Wednesday, March 3, 2010

OMG will it Never Stop!!!!

GR&DF I was a bad boy!!! I couldn't resist and all day I kept clicking over and looking at that book ....... that book with a lovely sampler on the cover...... why, oh why is it so hard to hold back!!! Sharlotte mentioned the need of a 12 Step program...... what is needed is an intervention as this can only be called an addiction!!!! So, yes, I ordered Honeysuckle Manor -

and it should arrive in a few days - I need a cigarette or something!!! and I don't smoke!!

Moving on - I finished up an exchange last night but will not get it out until tomorrow - is was a deluge this morning coming in to work and I hadn't gotten it wrapped up well enough to forge through the rain with it - so tomorrow it is.

We have some news about sweet Lolly - over the past few days she has been licking and bothering her nether regions and when I gave it a good look I was amazed that her "cookie" had quadrupled in size - I was stunned to say the least. Then she started to spot so that prompted a visit to PetCo to pick up some Rumba Panties - as she is now "in her Moon" time and becoming a woman - goodness she is only at 10 months!! So in addition to the less than fashionable panties we got some "liners" - which are way big and have to be cut in half to even fit in the XS size outfit we had to get. I also picked up some nice shampoo for the who-hounds. They are in need of a Doggy Day Spa Day - and I think this weekend it will happen. What is so funny is that the shampoo we got is some great smelling Italian imported Honey-Lavender $14 a pop stuff. Now, I don't mind buying nicer stuff for them since I save money on the shampoo I get for us - at $1.69 a bottle Suave does the job on my 4 hairs just fine!! What we won't do for our babies!!!!

The flicker last night was an older musical "Twenty Million Sweethearts" - 1934 - starring Dick Powell, Ginger Rogers and Pat O'Brien. A nice piece with some catchy tunes - the story is of a crooner trying to break into Radio and onto the "Carlotta Soap" show. Typical Powell fare and worth a look.

There you go sports fans - I may post a snap of the Memorial Sampler as I have thrown some floss into that off and on over the past few days..... we'll see if I can get a decent snap or not. Thanks for stopping by and for you kind comments about my addiction!!

Take care,


  1. lol @ "cookies"! I like that phrase "in her moon"; a neat and delicate treatment of the situation. Are they really called rumba panties?? Honeysuckle is a great addition; I've been dying for a sneak peek at the "extra" projects inside. I love that BBD photography!!

    I bet that shampoo dog shampoo'll prove fabulous. Do they like getting their bath? For my part, I have all kinds for my own hair, more or less, from the V05 Extra Body to the Redken AllSoft.

  2. LOL! I broke down and ordered this book yesterday too! If you find a twelve step program, I would love the number!
    Love your description of the "rumba panties". I have to admit, that I have heard of this happening, but because I've never owned a dog, or been around them, I had no idea you had to buy all that stuff for them! You learn something every day.
    Take Care, and have fun with your doggie spa day!

  3. Stop tempting me with your stash buys (not really)! I am on a stitch from stash year and I've already seen dozens of new charts that I really Must have! If I can last the year just think what fun I will have in January 2011!!

    Just recently Hector got bathed in the shampoo that Cheryl Cole uses for her hair! He rolled in another doggies poo whilst on a late night walk and it was too late to shop for doggie shampoo. My daughter said he smelled quite heavenly lol

  4. Oh, Edgar, please tell us all about Honeysuckle when it arrives, it sounds wonderful!


  5. I am wearing out my mouse button clicking back and forth to Honeysuckle Manor. I know I am going to have to cave one of these days. Sigh.

    How about a pic of Lolly in her new outfit...

  6. Honeysuckle Manor must be the most popular thing from the Market! Everytime I see it on a blog it just kills me because I pre-ordered this and it's still not arrived here (in Canada) and maybe not even shipped. I don't know. It's like a big black hole.

    I'm glad you caved in. Of the photos I've seen it's just 'to die for'. Happy Stitching!

  7. My brother in law used to live with us and he had his dog, a little min-pin. I know what you mean about "in her moon".

    Yes , yes , we are addicted.I won't say that I see it as a monkey on my back though! LOL! I will be going through withdrawl soon though, as I am finishing up all of my starts and I only have one new pattern with nothing else to stitch after those starts are completed. I won't know what to do with myself the, and PLEASE no one say "clean house"!

    Any ideas yet as to what linen you are going to use for the BBD houses?

  8. I love how you explained your doggies coming of age. Here is something I saw advertised the other day. It may be perfect for your little darling.

    BTW. I really enjoy your blog.

  9. You will love Honeysuckle Manor. It is a very good book with lots of designs. Sometimes you just "have to have" something and stash is that for us stitchers.

    Enjoy the book.

  10. Oh my gosh! Cookies, in her moon and rumba panties! I'll be laughing all day about those phrases!

    I'm really feeling the pressure to hit the LNS sooner than later!

    Can't wait to see what you stitch from the new book when it comes!

  11. No matter how much you spend on shampoo for the dogs, it has to be less than I spend to get a bath for Stella. She must have been traumatized in the bathroom when she was younger because she darts in and out of it like something BAD will happen in there. So regular bathing at $30 a pop it is. Sigh. So, see, you're saving enough to buy all the stash you want! LOL.

  12. Love it! I have a sneaking suspicion I will be making the plunge for the book as well :)

  13. I need the 12 step program too!! Rumba panties!love it! Hope the dogs love the spa.
    I have to order that book it looks beautiful!

  14. LOL

    Hey, I buy John Frieda's for Redhead shampoo and conditioner for my four-legged "redhead". Love the shine it gives his coat.

    Love the description of Lolly becoming a grown womman. And 10 months isn't bad. Many come into their first season around 6 months.

    I too keep looking at that BBD book. But have told myself to behave. If it is still at my LNS when I go for our sit and stitch on the 18th I'll probably break down and get it. :)

  15. you will LOVE Honeysuckle Manor, lots of great projects in there! I didn't get it, yet. but did get my hands on it at the LNS but i had too much already. LOL

    Cookie, i love it!

  16. Wow, you have even less self-control than I have, and that's really saying something! Are you going to take your pup for the old snippy-snippy?

  17. I love that book, too-can't wait till my order comes!

    Poor pup--it's tough being a female!! ;)

  18. What a laugh about the doggy shapmoo. I find myself spending an extraordinary amount of time selecting the correct flavors of cat food at the grocery store. Then I throw whatever crap is on sale into the cart for the humans.

  19. Oh le vilain garçon!!! La patience est la mère de toutes les vertus!!!

  20. I had decided not to get this book then couldn't stand it and broke down. I am hoping it arrives this week!

  21. I've got Honesuckle Manor on the way too, Edgar! Plus, I went ahead and ordered some fabric (not what they recommended) and the floss too. Can't wait to start stitching that one. Hope the little one is feeling okay and keep her away from bad boy dogs!

  22. You'll love Honeysuckle Manor! Why is the song "This Girl is a Woman Now" running through my head?

  23. I know the feeling on the stashing. I need to stop too! But you'll love Honeysuckle Manor! That's pretty exciting about your little girl. I didn't even know they made such things for girlie needs! I always had male dogs. lol!

  24. That chart is to die for you enabler you! Like you, I don't need a 12 step program - I need intervention big time and if one more thing about sewing comes into this house I think him upstairs will strangle me. So I have to find a new way of ordering stuff and I think I have solved this little problem. I will get my friend Carol to buy it and I'll PayPal her the money and get it from her next time I see her and he'll never know. Now how devious is that!
    Patti xxx


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...