Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tuesday Post

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends not much going on here - I worked some on ATS - got most of the leaves, and fruit completed.  I think that once I'm over this part that the rest will smooth sailing.

The one project that has been sort of an on going thing is a re-shuffling of stash.  I have been culling out charts and linen that I know I will never use and or stitch on and will probably be listing some sale stuff soon.   It is amazing how much my taste seems to have changed and as I continue to go through the heaps of things I have acquired it amazes me how much there is - I know that I have become more discriminating as to what I buy, but in the past I would just get something because I liked it - now I ask some questions first - "Is is a great chart?" - "Is it something I have already or may have something that is similar?" - "Is it something that I can use already stashed fibers with?" - and the most important question now.... "Is is something I might stitch in the future"  I find that often when I ask these questions that I can talk myself out of many purchases!!  Lord knows I am running out of room for "stash Storage."

Yesterday the mail brought me the newest edition of SANQ - and I read it down by the pool -

the weather was really lovely  - with the breeze blowing, the sun shinning  - I could actually wear my lightest sweatshirt. This edition has some terrific info - and some great projects!

That's about it for today sports fans - thanks for stopping by and for your great comments!!

Take care,


  1. Edgar,
    Thanks for sharing your ATS progress in your last post...I love it! It is waiting in my stash pile....finally found some fabric long enough. Like you, I just got my SANQ magazine and devour every word of it. They are great and always full of information. Hope you are having a great summer...Iowa is very HOT this year and no rain. pj

  2. I agree with you, Edgar - I know my tastes have changed over the years.

    I used to wait for every market report, and decide what I *needed* to purchase. Now, I don't bother, and I might only buy one or two charts a year, but invariably, if I do buy something, I will start it right away. I have SABLE, so the need to accumulate more isn't as great as it was 5 or 10 years ago.

  3. My tastes have also changed over the years -- it's pretty weird! I still have trouble getting rid of old stash though. lol! I love SANQ!

  4. My tastes haven't really changed so much as they have grown. I look at the larger, more difficult charts and think, "Sure, I can do that," whereas before they would have put me off. I have more large charts than I know what to do with!!!

  5. I've been reducing charts for years now, some I miss, but most I don't. Rather than my taste changing, my stamina and enthusiasm for the complexity or size of a project has. I love ATS, but realized I just don't have it in me to complete so I let it go. Felt good!!

  6. Edgar, Your questions are great to ask. Where were you this past weekend when I went a little crazy at Country Sampler in Spring Green, Wisc?...just kidding. But, they are great questions. I will use them next time.
    I have been culling my stash too. Just added a new link on my blog for my stash sale. You and a few others have inspired me to start cleaning out. Thanks.

  7. I enjoyed the latest issue of SANQ too...

  8. After this past year away from my stash I think it will be interesting to go through it again. Will I want to give things away or will I fall in love with it all again? It should be fun.

  9. My taste seems to change every few years. I have never heard of SANQ, but looking at the comments on your post.... it sounds like a great read.

  10. Totally agree with you Edgar. I would not buy today what I have bought in the past. There are a few kits that I had purchased a few years back too. They just lie there untouched. Hope to get down to them some day
    Wow, sounds good - reading by the pool :)


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...