Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Stitching and finishing

I worked some more on my upcoming exchanges but need to run out tonight for a couple of that vague enough?? :) Don't want to give anything away!

I also worked some of "Forgiveness" and here are a couple of progress snaps -

Above is a closeup of the left side I worked on and below is the entire line as it stands -

Last night the movie was "Julia" - 1977 Starring Jane Fonda and Vanessa Redgrave. I had seen this movie years ago and yesterday it finally came from NetFlix. A very good movie about the Resistance in the years leading up to WWII. Yes, I now have two movie rentals going at the same time. I am going to drop Greencine as they have become so slow in the turnaround of DVD's that I spend more time waiting than watching. It really slowed down when they moved the entire shipping operation to Van Nys last fall and has never gotten back up to speed. Netflix is super quick and I usually have a two day instead of 5 or 6 day turnaround.

I am so far behind in reading blogs, so sorry!!!!! I will try and catch up in the next day or two!!

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Take care,


  1. Oh, I just realized those are butterflies! They're pretty. I love netflix...I'm slow about turning them around but they are pretty fast and very convenient. :)

  2. Forgiveness is beautiful!! You are making great progress Edgar! :)

  3. Those soft colors evoke a sense of serenity - really lovely, Edgar!

  4. Looking just gorgeous, Edgar :)

  5. Hi Edgar,
    Firstly, thanks for taking the time to visit my blog and leave a comment. I have heard so many nice things about you from fellow bloggers. I'm pretty new to this game. Annemarie(Wahcky Wanderings blog) got me into this and I am really enjoying it. Baring any more of my computer screw-ups, I hope to continue and meet more interesting people. Love your progress so far on "Forgiveness". I am recently hooked on the Quaker theme and signed up for the Quaker Inspired blog. That is the first "blog group" I have ever joined. The work there is pretty impressive and I hope I am worthy to be a memember.
    Anyway, nice to "meet" you!!


  6. Foregiveness looks wonderful. We've used Netflix for years and have been extremely happy with their turn around time ;)

  7. Forgiveness is wonderful, can't wait to see it progress.

  8. I agree with Von on Forgiveness - those soft colours are really something.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...