Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mid Week Short Post

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends - not too much going on here.  I have been trying to catch up on my Blog reading, but there is so much going on out in the Blog World I never seem to get caught up.  

A bit o'news - If you have not seen it  - check out Theresa's new and gorgeous sampler, Miss Ann Dale,  over at Shakespeare's Peddler - another beauty!!!

On a personal note - my department at work is moving about 3 blocks away to a new building so it will be sort of  hit and miss for the Blog posts over the next few days.  I never thought the move would come off, but everything sort of fell into place in the last day or so....... so I move spaces.  A sad thing, as I have been in this space going on almost decade, I just can't believe it... all these years... just slipping away... I just. can't.believe. that!!  This little move will in no way hinder the St Patricks Day Drawing, I will still have the Hag Claw Draw (cackle noise in the background) three lucky entrants from the Bowl of Destiny (who hounds a'dancing ) and Post the winners on Friday....  it may be Friday evening, but come hell or high water I will get the winners posted.  If you have not entered and still want to, you have until tomorrow evening to post a comment on this POST.  The three pieces of Belleek are still here and waiting for new homes. 

I lost another Follower - I wonder why? I do hope that I've not offended anyone or pissed them off  - it is a mystery????

So there you go sports fans (don'tcha just love it when I get a wild hair and just sort of type a stream of conscious post??.....from my addled brain to my fingers!) - thanks for stopping by - and for your kind comments -  I do appreciate the time and trouble you take to post them.

Take care,


  1. Love reading your posts!! I have to comment that the Sara Maddock Sampler is one that I oogled over on her Blog before. I was actually going to bid on it on Ebay but I see that it went to a good home :) Ever you want to part--think of me. Good work on Shores, inspires me to get out the houses pattern but Time and Season by Moira Blackburn is still my passion at the moment. Thanks again Edgar, your the best!!!!!

  2. I just looked at the Ann Dale sampler - so beautiful! Good luck with your office move.

  3. Good luck with your office move! Here's hoping for a smooth move and adjustment to the new work environment.

  4. Good luck with the office move. Any kind of move is a pain -- especially after 10 years in the same place. I love Theresa's new antique -- it's huge! I hate when I lose followers. It happens sometimes -- I'm sure it's nothing you did.

  5. I've been eyeballing Teresa's new sampler too. It's going to be a beauty, but so huge. I'm hoping that she'll wait until I'm done with Ann Grant before that one comes out.

    Good luck with the move. Hoping that it's smooth and not too many things get lost. Office moves are always such a trial.

    And I lose followers to here and there. I always wonder if they just don't like me anymore (maybe they didn't even to begin with LOL), but sometimes I think that if people take their blogs down or leave them, they kind of drop off the radar screen. I'm sure though, with everyone lost, you're gain a couple more in their place.

  6. Now you've gained a follower to take the place of the one you lost! I read your blog everyday anyway so I might as well follow. Please enter me in your St. Patrick's drawing. Thank you so much and Happy St. Patty's Day!

  7. I have no clue as to why people drop in and out of following lists. I prefer to "follow" people using a Bloglist sidebar ... then anyone who visits me can see all the great blogs I read and visit them on their own ... which is exactly how I built my own bloglist ... by seeing and sampling the bloglists of blogs I read. I have to admit that my ego gets a bit of a shine when the number of followers increases and a corresponding hit when it decreases ... but I wouldn't take it too seriously if I were you. You write an excellent blog and I always enjoy my visits ... clearly, as do many!!!

  8. That's a gorgeous sampler!

    Good luck with the move...hope the new setup will be to your liking. At least it's not way across the city!

  9. Although I am your follower I searched and could not find myself in your followers!!!!I am still reading your every blogpost! AriadnefromGreece!

  10. I love that Ann Dale Sampler.
    I lose followers too, but it seems like I gain three, so maybe it's a blessing, and Irish one, lol
    Good Luck with the work move

  11. Hope your office move goes smoothly!

    As to followers, I think Google Friends glitches every now and then. My number changes every few days -- up and down!

    Happy Saint Patrick's Day from Savannah!


  12. Well don't know about lost followers as I only have 12! But I'm new - kinda.
    Moves of any kind are trying and almost 10 in one spot would have been great. Just look forward to 10 or more in this new location!

    Happy Stitching!

  13. I like your stream of consciousness writing! I hope your move goes smoothly and isn't too much hard work. The great thing about a move is the impetus to do a big clean out.

  14. I look forward to each day to see what you are doing or stitching. I hope your move goes well. If I could sell my house I would like to move to a one story but the thought of having to pack & unpack boxes seems to be to much of a nightmare. So, hopefully your office move will be easy.

    Barbara S.

  15. Loved the look of the A.D. Sampler. Hope the office move goes without a bump or a bruise. ;-) Be sure to take pics of the old stomping ground before you box up your stuff. I for one am curious as to what it looked like.

  16. Good luck with the move. And don't fret too much about losing a follower. I haven't become an official follower of anyone's blog, but you're definitely on my Google Reader favorites list, and I'm sure that you have many other unofficial followers like me who aren't counted on your list.

  17. Hope the move gives you something positive - a big window, or a fluff-stuffed chair...
    RE: follower. I often wonder if I move someone I'm following to another folder in my Reader list if it appears as if I quit following them?? Just don't know enough about all this techno - even though I'm an analyst... can't know it all! I enjoy your postings a lot even though I fail to comment as often as I should.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...