Monday, April 25, 2011

A Three Day weekend - Part I

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends - well, here I am back at the salt mines on a wet, windy Monday Morning!!  The weekend was just beautiful - bright and breezy - dampish with fog, but nice all the same.  It has been on the cool side, but that's they way it is most of the time and I love it!!

I am breaking up the weekend into two posts - Friday we spent running to the east Bay with a visit to IKEA in Emeryville.  This gigantic Swedish store is just stuffed to the rafters with home stuff.  We haven't visited in the longest time -  We got there about 20 mins before they opened and got a great parking spot.  We really were not shopping for anything in particular but we did find some new Summer linen's for the bed.....
They were very inexpensive and brighten up the room - even the Lolly approves!  From IKEA we drove over to Alameda to Needle in a Haystack.  The NiaH Report I will save until tomorrow - so check back then.

After making one more stop on the way back into the city at an Antique Collective (Mall) we decided to stop for a quick lunch at Jack in the Box.  The only reason I mention this is that they have a really delicious new summer shake - Blackberry....

If you get the chance try it you'll like it!!

Last week I was going to post about a RAK I received but you remember the issues with Blog/Google so that never happened.  But, now we are back and working I can post...  I received from sweet Coni, Aunt Chrissy, Stewey and little Bosco a wonderful Easter Treat...

Not only treats for Me and Rico , but the who-hounds got lovely treats.  Thanks you so much for making our Easter so super special!!!!!

Another treat the hounds got was from Gabriella a co-worker of Rico's- she made some doggie cookies that the who hounds love....

They are peanut buttery delicious and the hounds really go for them!!

On Saturday we ran around to some sales and Thrift Shops - Here is a snap of the few bits I picked up...

I got two really nice older frames - four travel books and a gorgeous black and white transfer ware mug c. 1880 - you might not be able to see but there are cows on the mug - just super!!

I think that about wraps it up for today.  Check back tomorrow for Part II - A trip to NiaH.  Thanks so much for stopping by.

Take care,


  1. Isn't Ikea just the best store. You never know what they'll have and the prices can't be beat. Ours is over an hour away, but still worth the trip.

    We don't have Jack in the Box here any longer. I don't know what happened to them, but I used to go there all the time. That shake looks wonderful.

    And great package you received and all the goodies you picked up. Can't wait to see what you bought from NiHS

  2. I am looking forward to your NiaH eport ... I have ordered from them on-line and found them to be just grand ... but I will love looking at photos and hearing what you have to say.

    Inspired by you, I stopped at a little hole-in-the-wall thrift consignment shop. It'[s called the Bargain Basket. I frequently buy high end costume brooches and earrings and semi-precious and glass bead necklaces there for my daughter ... some she wears as is when clubbing but some she uses when making her costumes for Fairy conventions. This time I hit pay dirt: two lucite handbags from the late 40s: one clear with rhinestones for my daughter and one a marbled buttery yellow that I'll be using myself. I also got two pairs of great summer slacks for myself ... dressy enough for the office ... for only $10 a pair.

  3. I am so glad that the pups loved the treats! I gave the recipe to is super easy!

    Hope you have a wonderful week. :)

  4. I love IKEA! Great linens -- they're so pretty and summery! Love the pic with Lolly enjoying them. :D No Jack in the Boxes here at all. I remember them when I lived in CA though. Nice goodies you received! How nice that the pups got some treats too!

  5. Ikea is a fun fun place to just look around! It sounds like you had a wonderful time running about. Lolly is just too cute!

  6. I love those linens! I wish we had an IKEA- I think the closest one to us is in VA or something. :P

  7. Ohhh pretty linens. I'm a sucker for them, a disease I learned from my Great-aunt Gracey. That shake looks yummy, but no JitB around here so I'll just look and sigh!

  8. Hi Edgar. Sounds like you had a lovely Easter weekend. Can't wait to see what you picked up at the LNS!!

  9. Love your new linens cause I have the same ones. I even have a Lolly dog of my own to sleep on them. Lolly, the long haired dachshund.

    Enjoy. Tamara

  10. Believe it or not, I've never been to IKEA. A new one opened in the area recently and I have yet to stop in (45 minutes away). The new bedding is lovely. Wow, the thrift finds are amaizng. I've always wondered how anyone can part with such beautiful old photos. I hope my relatives never end up in a thrift store or a dumpster.

  11. Glad you had a nice weekend. I love the new summery bedding. I always wonder about the people in pre-loved frames. You found some fun things, shopping and in the mail!

  12. I love your new IKEA bedding! The colors are so cheerful and summery! Nice finds at the sale too. And, what an Easter treat!

  13. Ooh; that ikea sham and duvet set is one of my current favorites--looks great!

    So looking forward to your NiaH report; did you see the report in their newsletter that Linens by Desigh has been able to replicate another of the BoaFs--Nightingale, I believe? I'm so curious about what it looks like as I've not seen it ever!

  14. I just adore that bedding pretty and summery. Ikea is just a treasure trove...I love it xx


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...