Friday, March 11, 2011

Old Stash & New Stash........ Guarding Her Stufff!!

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I do appreciate all the great comments!!  Thanks you for setting my mind to ease about the wash/rinse on finished pieces.  I do often wonder if I do things "like everyone else" or "am a maverick blazing my own trail."  I wonder if maverick is just the right word there... it might be that "stubborn" is a better fit.  I do feel better that so many stitchers iron pieces - and use a lite mist - I use a steam iron and when needed a lite mister - whenever I wrap up a piece.  It seems that I can never get the wrinkles out if I don't.  Every piece I have ever stitched has that little extra "specialty" fiber - delicious Who-Hound fur - no matter how close I look and pick them out, there always seems to be a couple I miss.  I did like the idea of a roller to remove them, but those suckers seem to wriggle into the stitches and only a tweezers can get at them - just a little obsessive I know.

By now everyone has learned of the terrible devastation in Japan - with the 8.9 earthquake and the multiple aftershocks.  Here in the Bay area they have closed off the Beach to traffic - the Great Highway is closed that runs along parallel.  Yet there are people going down there to "watch" as the waves roll into and onto the beaches....  can we say dumb move!!  I have heard that many of those that live along the coast in teh Outer Sunset have started to leave - as nobody knows what the tsunami will do to our coastline.  It will hit at around 8am PST and at a low tide so they are thinking it might just hit and cause a large high tide condition.  We wait and see.....
I really didn't have anything to yap about this morning, but last night I thought I hadn't posted a stash shot in a  long time - I really enjoy looking at what other stitchers acquire - sometimes I see something I had missed and add that to my list.  As ever I have far surpassed SABLE.  Here is a shot of the latest things I have added - New things from shops and older things from eBay and direct stash sales......

I get a real rush out of finding an OOP chart - and one that I have been looking for a long time is..."Sarah Maddock Sampler" - I saw this completed Debbie's Blog a long time ago - fell in love with it, especially the grape vine border, and have been chasing after one it ever since - they rarely if ever become available.  It is the complete kit but I will shift out the 25ct linen to 36ct and shift the DMC to silks. Overall I am really happy about everything  - and now need to file it all into my already stuffed binders.

I wanted to leave off today with a snap of the Peach.  Although she is going on 9 - she is an out of control maniac high energy puppy when ever anyone touches one of  "HER" toys.  I don't mean just any toys but her squeaky skinneez toys.......

She usually gathers them up - there are 5 of them - and then just dares Lolly to try and touch them.  Pete never comes near them, but Lolly will try and grab one and then run away with it.  If Peach sees this then she is after her all growls and snarls until Lolly drops it  and puts it back with the others.  She has 3 raccoons, a fox and a spotted coyote.  I think that everyone of them one only has a single squeaker left - they start off with two.  They get punctured and stop working since she chews and scratches at them so much.

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks you so much for stopping by, do come again.

Take care,


  1. Edgar! Great score on the Stash! love it all!
    My prayers are with everyone affected by the earthquake... so sad and tragic and scary. and those who ignore warnings for a sense of curiosity... well, like you said... dumb.
    Love you pic of Peach... love her skins! makes me smile... thanks for that... ;)

  2. Edgar: Beautiful stash addition, I am totally jealous, Peach be nice you little stimker.
    Please stay safe I just heard they have issued an evacuation of most of San Fransico.
    Stay safe I pray for no more devastation.

  3. I forgot to comment on the ironing, I use a lightly damp cloth and iron on the reverse side og the piece, this way I donot flatten the threads.

  4. Love the stash! I'm green with envy over your Mary Garry "Peace" acquistion. It's been on my list ofr some time. Praying for your part of the world, hopefully the tsunami will not cause any damage. Enjoy your weekend.

  5. Your charts are great! I love finding the OOP ones on ebay!
    I know what you mean about dog hair. Our 2 Goldens have very different types of coats and are very distinguishable from one another. Sadly, we had to put our big sweet boy to sleep on Feb.21. I am finding quite a bit of his fur in my current piece and am tempted to leave it in! We also have the fox toy-they love the ones without the stuffing and they seem to last longer.
    Enjoy the weekend and stay away from the beach!
    Susan in SoCal

  6. I'm glad you're smart enough not to be one of the non-smart people watching the Tsunami. Scary! Love the stash. And Peach -- so cute! I love how she protects her toys! lol!

  7. love the stash addition! the peach is just too cute hoarding her toys. LOL we have 3 springer spaniels and they share elk antlers to gnaw on but they alwas fight over them too. LOL
    As for the hoo hounds hair that hangs around in the stitching (we have springers that shed like crazy), i use a pair of surgical tweezers and it works great along with the ott lite. i wouldn't use a roller on it (especially if it was a tape on) it mght snag or pull stitches or just shred your silks.

  8. Looks like road kill. I love how she guards stash.
    Stay safe. I used to live in Hillsborough off of 280 left there just a few months before Oct quake. Hope you don't end up stitching by candle light.

  9. Love the stash!
    My heart goes out to all those in Japan! I sit and watch all the news reports from the coast and down in Santa Cruz of people standing on docks and beaches, watching boats go by and the swell of the ocean. I am just amazed sometime what curiousity will do to humans...don't they know that curiosity killed the cat? Don't think that humans are immune to it. :)
    Well, take care and have a good weekend!

  10. Great stash score Edgar. If I'm the Debbie you're talking about, you should have asked about the sampler. I did that so many years ago that if it wasn't hanging in my craft room, I'd almost forget that I had it. Watch stitching the border - the young girl got off a little bit on the vines.

    All the other stash looks like it will keep you busy for a while!

    Stay safe!!

  11. Mother Nature can do some scary stuff! Let's hope all the earthquakes don't make any fault lines shift over here. Your stash is great with some made better by the thrill of the chase. My Chelsea has destroyed every toy I've given her within 30 minutes until she got Spitty Squirrel who has no stuffing, but does have 2 squeakers that got punctured the first day. At least I don't have stuffing flying everywhere!

  12. Hope the tsunami doesn't do much damage Edgar. Love the new stash. As usual I am procrastinating and putting off buying some new stash and just drooling instead. x

  13. What a huge, scary earthquake and tsunami. While I understand the curiosity, the reaction is just foolish and dangerous.

    Fantastic stash haul! I love looking at new acquisitions.

    That Peach is one tough cookie! LOL!

    Hugs, Nancy D.

  14. I was so shocked to hear about the earthquake--very sad.

    As for Peach's toys, I LOVE the fox! ;)

    I'd say her ferocity over it (and the others) is a bit over the top, but then no one's ever tried to take my treasure the November Fox Box from me. Who knows, I may be worse! :D

  15. There is something about those stuffingless toys that they just love. Of course, it's a shared passion--no guts to clean up when the toy is killed.

  16. Love the great haul of stash! Peach couldn't be cuter. Stay safe.

  17. Hi Edgar,
    Our dog loves his stuffing-less lion. He throws it up in the air, rolls on his back and catches it on the way down. The stuffed Gefilte fish end up all over the house.
    Your dog is very cute!

    I have more trouble with the cat hair in my stitching. They love to sit in my lap and bat at the thread as I pull it out from behind.

    Have a good weekend:)

  18. Hi...went to Needle Ort cross stitch shop today in Altamont (?)Springs ..... yes, you definitely must visit there when you come to florida!!!! if you want a peek!


  19. I just love the Peach's collection of "gutted" wildlife! Such a preditor. The hierarchy dynamic of family pets is an amazing thing to watch.

  20. Linzie has the fox and raccoon. Very protective of them. Glad you did well after the "trouble". I have a friend that lives in Australia and his wife has relatives in Japan. Waiting for word now.

  21. So cute! Gotta love that the Peach guards her toys!
    Hope you guys are ok with the bad weather!

  22. Great stash! I love Peaches toys; they look well and truly defeated!

  23. Oh lots of great stash!! And how lucky to find the OOP chart you've been looking for! Stay safe!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...