Wednesday, February 27, 2008

SBQ of the Week

I forgot to post the SBQ -

What is your cross stitch weakness? (i.e., What do you have to have when you see it, even if you are supposed to be on the Wagon?)

I would guess that my stitching weakness is just about anything to do with Quaker - inspired, historical or just interpretive, it really doesn't matter. I see it and I have to have it. There are very few charts I do not have in my Quaker stash box, I think I can count on one hand the charts that I do not have. I also really find it hard to not buy over dyed floss, it can be either silk or cotton - Gloriana Threads for the silk and Crescent Colors for the cotton, my two favorite makers...... I am really drawn to the drab and dark..... but some of the brighter ones are very pretty also.

There you go more about edgar.....

Thanks again for stopping by, it really brightens my day to see the wonderful kind things in the comments!!!!! Sometimes it is just the pick me up I need!!!!!

Take care,


  1. Did you really have to answer that question? I'm pretty sure we all knew! ;)

  2. I'm a sucker for the overdyed flosses, too!!

  3. Another thing we have in common....Crescent Colours for cottons...they are just gorgeous aren't they? LOVE 'EM!

  4. Really, you have weakness for quaker never would have guessed. But isn't it fun!!

  5. Hello Edgar!
    I've been reading your blog for quite some time, as well as almost all of the other stitchy blogs. I'm sorry that I've not posted before, but I have a question for you: I notice that most of your pieces are stitched on large pieces of linen. Do you use Q-snaps? If so, do you match the size of the Q-snap to the linen, or do you use small Q-snaps with a lot of fabric hanging over the edges? If smaller, what do you do with that excess linen to keep it out of the way? I've been stitching for about five years and want to do some of the larger pieces in my stash, but the resulting Q-snap would be the size of a queen bed (tee hee)! Thanks so much for being a lovely part of my day. I look forward to seeing your wonderful work and "chatting" with you every day! Happy Stitching from Coni in Indiana.

  6. I have to say I just gave away all the Crescent Colors I had left over from Warm Water Wash. I hated those threads. They were too soft; raveled, knotted, and were generally not even variegated enough to show up as variegated in large areas of stitching. Which is odd, because I love variegated threads, especially Weeks Dye Works (cotton) and Silk 'N Colors (silk). I have used Silk 'N Colors for both needlepoint and cross stitch and they are fabulous for both.

  7. thanks for stopping by my sister's blog! I know she is proud as punch to get her first piece of linen done. Now we just need to frame it!

  8. You like Quaker patterns? Really? I would never have guessed!!!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...