Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Commenting on Comments

GR&DF you are too sweet with your kind comments. I opened up this morning an shebang!! all those sweet things you had to say - Thank You!! It made the morning for me!

You do know that if I screwed up the linen (like I was totally thinking I was doing) that it would have all sort of disappeared into some nether region never to be seen again. As I said yesterday I followed Vonna's very precise and clear instructions and even I couldn't screw things up!! Miracles never cease do they! I should have had a link to the instructions but I forgot - if you click HERE then you can also try your hand at the "Vonna Baste and Bake" method. I used some unidentified linen that was only marked "32 ct" so I have no idea who made the stuff, well, that's not true, I do have an idea, but I am not 100% certain. The pieces I used were two pure white pieces and a pale cream and they all three took to this method well.

I do thank you also for your kind words about my header snap change. Yes, I did stitch all of these pieces. The reason for the change was - I was in the mood to frame something and just didn't have a piece of something and frame the would work together. So after having drug most everything I was interested in framing out and having it sort of piled around in living room I thought to myself "My header needs a change" and so I started messing around and finally came up with the "flower" configuration you see now. I will post a list of everything tomorrow.

Ariadne asked about the cherries - these were $1.99 lb - which really isn't too bad this early in the season. I will wait for the crop to really come in and the price go down before I buy enough to make preserves or jam.

Evelyn mentioned a sticking problem when she made Madeleine's. Well, let me tell you the first batch I buttered and floured the pan like the directions said. Then when I pulled it out of the oven and "rapped" the pan on the counter to "loosen " the cookies those suckers where in there tighter than a tick to a hounds butt!! I had to gingerly pry each one of them out of the pan. On each successive try I over buttered and floured the pan and I still had a sticking problem for about 1/2 of them. I am not sure how much they need to pop out but I felt that if I used any more butter those cookies would float out of the oven on a wave of grease!! I will figure it out - but at this point I am happy with the results.

Last night I sort of finished up my secret stitching - and am now waiting to personalize the pieces - They are all for my Blogiversary Drawing this weekend. If you haven't thrown your name in for the 3 Year Drawing then pop over to the April 9th - 700th Post and post a comment to enter. You can't win unless your name is there!!

The flicker for the evening was a new one. Rico has a friend who "acquired" a copy of the new movie "The Backup Plan" - 2010 - starring Jennifer Lopez and Alex O'Loughlin. This light predictable comedy had is moments and on the whole was sort of charming. I generally do not care for her as an actress - but - I did enjoy this film. She should really get some help in picking her next film as she is getting a little long in the tooth to keep playing the same "unwed single gals" she seems to keep picking. I would wait for the DVD and not waste the cash going out to the movies.

There you sports fans. Thank you again for stopping by - do come again!!

Take care,


  1. Your insight in to JLo's problem is spot on - I don't care for her much either.

    Love, love your new header - it is fabulous!

    You really make me want to try my hand at fabric dying - I have been so scared that I would mess up my precious fabric.

    You keep intriguing me with all these wonderful "secret stitching' projects - I can't wait to see what you are working on - I can't wait for Friday to arrive! So, I vote that you post all your goodies and the winners at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, lol.

    Have a great day, Edgar.

  2. Tighter than a tick to a hound's butt? Lovely rofl.
    Well, you certainly made me laugh. I wont enter the draw, you were so generous with the charts you sent me. We have finally decided what to send you and I think you will like it ;-)
    Just working out how to send it so it doesnt break. Got you wondering???? Good lol.
    Love the stitching..you must have super-fingers!

  3. I do like the new header. It made me search back for the blog that listed all the pieces but I couldn't find it so I thought I'd ask - what is the one pointing roughly westward? Also, what is the one two above that? Is it a Quaker one? I think the one in the centre is particularly apt for you - gentle words and peaceful ways. Lovely!

  4. I love your new header! You are such a fast stitcher, and you choose the most beautiful projects! In fact, your blog gets me in the most trouble with new stash! I want to stitch what you have stitched because it turns out so beautifully! I guess I should change my name to CopyKat!!!

  5. Can't wait for the list of all the samplers in the header! I have to watch the drool on the key board!

  6. Lol I love the "colour" you gave to your cake description--lol @ hounds and rivers!

    As for the ID'ing of the stitched pieces, I feel like I want to have an (unsolicited) go at guessing/remembering. I won't look anything up at all, so it's a test of my memory, lol!

    At Center: "Peaceful Ways" by La~D~ Da--easy. I loved this one so much I ordered the chart when you first made it. I REALLY need to learn this lesson about my own mouth. Maybe I can learn via osmosis while stitching it!

    Continuing Clockwise from top:

    Noon: It's your Halloween RR!! (What, No points 'cause I don't know all the charts, or even the skeleton? Is he a BoaF? I'm pretty sure that's an amazing cut of meadowlark it's on, at least. :P)

    One o'Clock: No Clue

    Two o' Clock: Could it be your Emblem of Love RR? Were you even in that? I'm totally reaching here, lol!

    Three o'Clock: No Idea.

    Four o'Clock: CHS Alphablocks. it's on Purely Primitive, too! That colour was the first I ever special ordered (for BBD's Beneath the Sunlit Sky), so I can spot it!)

    Five o'Clock: Ya Got Me.

    Six o'Clock: Shepherd's Bush; Is it "Sail Away"? I think there was a SAL going for this piece.

    Seven o'Clock: Another Great Quaker (i.e. I haven't the foggiest.)

    Eight o'Clock: It's your recently-finished Memorial Sampler...but I have no idea what the proper title or designer is!

    Nine o'Clock: Is it "Village", or "Houses"? I'll say "Village". :)

    Ten o'Clock: This is a BBD: X Basket..."Summer Basket"?? I think Yuko recently finished this in pastels. Wish I could see the outer edges, then I'd know for certain (distinctive blue-edged white birds dwell at the edge of that piece!)

    Eleven o'Clock: Another BBD: Is it the Mystery Sampler?

    "Twelve" o'Clock: (Midnight?): A nice Quaker...lol

    "Thirteen" o'Clock (The Stitching Hour!): No Leads.

    Well, that was fun (for me)! Looking forward to the upcoming "Big Reveal" of the solution.

  7. I haven't been able to visit your blog for about a week...I love the new header! I'm so envious of all your work. It's so wonderful and it always inspires me to pick up my needle.

    Now, you need to update your photo of you and Rico...need one for each season!

  8. Now Son, let me tell you that you are starting to tempt me beyond all measure of my resolve not to buy anything new until I finish with my two current WIP's. That header of yours makes me want to order every sampler design I've ever seen!! :) It's so joyful to see your work displayed. Your blog is always a must-see start to my day - love it! :)

  9. I can't wait to see what these goodies are for your draw!! Anticipation....there's a song in my head now.

    I can't wait to see cherries in my local grocery. Unfortunately, ours usually cost a lot more than that!!

  10. Edgar, love the new header! What a great idea! Your linen back turned out awesome too. I'm planning on trying this very soon. Don't you just love Vonna's tutorials :)


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...