Friday, March 30, 2012

Another Stitching Fix

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thanks so much for you super comments about yesterdays post!!  I really enjoyed reading them. 

The Marie Antoinette reference is one I really like - and Yes, I am sure that the Chucks were there in the scene as just a little nod to the present - The 2006 "Marie Antoinette" is lots of fun and worth a viewing - one the more interesting aspects is Sophia Coppola's, (the Writer/Director of the film) use of modern music against 18th visuals - ingenious!!  There are of course historical issues here and there and some telescoping of time, but overall a very good effort

There is an earlier film also called "Marie Antoinette" - 1938 - starring Norma Shearer as MA...

A sumptuous film  - there is lots of over the top acting with some glaring historical mistakes.....  but a really super film from the "Golden Age" - it is a wonderful to see just what could be accomplished by MGM when they set out to make a super Prestige Film.

I would recommend both of these film highly and encourage anyone interested to see them!!

The mail brought me some charts I had been waffling about for about 1/2 a minute..

From left to right...  "And All Was for An Appil."  This is one that I have been wanting for a few years - I have seen quite a few completed versions and every time I do I want it all over again.  It is not something I would typically like, I really do not care for A&E samplers - this would be only the second one in my entire stash, it is a bit on the cartoonish side, also something I do not care foe... but I REALLY like this entire piece, go figure!!  I only ordered the chart not the whole kit from Scarlet Letter - I wanted to choose my own linen and silks.  I spent time pulling the DMC's last night to see what the palette looks like and the colours seem a bit on the dull side in comparison to the snap - which is Soie d' Alger silks....  I am leaning towards silks but not Soie d'Alger.  The second chart is a new one that I had to have - from Paulette over at Plum Street Sampler it is called "Brother's Keeper."  A really wonderful piece that should be a great stitch... and the final chart I won off the Bay of Evil - an OOP Teresa Wentzler caller "Tradewinds."  I saw this and just had to have it - enough said!

There are storms and wind and rain, oh my!!.... predicted for this weekend again.....  so some serious NB is in my immediate future!!

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by, do stop again!

Take care,

Thursday, March 29, 2012

“I did not have three thousand pairs of shoes, I had one thousand and sixty.” Imelda Marcos

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you so much for the kind comments about Shores - It is such a great stitch I will be sad to see it finish up...  but, there are still 2 1/2 or so Blocks left so there is lots more stitching to get done.

Last night after work we ran to South SF to do some shopping - Mall visits are way down on my list of fun things to do but often there is just no way around them!!  We also stopped off to pick up some dog cookies at Pet Smart and next door there is a Ross.  For those not in the know - you can click HERE to read about the store.  I wandered over to the shoes and bing bang there were these...

Size 10 light blue Chucks....  they probably have some name like "Pale Turquoise" - but I couldn't believe it - with me wearing a 10 (probably the most common size) I never see 10's on any shelf - I certainly saw none at JC Penny an hour before I bought these. 

Keeping with the shoe theme this week - did you see this......

"These shoes believed to be once worn by Marie Antoinette have sold at auction for $57,000 - that's approximately £36,250. The pair of cream slip on heels sold for approximately fourteen times more than their estimated price at an auction of French Revolution Era artifacts in Toulan, France...... The pretty silk shoes, with (now quite faded) tri-colour pleated ribbon detail, were reportedly worn by the French Queen to the first ever Bastille Day celebration in 1790. With her neat little size 36 feet, she wore them with a white gown and a headpiece covered with tricolour ribbon and feathers.  So chic!"  from Grazia.

 - and - I'll wrap up my shoe post with this snap from "Marie Antoinette" - 2006 ...  this is a still shot from the film......

.... are those high top Chucks???  Yes, they are!  This really is in the film and I love it!!  It is a great spot - here is the clip from You Tube...

It is a great spot, enjoy!!

That's about it for today sports fans.  thanks for stopping by do stop again!

Take care,

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Shores and Shoes

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends  - I do love Wednesdays...  half way to the weekend with only two days to go....not that there are any plans in the works - The Weather Folks on the TeeVee say that it is supposed to be a dry one but I will not hold my breath hoping for that... they are often wrong.  At the moment all I can think about is just getting up a little later, going out to breakfast, doing our little shopping thing and then sitting around.  Hopefully I can get the laundry done Thursday or Friday and the house work out of the way so that can come true.    Then to spend it with a lovely cup of coffee or tea... and something delicious from Dianda's on a plate... some stitching and a movie....  total heaven!!

I finished up Block 10 on Shores  - and I actually got a half way decent snap...

Although not my favorite Block - it needed to get done for me to move on.  Here is an overall shot of the entire piece - its kinda wonky sorry...

I think I have narrowed down what I will stitch into Block 8 - now to see if I can squeeze the info in.

Last Friday I posted about my newest addition to the Chucks "heap" - and got quite a few emails and comment type questions about "just how many pairs of these things do I actually have?'  I thought  I would gather them together - usually they are just in a pile in the corner and I fish around to find a pair to wear in the mornings.. but, here they are all lined up like soldiers ....

Usually as I add a pair I throw a pair away - the one that gets the toss is the pair that is the most torn up and disreputable (usually those are the ones that are the most comfortable.....)   but, I threw out three really worn/torn out pairs just before Christmas so I didn't have any to pitch when my Nectarine ones came in.  

That's about it for today sports fans - thanks again for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Reviewing a Lovely Cross-Stitch Kit

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends today's post will be a bit different than my usual "what's up in edgar's life" type blathering that I usually inflict on you dear people.  Instead... I wanted to talk about a really wonderful opportunity that just fell into to my lap.  A couple of weeks ago Yiota from "Yiota's  X Stitch" sent me an email asking about reviewing one of her cross-stitch kits.  I had seen a few reviews on other Blogs and my interest had already been peaked.  I wrote back accepting her kind offer and perused the Shop Site to select the chart I wanted to talk about in my review - The Shop is very comprehensive and there are literally 100's of Kits for all levels of ability - I eventually decided on "Sheep" as my choice.

Not only am I drawn to really great sheep in art but this guy reminded me of those 19th century paintings of prize winning farm animals.  Yiota's shop is located in England but the international mail got me the package lickity split - and the kit was sent in a really sturdy cardboard envelope so it arrived in tip top condition without incident.

The kits that Yiota and her husband have devised are all inclusive for each project - you have the choice of either 14ct Aida Cloth or 28 ct Evenweave - I chose the Evenweave.  There are also super clear instructions, a very legible chart with clear symbols ( a real plus in my book!!) all the lovely floss to complete the project. 

The floss is by Madeira, a German Company, but there are DMC equivalents listed if you would prefer to convert the colours.  I have never used Madeira floss, but the floss colours are great and they are all prewound onto sturdy little bobbins clearly marked with the colour number.  You also get a needle - Like I said before it is an all inclusive kit - just pop it open and get to stitching....

The whole experience was perfection from first contact to delivery of kit - in fact the quality of the fabric, floss and charts would lead one to believe that they had been purchase separately and not from a kit.  I would highly recommend Yiota and her lovely on line shop  I am really looking forward to stitching up this great Sheep!!

Last night I stitched a bit more on Shores - I'll have a snap of that in the morning.  
Thanks for stopping by - do stop again!!

Take care,

Monday, March 26, 2012

A Wet Weekend

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends  - First off let me welcome my new followers - I may not say it often enough, but I do appreciate your kindness in following this little old Blog of mine.  I will occasionally look to see the number of hits I get - and I must say it tickles me to no end - and brightens up my bleak mornings!!  so...  a big Thanks to you all!

This weekend found the City by the Bay swathed in rain and wind and just not nice weather....  so, what could we do??  We got up earlish Saturday Morning - went to breakfast at "Good Food" it's a small hole in the wall type of dinner/cafe close to home over on Mission Street.   After breakfast it was on to the store for our weekly Grocery shopping then home again.  We stayed in the rest of the day... no Estate Sales, Consignment Shops, Goodwill....  too much rain!!  Watching movies and reading was how I spent my Saturday...

Then Sunday it was early Mass - then a stop a Lowes for a replacement handle for the toilet - a quick stop to pick up some take out breakfast - then home again.  Although the weather was a bit better - not much rain - we again stayed in.  I did get together this stuff....

...and turned it into a delicious "Chocolate Kahlua Cake" - I got the recipe from sweet Monica's Blog "Lick the Bowl Good" - you should check it out for some great recipes and peep at that darling Hayden of hers!!!  The only changes I made were to bake the cake in a tube pan and double up on the icing....  It is super moist and has a great flavour....

The real highlight of the weekend!!!

I did stitch a bit on Shores, and a bit on ATS, but really not enough to mention.

There you go sports fans - two lazy, stay at home days - and they were so very nice.  Thanks again for stopping by, following and just being the great folks you are!!!  Do stop again!

Take care,

Friday, March 23, 2012

Recent Purchases... or is that Nectarine???

Gentle Readers and Dear friends I do thank you for all your help with my Blogger problem... I am still trying to fix it... I am really happy that it is not just me and my ineptitude with computers that is the cause.

Today's week end wrap up post is gonna be a short one.  I forgot to show the bits I picked up last weekend while out doing our regular estate/consignment/Goodwill shopping....

... although not much was acquired, what I did get I was pretty excited about.  From l to r - I found this great coffee table book of Royal Portraiture by Beaton - published in 1988 it looks brand slap new - and for a few $'s worth every penny.  When it was published 20+ years ago the cost was $45 so I was a winner with that one.  Then there is the small majolica milk jug - mid circa 1840-60 - English...  $4 - how on earth could I pass on that.  Usually these type of jugs have identical scenes on each side, this one has different scenes on each side - one side is a hunting scene the other is a gypsy camp scene - these silly things go for some big bucks and as I always say - you gotta know just a ittle bit more than the next guy to make it pay!!  Then the last thing was a hard back copy of "The Boleyn Inheritance."  I just finished "The Constant Princess" and thoroughly enjoyed it - I really have avoided Philippa Gregory books thinking they would be like historical Harlequin Romances, but to my great surprise "TCP" turned out to be a super de duper read and this one is also turning out to be a great read.  I really like that she lends a voice to the secondary characters in history.  There are a couple of estate sales out there for tomorrow so who knows what I'll find!!

Now, regarding Today's Post title..  you know I love me my Chucks - and I have way too many pairs of them, well, I certainly needed another!!  So I went surfing on the net and found some on sale at Sears - slam bam slap me ma'am - and they were bought - and arrived yesterday.... and I got them on right now ......

......and Rico hates them!!  I always have my camera with me so I just took this snap (how ugly is our carpet at work??) I think they are really orange, but they are called "Nectarine."  I often have a hard time finding them in my size - not that I have an odd sized foot - it is a 10 - what it is, is a very common size and usually the 10's are all gone - or only high tops are left - I do not like high tops.... sweaty ankles, don't you know!!  Like I don't like to wear long sleeve shirts - I hate anything around my wrists or ankles - I am just wierd that way!!  Another tid bit about me that you couldn't live without!

That's about it for the week sports fans.  Thanks again for stopping by and for you great comments!!!  Do stop again.

Take care,

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Spring Exchange

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends your kind comments about yesterday post were just wonderful - and I thank you so much!!!! I posted the recipe for Cherry Coffee Cake over at Blacksheep Bakes - you can click HERE to go there.

I had a quick question about Blogger that someone may be able to answer for me.  I am unable to update my Blog list - I can neither add nor subtract Blogs from the list anymore.  I was wondering if anyone else has ever had this problem or am I doing something completely dumb and stupid....  any help would be appreciated - I have searched in Blogger for help but can find no answer.  Which probably means I am not looking in the right place!!  :)

Yesterday the mail brought a wonderful package from my Secret Partner in the Spring Exchange over at Friends Stitching Through the Seasons - my Partner is Karen from over at Stitching and Sharing.  I am really happy about joining this small group of stitchers!!  Here are some snaps..

 The Exchange package that Karen sent included two pieces of lovely finishing fabric and great piece of 36ct linen - opalescent (I choose this particular snap because you can see the sparkles in the linen)  I have never stitched on sparkly linen and already have some ideas about this lovely piece!!  There was also hank of my favorite silk, Belle Soie, in a limited edition colour, and a corner gauge ..... and some Black jelly beans!!  

The Stitched piece is a wonderfully stitched and finished pillow, the design is from the Quaker Year Series from Homespun Elegance - Spring!!  Stitched in a great variegated floss.  Karen even include my initials!!  This was a wonderful exchange Experience and I can't wait for Summer......

That's about it for today sports fans.  Let me leave off today with this little snapperoo...

...  Mr Rabbit now has those delicious Black Jelly beans to contend with!!!

Thanks for stopping by, do stop again!

Take care,

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Some More Stitching and Weekend Snaps...

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I was having a time with Blogger yesterday.  I sat down to get a post ready and was typing along and then tried to get a picture up - not working...  alrighty...  then I was just going to post a little "non photo" type thing - and again, no go....  alrighty....  then I just gave up.  I dug around in my albums some, deleted some photo's and then came back later in the day with the little post -  and now everything seems to be working fine.

On Monday afternoon I got a phone call from the framers that the two piece I left were ready for pick up.  So after work I drove down to south city and got them  - and I am pretty happy overall with the way they turned out.  Here are some snaps of the pieces...

This is "ABC Hornbook" from The Primitive Needle, designer Lisa Roswell.  I started this just after her death - I really enjoyed the stitching and still feel the loss of such a talented person.  I am sorry for the craptastic picture, I just couldn't get a clear shot with no hot flash spot.  Here is a close up of the frame..

I liked the brushed and distressed elements of the frame and think it works well with the overall piece.

The other piece I had framed was this...

This is the "Mystery Sampler" from With thy Needle and Thread, designer Brenda Gervais.  I choose a plain oak frame for this and I am quite pleased with how it turned out.  I am planning on sending this to my Mom as it really "looks" like her style and is totally her colour scheme...  and her Birthday is coming up - so it all works out fine!  I actually took a few more pieces but with the selection of frames they had I couldn't find anything that I liked to go with what I had brought - so maybe next time.

I am part of a stitching group "Friends Stitching Through the Seasons" and heard from my partner, Diane, that the package I sent her for Spring, had arrived - and I wanted to show the stitched piece I made and sent..

I made a box for this exchange - the stitched piece on top is called "Hip Hop" from Bent Creek.  I have had this chart for quite a while and just never had just the right time to stitch it up - this was the time to stitch it up and it turned out really cute!!   I sent along some extra treats and everything arrived and was well received.

I wanted to Post some of my weekend snaps ....

With all the storms pushing in from the NW - the ocean is just gorgeous!!!  I took this picture up by the Cliff House looking south.  Look over to the left and you can see a little windmill in the distance- that's were Queen Wilhelmina's Garden is.  Some more shots from the garden...

Those dark purple tulips were really lovely.  It was a beautifully bright sunny day - however the wind off the ocean was blowing a freezing gale from freaking Alaska - and so we were frozen solid by the time I wrapped up my picture taking.  

I made a super easy coffee cake on Sunday....

That recipe will go up in the morning.  

I think that's about it for today sports fans.  I am way behind in my emails and things so please forgive some latish answering on my part!!  Let me leave you with a snap of our cute little Easter bowl..

A sweet gift from a dear friend. Mr Rabbit is just darling holding down those Reese's Pieces Pastel candy eggs - they are delicious!!!

Thanks for stopping by, do stop again!

Take care,

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The First Day Spring....

Just a Quick post today with a bit from the from the weekend - we trotted down to the Pacific Ocean and then back into Golden Gate Park and stopped at "Queen Wilhelmina's Garden" and this snapperoo seems more than appropriate for today!!!!

Some of the the lovely tulips that were in bloom....  I will be back in the morning!!

Take care,

Monday, March 19, 2012

Some Weekend Stitching

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I am running so behind this morning, but I wanted to get a quick post up.  Thank you so much for commiserating with me and helping with a "Blog Intervention" regarding my poor addiction.... it is quite OOC (out of control).  I did have a few emails about the acronym SABLE - it means Stash Above and Beyond Life Expectancy.  I think we all reach there at some point - I know I have... but, I still enjoy many of the New releases and just "must" have them!!

I will truncate this post with showing only two pieces of stitching this morning I have been working on - one is a RR finish for Loraine - she very graciously allowed me to complete the missing Lower RH Corner of her lovely piece!!  Here is a snaperoo of the whole thing...

I jacked around with the colour in the photo and it is still far from how beautiful it looks in real life - this great piece is stitched in HDK silk called "Kodiakery" and GAST "Brethren Blue."  It was a joy to work on and I do appreciate her letting me have a go - thank you so much Lorraine!!  It will go out in today's mail and should arrive home in a few days.

I also worked on ATS and set myself the goal of finishing up the "cloud."  Here is a snapper of a finished cloud!!

There you go, two stitchity things - I have a bunch more things to talk about with quite a few snaps!! 

Thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,

Friday, March 16, 2012

It's an Addiction

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends another wet, windy day here in the City by the Bay.  I guess the weather folks on the TeeVee (thanks Spinster) have actually predicted this storm correctly!!  I think that my weekend will totally be a "Stay at home" type......  although.....  I do have a list of four breakfast places that have been recommended to me.... hmmmmmm  what to do???  Fight the weather for some delicious pancakes????  Probably!  Who knows what tomorrow will bring!

Yesterday the mails brought some wonderfully delicious stash.  I know this hobby is a total addiction and I have way too much stash for 6 stitchers to stitch up in a lifetime, but how can one resist!!  I reached SABLE so long ago that there is no looking back.  I do however keep my acquisitions to a minimum and don't by everything that tickles my fancy, thank goodness.  Here's a snap...

as you can see Lolly got in on the picture ... Starting at the top - the four most recent PS releases - I really love Prairie Schooler and have quite a complete collection of charts - thanks to the evil of Bay!  I also like most of the LaD Da charts and thought these would work up great.  The "Peter and Peep" just hit me as a great Easter chart - "Antique Animal Sampler" is just charming - there are a couple of animals that I am not too sure what they might be, but with a colour correction when I eventually get to stitching will fix that - and - "Counting Sheep"  too cute!!!!  There are a few more things that I am circling and will probably break down and get - but for the moment this little bit is just enough.

I stitched a bit more of the Quaker RR last night - which will finish up this weekend and I'll have out in the mail on Monday morning.  I totally forgot how much I really enjoy a Quaker RR......  I am thinking I need to get another one together - any takers???

That's about done it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!  
Have a super weekend!

take care,

Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Little Tin Tin and a bit of Quaker

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thanks so much for stopping by  - the rain has let up for a bit this morning, but another wave is on its way by this evening and through the weekend....  looks like some serious NB (numb butt) for me in the near future!!!

Netflix came through again!!  I love that service of DVD's waiting for me when I get home!!  I got a copy of "The Adventures of Tin Tin" - 2011

Let me start off with a rousing - HUZZAH!!!  I really enjoyed this film - although the plot points were painfully obvious and it was like a roller coaster watching the film - it was a great piece of animation and the music by John Williams certainly was worthy of an Oscar Nomination.  The film is based on a character created by Belgium artist Georges Remi who wrote under the pen name Herge.  You can click HERE to read all about the books and a little history of Tin Tin.  I liked just about everything about the film and was pleased to see the ending set up the film for a sequel!

I started to stitch on a section of a Round Robin Quaker piece last night.  Here is a tasty sneak peak of this gorgeous piece......

I'll reveal an overall shot once I have completed my little corner.

I think that's all for today sports fans. Do stop by again!

Take care,

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Prince and the Showgirl

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I thank you so much for the warm kind comments about yesterday post.  On this very rainy and cold morning it warms the heart to read such nice things!!!!  I wanted to answer some questions you all had...  I am working Shores on 36ct LL V Autumn Gold (I think it is the recommended linen )  It has been so long since I started this piece I do not remember if it was "Vintage" or not... but the mottling of the colour leads me to believe it is.  I am also using the recommended NPI silks - I love working in silk as the "flow" of the needle is so much nice - like butta!!  

Last night my "stitching" time was finishing up and putting the final touches on an Exchange piece I plan on mailing tomorrow - and some border stitching on Shores - That is the one change I did make on this large piece - the original charted colour for the Block borders is black - well, I knew I wouldn't like that so I am stitching them in a very dark blue - a subtle change but one I think make a world of difference.  i figure that there is so much blue why not a bit more.

Also, last night the film for the evening was anew DVD release "My Week With Marilyn" - 2011 -

Starring Michelle Williams, Eddie Redmayne, Kenneth Branagh, Emma Watson, Judi Dench and Zoe Wannamaker.  The film was based on this book...

....which are the reminisces of Colin Clark, 3rd Assistant Director about his time on the set of the movie "The Prince and the Showgirl" - 1957.

I thoroughly enjoyed the film and found Michelle Williams quite good - it seemed to capture the spirit of the production and fragility of Marilyn during filming. I can certainly see why both Michelle Williams and Kenneth Branagh were nominated for Oscars!!  I would totally recommend this film  - and would also recommend the film and book it is based on.  The book has much more detail and fleshes out the "behind the scenes" a bit better - a very good read.  Tonight I expect another of my "Oscar" films "The Adventures of Tin Tin" - if it shows and I get to see it I'll talk about that in the morning.

That's about it for today sports fans!!  Thanks again for stopping by, do stop again!

Take care,

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

An Older WIP and a Cake

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends well today starts our 4 or 5 days of on and off rains...  it is damp out there now - just a sprinkle...  so we'll see what actually happens!!

The stitching I did over the weekend - that I can show - was on a old WIP - I see it all the time in the basket o'WIPs, but just never reach for it.  I thought to myself I should get on it as I could actually finish it this year!!  The piece is Shore's of Hawk Run Hollow - a great piece I really like and for the life of me can not figure out why I don't stitch on it more.  Well, I got quite a bit done....  here's an over all shot as it stands now- 

I really should have taken a before shot to show from where it came - I got all the "water" under the large ship in the middle done - and I finished up Block 8.  I am still not sure how to finish out Block 7... I want to have it more personal with some sort of family info... and one of my latest obsessions is - so I am gathering up lots of Family info.  Some of it I had no clue about.  Like one of my middle names - not a single person in my family I ever asked knew where it came from.  I have found it was one of my GGG Grandmother's maiden names.  I kinda knew it was going to be a last name but just could not place it on any "Branch" of my Tree.  

And here is a better shot of Block 8 - 

I don't know why but this has always been one of my favorite Blocks on this piece.  Now only three to complete and Block 7 - and I'll have a finish.  Then I can start either Autumn at HRH or Christmas at HRH....  always looking to the next project!!

I posted the recipe for Pineapple Upside Down Cake over at Blacksheep Bakes - you can click HERE to go there.  It is super easy.

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday Musings

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends we start off another long work week !!  The City by the Bay has been bright and breezy even on the warm side for this time of year.  

Saturday found us doing our usual early morning run to Safeway - the supermarket - for our weekly grocery round up... then it was off to some Estate/house sales.  There were three in the city this weekend.  We even visited a Goodwill and Consignment shop but all I found was single thing...

I found this at one of the House Sales - it is about 8 ionces square and is pottery / tin glaze in the style of della Robbia - marked Italy, I think it is really great.  When I was in Italy I saw similar things all over the place, from Milan to Capri and did not pick one up then -  so now I have - and am very happy I did. Also, buying it from a house sale saved me about $30 - so I am happy about that also!!

On Sunday after mass - we didn't feel like going out to breakfast so we stopped over in the Mission District at Dynamo Donut and Coffee

I fist heard about this place on the Food Channel  - I learn so much about SF from TV!! - and we have stopped off here often.  It used to be just this awning on the sidewalk  - but they have expanded to a seating area behind and inside and an open kitchen....

The seating is to the right and just behind were I am standing to take this snap of the bakers working...  when we got there nobody was there, but in a few seconds this line appeared...

We got our coffee's and treats to go and headed for home...

Inside the box.....

was a vanilla bean donut and one of their super sticky buns!!!  Just a super morning treat!!!!

The rest of the day we spent inside - I spent it stitching and movie watching.  I'll have a snap of some stitching in the morning.  I also whipped up a super easy.....

... Pineapple Upside Down cake - I debated the recipes and went with easy  - but, even though this was easy and quick - it is really delicious!!  I'll post the recipe in the morning.


That's about it for today sports fans - thanks for stopping by -  Do stop again!

Take care,

Friday, March 9, 2012

A Friday Post - Selling Some Stash

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I was having so much trouble with Blogger yesterday that I just gave up and there was no post.  For some reason There are things I once could do and now can not and things I have a clue why they don't work with Blogger.  So I am hoping that today will be smooth sailing.

Not too much going on still working on an exchange piece - except last night - I was off by on stitch as i neared the end of a section and didn't realized it until I popped the piece out of the Q-Snap - so i so spent most of last night unstitching - gotta get the frog off my back!!  Tonight I will go back a re-stitch and hopefully finish up the stitching part - there is still the finish part to complete - I have everything so there is not a problem or hold up there.  I would love to have it in the mail on Monday - but "best laid plans..."

Recently I won a "Lot" of stitching things off of the Bay of evil to get a single thing, which left me with quite a few duplicates - and then going through the stash hep found some other duplicate charts and things I have stitched....  which lead me to an update on My  "Stash for Sale" Blog.  I do like being able to move on some charts to others.  Do let me know if there is anything you would like.

How about a basket of Who Hound to end the week on.....

We have three big hound baskets, yet they often must crowd together into a single one.  I think the Smokie-nator was running around being his usual crazy self!!

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks so much for stopping by and for your continued kind comments, questions and support!!!!!!  It means so much to me.

Take care,

A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...