Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Craptastique .......

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends - the title sort of describes the last day or so.  As you know I took a day off yesterday.  Feeling at about 30% - and just loving the porcelain reading room was my yesterday!!!  That wraps it up nice a neat.  I realize that was a bit of a TMI moment, but in a nutshell - it was my little life.

In between visits to the RR I napped on and off for most of the day.  Not a needle did I touch.  I just didn't have the energy.  The TV was on -  but wrapped up in a quilt with the who-hound heating machines I was too comfortable and I couldn't tell you what I saw if you paid me.  By the evening I came out of it a bit to watch the elimination on Dancing with the Stars.  I wasn't to surprised with what happened.  I am looking forward to next week!!

I did get the camera out and took another snap of the ABC Hornbook in the daylight - and again the post title describes the snap......

Now it looks blue - and super wrinkled - but you get the idea of where I am - I had to restitch that sheep/lamb a couple of times until I settled on this version.  The recommended floss melted into the linen and then I chose another floss and he was really striped looking - I do like this version, but may change it out again.

There you go sports fans - I do thank you for the kind comments about the cake.  I'll get that recipe up in a day or two.  Thanks also for stopping by, do come again!!

Take care,


  1. I am sorry to hear you were under the weather. I do hope you are feeling better today. I hate it when you have to take a sick day and you are really too sick to enjoy it. :) But aren't our canine heating pads just the thing when you are down?

    Your sampler is looking great. I love the little lambie. At least in your photo it looks fine to me.

    Glad you are enjoying DWTS. I just love the show. Though I rarely watch the whole Tuesday show (Have to watch NCIS!) I always manage to catch the last few minutes to see who gets cut. No surprise for me last night. I think it will be Sugar Ray next week. :)

  2. Hope you're feeling better today. I must admit, i feel a bit like that myself today. Love your wip. No bother about the wrinkles - they iron out in the end. x

  3. I hope you are feeling better today Edgar.
    Great WIP!

  4. I hope you're feeling better. I've been home sick for two days and have done no stitching. Your wip looks great - the sheep looks great - leave him alone! ;-)

  5. Sorry to hear about your stomach bug. If you were closer, I'd bring you some rice/chicken/carrot medley I made for my 'under the weather' who-hound. It's just the ticket for the road to recovery.

    The sampler is looking great. Love the little sheep. Great job!

    Feel better soon.

    Hugs from WV..


  6. Too sick to stitch or watch movies-that's just awful! So glad you feel better today.

  7. Sorry you weren't feeling well, seems to be going around, even over here in sunny FL. Blech!

    Your hornbook looks great! I haven't been to the grocery yet to pick up supplies for the cake but now I'll wait to see what your recipe calls for. Feel better!

  8. Hope you're feeling better Edgar! Pretty sampler!

  9. Just remember how much money they charge at the spa for a total clean out - and you got yours free! I TOTALLY understand not liking a stripey sheep and like the looks of the one you have.

  10. So sorry you were feeling badly! I hope things are at least a bit better for you today. Your sampler is looking lovely!

  11. Hope you are feeling much better today.

    I can relate to frogging as I took out 2 days of stitching in one afternoon as I was off my 1 stitch so my Quaker Christmas is a little more behind than forward.

    Happy Stitching!

  12. Hope you are on the mend - that yuckky stuff has been going around waaaay too long. The sampler is looing wonderful - -what a great piece! Go rest some more and take care!

  13. I hope you're feeling better. I'm laying around the house for the past couple days also. Go all winter without anything and then BAM, flat on my back. It's bad when the Porcelain God becomes a friend.

    Great progress on your piece, but I think that your sheep looks fine.

  14. Oh, Edgar! I do hope you are feeling quite well again soon.

    I had to lol about the "porcelain Reading Room" :D

    Though the colors are off it still lets us see where you are--looks great!

    Looking forward to the cake recipe, too!

  15. Hope you are back to 100 percent today. Your WIP looks fantastic, but am I the only one wondering what happened to the "I"?

  16. ooo am sorry to hear you've been ill but I love how you described the little room ... we normally call it the great white telephone when being iccky .... aren't furbabies just lovely hot water bottles :)love the sampler and the lamb looks lovely to me :) hope you feel more your self soon love mouse xxxx

  17. Feel better. Love your WIP and the sheep looks great.

  18. I hope you're feeling better soon. I love your ABC Hornbook! The colors are wonderful (despite the craptastic photo. lol!)!

  19. I hope you feel better. You just can't beat those who-hound heating pads - best medicine in the world!

    Your sampler is beautiful!

  20. So sorry that you're sick. Hope you feel better soon.
    Your stitching is beautiful as always.

  21. Sorry to hear that you had a lousy day.

    ABC Hornbook looks great!

    And you are not alone in possessing tragic photo skills. (Somehow I always end up in awe and disheartened whenever I see artsy stitching photos)

  22. Aw Edgar I'm so sorry you are unwell! Even so, you have such a sense of humour about it... your post title had me giggling. I was expecting it to be a complaint about a WIP pic that didn't work out so well.

    Feel better. It is pretty bad when you can't even pick up a needle. My mom always knew I was really sick when I didn't watch tv or even read a book.

  23. Hope you're feeling better. At least, you had the who-hound heating machines to keep you warm :)
    Your ABC Hornbook is coming along nicely. The little sheep looks fine, but I can relate. We are always our own worst critics with our own stitching.

  24. Sorry to hear you have been under the weather Edgar; we took a two week cruise; came home and I have had bronchitis for three weeks! UGH!

    I love your stitching; it is just stunning.

    Feel better!

  25. Thats an awesome stitch Edgar...not flash that you weren't feeling flash :(


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...