Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Part II - A Visit to Needle in a Haystack

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends since this was a three day weekend I made plans for a visit to NiaH on Friday.  NiaH opens at 11 am so we coupled this visit with a stop off at IKEA first - they open at 10.  Making our morning a great adventure of getting onto the highway and zooming across the Bay Bridge to Emeryville.  Check yesterdays post for the report about our first stop at IKEA.

After leaving IKEA loaded down with some cool stuff we headed into downtown Oakland - Rico knew a short cut through town instead of getting back onto the Highway.  Driving on the highways is something I hate to do.  I think my biggest gripe about highway driving is that most drivers treat it like some sort of speedway. Going in excess of 80 or 90+ mph, cutting in and out of traffic and just reckless driving typify the highways here in California.  Saving 3 seconds getting someplace and disregarding everyone else on the road is not safe driving and it makes me just insane.  Getting off my soapbox....

Getting onto Alameda and finding Niah was so very easy and the parking was plentiful.  We walked in and as usual the store is a dream and just packed with all sorts of goodies.  Here are some snaps.......

There was so much to see and look through.  When ever I make a trip over I go with a list in my head or for specific things.  If I didn't I would go wild and just spend way too much.  This time was no different - I had and idea of what I wanted to get - some linen, some buttons and any chart on my list.  Of course I picked up a couple of other things ...  here is a snap of my little stash acquisition...

As you can see I didn't go crazy - but found some things I really wanted.  Starting in the top left - this is my main WIP basket in which I keep my most current projects  - inside you can see that each project has its own zippered pouch - I needed a few more pouches for the secondary WIP basket - I also picked up a PS chart I didn't have, "May," and a couple of other charts - "Mighty Oak Sampler" from Chessie and Me and "Jenny Bean and Friends" from Shakespeare's Peddler.  Moving to the lower middle you can see my completed "Christmas Rules" by Lizzie Kate.  I stitched mine on 36 ct linen instead of the recommended 28 ct.  That meant that the buttons included with the charts never really fit right IMHO - so I took the piece with me to find smaller buttons.  Talking to Cathe I found out that these where the smallest buttons out there and then she suggested using beads - well, I never even thought about beads - so we looked through the huge number of choices and found some sparkly opaque ones that will work just great.  Now I need to clip off the buttons and attach the beads a-  I think then I will be much happier with the results.  Moving towards the top you can see a great needle minder from Klemscott - it is the sheep one that released last year - I wanted it then but never got it - I just couldn't pass on it when I saw it this time.  Next to the needle minder is a great Blacksheep, scissor holder, pin cushion and thimble holder - there were both Black and White sheep - was there any choice??  I picked it up when I first walked in and just loved this little darling!!  I stood there and thought and thought about it  - remembering that I did have a list - and then passed.  When we got into the car to leave Rico handed it to me and said "Happy Easter!!" - wasn't that a sweet thing to do!!!  All of these wonderful things are sitting on the reason I wanted to go over in the first place - for some linen.  I actually wanted a piece of linen to make a new start.... this lovely piece is by Lakeside Linens, 36 ct "Vintage Sand Dune" and a special cut for Autumn at HRH.  It also happens to be the exact size I need to make my start on "And They Sinned."  I really want to start on ATS but didn't have anything near long enough in my stash pile.  I also like to see linen in person since I enjoy over dyed and hand dyed linen - the dye lots between pieces can be really dramatic.  Cathe and Debi were a super help and they hauled out many pieces of linen that would work before I finally decided on this piece. There you go a smallish stash pile, but things  I "needed" or is that wanted.

I have been stitching on LHN Monthlies and here is a progress snap.....

..... as you can see I have finished up April and May and am now working on June. I am making slight changes to colour placement from the charted placement - just because I think it looks better and for no other reason.   I should be able to finish up June and be able to start on ATS  this weekend - woohoo!!!

There you go sports fans - a visual visit to a lovely shop with wonderful people and great stuff!!!  Let me know if there is anything specific you wanted to know.  Thanks for stopping by and for your super comments!!  Do stop by again!

Take care,


  1. OMG! I wish we had a store like that here in Mass! That looks like a Costco for stitchy stuff! I'm SO jealous! Good haul Edgar!

  2. I wish we had needlecraft shops like NiaH over here in the U.K. I just know I'd spend a small fortune!! Your LHN monthly designs are looking great!

  3. Thanks for the photographic tour of NiaH. I loved the fiber wall, I don't think I could leave such a place without an awful lot of silk bought just because I might need it someday. NiaH is a place I have only visited on-line. It was lovely to see it through your eyes. The LHN monthlies are looking good. May you thoroughly enjoy ATS once you start it!

  4. oh so lucky to have such wonderful shops here in France that does not exist! snif
    lhn you are superb!
    Good day to you

  5. That store looks dreamy !!!! Your progress on your LHN looks lovely -

    Congrats on your easter gift - so thoughtful ;)
    Have a great day !!

  6. You have some lovely purchases there. That linen looks drool worthy;) NIAH looks like an amazing store, someday maybe I'll get to visit it:) Have a super Tuesday and thanks for sharing.

  7. Thanks for the NiaH tour! OMG! What a shop and I could get lost in all of that linen! Glad you got what you needed, including your little Easter sheep.

  8. What a fun post!! I loved the tour and the new stash. expecially that lucious linen. Your current project looks great. Thanks.

  9. Never before have I seen so many different threads aligned on a wall. Just looking at the pictures of this fabulous shop is breath-taking. So, what would happen if I entered that shop in real life? Would I faint? Yes, I think so .... lol.
    You've got a nice haul of new stash there.

  10. Oh my - what a wonderful needlework shop. However did you leave with such a small amount of stash.
    Rico is indeed very special for picking up those lovely gifts for you.
    Love your LHN monthlies. Nice job.

  11. I agree with Nicola! I am missing my American LNS :(. Good haul though but are you crazy, lol, ATS?

  12. WOW!!! What a wonderful LNS; I am pea green with envy at the selection! I understand why you shop with a list!

    Your made some great stash purchases. I love the Longaberger WIP basket...I have one too!

    The blacksheep scissor/needle/thimble holder is a darling Easter present. So sweet of Rico!

    Wonderful progress on your LHN monthlies...you will be finished in no time!

    You gave me a great idea regarding the use of beads on my Lizzie*Kate ABC Lessons. I too purchased the buttons but I am not sure that they are going to fit on the 32ct. linen I chose to stitch it on. The beads will be a great sparkly touch to the piece. Thanks for the idea!


  13. Do you think Santa can bring me the entire wall of fiber from that shop? I have been a very good girl this year. I know it's still early in the year....but a girl can still dream, can't she! :)

    That was super sweet of Rico getting you such a lovely Easter gift. I think gifts that are unexpected, always mean the most. :)

  14. I'm so envious that you can go to NiaH. I'd love to have a shop that I could browse and fondle the merchandise. Glad you found a workable solution for the Christmas Rules button issue. The beads should work out just fine. Lovely cut of Vintage Sand Dune and I love the black sheep that Rico gifted you. Lucky you!

  15. Oh my... Good thing we don't have anything like this shop here in Holland. I wouldn't have money to eat! We DO have an Ikea here, just around the corner, as a matter of fact. I noticed we have the same bed linen :o))

    Ooh, can't wait for your ATS start!

  16. You will love working on ATS. I did it several years ago and it was just wonderful to work on. Loved every stitch and you will too!

  17. I love it! The best part is Rico's surprise. :D :D :D

    Thanks for sharing pics of your stash haul with us.

  18. I agree with several other commentors....the part about Rico's surprise gift was my favorite part of this post. How sweet!! That "Wall of Threads" is making me weak in the knees. Love all your new stach acquisitions....also love the carpet they are displayed on.

  19. Wow! What a great tour! So glad I'm not close because I don't think it would be at all easy to restrain myself! Love your new stash. Rico, you are officially a sweetie! That's a pretty special thing to be too, because there aren't that many out there.

  20. What fun! You are smart to go in with a plan but I swear, I'm sure all plans would go right out the window once I started looking around. Love your stash and so excited you're going to start ATS! One of my all time favorite projects!

    How sweet of Rico to get you the black sheep but how you could have put it down in the first place is beyond me. You have willpower, my friend!

  21. Thank you for the tour of NiaH! I am drooling! lol Love all of your stash and Rico was so sweet to buy that Blacksheep for you!

  22. Lovely trip. It is nice to see it IRL as it were. x

  23. ohhhh wowowo have dribbled ladylike on the keyboard from the shop photos ... oooooo would love to have a shop like that here :) love the sheep too :) love mouse xxxx

  24. Looks like such a great LNS! You lucky you! Love the new stash! Your LHN monthlies look great too!

  25. Thanks for sharing your adventures once again. You lucky dog for living close to such a wonderful shop! I am down to the last acorns on the Might Oak piece. I hope you enjoy it. BTW - don't do it on 40 ct like I did - the over one nearly did me in!

    What a sweetheart Rico is! you need to bake something nice for such a great guy!

  26. Love the Wall O'Fiber and all the fabrics stacked up! I don't have a LNS so seeing pictures is a real treat. Thank you!

  27. I seriously think I would have passed out being that close to that much npi silk and the cubbies full of linen~~~ You were remarkably restrained in your stash buying!! Kudos to you,...I lov your new choices especially the lovely cut of linen~~ Take care, Faye

  28. NiaH looks like a lovely shop with so many things displayed. You made some good stash choices. Your LHN piece is looking great. I'm looking forward to seeing what you start next.

  29. OMG!!!! NiaH is huge!!!! Thanks for taking the snaps Edgar. To become lost in amongst the charts, fabric and that wall of floss... I think I'd have died and gone to stitcher's heaven. Love the progress on the LHN monthlies.

  30. What a wonderful store. All your stash is wonderful but I must say the black sheep is perfect.

  31. Wow, everything looks wonderful. I wish I had an LNS close to me, Edgar. I'm so jealous!!! Grats on the haul, and on the gift!!

  32. It's been ages since I was in NIAH-I live in the east bay-so I have not been in their new site. What a wall of fiber! I'd love my hallway to look the same. Any list I make would getme into so much trouble...enjoy your goodies.
    I've been reading your blog for about 6 months and enjoy it.


  33. Wow, that shop is amazing! I'd need a second mortgage if I ever went there (of course I'd need a second mortgage to be able to afford the trip too...)

  34. Now that is my kinda shop...how wonderful...it is a good job we don't have one here...I would be bankrupt...lol

    Sounds like you had a fab weekend xx

  35. Oh My! Thanks for sharing the virtual shopping trip. I love the layout of the store and would love to have such a store within driving distance. Love your progress on the LHN Monthly samplers.

  36. I enjoyed the photo tour of NHS! I'm excited that you're going to start ATS. Can't wait to follow you're progress. It is such a fun stitch i think you'll really enjoy it. Hugs, Nancy in NY

  37. Such a fun shop you visited! It has been ages since I was in a cross stitch shop. I think you did very well in your purchases! That was so sweet of Rico to give you the sheep for Easter.

    Your LHN Monthlies look beautiful Edgar!

  38. What a great trip to NIAH! The beads were a brilliant idea for your Christmas piece - can't wait to see how they look. Yay for getting fabric for ATS too!! I'm slowly moving along on mine. And how super sweet of Rico to get that Blacksheep for you - what a doll!

  39. wow! love that shop! want to go :)

  40. Have to say I'm a bit jealous of your trip to NiaH, but in a good way! LOL. The pictures just make me wish I lived closer, maybe one day I'll be out that way and be able to make a trip.

    Your stash finds are great and I'm excited to see ATS. I love watching others stitch this one, not sure I'd ever finish it but who knows I may cave one day and give it a go. Your monthlies looks fab too!

  41. What an absolutely joyous post! I had so much fun reading it!!!! That was so sweet of your boyfriend to buy the black sheep for you!!! Love when people do that!!

  42. Love the stash! Great progress on the monthlies too.

    Is that a Longaberger basket? Don't you just love them?

    Happy Stitching!

  43. Oh my! If I had an LNS like that around me, it would take days to get through it! What fantastic eye candy for sure! I love your purchases (you held great restraint, I must say) and Rico was a sweetie to get your sheepie for you! :)

    I love your LHN monthlies. They look great stitched together like that. OMGosh....ATS??? I am so impressed, my friend. I've wanted to start it for ages, but was afraid I wouldn't live long enough to finish it. It is one of my all time favorite samplers. Can't wait to see your updates on yours.

    Hugs to you and Rico!

  44. It is great to see NiaH! I shop there through mail order sometimes.

  45. IKEA and NiaH on the SAME day! Heaven!!!

    Rico definitely gets extra points for the gift!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...