Tuesday, June 30, 2009

PIF's arrive

The other two PIF's have arrived safe and sound - Here are some snaps ....

for Karen.......

...and for Lisa.

Do you see a theme here?? All the charts where parts of Alphabet Zoo - such a great stitch. I will need to do this whole alphabet piece at some point.

I do thank you all for the kind comments about the ABC piece. I also think we all agree that baby Pidges are less than beautiful!! Don't we learn lots from each other Mary gave a name to the pidgelettes - Squabs - now who would have guessed. I have had squab on a plate and it was way more delicious and better looking than either pidgelette in my window box!!

Berit wanted to know about the stuffed shells - yes - it is a la Florentine - I actually sort of made up this recipe as I couldn't find a single one that I liked but I could find parts of recipes that appealed to me - so I just combined them together for the final product. The basic recipe is one from the Frugal Gourmet I got a long time ago. I have changed it up quite a bit since then with other additions to its present form.

A little Mystery Stitching and more Christmas Stitching last night. We have a three day weekend coming up so I hope to finish up the mystery Sampler to show it off next Monday. Now that I have put that in writing it probably wont happen!! :)

There have been quiet a few flickers but nothing remarkable and lots of repeats. I do love watching a good movie again and again. I know it makes Rico insane and I have heard more than once "Haven't you seen that before???" He gets the raspberry and I re-watch the flick!!

Thanks for stopping by and commenting!! I really appreciate the time you spend here!!

Take care,

Monday, June 29, 2009

A pretty Long post with a Bunch of snaps

Where to start..... stitching this weekend was either more Christmas stitching or the finishing up of the large ABC SAL piece - and here is a snap -

This was a super SAL from Gazzette94 - It started back at the beginning of the year. Mine is stitched on 32 ct LL Vintage Barley using those buttery silks from Belle Soie - Plush Plum and Teddy Bear. The only change I made was in the initials at the bottom. I did that 1/1 so that I could include the year.

I also heard from Deborah over at Lavender Rose Ramblings that the 1st of the PIF's had arrived. Here is a snap of her package -

I used letter "D" from Alphabet Zoo to make a PynKeepe. It is stitched using HDF silk called Baneberry - one of my favorite colours. I am so glad Deborah enjoyed getting the package it was lots of fun making it up!!

On Friday evening we had Dale over for his Birthday dinner - his birthday was the week before but things kept us putting it off again and again - So it wasn't until Friday we could get him over - I made stuffed shells (he never would tell me what he wanted - such an easy guest to please) and here it is before the "cheesing" -

I also made some garlic bread and a big green salad - this was followed by a cake that Rico ordered form a work colleague of his - and here is a snap of that beauty -

Dale's favorite flower is the Sunflower - the cake itself was chocolate with a smooth chocolate butter cream filling - it was very good!!

On Saturday we ran around to a couple of sales and my haul was on the small side -

Here is $4 worth of goodies.... three vintage linen kitchen towels, a old measuring cup, one great old transferware platter in the "Oriental" pattern and a great old pair of gold plated embroidery scissors. Now you can't beat that with a stick!! We didn't get to as many sales as we normally do as Dale had to run down to San Jose to work.

I did get some shots of our "City Chickens" - Pidge and the pidgelettes -

Here are the Pidgelettes - Stan and Laurel - now we ever only saw one egg so I guess they are twins?? and here is big Pidge and her ever present stink eye....

Since the pidgelettes are getting so big she has been leaving the nest more frequently to forage I would guess.

And there you have it - another weekend in my life!! Hope everyone had a great one!!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,

Friday, June 26, 2009

A Ornie Arrives and Answering a Question

Becky let me know that the Ornament that I made her had arrived. Here is a snap -

It is by Ewe and Eye and Friends called "Christmas Spot Sampler." It is stitched on 32 ct linen using the recommended floss'. As I told Becky the min I saw this last year I knew I wanted to stitch it up for her. I really like the way this turned out and need to make one for my tree - but goodness only knows when I will get the time.

Once again my stitching last night was focused on Christmas Prezzies.

Margaret ask yesterday about RR's (Round Robin's) - I remember when I first jumped into this cyber world of stitching and was a total newbie trying to figure everything out. Sometimes you just gotta ask - and I certainly don't mind answering - because knowledge is power!!!! In my pea sized brain I understand a RR this way - there is a leader who either thinks up a theme/topic and decides on the number of stitchers to include. Then the leader will instigate the RR by emailing and inviting specific stitchers or make a blanket announcement/invitation via a blog to see who might be interested. It is at the discretion of the leader who joins or not as there are some real horror stories out there regarding RR's and the multitudinous problems that arise. A major consideration when getting a group together is individual participant reliability - in stitching, in mailing, in posting. After getting together your group - the leader would set up or already have set up a Blog so the the group can post their progress and let each other know when something is mailed. It is the leaders responsibility to keep up with or know basically where the pieces are as they travel about from stitcher to stitcher. The Blog for the RR is also a great place to put the mailing dates so that everything runs smoothly. Things happen to all of us so I always try and stay a flexible as possible and not stress too much. That's about all there is to it - I think RR's are great - and yes I have been burned but I will continue to participate if asked and I can work it in. Hope that helps.

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend!!

Take care,

Thursday, June 25, 2009

It's Thursday

I couldn't think of a better header - sorry. Not too much going on. Thank you all for the kind comments about the QFRR - (Quaker Friendship Round Robin) It was lots of fun to do - even with the headaches. The last two that are out there are Carol's - Valerie has that one and Valerie's is with Donna. I stitched on more Christmas stuff and a little on the big Abecedaire piece - the last two parts where posted and I am just now getting back to working on finishing it up. If you click on the link and scroll down there are quite a few finished pieces posted - It is amazing how many different interpretations and colour changes you get when a bunch of stitchers get going. You can also see how different floss choices are in the Mary Wigham World Wide SAL. Some of the colour combos are just spectacular. I am downloading this Quaker beauty to do in the future - and am leaning towards greys and blues with touches of red.

The flickers for last night where interesting - one bad and one good. The bad flick was "The Long Ships" - 1964 - starring Richard Widmark and Sydney Poitier. I love what one commenter on the IMBD site called the film - where the Vikings meet John Cleese. It was an absolute cheesy adventure "epic." I got about 3/4 of the way through and had to turn it off - it was very odd and not in a good way. The second flick was the movie version of Carosn McCullers novel "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter" - 1968 - starring Allen Arkin, Sandra Locke, Percy Rodriguez and Cicely Tyson. I really enjoyed this movie and had no idea that a movie had been made of the novel until I saw it on Netflix. It is a really moving film about loneliness, kindness and of reaching out to others at 2 hours the time just flies by.

Thanks again for stopping by - and for the nice comments - I always appreciate them!!

Take care,

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Another RR is Home and an Exchange Arrives

My mail was bountiful beyond belief!! The first of the two pieces I got was my QFRR from Wendy. If you have been following the saga that was the QFRR you will remember the trauma connected to the pieces. All that aside - now that it is winding down I am so please to have mine finished, perfectly stitched by the group, and back home. Here is a snap (it's a bit wonky as I was trying to get an interesting artsy angle)

If I remember correctly it is stitched on 32ct LL Vintage Lentil using HDK silk, Raisin Wine, Old Maid of the Soil and a light Steelies (the rabbit). I think it is just beautiful and couldn't be happier!!! Thank you so much, Carol R, Donna, Wendy, Rowyn and Valerie - you all did a superb job!!!!! I just love doing RR's as I love the group effort and the camaraderie - now to get moving on the next one..........

The mails also brought me my exchange piece from the second round on the Prairie Schooler Year Long Exchange. Here is a snap -

It's a lovely little pillow - so great for the Summer and I just love it! It was made by Jacinta and she did a super job in the stitching and the finishing.

My stitching for the last couple of days has been only on Christmas Presents - as it will be off and on for the next couple of months.

The flicker last night was a "Frogmen" - 1951 - starring Richard Widmark, Gary Merrill and Dana Andrews. A pretty decent film about a group of underwater commandos in WWII on a mission. I enjoyed it and it was different than many of the Hollywood Navy films I have seen recently.

The meeting yesterday about our balcony went way better than expected - instead of a scream it was just a loud huff and sigh. The end result is that we should have a new balcony by the second week of August - so that would have only be a short 7 months without our balcony!! I guess better late than never.

Thank you again for stopping by!! Do come again - same Bat Time same Bat Channel!!

Take care,

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A quickie posting

Thank you all for the nice comments. Only a crafting person would understand about the Ott light. I think the estate that was being broken up had someone that was a beading enthusiast. One of the back bedrooms was just jam packed with boxes of beads and beading paraphernalia. It was a total feeding frenzy in there with quite a few characters grabbing and snatching and going through that stuff. I can only thank Heaven above that my only crafting obsession is cross-stitching - gotta stay focused!

There were two things in the mail this morning but I have no camera with me - so you will have to wait to see what they are until tomorrow - I am just bouncing off the wall about them!!!!

Nothing much else - except that this evening we (those that had their balconies removed for repairs) are to have a meeting at 6pm with the building manager. We are now into month 5 without one. So if you hear a scream at about 6:15 PST it is just me having a melt down about the complete incompetence about this darn thing - and the glacial pace they have set to replace the one that they ripped off.

As we were leaving this morning we noticed an egg shell next to Pidge - our city chicken - so we have a new addition to the menagerie that is our lives. I will try and get a snap of baby Pidge.

Have a great one!!

Take care,

Monday, June 22, 2009

A couple of nice Days

It was a lovely weekend here in SF. Both Saturday and Sunday where breezy, bright and cool. The weather really cooperated staying in the mid 70's with not a bit of fog yesterday. This week is supposed to be on the warmer side - getting into the low 80's. I spoke to my Mom yesterday and it was a blistering 100+ in Daytona Beach - and she wonders why I live here and not there????? :)

The weekend stitching was focused on Christmas things but I did get a move on the BBD Sampler - Here is a snap of the progress -

This piece is moving along nicely - with very few problems. I am now just starting the final panel and will have to make the decision about the basket that is the main feature. It calls for alternating squares of flax and another colour. Well, the dye lot of flax I have is so close to the linen colour I switched it out for another colour - Rain Shower - now do I want to have the basket with all that blue/grey??? too many decisions.

On Saturday Dale , Rico and I went out on our regular Estate/Garage Sale savaging - I really missed it the last couple of weekends. The haul was pretty good - Here is a snap of the stuff I picked up -

I found a couple more Christmas plates - 1966 and 1968. Now, I told myself that I was only buying any that where earlier than 1970 - and there they both where - and you just can't pas up spending $4 on two plates!! - But, I will still only buy earlier than 1970. :) I also found a beautiful Heisey "Greek Key" bread tray - pressed glass is not something I have ever "collected" but Greek Key is the exception. I also got a little coffee pot and a tack hammer for the kitchen. At one sale I picked up the DVD's for a $1 a piece - now you can't beat that price with a stick!!! But, all those things aside the gigantic deal of the day was.....

.....the Ott-Lite!!! I couldn't believe it - Rico saw it and asked me "Isn't this that light you wanted?' - I said "Yes" and reached for it when some female person grabbed it as she had just set it down. Then the story unfolds...... a few mins pass, and I am walking around the house just looking -then I go back into the living room and I see the lite just standing there next to the register..... I circle it like a vulture over road kill - and a few more mins pass. Dale is now checking out - then I check out with my hammer - and I get Dale to ask about the lamp - the guy running the sale says - "$20 - down to $12" - I say "SOLD." Hand the guy the cash and walk out with the Ott-Lite stand lamp I have wanted for a long time but didn't want to fork out the big bucks for!!!! I wasn't even sure that it worked, but when we got home I plugged that sucker in and I now have a super de duper lamp that throws off a great light for stitching!!! You just never know what you will find at these sales!!!!!

There where a bunch of flickers yesterday - One of them was "The Big Heat" - 1953 - starring Glenn Ford and Gloria Grahame. A great Film Noir that moves along without ever letting up - either on snappy dialogue or acting. If you like a crime/drama film I would highly recommend this film.

Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,

Friday, June 19, 2009

PIF's and other things

Everything is ready for the post - all wrapped up and boxed - which is great except that I left my "BSB" book with the address' and the labels I made yesterday sitting on the dinning room table at home!!!! Jeez could I be more of a ding!!!! Now they will have to sit ready but label less until next Tuesday when I get to the post!! Part of what I had gotten ready where my 3 PIF's - Last September I joined Su in a PIF and since I had 365 days to get it together I of course waited and now that I have them ready to go they are held up a few more days.

Here is a snap of them last night wrapped up!!

Oh well - these three and two exchanges will have to wait a couple of more days - I am not out of time yet, but one of the exchanges has quite a way to go and I didn't want to get to close to the mailing time before I got it in the mail.

The stitching last night was focused on Christmas prezzies - sorry no snaps of that - yet. I did want to thank you all for the nice things you had to say about the mystery sampler - It is a great stitch and some really wonderful floss colour choices. I do agree about the most current LF - I think it is the colour that is not working for me - we'll just have to see when it arrives - I got to thinking about that and it might look better in some off blue or brown shade - or maybe one of the new "BE" colours that Vicki over at HDF has been working on might be nice.

The flicker from last night was "Hildegard" - 1994 - starring Patricia Routledge - the film is not listed on her page in IMBD, nor is it listed for any of the actresses in the film and I do not know why as it was good film that I enjoyed. It is short at just under an hour. Hildegard of Bingen was a 12th century abbess, visionary, naturalist, playwright and composer, just a remarkable woman of the Middle Ages. The film deals with her legacy comprising some of the most radiant accounts of religious experience ever. Yet, despite her faith, Hildegard's visions were questioned, and she was put on trial by the Church in 1148. This dramatization of the nun's life paints an inspiring picture of a courageous woman touched by God.

Thank you again for stopping by and your comments!! Have a great weekend -

Take care,

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wednesday Stitching and a flick

Getting a late start this morning. Something is up with this computer and nothing, I mean nothing gets me going like a broken computer!!! It seems to be fine right now - let's hope it lasts!

Stitching last night was pretty abysmal as I only got a little bit done in the third part on the house. Here is a progress snap -

I am getting the white finished up and then it is only a few bits and on to the 4th part. This is stitching up really fast - but any enjoyable piece will be like that - When the piece is a drag every stitch is a labour of the needle. Thank goodness those projects a few and far between!! I saw that the next Loose Feathers chart is coming out "It's Berry Time" #37. You can see it at the BBD Blog. I will of course get the chart but wonder if I will ever stitch it up..... and I like the idea of the piece..... but I wonder??? What do you think?

The flicker last night was "Houdini" - 1953 - starring Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh. This bio-pic is mostly a made up Hollywood story based here and there with some truth from Houdini's life. It is very glossy and a fun movie to see, but don't go looking for a real life story on film. Great sets and costumes and the story moves along briskly. Janet Leigh is really beautiful in this film.

Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Prize Arrives and a Finishing Frenzy

Yesterday's mail brought a wonderful gift-a-way from over at Lori's Blog Not Forgotten Farm. Her primitive style is so nice in all the crafty things she creates!! Here is a snap of what I pulled out of the package -

I just love how it is wrapped up - using an old paper pattern - what a clever way to reuse this paper!! Then opening that this darling pin keeper was nestled in....

I just love it!! When I was taking these snaps - the Peach couldn't stop sniffing around - she was very intrigued by it - Thank you so much Lori!!!!!!

Last night I spent in a Finishing frenzy - that's all I can call it. I finished up a bunch of pieces - and I mean ready for the mail finish. So with all of them sitting ready for wrapping tonight I think the first wave of things will leave on Friday. So there will be some snaps quite soon of all the stitching from last week.

There where two flicks last night - or I should say 1 1/2 flicks - the first was a NetFlix pick called "Mutiny" - 1952 - starring Angela Lansbury and Mark Stevens. It was a really very poor copy of the film put onto a DVD that was unwatchable - I got through the first half and just thought it was terrible. I can stand a poor copy and have watched many films where the copy is bad but at least the film was worth watching - this was not the case with "Mutiny." I could only get through the first half and I shut it off. I then turned to TCM and caught a really superior film - "The Magnificent Ambersons" - 1942 - starring Joseph Cotton, Anne Baxter, Dolores Costello, Agnes Moorehead and Tim Holt. This is really a great film by Orson Wells. The original running time for the film was 148 mins and this was cut down by RKO studios to the 88 mins we have left - it makes one wonder what was destroyed and lost...... I would highly recommend this film as one of the best!!

Thank you all for the nice comments - always appreciated!!!!!!

Take care,

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A RAK, A Winner and A Gift Arrives

Good Morning Dear Friends - I am always amazed at the generosity of this community. Just read a handful of Blogs and you see over and over again how kind and giving this group is. A week or so ago a dear friend I made through the stitching Blog-o-sphere, Shay, sent an email about some Royal Memorabilia - and would I like them. Knowing my love of the Windsor-Mountbatten's I said yes of course, and yesterday a box arrived. Dear Shay sent all of these lovely things....

She included with the Royal Wedding Wedgwood plates a darling cream and sugar and a couple of pretty doilies. How wonderful are they!! I couldn't believe it as I was unwrapping them, Thank you so much Dear Shay!!!!

Moving on to the winner of "Let Live" - I popped all the names from the comments into a Randomnizer and out popped Sherry's name at the top of the list. I will get it in the mail in the next day or so. Thank you all for entering my little give away - and for the very kind things everyone had to say - I do appreciate them.

I saw on the SBBC that my partner got her Birthday Package - I was getting worried, but there was no need - everything arrived safe and sound. My partner was Pirjo in Finland. Here is a snap of everything I sent - a chart with buttons from her Wish list, some scissors, candy, bath salts and a California magnet and seeds-

and a closeup of the Pyn-Keepe I made -

This chart is from the Crown and Thistle Seasons - this is from the Spring Summer. I picked up both the Spring/Summer and the Fall/Winter set when they came out but had never had an opportunity to stitch any of them - I wanted to make something that had a Summery feel and a busy Bee skep and vine worked out really well. Happy Birthday Pirjo!!!

There where plenty of flicks over the weekend - Some of the highlights would be - "The Easiest Way" - 1931 - starring Constance Bennett, Adolph Menjou, Robert Montgomery and Anita Page. The film is a pre-code with the basic story line about a good girl who becomes less good for a lovely life and a ton of jewellery then gives it all up for love. A pretty good film with some silly dialogue and situations - but very watchable. Another early film - "Looking Forward" - 1933 - starring Lionel Barrymore - Made in the throws of the depression this story juxtaposes two families one very wealthy and the other a working class one and how they handle it as their lives fall apart in losing everything. Everything works out in the end as most movies do. An interesting side note is this is one of eight films that Barrymore appeared in 1933 - he was very busy!!! I had two Netflix Pic's - The first would be "The Eddy Duchin Story" - 1956 - starring Tyrone Power and Kim Novak - This Bio Pick is the story of the famous Band leader of the 30's and 40's and his life. As with most Bio Pic's it is very slick and Hollywood - but some very good music and Kim Novak is stunning on screen. The second film was a BBC production of "The Tenant of Wildfell Hall" - 1996 - based on the 1848 novel of Ann Bronte's. The production is superior and I would recommend this to anyone that enjoys Jane Austin or the like. I had never seen this before and I was so glad I gave it a chance. It is a mini series on one disc broken into three parts - so you can watch it over a couple of evenings.

I have droned on long enough!!
Thank you for stopping by and for all the comments!!
Do come again.

Take care,

Monday, June 15, 2009

A Lazy Butt Weekend

It was one great big lazy weekend. I did absolutely nothing I didn't want to do! Although the weather was beautiful - I didn't take advantage of any outside anything. I took a few naps, snuggled with the puppies in my chair, and ate crap for every meal - how is that for a great big lazy butt weekend!!!

I did do some stitching on the Mystery Sampler - this is a great stitchity piece and I am really enjoying it - Here is a snap of where I am - almost past the 1/2 way point....

It is such a joy to stitch as are all the BBD things I have worked - this will be the very first piece I am keeping for myself. I have stitched quite a few other things but have always given them away. I did have to change up the colour on the house as the called for floss melted into the fabric way too much - so I slapped in a whiter floss and am really happy with the results.

Don't forget the drawing tomorrow - for La-D-Da's - "Let Live" chart - I will announce the winner in the posting in the morning.

Well it is another busy day here - so I will let you go with a shorter post than normal - Was that a sigh of relief from blog-land??? :)

Hope you all had a wonderful nap filled weekend like I did!! Thanks for stopping by!!!!

Take care,

Friday, June 12, 2009

A Gift, A Gift-a-way and a Great Movie Month

The mail brought a super RAK from my Dear Friend Jennifer - she is just a wiz on the sewing machine and makes beautiful things - and she has sent me a great project bag!! Here is a snap -

Jennifer also included a couple of back issues of SANQ - a real favorite of mine - as it has some great articles and almost every month has a project I would want to stitch. Thank you so much Jennifer this sure beats the crappy plastic bags I usually use for projects!! Isn't that a cute cat card!

The mail also brought some stash I had ordered. Just some things I needed (saying that with a straight face kinda hurts) :) and in putting them away I find that I already had one of the charts!! It is a La-D-Da chart called "Let Live." I certainly don't need two copies - so I think I should have a little Gift-a-way to celebrate those 500 posts!! Here is a snap of the chart -

Leave a comment on this post and I will have the drawing on next Tuesday - 6/16 (which is Dale's Birthday!!)

The flicker last night was another TV Movie - called the "Scarlet and the Black" - 1983 starring Gregory Peck, Sir John Gielguld and Christopher Plummer. The story of a brave Catholic monsignor serving in the Holy See who saved Jews and Allied soldiers during WWII. An excellent movie with all the actors doing a top notch job.. A bit long at 2 1/2 hours but well worth it.

Speaking of movies I also got next months "Now Playing" yesterday -

This slim magazine is TCM's Guide for viewing during the month - and in July in addition to the Star of the month - Stewart Granger - they are having a film festival focusing on 1939 - that glorious golden year for Hollywood. Every Thursday is a different subject and some marvelous films for '39.

Here is a shortened list of upcoming goodies....

July 2nd - Musicals and Comedies - with "Wizard of Oz" and "The Women"
July 9th - Westerns - with ""Dodge City" and "Union Pacific"
July 16th - Action and Adventure - with "Beau Geste" and "Golden Boy"
July 23rd - Literary Adaptations - with "Dark Victory" and "The Old Maid"
July 30th - Romance - with "Gone with the Wind" and "Wuthering Heights"

Other things coming up on TCM are....... July 17th they are having a tribute to Ma and Pa Kettle - with four of those great films - "Ma and Pa Kettle" - 1949, "M&PK Go to Town" - 1950, "M&PK Back on the Farm" - 1951 and "M&PK at the County Fair" - 1952. Then on July 29th there is an evening of pre-code Musicals - showing 6 gems of the cinema!!! So there is some great flickers coming up and then in August TCM brings back "Summer Under the Stars" where each day is a different 24 hours showcasing a single star!! I am just beside myself with glee!!!!!

Thanks for stopping by!! Have a Great Weekend!!

Take care,

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Movies on Wednesday

Last night there were two discs I needed to watch and there was stitching but again it was stitching and finishing up on exchanges.

The two discs were both TV adaptations of novels - the first was a BBC adaption of Dickens very dark "Hard Times" - 1994. This version was an odd piece - much of the acting was top notch - but the film itself was bleak in the extreme and very melodramatic and after trudging through to the end it was a complete let down. Not the best piece to see if you haven't seen other Dickens pieces or at the very least read the book. I think that the late Dilys Laye playing Mrs. Sparsit did the best job in the entire piece.

The second flicker was the first disc of a four disc mini series - "A Dance to the Music of Time" - 1997 - an extreme let down. The disc I had was the first disc - it had the first four instalments. Told in reflection it seemed to just sort of lay there and was very dull - The sets and costumes where very superior!! I have removed the last three discs from my Netflix Queue as I have absolutely no interest in watching them!! The time period is just after WWI and was to carry into the 60's - the Disc I had moved the story through into the 30's. If you are looking for something of this period I would suggest a a far superior piece and check out the 1981 "Brideshead Revisited" - this excellent version of a book adapted to TV miniseries is just great!!!

There you go!! Thanks for stopping by and the great comments!!

Take care,

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

500 posts - can you belive it!!! A prize arrives!

I noticed that I reached 500 posts yesterday and just can not believe I have written so many posts. When I started this blog a couple of years ago I had no idea I would still be enjoying and babbling along into cyber space AND that anyone would be interested in anything I had to say EVER!!! I guess that so long as things move along at an even pace and there are not too many bumps in the road I will keep chit chatting about things that pop into my head or out of the needle!!

Yesterday brought a couple of packages in the mail. On of them was a bunch of floss' I needed for some Christmas Prezzies - you got that - I wrote Christmas Prezzies!! If I don't get myself situated now and start a'stitchin' there is no way in the world that I will have anything completed by the time December rolls around. With all the exchange stuff I love to do and extra things I want to stitch for folks I need to get moving on those Yuletide deadlines. I wonder if it is only me or is anyone else looking that far forward?? Those floss's that came still astonish me - as I always wonder that with already having so many choices in the stash pile - that I still need to get more colours for projects - what's with that??

The mail also brought a great prize I won from Cindy - she was having a great give away of charts and I won a PS chart I had loaned out that just never made it back to me - but those are the chances you take when you loan something out I guess!!

I was so happy to get this as I really like this chart and have done a few.

The stitching last night was all exchange related once again.

There where a couple of flicks last night on TCM - with the on going Director Tribute it was Fred Zinnemanns turn - they showed "Oklahoma" - 1955 - his only musical film - starring Shirley Jones and Gordon MacRea. I love this musical and have seen it many times - I can highly recommend it!! This was followed by another super film "From Here to Eternity" - 1953 - starring Burt Lancaster, Montgomery Clift and playing against type Donna Reed and Deborah Kerr - another stupendous film that I really enjoy!! This is turning out to be a super month on TCM.

Thanks for stopping by!! I really appreciate all the nice comments !!!

Take care,

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The last few days......

Yesterday I got in to work at my usual "crack of jack" and found that two people had called out and so my early morning of posting and stuff was wrecked - and all I got to where some emails - and no post :(

So here goes the weekend stuff - no yard saleing as Dale's schedule has changed and he is doing some training - I think I was almost having withdrawals. Rico and I ran around doing some errands - While at the mall we stopped into Lupicia and check out the teas. I did pick up one I had seen before called Asia, but had never tried...

A really nice tea - here is a snap of the actual tea...

Just full of the bits a pieces that make it an unusual and tasty tea - I made a big pot of the stuff and it was quiet good. After a couple of mugs there was plenty left to try over ice and it held up really well. This is such a great store as they always have tastings going on and all the tea is so interesting!!

The stitching stuff was focused on exchanges - no snaps - and the Mystery Sampler I started last week - I do have a snap of that piece.... as it stands now....

It is just moving along. I always really enjoy BBD pieces.

There where some flickers also. Starting off with "Smilla's Sense of Snow" - 1997 - starring Julia Ormond - a thriller adventure film - not bad but certainly not the best. Ormond is excellent and very believable. I also saw "Malice in Wonderland" - 1985 starring Elizabeth Taylor and Jane Alexander. This was a made for TV movie that is pretty interesting as it tells the story of the rivalry between Hedda Hopper and Luella Parsons - sort of. Entertaining - and a light piece - there are way better Taylor movies so I wouldn't go out of your way to see it. Last night was Stanley Donen night and TCM. They showed some of his wonderful films - leading off the evening was "On the Town" - 1949 which he co-directed with Gene Kelly - This was followed by "Royal Wedding" - 1951 and the last one I watched was "Singing in the Rain" - 1952 - I know - how many times can I watch this flick - about a bazillion I would guess!!!!!! The night carried on with "7 Brides for 7 Brothers" - but it was getting late so I trotted on off to bed.

There you go sports fans!! Thanks for stopping by!

Take care,

Friday, June 5, 2009

Sittin' on an Egg

Sometimes I just can't believe the titles I will put on this blog blog - as you all know I am a bird nut - and in one of Rico's flower boxes outside, we have a new feathered friend - a city chicken!! - here is a snap I took from our front door - I was getting the stink eye as we do whenever we walk past her and her nest/egg...

We have been watching as they - yes there are two of them roosting out there - built up the nest over the last couple of weeks - and now we have this single offering....

I took this on the way out this morning - I guess they were out pooping somewhere or on someone. :) I would have thought there would have been a couple of eggs but it is only a single.

Keeping with the theme of eggs - I watched "The Egg and I" - 1947 - starring Claudette Colbert and Fred MacMurry. It was this feature film that the pair known as Ma and Pa Kettle where introduced. This pairing of Marjorie Main and Percy Kilbride went on to star in 7 more Ma and Pa Kettle adventures - which are really fun flicks. These films have been put together into a two set collection -

On the stitching front - I started two things last night - another upcoming exchange piece and a sampler I am totally loving already. Even though I only have a tiny bit done can you guess what it is?.....

It is the BBD Loose Feather Mystery Sampler from last year - I love the colours, but I think I will need to change out one as it is way too close to the colour of the linen.

Thanks for stopping by!! Have a great weekend!

Take care,

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thursday Things

Just a quick movie posting today - last evenings stitching was finishing up on some of the exchanges - tonight will be a new start night on something that has been kitted up for quite a while.....

Yesterdays comments brought a question from Evelyn about how I attach the pieces to the box. I think you could use any kind of glue - I use hot glue - for a couple of reasons - it sets really quickly and holds, there is not the long drying period nor is there chance of the moisture in the glue to seep through either the box top or the actual stitched piece. Both the lining of the inside and the two top pieces on the outside are made like I would make a Pyn Keepe - cutting a piece of board to fit, gluing some batting on - on boxes I use a thinner bamboo batting - when making a Pyn Keepe I use a much thicker cotton batting. The glue for sticking the batting to the board is Tacky Glue that I let sit over night to dry - I then stitch the piece of fabric or stitching to this batting covered board and then hot glue this "half a Pyn Keepe" to the appropriate area either inside or on top. Then you glue the cording or decorative edging to the outside and there you go. That "short" description is not so short - if it isn't clear just ask and I will try and explain it better.

There was two flicks last night - one good and one not so good - The not so good one was "Mama Mia" - 2008 - starring Meryl Streep. I really wanted to like this movie, but by the half way point it was just too painful and not good to watch that I flicked the disc back into its Netflix envelope. I am not sure what was the main "wrong thing" - the place it was filmed was beautiful, the ABBA songs I like - the actors and actresses I liked as a group - I guess it seemed that not one actor was connecting at all - and it seemed that every single time people met they would scream for joy for no apparent reason - what was up with that!!!! I know that many people have enjoyed this film and it was recommended to me - but I was super glad I only had it a s a DVD rental and did not go the the theatre to see it. There are much better crafted musicals out there and although Meryl Streep is a suburb actress and does a superior job in many movies - the musical genre is not her forte and she was completely miscast, as where many of the actors - they are good in other things but not this.

The second flicker of the evening was "Miracle at Midnight" - 1998 a made for TV movie starring Sam Waterston and Mia Farrow. It had that look and feel of a TV movie but the story was good. Basically it was the story of the Danish people and the Danish Resistance hiding and the helping their Jewish Neighbors during the Nazi round up at Rosh Hashana in 1943. I really enjoyed and was moved by the story - the acting in places leaves a lot to be desired - but, overall a good movie and worth seeing. It was backed by the Disney Company so it never gets very graphic and is a fine family film.

Thanks once again for stopping by and the great comments - I really appreciate it!!!

take care,

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Midweek Babbles......

Thank you all for the kind things about the Birthday Stitching I did for Joan. I really enjoy making things and the Bunny Box was lots of fun to stitch and make. In the comments yesterday Carol R mentioned a book called The Proper Stitch - what a great book that is!! I don't have one yet - but some day!! It is just filled with all kinds of different stitches - a real must for counted cross stitchers..... and Jennifer asked about the box - I have found all sorts of different boxes at craft and hardware stores around the city. These boxes are mostly plain unfinished wood ready for finishing. The first thing to do is try and peal off the mega stick price tags and other stickers that the stores attach - which can be an ordeal and the hardest part of the whole process!! Then if it is rough feeling at all I will lightly sand the box and then stain it - letting it dry for a few days. Then it is a matter of lining the inside and top and attaching all the pieces and there you go a great finish - I had seen a couple of them out on different Blogs but it wasn't until I actually received a finished one from Becky S that I could really see the construction and finish. It is really amazing the different kinds of boxes out there!!

No stitchy snaps today - :(

It was a double feature last night - starting off with "The Incredibles" - 2004 - a really super animated film from Disney - a pretty typical hero saves the world story with a twist. My only complaint would be that at the end there was a total set up for a 2nd film and I can find no evidence of that in production. It would be great if another Incredibles came out - I would go to see it. The second feature was "Wallace & Gromit in the Curse of the Ware-Rabbit" - 2005 - a really funny movie.

Not much else going on - Thanks for stopping by!!

Take Care -

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Birthday package Arrives and a Great Director

Thank you all so much for the kind things you said about my sick collecting habit!!! I am was partial to china - be it hard or soft paste - and then you throw in Christmas and I really start to drool - It is good and I got it bad!!! If nothing else I can always use them for desert plates around the Holidays - :)

On the stitching front I am still plugging away at exchange stuff - but I did hear from Joan that the SBBC Birthday Package I got together for her. Here is a snap of the stitched piece I made -

It is called "The Garden Gate Hare" from Ewe & Eye & Friends - The chart calls for a floss mix of DMC/Anchor and a couple of over dyed - I shifted all the floss' to over dyed and was really happy with the results - this chart also called for some specialty stitches I had never tried - just chicken I guess - but once I got the hang of them they where really no more trouble and the result is way better than just plain cross stitch. Here is a shot of the interior of the box with the extras I included in the package -

The flickers last night on TCM where honoring John Ford the Director. All this month is a tribute to the great Directors - the evening started off with "Stagecoach" - 1939 - starring John Wayne - and I have to say - I really enjoyed the film. I am not one for John Wayne or Westerns - but this is really a superior film and a break out roll for Wayne. This was followed by "The Horse Soldiers" - 1959 - also starring John Wayne and William Holden. I always enjoy William Holden and had seen this film before - based in history the film is a bit more Hollywood than the reality but aren't they always!! The final flick ( that went on way too late) was "The Quiet Man" - 1952 - again starring Wayne along with the lovely Maureen O'Hara - this is one of my favorite movies and I always enjoy watching it. All three films are great and just about any film by John Ford is superior I could recommend the whole bunch - they include - "Drums Along the Mohawk" - 1939, "The Grapes of Wrath" - 1940, "How Green was my Valley" - 1941 ..... and the list goes on and on!!!

Thank you for stopping by -

Take care,

Monday, June 1, 2009

Monday rolls around again....

Good morning one and all - another week begins - :)

Dale and I ran around once again to the sales and once again I am stunned by what some people will buy then sell at a garage sale - I am sure when we get it together for our sale I will be dumbfounded by the accumulation!! Until that time I still pack rat it at the sales and drag home stuff I could very easily live without, but the question is do I want to live without the "stuff." I think not!!!! One of the Estate sales we got to was a true estate that was up for grabs - and the home was just packed with collector collections - tons of Holiday Fitz and Floyd pieces - and I am talking dozens of pieces from gigantic table things on down! Also piles of pressed glass and plate silver. There was also piles of the Danish things - Mothers day Plates, Fathers Day mugs AND some Christmas Plates!!! So I finally finished out the 1970s collection of Jule Tide B&W plates at give away prices...... Here is a snap of most of the pile I dragged home -

At another sale I picked up the Christmas table cloth and the DC souvenir plate for a couple of bucks. We stopped at a Goodwill and I got the baby's plate for $1.50. I don't need it but couldn't pass it up - I just love the little pics on it. I got the books a various places for .25 and .50 each. It was a very good day -

I stitched quite a lot this weekend but only on exchange things so no snappers of any of that yet.

Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,

A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...