Friday, October 7, 2011

Bang, Bang, Bang went the Bats

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends here in the Bay area we are going to have two super nice days off - the weather is supposed to be perfect - no rain, no cold, just right.....  or at least that is the word form the weather magicians.  For the last couple of days it has rained and yesterday we had a super downpour mixed with hail.  So, two nice days - I'll take 'em!

I forgot the recipes at home so that will have to wait until Monday - whoops.

On the right side of the Blog I added a flicker account of some of my stitching.  Over the last few years I have gotten quite a few emails about "why I didn't have an album of my work" and getting that together came down to two things - ignorance and laziness.  A very bad combination for me!  So I got some help, thanks Sweet Coni!! - and got my rear in gear and got some snaps taken -  et voila - pictures of my stitching in one place.  As time goes along I will get info about each piece with each piece but for now I think I'm doing good to get this much done.  I love looking at all the stitching on the Blogs and think it only fair you should see mine in one place, so enjoy!

 Yesterday I got another little prezzie in the mail -  that is where the title of this post comes from 
- my friend in NC sent me these...

I immediately blew them up and was not too sure what they where for exactly until Rico told me you are to hit them together at sporting events to throw the opponents off - they do make an odd sound when hit and I guess if enough people have them and are hitting then in unison they would make a sound that could be construed as a distraction - the best part is the ECU logo - GO PIRATES!!!!  As you might remember it's my Alma mater!!  So when I next find myself at a sporting event I will be prepared (insert chuckle HERE).  Thanks Dale!!

There you go sports fans - another week gone!!  Thanks for stopping by, do come again!!  
Have a great weekend!

Take care,


  1. Yeah for all your stitching in the side bar flicker thing. Your new surprise gift looks like something you'd give kids to whack each other with, like a nerf bat with a cool logo. Personally, I'd use to torture my dog, but I'm evil, just ask her. Oh, Happy Weekend!

  2. So glad you posted a flicker album! I just love looking at all of your finishes and to be able to browse them whenever I need inspiration is a great thing!

    I agree with Donna, those look like a great thing to whack my boys with!

    Enjoy the nice weather. We've had some just gorgeous sunny fall weather here in Wisconsin this past week after a couple weeks of rainy, dreary, grey weather and it looks like it's going to stick around for at least another week.

  3. I looked through your flicker album yesterday and I must say that all of your pieces are extremely extraordinary!! They are all very beautiful! I like your present as well! Take care Edgar and have a great weekend!

  4. I enjoyed looking at all of your stitching - beautiful! Enjoy your weekend. :)

  5. Your stitching is wonderful, so glad you are showing it all. Have a fab weekend.

  6. Love the new slide show! It's so nice to see all your finished projects.

  7. Wonderful album Edgar !
    Thanks to share it with us.
    Your work is really perfect.I love all your stitching choices.
    I wish you a great week-end.

    Anne - FRANCE

  8. lol about the noise maker thingies! I wouldn't have had a clue about them either. :D Glad you have a flickr album now. I have to go gawk and drool. Have a great weekend!

  9. I really enjoyed your photos Edgar, thanks for letting us see your work. Must be the work for it since. I took my finished but not framed pieces to work since one of the ladies there wanted to see them all. It was fun to look at them again.

  10. ::chuckle:: How cool is that?! =D

  11. Thanks for the flicker, it is really great to see your works!!

  12. Nice slide show. You've done a lot of beautious pieces. Have a great weekend.

  13. Love your flickr account. Beautiful pieces! One brought tears to my eyes. You do lovely work!

  14. I'm so glad you posted that album! You have some amazing finishes. Thanks so much for sharing them with us!

  15. Thanks for posting your album, off to have a browse now

  16. Yay! Glad you put it all on an album so I can see all your gorgeous stitching and finishes!! Your sampler wall is amazing! I'm in awe of your wall!!

  17. What a beautiful "body of work"! I'm so glad you shared for all to enjoy. Thank you

  18. A great album Edgar, thanks for sharing xx

  19. Hey`~~ I knew were from down East, but didn't realize you are an ECU grad~~~ Wow!!...And, yes, those noise makers will drive the opponent wild!!Wish I could use them in my classroom..tee-hee...

    PS: Someday I'll have to tell you about my ONE semester at EC..Let's just say, my daddy jerked me outta there so fast it made my head spin... You get the picture...


A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...