Friday, September 29, 2017

A Little Friday Stitchin'

Gentle Friends, I thought I would wrap up the week with a shot of "TitToT."  
Here's a shot of the piece at the moment...

... it's hard to see but I added a red-eye for the rat and will add a golden eye to the crow.  

Thanks for stopping by, have a great weekend, cya next week!!

Take care,

Thursday, September 28, 2017

A Little Thrifting

Gentle Friends, out and about over the weekend and poking in those dusty shops as I do and I only found a single fun thing to bring home.....

... I'm usually not a big fan of Roseville Pottery but this console bowl in the "Florentine" pattern ca. 1924 struck a note with me.  It'll make a nice addition out on the "Veranda."

Ther you go sports fans, short a sweet today.  Thanks again for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

A Little Baking

Gentle Friends, over the weekend I got to looking around the kitchen to see what I could bake and then hit the old internet and came away with a recipe for a cake.... once again it came from Stacey's Blog Southern Bite......  Brown Sugar Pound got to bakin'

... I wanted to use up some of last years pecans I still have on hand - and of course, I made some "edgar tweaks" to the final product...  instead of using vanilla I doubled up and threw in 4 teaspoons of bourbon... and I eventually went with a vanilla/bourbon flavored glaze....

... it is a nice dense tasty cake that I am sure I'll make again!!

There you go sports fans, it's the middle of the week and a bit warm here by the bay.... but it should be cooling off by the weekend.  Thanks, for stopping by dos top again!!

Take care,

Monday, September 25, 2017

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle Friends, I've been stitching away on TitToT and here's where it stood on Saturday evening....

... as I knew it would be, it is a fun piece to work on and not very taxing... I think the only issues I'm having at all are the over one stitches scattered about - I just need to pay attention as I stitch along  - other than that totally fun!!  

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Friday, September 22, 2017

A Little Autumn

Gentle Friends, this is the first day of Autumn - woohoo!! So as with other Season, I will wrap up the week and start off the season with Vivaldi's "L'Autunno" or "Autumn"'s just beautiful...listen.......

.... I hope you enjoyed it....  now, there's only about 5 weeks until Hallowe'en, 9 weeks until Thanksgiving and about 13 weeks until Christmas.... this is my favorite time of year and it's so fleeting.  

There you go sports fans, thanks again for stopping by dos top again!!

Take care,

Thursday, September 21, 2017

A Little Thrifting

Gentle Friends, it's been a while since I've posted any of my thrifty purchases.... there's really not been many, but I still run around looking but it's been slim pickin's lately!!  Here's a snaperoo of the some "stuff' I've picked up ...

... I found a couple of great pink transferware plates, a bunch of  fun glass drink stirrers, I found the mid 19th century brass candlestick for a $1 at a Goodwill, and the Dios de la Muerto Bowl I picked up at a consignment shop and finally found a DVD of this great little movie based on the book by Richard O'Brien, "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIHM." 

... here's a close up of the stirrers.... fun things but not very practicle!!

There you go sports fans, thanks again for stopping by do stop again!

Take care,

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

A Little Fall Treat

Gentle Friends, with Fall in full swing so to speak, I got a hankering to bake something with apples.  Looking around for a recipe... I wanted to bake a little something made with things already in my cupboard.... I found the perfect fit on "Southern Bite" a great Blog written by Stacey..... I went with Brown Sugar Apple Blondies.... so easy and really tasty!!

... they came together quickly and were super with a cup of coffee late Sunday afternoon!! 

There you go sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Monday, September 18, 2017

A Finish and a Little Start

Gentle friends, I worked out my camera problems... so I have some snaps today of the piece I've been working on for the past few months.... and here is the last Block or double-block from AotH...

...  for this Block, I needed to shifted most everything around to fit in the little poem I found.  Although what was charted was nice it really didn't say what I wanted to say with this piece so I went looking online and found this short poem.  I did stick with the floss group for the Block....... 

and here's the entire completed piece.....

Black Bird Designs - "Anniversaries of the Heart"
March 19 - Septemeber 16, 2017
36ct Linen - using GAST and WDW

It was a really great piece to work on and I would highly recommend this to anyone thinking about stitching it!

After wrapping up AotH I already had a piece picked out to begin. I had the linen and the silk ready to go.... here's the little bit of a start I made yesterday...

Prairie Moon "Thine is the Trick or Treat"
Silkweaver 36ct Days Gone By
CC Belle Soie "Old Crow"

Although this is a monochromatic piece as charted... I think I will introduce some color here and there as I go along.

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by dos top again!!

Take care,

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

A Little Hoarding

Gentle Friends, I am still stitching away on AotH, but my camera is not cooperating at the moment so I am unable to post an updated shot of the changes I've made and the bits I've frogged.... oh well. 

I did have an idea for a post last week and took some snaps so here goes....  I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned how much I really enjoy Yankee candles.  I've been buying them for years and usually stock up in the Fall with the lovley autumnal offerings to carry me over the Spring and Summer months.  About 4 or 5  years ago I was introduced to "Autumn Lodge" a really wonderful fireplace/cherry tobacco smelling candle.  I think I bought 3 or 4 of them that year.   I burned them frequently over the Spring and Summer months, lighting my last AL candle plan was to get more of them in the Fall since it was a Seasonal candle it was only available during the Fall months.  You can see where this is going, Fall came and went and no Autumn Lodge!!  To say I was disappointed would be kind, at that point I started to look on line and found out that this candle also goes by the name "Santas Pipe" and is a red color - but the few of them that I could find out there were horrendously expensive.... like $75 to $100+ per candle, when I could find them..... and yes, I like this candle a lot but I'm certainly not going to spend that kind of money for one!!

This year the early catalog of the Fall releases came out and there it was "Autumn Lodge"... I ordered one immediately just to see if it was the same candle as before - I still had some of the very last of the AL candles that I saved.  So, I knew that when it came I had a "control candle" to see if they were going to be the same as before.  Well, it came and "oh happy day" they were exactly the same....  so I ordered 9 more of them that evening....

... and since that 2nd order, I've placed a 3rd order..... you can tell it is my very favourite candle ever and I will stockpile them .... now where to store them???  

I've gotten some looks from Rico about this little bit of crazy on my part, but that's how it is in my little corner of the world!!  So, if you like a fireplace and the smell of cherry tobacco this is a candle you might want to try.  

There you sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Thursday, September 7, 2017

A Little Hallowe'en Wonderfulness

Gentle Friends, as I sit here eating lunch I usually read Blog Posts or find something fun on the computer.. today while reading through some Posts I  hit on a new release from Kathy Barrick......

Halloween at Hawk Run Hollow
Stitched on 40 count "Legacy" from PTP using DMC

... now, I have loved the Hawk Run Series for years.  I've stitched a few,  have a couple in the stash pile and even have one as a WIP... this one is hitting all the right notes and is a MUST STITCH..... for me anyway....  the colours are right, the images are right - and the size is right - woo hoo!!!    There are other designs that will release at the same time - if you'd like to see all the new releases you can click HERE to go to Kathy's  Blog Post.

There you go sports fans, thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

A little Stitchin' and a-lotta Hot!!

Gentle Friends, well, summer has finally hit us full force here by the Bay.  Last Friday we hit a record high of 106 in the City, then Saturday another record high at 102.... Sunday the temps dropped about 30 degrees and have held in the low 70's through the night and are hovering at about 71 right now.  Typically we shouldn't get any heat until October since that is our warm month.... so who knows whats a-coming weather wise for us......

With all the heat and absolutely no air conditioning in our house, we had the fans going full blast - so very little stitching for a few days, but here's a snap of the little bit I've gotten done...

... and here's how the piece looked at that point...  as you can see I've gone back and personalized all the Blocks with family members. For each month I tried to find a family member or ancestor who was married in that month - usually.... I think the Block that gave me the most trouble was the Block for March.  I waffled back and forth with a few ancestors and finally settled on a Revolutionary ancestor who was a 1st Luietent in a regiment of Minute-Men from Dutchess County New York.

... and here is an overall shot of the piece... since this snap, I've frogged and removed some of the stitching from Block 12 and made some changes to the final double block.  I have an idea that I'm running with at the moment to tie the piece together - so fingers crossed!!

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again.

Take care,

A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...