Monday, July 16, 2012

A Legal Monday Morning

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I really should check my calendar at home more often - or at least glance at it...  I had forgotten I a few weeks ago I received a Summons for Jury Duty to begin this morning.... it is off to sit around waiting all day.  

I'll be back in the morning.... fingers crossed.

Take care,


  1. Hope you took a good book with you to read. Or a crossword puzzle magazine. Or a Suduko game. Hope your day passes quickly!

  2. Take some stitching, a book, a snack, and a boat-load of patience. :)

  3. :(
    You know...I have never been summoned.
    (but do you wanna bet I just jinxed myself by writing it?!)

  4. If you are chosen as a juror then I hope you will at least be involved with an interesting case ... or a short one : ) Too bad you don't knit. Knitting & jury duty go hand in hand : )

  5. I think I must be the only person who likes being summoned for jury duty. I see it as 4-8 hours of mostly free time in which I can stitch, read, etc.

  6. Hope it's not too dull. Last time I had jury duty, I discovered that the florescent lighting in the waiting area was EXCELLENT for stitching, even if the benches weren't all that comfortable. Wishing you good lighting and short service.

  7. I took my Kindle with me when I last served (a few months ago). I was excused after sitting there all morning but it was a good opportunity to get some reading done.

    Hope to hear from you soon!

  8. I only have one friend that was chosen and she got a horrific case! I keep admiring those samplers on your header. That's a lot of work and magnificence in one pile!

  9. I was only called once back in 1986, then you were on Jury duty for two weeks whether you had a case or not...I learned to play Uno, we played and played....then I got a civil case interesting...that finished and then I was called for another but I knew too many people not criminals!! but Dentist.. I worked in the field. We even all went to dinner one year later it was fun. I still wait.....Hope you get something interesting it is a learning experience.

  10. Hope all went well and you had an enjoyable day, if that's possible.

  11. Yikes! I've been postponing my jury duty. I know I'll get summoned again in October. Yuck. Good luck to you!

  12. Oh bother! Actually though my daughter just got summoned and picked last week...dreading it, she did end up enjoying herself, I think! Only was a day trial, so that helped! Plus being away from the 3 children under 3 yrs, for a day, was a nice break. lol Enjoy, Edgar!

  13. Edgar, I know all about the 'hurry up and wait' at the courthouse! Thank goodness it's
    been awhile since my name was drawn! Out of curiosity, how much does a juror in SF get for jury duty?? Where I live, we get $25 per day, whether we are chosen or not.
    Hope you won't be there long!

  14. The only upside to jury duty besides doing your civic duty (suppressed snort here) is uninterrupted stitching and reading time. Sometimes there's something to be said for hurrying up and waiting. I had JD about three months ago and the waiting/serving stretched into a week, during which I read two books and finished three projects. Not bad at all. (Just be sure and take your airline-approved scissors to get through the metal detectors at the courthouse :) )

  15. Oh Edgar, I feel your pain....I just got tagged myself the other day, although I have until August 20th to think about it!

  16. Hope you got some stitching in while you were waiting around!

  17. I was on jury duty in September UGH!!!!! Hope your experience is better than mine, Five days of testimony for the plaintiff and then the case settled out of court! Parking near the court house was another nightmare!

  18. Good heavens!!! If I had "forgotten," the police would have been after me, since my normal "arrive at work time" is a few hours past the jury deadline!! Glad you were able to get there!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...