link as well to get there. THANKS.

  10. Hi Edgar,

    I love your work (and your blog). Please enter me in your drawing. I have been following your blog for a couple of years via google reader, but went and added myself as a follower this morning.


  11. Congratulations on four years! That's a lot of writing and sharing. I'm so glad I discovered your corner of the web. I look forward to reading what you've been up to each morning.

    I'll cross my fingers that I may be the lucky winner. I hope you have a good week!

  12. Thanks for offering such a generous giveaway! I love seeing your stitching and the things you pick up at sales on the weekends!

    I'm had you in my Reader for awhile, but apparently I had never followed you before, so I'm a "new" follower!

    Keep up the superb blogging. ;)

    maurer dot katie at gmail dot com

  13. Congrats!! It's always fun to read your blog - please enter me! Some of us Southern girls have limited availability to stash!

  14. Congrats. I really enjoy reading your blog everyday. I am actually beginning a sampler (I've never done one)!
    Please enter me in your drawing.

  15. Edgar, I have been a follower for over a year now. And although I don't blog, I LOVE yours. Happy Blogoversary. Thanks for being there for us!

  16. Happy blogiversary, Edgar! It feels like you must have been blogging forever -- after all, you've been blogging much longer than I have. lol! I'm a follower already. If I remember to do any of those other things, I'll let you know. :D

  17. Happy anniversary, Edgar! I love to read your blog! I am a follower also! Please enter me. Thanks, Amy from Oklahoma
    amyfrazier @

  18. Happy Blogoversary Edgar - my friend! I visit you every day and I feel like you are the neighbor next door (oh my - the trouble we would get into if you were - tee hee). Getting you posted on my blog too -

  19. Congrats on your 4 years of blogging!
    I am a follower -- I have posted about this giveaway on my blog and linked back!

    Thank you for a lovely giveaway,
    bronzemom AT gmail DOT com

  20. Happy 4 years. I love following you and also your recipes.
    Will post at:
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  21. I would love to be included in your drawing. I have been a follower for a while.

    Thank you for the chance.

  22. Congratulations!
    I am a follower and would love to enter your giveaway :)

  23. I am so glad you decided to blog on that fateful day four years ago ... I look forward to your posts, whether they are about, films, antiquing, stitching or cooking ... You are so right about the blogging community being a virtual learning environment ... one that expands all our horizons.

    I don't know if this counts as following ... but you have been on my Bloglist sidebar for quite some time now ... I don't want to ever miss a post.

    I am sure whatever prize you select will be imaginative and delightful, so count me in, please.

  24. I so much enjoy reading your blog and sharing in your adventures and stitches! Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!
    Busy Hands...Happy Heart

  25. Being a follower is one of the simple pleasures in my life!
    Happy Anniversary!!!!
    Busy Hands...Happy Heart

  26. Sign me up. That sure was a fast four years!

  27. Congrats on reaching four years! I always enjoy reading your posts.
    I'm a follower and I put a link in my sidebar! Thanks for the chance!

  28. 4, i am haveing problems with my blog, so am just leaving a comment and e-mail for you, if i can get my blog togather again, i will be haveing a first year.

    Rhonda Polk

  29. I've always enjoyed your blog although I have not been a follower for a long time, and your stitching is always beautiful...please include me in your drawing.

  30. Four years is great!!. We should be sending you the gift!! Your blog is one of my faves.

    Please enter me into this drawing.

    Mary in TN

  31. I don't have a blog and recently discovered your blog through the long tax season I just went through (I'm a CPA). I'd visit your blog and your blog friends and dream of when I would be able to stitch again. Your blog also holds a special place in my heart as I live in the San Joaquin Valley and dearly love San Fran. Happy anniversary!


  32. Yours was one of the first stitching blogs I stumbled upon and read it for a long time before starting my own blog. Congrats on four years!!! I'll post about the drawing on my blog today.

  33. Happy four years of blogging Edgar! I'm glad to have come across your tales of the city and have met. I would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks so much for the chance.

  34. Hi Edgar :) oo am posting on here and a follower and hopefully remember to bob it on my blog when I next update so that's 2.5 chances ;0 heheheh:) congratulations on your anniversary .. blog land has certainly helped me in many ways and I have made lots of new stitchy friends :) love mouse xxxxx

  35. Oh, what a thrill, to hopefully own something stitched by you! I qualify for two chances, as I'm a faithful follower, but, alas, no blog of my own. Thanks for the chances, though!

  36. I would love to be included in your drawing, Edgar. I often spend my lunch time at work, eating at my desk and reading your blog and others. You are so right about reading what other stitchers are working on enabling us to try new things, or at the very least, enhance our stash. You always have something interesting to say.
    Thanks and happy stitching.

  37. I'd love to be included in your giveaway!!!!

    Happy 4th Blogging Year!! Don't you meet some wonderful people through blogging?

    I'm already a follower too!!

  38. Dear Edgar, I love reading your blog. I also have made many friends from blogland. I dont have my own blog but i love reading them. Congrats on 4 years,thats wonderful!Beth N. (

  39. I became an official follower today too! Thanks, Beth N. (

  40. Congrats Edgar...I love reading your blog even though I don't always comment. Here's to another 4 years and more xx Elisa xx I am a follower too

  41. Happy Anniversary Edgar. Count me in for a chance at the prize. Always enjoy the blog, here's to another four years.

  42. Congratulations,Edgar! I'd love to have my name in the Bowl of Destiny! Thanks! Hugs, Nancy in NY

  43. Happy Anniversary!! I'm new to the blogging world, but love it! I love sharing my craft with people, just like you!

    I'm a new follower!

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!


  44. Throw me into the Bowl of Destiny! Blogland and my life in general is so much better for you being here. Happy 4th!!

  45. CONGRATS on four years! That is fabulous!

  46. I have become a follower -- I love finding a new-to-me blog!

  47. I wonder how many stitches you've made in that time. Here's to the next four years!

  48. Obviously I would love to enter your giveaway. Happy Bloggiversary. In the spirit of Donkey from Shrek Pick Me Pick Me!!

  49. I hope one of your pretty puppies pulls my name! Thanks for the chance to enter!

  50. Happy Blogoversary Edgar!
    I'd love to be entered in the draw. I am a follower.

  51. Happy blogoversary! I know I am grateful for the connections that the internet has brought me!

  52. Hello my friend! Four years has gone by pretty quickly, hasn't it? I started blogging around the same time, and "met" you soon after in one of our exchanging boards. I've enjoyed your blog and getting to know you ever since. I never tire of hearing about what you are stitching and what you and Rico are up to, and of course what wonderful flicks you tell us about. I'd love to be included in your contest! Thank you for the chance. :)

  53. Congratulations on four years of blogging! Definitely something to celebrate!!

  54. Okay, back to let you know that I'm a happy, long-time follower (stalker!) of your blog. Now I'm off to post about it on my blog!

  55. Back for my 3rd

    posted a link to you from my blog about your giveaway. :)

    BTW, I'm having a giveaway on my blog, too, if you need finishing fabric. Hop on over!

  56. Happy upcoming blogaversary! I am a follower and will mention this on my next blog. Thanks for having a great blog. Yours was one of the first I ever got intereted in. Deborah

  57. Congratulations on your 4year bloggerversary!! I always enjoying reading your blog and seeing the wonderful things you stitch and bake as well as the wonderful treasures you find! You have certainly enabled me on more than one occasion!

    I would LOVE to be included in your giveaway!

    I am a follower
    I have posted about your giveaway on my blog and also posted a link back to it.

    Wishing you many more blogging years!!

    Thanks so much!!

  58. E - I simply cannot believe that you've only been stitching on linen for four years! No, I can't! Enter me! I'm a follower too. Thanks for the chances.

  59. Just discovered your fun blog by visiting Peggy over at Never Enough Stash. Can't wait to have a better look around when I get time :^)

    I would love to be entered in your drawing and I'm just going now to sign up as a follower.

    Happy Blogoversary!!

  60. Count me in! Yours is the first blog I hit every morning... so I've finally become a follower!

    Congrats on the 4 year 'versary, and please, keep it coming!

  61. Congratulations on 4 years of blogging! I love seeing your cross stitch as well as your great finds from the Saturday sales. I hope you'll continue your blog for many more years. I am a follower,but I don't have a blog.

  62. Happy 4th Blogoversary, Edgar!

    Love to be included in your giveaway. I am a happy follower, you enable and inspire me!


  63. Hi Edgar, what a wonderfully interesting blog I love it and am now an avid follower. I love new blogs to read and follow.

    I will also post on my blog about this giveaway and put a link back to here on the right hand side of my blog.

  64. Happy Blogiversary! We're lucky to have you. :)

  65. I'm not interested in winning anything more atm (I have too much stuff, and no room to put it all as I just moved into a smaller apartment), but grats on your blogoversary. Glad you've enjoyed it, and I hope you continue to!!

  66. G'Day from Australia, Edgar!!! You are so right about the world of blogging, I am fairly new to it all, but the friendships and sharing and generosity of all the craft-minded people is just so wonderful, I have made good friends with people I would never have had the chance to know if it wasn't for visiting blogs!! Sandy. :)

  67. I am happy to tell you I am now a follower of your blog! Sandy. :)
    Happy 4th Blogoversary, Too!

  68. Happy Blogoversary Edgar. I'd love to have my name entered in your drawing. I just became a Follower tonight too.
    The world of blogging has opened so many doors for me... it's led to new friendships, inspired me and encouraged me to continue pursuing my love of needlework.

  69. Hi, I am a new follower; I love your new stash; check out my blog; I also got some new stash. :) Congrats on your anniversary hun;

    Hugs, Shar

  70. Congrats on 4 years. Ive only just found ur 'bit of the web' but I'll definatly be checking in again :-)

  71. Happy Four Years! I'd love to be entered into your giveaway.

    Blogging has surprised me so much. I knew I would learn things by reading blogs but I had no idea how much I could connect to people through blogging. In my mind, that makes us all winners!

  72. Wow! Four years already have passed. Please enter me in your anniversary drawing.

  73. Congratulations on 4 years! I would love to have my name thrown into the BOD. As I follower I get 2 entries, but alas I only read blogs I don't write one. I am looking forward to whatever special item you have chosen to give away.

  74. Please include me too Edgar :) I'd love a chance to win, I am a follower and will post on my blog when I announce my blog winner. Thanks for the chance.

  75. Hi Edgar!! Wow -- 4 years...that's awesome! Finally I replaced my home laptop and now not only can I comment I can become a follower (which I have done). Congrats! Please enter me in your drawing.


  76. I would love to enter the drawing and I am a follower too :)

  77. I would like to be entered in your drawing. I don't have a blog, but I enjoy reading yours (and others) and especially enjoy the photos. Congrats on the anniversary.

  78. Woo-Hoo~~~ The big ~4~ bogoversary celebration!~~ Definitely count me in on this fun~!~ Of course, I am a follower and soon as I post tomorrow I will mention this wonderful giveaway AND link everyone back to you~~~

    Can you believe how time flies??? Congrats on such a popular blog filled with interesting topics, recipes, advise and of course, glorious stitching~~~

    Always, Faye

  79. Edgar, I thoroughly enjoy each and every one of your posts and am happy to be a longtime follower. Yours was one of the first needlework blogs I started reading. Happy 4th Blogoversay and I will be looking forward to the 5th, 6th, 7th,.....

    Ha! My word verification is "count"! How cool is that?

  80. Happy Anniversary! Yours is one of my "go to" blogs - always love to imagine myself in lovely San Francisco.
    Please enter me in your happy giveaway - I am already a follower, but no blog of my own, so can't spread the word there.

    Mary in MN

  81. A big congrats on 4 years blogging Edgar! I love reading your blog.

    I am a follower and I added a link back to this post.

  82. Great blog! I'll be honest this is my 1st visit--but I'll be back.
    I am now a follower but don't have a blog to post on.I am new to stitching (now addicted) and I am really enjoying following blogs
    I would also love a chance to win your giveaway.

  83. Congrats Edgar!!! Gosh it's hard to believe that I've been with you every morning with my cup o' joe and breakfast for the last 3 1/2 years. Getting to read your blog every morning at 7am makes mornings fun getting to work. Reading about Rico, the who-hounds, & your commentary on SanFan. life, stitching, estate sale hauls, baking, movie reviews etc. gives me much enjoyment.

  84. I am now a follower of your blog and will put it on my blog.
    Please include me in your give a way. It appears you had a great trip to the shop.
    Check my blog out;

  85. I would love for your little Whoo hound to draw my name out of your BOD Edgar! I really enjoy following your daily blog. Thanks again, Edgar.

  86. Hi Edgar
    I would love to be thrown in your bowl of destiny. I read your blog every day and enjoy seeing your stitching. Yesterdays post was amazing. I would love to visit that shop. Take care and thanks for the chance. Pat

  87. Please add my name to the Blogoversary BOD! I enjoy reading your posts, and your stitching inspires me to "keep on stitchin"! Thank you!! Happy Blogoversary to YOU Edgar!!

  88. Hi Edgar,

    I had posted your giveaway on my blog today and added a link back to your blog.

    Thanks for the chance!


  89. Happy Blogoversary Edgar! I'm so glad I found your blog - when I read it I feel as though I'm in the same room with you talking about stitching.

    Please put my name in your Bowl of Destiny, and I am a follower.

  90. Happy bloganniversary Edgar !!! Please enter me and i hope i can enjoy your blog for another 40 years more !!
    Patt xx

  91. Wow! Four years--congratulations, Edgar. I love how we all learn from each other with our stitching blogs; everyone is so helpful and encouraging. I agree, I would never have learned half the stuff I now know without blogging friends...

    I'd love to be entered--have been a follower for a while now. Thanks for the chance :)

  92. I included your giveaway in my blog today:

  93. Congratulations on your blogoversary! Thanks for the giveaway.

  94. I blogged about your giveaway at

  95. I posted a link back to your blog for the giveaway at

  96. 4 years s wonderful! Congratuations! :) love the "bel of destiny" name! lol!

  97. I'm now a happy follower too! :)

  98. Congratulations. Four years is quite an achievement.Thank you for the chance.

  99. I'm now a follower of your blog.

  100. I don't usually enter these but for you I'll make an exception! Please enter my name in the drawing-thanks!

  101. What a mysterious giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity to win "something."

  102. I am now a follower of your blog and am off to blog about your mysterious giveaway.

  103. Congratulations on 4 years of blogging! Count me in on the giveaway! Thanks. (Allison)

  104. Congratulations on Four years!

  105. 4 years of blogging is a great accomplishment - congrats! And put me in the BOD (lol) - I LOVE surprises - thanks.

  106. I am a new follower. Thanks for the chance to win in your giveaway.

  107. I really enjoy reading the blogs. I find so much inspiration that way.Congrats on your blog anniversary.

  108. I'd LOVE to be included in your give-a-way. I have been a follower for quite some time and just love your blog, your stitching and movies. I also posted an anouncement on my blog and a pic with a link back to your give-a-way. I agree with everyone that venturing into the unknown with new fibers, fabrics, and finishes is much easier when we have such inspirational blogs to visit. I am thankful for my internet connection (he he he).

  109. i would love to be included Edgar. I love to read your blog and see what you are stitching and watching for flicks. The baking is an added bonus! Congratulations!

  110. Congrats on 4 years of blogging! I had never known so many ways of finishing cross stitch, so I too, am glad I've found these blogs. I'm a follower and I have left a comment and a link to your blogoversary post on my blog. Have a wonderful Thursday!

  111. I would love to enter Edgar. Thanks!! :)

  112. I am also a follower of your wonderful blog! :)

  113. Hi Edgar, your blog is fab and your work is beautiful. I will put a link on my blog now :)

    Lucie x

  114. Happy 4th anniversary on your blog. Congrats!

  115. Would love to be included for the giveaway. Love all your SNAPS. Heck just love everything about your BLOG.

  116. Cool! I like surprises. Good ones of course.

  117. Ummm - mac & cheesy. Now why'd you have to go and say that? :-)
    I sure would love to have my name in the BOD on that fateful date when the WhoHound reaches in...So
    I'm a follower
    and my Comment is
    Congrats on your upcoming anniversary! Doesn't time fly when you're having cyber-fun?

  118. Happy 4 years blogoversary. Please enter me into you draw Edgar. I will post about it with a link first thing tomorrow. I am a longtime follower but then you know this already!

  119. Congrats on another blogoversary, Edgar!

  120. I am already a follower (and admirer of your stitching).

  121. I have posted on the sidebar on my blog about your giveaway

  122. Wow...this year has flown doesn't seem that long ago that you were having your third blog-o-versary.I agree about the blogging world...I've been stitching for a long long time but it wasn't until I started keeping up with other stitcher's blogs that I discovered so many new designs, ways of finishing and new ideas...not to mention great stitching friends! Congratulations on another year of great blog posts! Please add my name to your drawing. I am a follower and I have posted a link back to your post on my blog. I will also mention your giveaway in my next blog post. Thanks for the chance!

  123. Congratulations Edgar...four years already, wow!! The first two blogs I started following were yours and Sampler Girl's, LOL!

    I would love to be included in your celebration giveaway, and of course, I am already a faithful follower. I will post the info on my blog and a link for others to find you!!

    Love your stash from NiaH...that shop looks lovely, and your pictures are great.

    Happy Stitchin'

  124. 4 years? Are you sure?? I thought you had been blogging much much longer than that! I agree with everything you say and blogging is so importnat to me. I couldn't imagine my life without the blog and all the friends and help I have had though it. I would love to celebrate with you and you know I am a follower too so count me in. I'll comment again when I next post on my blog and mention it. xx

  125. WOW! 4 years of blogging! Congratulations. I've only done 4 months and I am enjoying it so much. It's amazing all the new friends you make, and all the helpful tutorials that are available. I quite agree about trying something different, like silks and linen.

    Please include me in your draw. I'm a new follower and I have put your draw with a link in my sidebar and on my blog under "May Giveaways".

    Take Care and Happy Stitching.

    Mary Joan

  126. Happy 4th Blogversary, Edgar. I've visited your blog throughout the years, even though I don't comment much.

    Please include me in your drawing. I'm a follower, have posted about the giveaway on my blog along with a link back to yours.

  127. Hi Edgar! I've always loved looking at your blog, and seeing what you are working on. You are definitely an inspiration. Congrats to 4 years. That is a long time! Great job. Can't wait to see what you give away. :)

  128. Hi Edgar, I've always dropped in and 'cruised' your blog, and was sure I was a follower, but wasn't... shock horror! Fixed that, will quite happily give you a plug, and link back, will just have to learn how.
    Happy Blogoversary!!!
    LiBBiE in Oz

  129. Congratulations on your 4th blogiversary!
    Please count me in on your giveaway!
    I am a follower.
    I have posted your giveaway on my blog, and
    I have added a link back to your blog.

  130. Hello Edgar, I'd love to be in the draw for your blogoversary celebration! I'm a follower, and will post your blogoversary on my blog this weekend, when I do my next post.


  131. Happy #4! I can't wait to enjoy #5. I'm so happy that I found your blog and became a follower so long ago.

  132. Congratulations on your fourth anniversary !!!

  133. WOW! Four years is a long time to be blogging so a big KUDOS to you for sticking with it! Ever since I began following your blog, I have enjoyed it immensely and look forward to many more posts from you.

    Thank you for the opportunity to know you and to enter this giveaway! I will post a link on my blog's sidebar!

  134. Your blog continues to be unique -
    I love your writing style, your stitching, the estate sale finds and all the crazy things you do and say!!
    Congrats on 4 blogging years and I wish you many, many more!
    I am a follower and would love to be included in your giveaway.
    Many blessings...

  135. Edgar, you continue to be one of the most delightful bloggers I have the pleasure of following!

    Please count me in for the giveaway!

  136. I have enjoyed your blog since I just sorta stumbled upon it! Your stitching is beautiful and I love your photos around San Francisco. I also like your recipes--I wish you would move here to MS to cook and stitch for me!! Wouldn't that be great?! LOL Anyway, I am a follower and I hope you draw my name from that great Bowl of Destiny!!
    Many thanks--Frances

  137. A mystery prize - how fun! Thanks for a chance to win and congratulations on four years!

  138. I've now posted on my blog Edgar! Happy weekend to you, Rico and the hounds!

  139. HI Edgar! Congratulations and many more blogaversaries!! I would love to be entered for a chance to win your give-a-way (actually 2 chances as I am now a follower and look forward to many happy evenings getting to know you.) I don't yet have a blog but do love to stitch.

  140. HI Edgar, congrats on the blogoversary. Throw my name in the Bowl of Destiny (and tell Destiny I said hello!) *grin*

  141. Edgar your blog is just wonderful. I am so glad to have visited you and will continue. Happy Blogversary and I wish you many more.....
    I am a new follower..

  142. Happy 4th Blogaversary! I have been following for a few years now. I'd love to have a chance to win your drawing. Thanks!


  143. CONGRATULATION EDGAR! Happy Blogaversary :o)

  144. Just came here from Stray Stitches - Congrats on your blogiversary & thanks for the giveaway!

  145. Happy Blogoversary Edgar. I so enjoy reading your blog.

  146. Please enter my name!! I read your blog everyday, even tho I do not post often!!! You brighten my day!!

    Ellen S

  147. This comment has been removed by the author.

  148. Congratulations on your 4th year anniverary! I just started a blog so I am at like four months! LOL! I enjoy reading your posts about San Francisco too!

    I am a follower and will post a link on my blog too!

  149. By all means sign me up! A mention with a link should hit my blog this evening. Congrats on 4 years of blogging and may you have many more!

  150. Edgar, I do enjoy a SurPrize! I'm still in blog reading stage - and sometimes leave a comment - and have not started a blog-of-my-own. So, your fourth anniversary is an enormous milestone! Thanks for sharing! alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com

  151. Congratulations on your anniversary. I don't have a blog yet, but you have inspired me to start on up right away! Maybe even before your drawing ends! You have such excellent taste that I am sure the prize will be wonderful!
    Thanks - I am off to think of a blog name and get started!

  152. Happy 4th blogiversary. That is a wonderful accomplishment.

  153. Happy upcoming anniversary! I've made delicious friends from all over the world, and have even met a few of them - Blogland is the BEST!

  154. Congrats in your 4th year of blogging have been a little while...

  155. congratulations, Edgar, on your anniversary... and thanx for the giveaway...

    please enter me in your drawing -- I am also a follower....

    take care and have a great day....


  156. Greetings from Italy & Happy Blogoversary! I hope you have many many more blogoversaries!

    I am new to your blog and I just wanted to say how much I’m loving it. I have become your follower & I have linked your giveaway on my sidebar.
    Please include me in the drawing.
    My email:
    natalija (dot) shkomare (at) gmail (dot) com

    Good luck to everyone!

  157. Dear Edgar,
    Happy Fourth Blogversary!
    Please include me in your giveaway. I am a follower and also blogged about your giveaway on my blog and linked back!

  158. I have blogged about your giveaway at:

  159. Happy Blogoversary Edgar! Please include me in your draw - I've mentioned your giveaway on my blog:

    Happy stitching, Jo

  160. Dear Edgar - Congratulations on Blogaversary #4!!!! You have been an inspiration to me always.
    I have been a longtime follower and would love to be included in your giveaway!

  161. Congrats on your blogoversary.
    May I be entered in the give-away? Thanks

  162. Congratulations on reaching 4 years Edgar, may there by may more to come

  163. I would love a chance to win your giveaway. I am a follower and love to read about your stitching and cute kids(dogs). I do not have a blog. My email is Thanks, Julie

  164. I'm a little late, Edgar! I got behind in my reader! Enter me fore sure...your prizes are always the best.

    Happy, happy fourth blogoversary!

  165. I always enjoy your posts Edgar.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  166. Would love to be included.
    I am a follower.
    Happy Blogoversary!

  167. Happy Blogoversary!!!!!

    I recently became a follower! Your blog is a delight to read.

    I will be mentioning your giveaway on my blog shortly.

    Take care!

  168. 176 comments already, that makes me 177.

  169. Happy Blogaversay, Edgar!!! I would LOVE to enter your giveaway! I am so happy to have found your blog, you are a great inspiration. Love to see all your estate goodies, projects, recipes and of course the pups! Thanks for the chance.

  170. Congrats on your 4 years of blogging! I have been a follower of your blog for some time now and love reading it. I'd love to have a chance of winning your giveaway - don't have a blog but my email is

  171. I have just discovered your blog. Congratulations on your anniversary. I have become a follower and left a comment and link to your giveaway on my blog.

  172. Congrats!!!!
    Please Edgar, enter me in your giveaway.
    I´m your daily spanish follower
    I have posted your giveaway on my blog
    I´ve added a link back to your blog.

  173. Please throw me in you BOD.

    The 'World of Blogging' certainly makes the 'Stitching World' smaller and has introduced me to so many new designs

    I am a new follower Edgar.

    (Your draw is on my grandson's 10th birthday.)

  174. Congratulations on 4 Years!!! I always enjoy your blog - it definitely is inspiring to see all of the beautiful stitching that you do. Please include me in your drawing as a faithful follower and for this comment as well. Cheers!

    Christine Z.

  175. Hey!
    I´ve just discovered you blog, and of course I wanto to participate in your giveaway!
    I put a link on my blog.
    Thanks, Edgar.

  176. Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I do enjoy reading your blog and seeing your beautiful stitchings.

  177. Happy Monday Edgar and Happy Blogoversary!! I would love to be included in the celebration... Your blog is usually the first one I read in the morning becasue I enjoy your posts so much and also we are in the same time zone and you always post when I am having my morning coffee :) Thank you for this.

  178. Oh Edgar... Please and Thank you... I just adore your blog... and look forward to each new posting. Thank you so much for having this giveaway for us...
    Please add my name
    I am already a follower
    I will tell of it on my blog
    I am going to try to figure out how to post a link too!
    Yes!!! That gives me 4 tries at it! smile!
    Thank you again!

  179. Oh, I forgot to post to you that I have linked your giveaway to my blog....almost forgot~~ Have a great day~~~ Faye

  180. Hello Edgar - I've been to your blog a couple of times and decided I must take the time to follow you!

    You do beautiful stitching - your header pic is outrageous!

    I would love to be added to your bod - I'll also add you to my side bar give away gadget.

    Please feel free to stop over to my spot on the 'net. Would love to see you there.

  181. Happy Blogoversary and I have been a follower for a long time.

  182. Thank you Edgar for offering a giveaway. I don't often comment but I do read your blog. You are right about the connection business. I don't know what I would do without all the lovely blogs I read.

  183. You drew me out from lurking! Love your blog but have never commented. Thanks for offering a contest!

  184. Congrats once again!!!!!
    The info about this party's in the sidebar of my blogm now *crossing fingers*

  185. I totally agree...I started blogging right before my first child was born and I would never go back. So nice to have virtual friends since I left my other friends 1000 miles away when I got married.

    Then didn't cross stitch this is even better.

  186. Happy Blogoversary Edgar - Thank you so much for this chance. I've enjoyed reading your blog for some time and admire your stitching, photos and your tales of life. I've even pinched the term 'bowl of destiny' for my giveaways as it's a great term. I enjoy reading about your adventures and looking at all your yard sale finds.
    Looking forward to many more years of blogging
    your blogging buddy bronny

  187. I love reading your blog ~ it brightens my day! Thank you for the chance to be included in your drawing. I've enjoyed reading about your day-to-day adventures, baking, dogs, special finds. Your a treasure. Haven't yet, but want to try a sampler. Here's to more Happy Blogging!! (purely selfish on my part LOL)

    Thanks Edgar :)

  188. I have followed your blog for most of the four years you have been posting. Your latest header is by far the best. I used your blog to find other stitching blogs, also.

    Thanks for putting all the work into your posts.

  189. Big congrats on 4 years writing a great blog!
    Well worth celebrating for all of us lucky readers!

  190. Your blog brings smiles to my face each time I read. Congrats on four years of sharing your thoughts, recipes and stitching adventures with all.

    Linda B

  191. Congratulations on 4 years of entertaining and educating via your blog! I would like to be included in your giveaway, I am a follower and I put a link on my blog back to yours! Thanks for the chance to win!

  192. Happy 4th Year Blogoversary! Please toss a ticket in the drawing for me. I love visiting your blog and seeing all the fabulous work you do! Smiles...

  193. Hi Edgar!
    I love your blog, Congrats on 4 years! I only found it a few months ago (wish I had found it sooner!). Thank you so much for sharing your life with us. I would love for my name to be thrown into the BOD and I am also a follower.

    Thank you,


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...