Friday, July 27, 2012

A Quick friday Posting

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thanks so much for all our comments and emails!!  I am happy you enjoyed a "tour" of my stash organization.  I know I am a creature of habit ...  I always put my wallet, keys, change, money clip, ring in the same place every evening.  I always set out my stuff for the morning the night before..... and find when I don't do these simple things I am a wreck trying to find my stuff to leave in the morning.  I takes less than 5 minutes for this piece of mind - and its the same with the stash - just a few minutes of putting stuff away and filing into the binders keeps things chugging along and me loosing less hair!!!! 

We had an interesting afternoon and started after work...... Rico had a Doctors appointment - he hadn't been feeling well for the past few days.  His side hurt and his back hurt and he just feeling more and more crappity so he got an appointment.  We made it there with time to spare and they took him in less than 5 minutes...  then about 10 minutes later he came out and we where on our way to the Emergency Room!!!!!   Since the Doctors office is part of a hospital complex we just walked over.  I left him to fill out paper work and headed home to deal with taking the who hounds out and get them some dinner.  I was home doing this and he called - they had admitted him to run a battery of tests including an MRI to see what was going on.  I ran out to get some take out - and a little while later got another call from Rico that they were not going to keep him overnight and for me to come back and wait out the IV with meds.....  so about 4 1/2 5 hours later we were leaving - he had been pumped up with antibiotics and a couple of shots of morphine..... and a diagnosis of diverticulitis....  it turned out to be not some kind of kidney issue they were afraid was going on.  That was my evening.  He is on the mend and is perking right up!!

That's about it for today sports fans!  Thanks for dropping by, do stop again.  Have a great weekend!

Take care,


  1. My son has diverticulitis.... Rico has to just watch his diet, Mostly seeds a no-no. and he should be fine... Love your stash need a sale on 32 count fabric..I cannot go lower...old eyes...even with glasses and magnify....Have a great weekend.

  2. Rico hope you feel better soon!! Stay away from seeds - sesame, poppy, etc. these two always made me double over in pain.

  3. Edgar,

    I hope you and Rico have a very pleasant weekend. Take care and I hope Rico feels 100% very soon.

  4. Hey Edgar, do hope Rico is feeling better and now he has to watch what he eats!! eckk no fun!

    Love how you keep your stash, so much more organized than me!! I just group everything and then dig through when I need to find something!! Maybe I need to get better and finer organized.

    ATS is looking good. Take care and have a great weekend.

    BTW DS, Jeremy is in Bejing these next few weeks, then DD, Lindsay will be heading to SF to visit with DS.

  5. Wow, what a night you two had! I hope Rico gets some rest and feels better this weekend. I know you'll take good care of him and he'll be back to his old self soon.

    Thanks again for the stash posts!

  6. Give Rico a hug! I've heard that is painful - glad he's on the mend! May tonight be a bit calmer!

  7. Hoping Rico is feeling much, much better very soon. what a wild night!! May the weekend be a bit calmer for you both. Vera

  8. Oh poor Rico!! I sure hope he gets better fast and this won't be a recurring issue. Not fun! Best wishes for him.

  9. What a night. Hospitals are never fun, but I'm glad to hear Rico is starting to feel better, and I hope the healing continues!

  10. Oh, how scary! I am so glad that Rico will be ok. Hope you have a nice weekend! :)

  11. I hope RICO is feeling much better today and you can both enjoy your weekend.
    Been lovely catching up here and seeing how you organise your stash, I too put things away properly when I have finished with it.
    Super stitching update pic, this is so pretty.

  12. Hope Rico is making a speedy recover. I know my Mom ended up in the hospital for 3 days when they diagnosis her with diverticulitis. You and the hounds take care of your guy.

  13. Oh, yuck, Diverticulitis is no fun! I hope he's feeling better now, and continues to feel better as well. From what I know about it, he needs to avoid things with small, um, pieces? That's the only word I can think of lol. No strawberries, or poppyseeds or sesame seeds or stuff like that. I hope he can deal with it! (I would hate no strawberries!!!) I will put him on my prayer list, Edgar.

  14. Poor Rico!! Tell him I hope he gets feeling better! I am praying for him a speeding recovery!!

  15. Glad to hear Rico is going to be okay! Will keep him in my prayers : )

  16. Glad Rico is better; in my prayers!!

  17. Poor Rico! I hope he is feeling much better very soon.

  18. Hope Rico is feeling better soon. Loved seeing your stash photos over the last few posts. It is interesting to see everyone's organization of stash, no two alike!

  19. Sending healing thoughs and prayers for Rico. Hopefully the meds helped and you all can enjoy your weekend.

  20. So Glad to hear that Rico is doing better. Things like that are very scary!

  21. All the best to Rico , for a full recovery.Have a good and relaxing weekend.

  22. Habit can be a good thing, Edgar! I would much rather know where my things are than be like my DS who puts things down where ever and then can't find them! lol. I hope Rico continues to feel better. Sounds like a wild day!

  23. Sending well wishes for Rico - I hope he feels all spiffy again soon. I am also a creature of habit. I love order and function at my best when I'm in a routine. I love your stash organization ideas - it's always great to pick up new tips! I hope you have a restful weekend! :)

  24. Sure hope Rico is feeling much better! Maybe he needs a home-baked goodie...
    I try to keep my things organized but I must admit, I could do better. However, I
    do know where everything (almost!) is and can lay my hands on whatever I need.
    Hope you guys have a great and restful weekend!

  25. Sorry to hear that Rico is unwell....sending lots of get well vibes to him xx

  26. Glad Rico is already doing better. I enjoyed your stash posts this week. It is always fun to see how others handle all their stuff. Hope your weekend is restful and productive.

  27. Sorry you and Rico had to go through that! Been there, done that. I see lots of roughage in Rico's future....Mary A


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...