Thursday, November 26, 2020

A Happy Thanksgiving

Gentle Friends, although this year we celebrate Thanksgiving not as we would want ... but we can still be thankful for what we do have and who we have around.  I found these two old snaps on the internet and they really spoke to me of Thnaksginvings past...

... although I didn't grow up with a wood-burning stove I did grow up with my mom in the kitchen all day dealing with Dinner that was the highlight of the afternoon... always served around 2:30 pm.  That gave everyone time to relax and enjoy the meal, and time to clean up and sit a relax into the early evening.   Then when we kiddos came sniffing around for something to eat around 6 or 6:30...I can still hear my mom say "there are leftovers in the fridge, make a  sandwich!"  She had done the big job and so we did eventually go to the fridge and make ourselves a sandwich or two!!

This picture reminds me of me... and sitting not listening but anticipating the deliciousness that is the all mighty turkey!!  Being a little kid around the Holidays was always fun and it always started with going out for Trick-or-Treating and then Thanksgiving was the midpoint of Fall with the big slide to Christmas!! 

That's about it for today wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!


  1. That first photo reminds me of my maternal Grandmother. She was always wearing an apron, am I right? I bet your grandmother always wore an apron too. Enjoy your Thanksgiving our is small just two this year. Remembering all those empty chairs this year with sadness.

  2. Wishing you a day filled with many blessings! Happy Thanksgiving, Edgar!

  3. I just love these pics. My hubby’s grandma was still cooking on a wood stove in 1986 and I loved the smells and beautiful foods that came from it. I also recall her exhaustion while the men sat around the wood stove to jaw while they waited for their meals.😩

  4. I didn't grow up in a house with a wood burning stove. But my Granny had one in several of the houses they lived in. It always fascinated me.
    I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Ours, though only Mom and me, was delightful.

  5. Happy Belated Thanksgiving Edgar. The holiday was a non-event here...After too many holidays of cooking and baking to be disappointed when no one came, I said I would never do it again, and I am sticking to that. It was a difficult day, though as, of all the holidays, this was my mom's holiday. She would bake a mountain of pies the prior day (everyone's favorites), mix up the dressing, cook down the squash, etc. then be up at the crack of dawn the next morning to stuff the bird and get it in the oven. The smells...oh the glorious smells. Only one year (when I lived abroad) did I miss out on it. In later years, it became too much, so most volunteered to make one of the foods, but my mom still did the turkey and dressing...the last few years, I helped with that. I so miss those days..... ~Robin~ (PS...I think the father's eyes are on the bid as well as the young boy's in that last photo LOL)

  6. Those are such fun pictures. They remind me of the past too. Fall is still my favorite time of year. Maybe it goes back to the holidays starting in October!

  7. I DID grow up with a wood stove in my grandma's kitchen on her farm in Bolivar, MO. That first photo gave rise to many years of memories for me. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I am SO ready for Christmas Cheer!

  8. Dearest Edgar and Family: I hope you had a Blessed Thanksgiving Day, these photos remind me of my Grandmother in the kitchen.



A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...