Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How About Some more Questions??

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thanks so much for your great comments and emails  - I do appreciate and enjoy reading them!!  I am still having camera issues - I think my little camera has bit the big big one and is beyond fixing - or just too expensive to fix with no promises that it will be as good as before.  So with that piece of information in hand I bought another camera and it should arrive in the next day or two.  I wanted it before the weekend to get used to something new with a bit more memory -

So no snaps for a day or two.....  I am still stitching along on ATS, now working my way up the tree.

I was tagged a few days ago by Akila and thought today would be a great day to answer her 11 questions.  So here goes.....

1. What other craft forms are you interested in?  I like all sorts of textile crafts, but have really only ever tried needlepoint and cross-stitch.  I would love to learn to quilt, but that is down the road I think.

2. Have you ever participated in exchanges/SAL's?  I have been doing exchanges for quite a few years, and really enjoy them!!  I like the immediacy of the small finish.  I have also done a few SAL's, and have another planned to begin in the new year...  Hi Loraine!!

3. On an average, hoe many projects do yo finish in a year?  I have no idea as I never make a list of things to complete nor do I keep a list of things I have finished.  Working from a list really does not work for me.  I complete things as I get them finished.  I do try and keep the WIP's in check - if it doesn't fit in my WIP's basket then it does get worked on.

4. Who is your favorite supplier for cross stitch Fabrics?  I like to see and handle a piece of linen before I buy - so - I really enjoy driving over to Needle in a Haystack and buying from them - they are super helpful and have a great selection!!

5. Do you always change the recommended floss in a pattern or usually stitch to the suggested?  I find myself changing floss all the time - from a couple of colours to all of them - I stitch to please myself and if I do not like the color scheme then I have absolutely no problem switching out floss for something I like better!

6. Your favorite companion while working on your project.  I usually have the boob Tube on and about 90% of the time have a movie playing on the BluRay/DVD machine - so I guess that "films" are my favorite companion while stitching.

7.  Do you take your project along when you are out on vacation or visiting family?  Yes, I always make sure to have more than enough stitching when I travel.

8. Have you worked on beaded projects - completely beads?  No, never something that was completely beads - accent beads yes, all beads no.

9. What kinds of finsihing have you accomplished?  I have tried Pyn Keeps, Flay-folds, Box, Scissor Fob, Notebook, Basket and framing.

10. How many hours of stitching time do you get in a week?  I stitch every evening and as much as possible over the weekends....  so averaging out the time I would hazard a guess at 20+ hours a week.

11. How many countries have you visited and which one is your favorite?  Outside of the US I have visited 6 different countries - England, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy - And have enjoyed each one immensely - but - I have been back to England on 4 occasions so I would have to say that England is my favorite place to visit - 

I am totally in love with London and all that history!!

So there you go - some more bits of info that make up me.  I think I'll wrap it up for today, thanks again for stopping by, do stop again!

Take care,


  1. Great answers to Akila's questions.

  2. Interesting - the more of these question and answer series you go through, the better we get to know you and that's fantastic. Love the London map. I am quite an Anglophile too - don't let my fellow DAR know!!!

  3. If only that London map could be worked in cross stitch!

  4. Fun questions! Yes, I agree -- I'm in love with England too and would love to go there someday.

  5. Six countries? Good for you!

  6. Great questions, I quilt, a little, I remembered when I did my first sampler course, this'll be fine I thought, I can sew a straight line, turns out that I can't! LoL! The boob-tube (haven't heard that one in a long time) is my companion along with Meah Moo. When I go overseas, and one day I will I might just have to take you as a tour guide :@

    LiBBiE in Oz

  7. Thanks for taking time to answer these Edgar. Loved reading your answers. WOW, 20+ hours a week!! And so many countries!! Yes, I liked London a lot too :)


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...