Monday, October 17, 2011

A Busy Couple of Weeks

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends we did absolutely nothing over the last two days so nothing to report there.  

I did want to let you all know about the next 10 or so days....Posting here on the Blacksheep will be sporadic at best for the next couple of weeks.  My usual thing to do in the morning is get in to work, make a pot of coffee and post here - but we will be very short handed here so I will have lots more to do and my little bits of "morning downtime" I use here will evaporate.  I will try and post as I am able - I may even get on the computer at home and post, you just never know.  So, with that all said don't think I am gone, but just on an odd vacation - where I am still checking in!!
I had a question from Sharon about "How did I start stitching" a super question I may have talked about a long time ago, but can certainly talk about again - ...........  Picture it Sicily 1921 - there I was a lone goat herder....  whoops,  not my story, but a Sophia story..   :)    

My stitching story really starts back when I went away to school.  My first year at ECU (Go Pirates!!!)  I rented a room from a really nice widow woman.  She has a gigantic house with many bedrooms and all her children had moved on so she rented to University students.  She was also a friend of my moms so I had an in with her already!!  One of the bedrooms was rented to a great gal named Louann with whom I became great friends.  Well, my first two semesters my classes fell so that we both where home at about the same time and usually that meant around the time that "As the World Turns" came on the tube.  So I fell into watching the show with Louann - and she was an avid stitcher who continuously stitched away while watching the goings and coming in Oakdale - and eventually she taught me to cross stitch.  I learned on Aida cloth - and for the longest time had no idea that linen even existed.  Eventually I switched from cross stitching to needlepoint and did that for a few years.  Then for some reason I just stopped stitching altogether - for about 10 years or so.  Then in about 2005 I pulled out some old projects I had kept and stitched a bit, but was completely unenthusiastic - I thought what I needed was something new and or interesting so, I got on the Internet and found a bonanza of cross stitching stuff - and the Blog World!  I bought some things, started to stitch again and coasted about lurking for a couple of years before I started to Blog.  Here we are 4+ years later and I am still stitching and really enjoying it along with the Blogging it sort of rounds out the Hobby, for me at least.  So there you go.  My story in a rather large nutshell.

There you go sports fans - thanks for stopping by, do come again!!

Take care,


  1. Thanks for sharing your story. I always find it interesting to hear how so many of us got started at our craft. It seems that there are many who sat the stitching aside for a number of years for one reason or another but we all seemed to be drawn back. I'm so glad that you were since I enjoy seeing all your stitching!

  2. I always find it interesing to hear what draws folks to stitching. Thanks for sharing yours with us today.

  3. Edgar, I'm so happy that you shared this story with us. I look forward to your blog every morning. Truth be told you are like a family member in my home because I'm always talking about Edgar stitched this or Edgar went here and ate this. My 20 year old daughter now asks about you because she along with my eldest daughter are huge old movie fans and they appreciate your insight on the old flicks.

  4. Thank goodness for Louann--I owe her a huge thankyou for introducing you to needlework! My Grandmother watched As the World Turns. Glad you discovered and rediscovered both needlework and blogging.


  5. Great story Edgar thanks for sharing, i think we all have a story to be told.

    Stitching often stays in our hearts for years then pops out.
    I started stitching when i was 5, but never started again until 1991.

  6. It was interesting to hear how you got into stitching. It's funny -- your second stitching life started the same year mine did. lol! I put stitching down for about 10 years or so too. Hope you're not too crazy busy at work. Or at least that it's an enjoyable busy. :D

  7. Love the story. The internet has enhanced this hobby immensely. I usually choose my projects from blogs (including your blog). Things used to seem so limited, and now the charts come from all over the world.

  8. Edgar, your stitching story sound familiar with regard to other stitchers stories. It doesn't matter how you get there as long as you do in the end. You have certainly made up for all those lost years. It just has made you what we all love about you in the end. Don't get to swapped at work. We will miss you over your short absence.

  9. Edgar I think your story fits you perfectly! It was a very interesting read. I also did not know about linen until I got on the internet! I hope you will always love stitching, because you are so good at it and I love to gawk at your masterpieces!

  10. How wonderful for you to share your stitching story with us Edgar...thank you so much xx

  11. oooo way to go on the learning etc .. nice you had a good teacher /room mate .. hope you don't get too over worked and we shall see you when we see you :) take care :) love mouse xxxx

  12. I feel like I had not heard most of that story, so I enjoyed it!

    I know I wouldn't be as all-into stitching as I am without the fellowship (enablement) of my blogland friends!

    We will be here when you have more blog-time; just don't get too worn down before the holidays!

  13. Hi Edgar, LOL at your comment re Sicily. I am still watching The Golden Girls on dvd here- LOVE that show!!:)
    Thanks for sharing your story about how you got into stitching. I started by accident, I bought a magazine about 20 yrs ago that included a tiny xstitch kit, complete with a frame, and I decided to " have a go" well I was hooked and have done many samplers. One of my fav's is the Serenity prayer which hangs on the wall in my Mothers room at her aged care facility. I don't do much now I have got into quilts and such, but still admire everyone else's lovely work, yours included. :) Sandy.

  14. I enjoyed reading your stitch story. Hope you don't have to work too hard the couple of weeks.

  15. Thanks for sharing your story about you became a stitcher. I also stopped stitching for several years and then started again about 3 years ago.
    Oh no, sporadic Blacksheep's blog for the next week or two? Boo hoo!

  16. Ten points for the Golden Girls reference, Edgar! :D

  17. Love this story Edgar.
    Have a nice stitching!!

  18. Edgar, thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question! I am so happy that you shared your stitching "heritage" with us! I'm so happy that you were led to stitching AND blogging! :)


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...