Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Dinner, Movie and Christmas

Last night was a not very productive night. I stitched some small bits.
Here is a progress snap -

As you can see there are some new snowflakes, a bird, bell and even a snail. I did all this before I fell asleep in my chair ( a bad habit of mine). So there you go a very low key evening. We started off after Rico got home from his new job (yea!!!) and off to a celebratory dinner at Alice's. Then home again to watch "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid," 1982. This is a spoof of Film Noir and cuts classic b&w film into a contemporary murder film. Very entertaining!!

Not too much else going on - Thanks for stopping by!!!!

Take care,


  1. For a short night of stitching, this is still great progress. Love that colour you're using!

  2. What size cut of linen do I need? I've ordered the pattern, but I don't think it will arrive by this weekend, I'm heading out to the cross stitch shop to buy supplies for the rr.

  3. I seem to have had that same habit of yours this past week...falling asleep in my chair, also! Hence, not much done. But it looks like you are making progress. It's looking great, Edgar!

  4. Sounds like my kind of night! But no more snowflakes for me, please, we have enough of the real ones here in the past 2 days LOL!


Picking Up the Needle

Gentle Friends, it's been a couple of weeks of really not wanting to stitch so I didn't...however, over the weekend I once again ste...