Thursday, November 26, 2020

A Happy Thanksgiving

Gentle Friends, although this year we celebrate Thanksgiving not as we would want ... but we can still be thankful for what we do have and who we have around.  I found these two old snaps on the internet and they really spoke to me of Thnaksginvings past...

... although I didn't grow up with a wood-burning stove I did grow up with my mom in the kitchen all day dealing with Dinner that was the highlight of the afternoon... always served around 2:30 pm.  That gave everyone time to relax and enjoy the meal, and time to clean up and sit a relax into the early evening.   Then when we kiddos came sniffing around for something to eat around 6 or 6:30...I can still hear my mom say "there are leftovers in the fridge, make a  sandwich!"  She had done the big job and so we did eventually go to the fridge and make ourselves a sandwich or two!!

This picture reminds me of me... and sitting not listening but anticipating the deliciousness that is the all mighty turkey!!  Being a little kid around the Holidays was always fun and it always started with going out for Trick-or-Treating and then Thanksgiving was the midpoint of Fall with the big slide to Christmas!! 

That's about it for today wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

A Few Christmas Presents

Gentle Friends, so I saw this on FaceBook...and you know you can only take FB with a grain of salt... but I really liked this idea...

..... now, you know how much I love Christmas films... 
and I've got dozens of Christmas related DVD's and BluRays... so .....

... I wrapped up a bunch of them and now have some surprises waiting to watch.  The problem I've faced often in the past is there are so many things to choose to watch that I just take forever to decide.  This way I'll let destiny choose what to watch.... and enjoy the ride!

Thanks for stopping by do stop again!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good deeds!

Monday, November 23, 2020

A Little Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, making a little headway on the house in Christmastide, and here's a snaperoo...

... started the fill on the brickwork and I think I'm going to add a cornice between the roof and the house.  Just a couple of rows of white.  Visually I think it'll work better than without as charted... we'll see once I get going.  I think this supposed to be a Greek Revival house with the chimnies placed on each end and not a Saltbox with a central chimney... so a cornice would work just fine.

I had the Hag Claw pick a winner of the three charts and he pulled DQ from the Bowl of Destiny...  dq, if you could send me an email ( edgarmatt at g mail dot com) with your mailing info I'll pop those suckers in the mail in the morning.


There you go sports fans thanks again for stopping by do stop again.  Stay Safe!!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!


Monday, November 16, 2020

A Little Stitchin'

  Gentle Friends, stitching away on Christmastide here's a snaperoo...

... the house looks a bit wonky but that's just because I didn't straighten it up.  I've made one change so far...  the window panes called for the darkest brown for the fill colour.  I thought that's too much brown so I looked around in the NPI stash and found a nice dark charcoal colour and no am very happy with the results.

I was digging around in my stash and found three parts of a series from LHN called "Farmhouse Christmas."  They are "Horsin' Around," "Little Red Barn" and " Grandpas Pick-up."  I think I started to collect them and became less enamored of the series as it progressed so I only got the first three charts.  But, there might be someone out there that would like these three charts... If you'd like to have them please leave a comment on this Post and I'll have the old Hag Claw pick a winner this weekend - no fuss no muss.  Make sure I can get in touch with you if you win.

That's about it for today sports fans.  Stay Safe!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!

Monday, November 9, 2020

A little Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, making some headway on Christmas Tide... here's an update shot...

... I am sure the reason I like this piece so much is the bounding deer over the snowdrifts along the bottom AND the great big house that sits center stage!!  I do like how the little berries tuned out, they are the only bits of over one in the piece and although a tiny pian to do, they are totally what is needed to get across the idea of holly and berries.
There you go sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good deeds!

Monday, November 2, 2020

A Little Finish and a Little Start

 Gentle Friends, I finished up the CtA piece far sooner than I had anticipated and it was a really fun stitch and I wanted to publicly thank Brenda for this super piece and the commemoration of a really important point in American history that repercusses to this day!!  Here's a snaperoo of the finished piece...

... I took about 15 snaps and couldn't get the light right but you get the idea...  I've rolled it up and put it into my "very full" completed box of stuff to be framed etc....  I think it's interesting that where Mary Brewster's name is stitched that the overdyed linen lighted up.  One of the things that makes it special is that I am able to trace back through my family on my mother's side to Mary Brewster and Fear Brewster Allerton ( Mary's daughter and the 2nd Mrs. Allerton, Mary Allerton who sailed on teh Mayflower died that first winter)  It's also interesting that Mary Brewster was one of only four of the women to survive that first winter and were left to help establish Plimouth Plantation (now renamed Plimouth Patuxet for the 400th Anniversary) and help create the foothold that England was to make over the next decade in the New World.  I also really enjoyed "stitching in season" it's fun and makes the whole of Fall a bit brighter!!

My next stitch is a new start since I decided to not get back to the big BBD sampler I'd been working on over the summer.  I decided to stick to the "stitch in season" that just happens to be Christmas and winter... so looking around in the old stash pile I found a chart I really like and have had since it was released back in 2012 by... The Scarlett House called "Christmastide at Holly House."  I'm stitching it on 40ct "Fawn" from Lakeside Linens and using the called for silk mostly, which is a mix of NPI and Belle Soie.  I've already switched out the called for NPI white for the snowflakes for Belle Soie's "Icing."  It's a softer white and when I think of the snow I think of soft flakes falling quietly......


There you go sports fans thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!

A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...