Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Little Weekend Shopping

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends yesterday's Jury Duty was a total bust.  When I got there to sign in there was  Surprise Strike of the Court Clerks - after I eventually found someone to ask about my doing duty I was sent home.  I guess that's the way the ball bounces.

I am also having camera issues.  My regular camera I have been using for the last few years has now decided to become the wackiest camera on earth...  the pictures are smeary looking and have blasted colouring....  so I dug out my older camera and of course now I am having battery issues with that!!

But, before all that I did get a single decent shot of the weekend purchases - 

Hitting all the Consignment/Thrift and Junque shops I picked up from l to r - two great old Copeland Spode plates - 1 dinner and 1 salad in the "Florence" pattern - 4 spice canisters - I found out that the words are Dutch and translate to "Pepper," "Herbs," "Mace," and I think "Cloves."  I don't speak Dutch and the translators I found online where sort of vague.  If anyone knows a better translation I would love to hear it.  -and- two books.  The super Black Transferware plate I got at an Antique Collective that was moving to another spot here in town.  The Booth that this came from had everything on 50% off so how could I pass.  I guess it dates from the 2nd Quarter of the 19th century and is in perfect condition.

I have also been working on ATS, but no snapperoo - I'll try and get on up in the morning.

That's about it for today sports fans - thanks for stopping by, do stop again!

Take care,


  1. No jury duty would be fine by me. lol! DH enjoys it, but I'd prefer just getting a dismissal. Love all your finds. I sent my DD off to her new apt with a set of transferware dishes from back when. Now I'm feeling the need to shop for more. lol!

  2. You are spot on with the translation of the cute little herb pots:)) Great finds.

  3. Ha! I had jury duty a few months back but I wasn't selected so it was a really short day and T-Mobile paid me for it. The funny thing was the year before, me, my husband and my stepson were all summoned. However, it was Tarrant county and we'd lived in Denton for a year but they'd mailed it directly to our Denton County address. Plus, Chris was in Afghanistan and he didn't even have a TX drivers license so I don't know how they even got his name.

    Sorry to hear about the camera. We got a nice one at Sam's club this spring.

  4. Those Spode plates are gorgeous!

  5. Does that mean you must report for jury duty again??? Love your shopping trips you always do well.

  6. Dearest Edgar: Love your finds the black plate is georgous, lucky you not having to do jury duty for a day or two.
    I am sitting in a small town of about 400 people no place for wifi except Mcdonalds, so I had a salad, I did however find a thrift store new to this town, I am going to check it out after lunch.

    Hugs to you


  7. I have never had to serve on a jury. It was very close once but it didn't come to that.
    I really like that black transferware plate. Gorgeous!

  8. Oh the Alison Weir book is amazing! I challenge you not to cry!

  9. You are the bestest of shoppers Edgar...I love those plates!!

  10. Ah jury duty, but you tired :@ Love the shopping, especially the Spode plates. Look forward to ATS progress.

    LiBBiE in Oz

  11. Love the Florentine pattern; very pretty. You'll have to let us know if the Tudor novel is any good and that children's book looks like it has very nice illustrations. Congrats on all your good luck.

  12. I am always looking for Black Transferware. Is just is not easy to find...or afford. LOVE IT!

  13. You had a great week-end for goodies!

  14. Great finds Edgar, I love the black and white plate!

  15. You have the best of luck with china! As a collector, I'm pea green with envy.

  16. Great buys all of them are. I especially love the antique (black n white) plate. Very classy


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...