Friday, March 26, 2010

Chica Chica Boom Chic!

GR&DF such wonderful comments and emails - am I bursting with a big heart of love or what!!! Choking me up on a Friday is not fair - but I do appreciate every single comment, email and good thought sent my way. I know that the email has been completely eradicated by a super group of friends out there - and as Marnie put it "Mean People Suck."
Enough of that we are moving on....

The blue tree was identified not only by Alison but by a friend here at work - he is a minor horticulturalist and yard designer/gardener type and it is a Ceanothus - they come in three very distinct sizes - Tree, Bush and low growing spreading vine - all have this vibrant blue flower or they can also be white. Many folks thought it might be a Jacaranda - but this tree the flower shape was a bit less bell shaped and more cluster like.
So many things I don't know - keeps life interesting!!

The mail brought a wonderful exchange package from the group of us doing the Easter exchange. It came from Cathy and totally made my day yesterday!! Here is a snap of everything...

Cathy stitched a super "chickie" mattress pin cushion and "chickie" fob - aren't they totally sweet!!! The package included some super treats - a beautiful piece of "Earthen" linen from PTP, a skein of Gloriana silk, a carrot of chocolates and two really cute Easter decorations - a super thoughtful parcel for Easter. Here is a close up the stitched lovelies...

The pin cushion is stitched on 40 ct Antique white using DMC floss. the chart is PS #107 "Just Hatched." The finish piece is surrounded by a lovely pink ribbon - this couldn't be cuter!!!
Thank you so much Cathy!!!

The mail also brought another eBay purchase
- this very inexpensive 4 chart booklet of antique samplers -

These are really nice samplers and yet the person who charted DMC conversion must have been colorblind - as they are all very brightly charted - I know, I know, that originally they would have been bright and maybe that was what they were going for - but you know me and my mantra "Grey, Beige, Brown and Black" - extra dingy!! I am certain I can rechart the colours for a more beat up and aged look!! :)

The flickers last night were a double feature of Carmen Miranda - that Brazilian Bombshell!! The first film was "Something for the Boys" - 1944 - starring a bunch of character actors from 20th Century - Carmen Miranda, Phil Silvers, Vivian Blaine and Michael O'Shea. This was one of the handful of films that Carmen did and as in all her pictures she was once again a singing and dancing dynamo - who tore through the English language with a machete for laughs. The second film was "If I;m Lucky" - 1946 - starring the same group of actors but this time without the technicolor. It was another light film with musical numbers but the major difference was it was without the benefit of color and a Black and White Carmen was very different. After the war 20th Century didn't know what to do with her and they did less and less and nothing in color and Carmen needs the color to pop - I enjoy these films for the 40's and would recommend them to anyone for just an entertaining romp and some great musical numbers by both Carmen and Vivian. Both films feature a very young Perry Como and his voice in both is deep and silk another reason to see them. Corinna mentioned a film from the other evening on TCM "Stage Door" 1937 - a film I love and was also watching!!

Here is a compilation of Carmen film clips - both color and B&W - with a hip shaking recording of her singing "Chica Chica Boom Chic" - I dare you to try and sit still!!

I think that's about it for today sports fans. Thank you again fro your support and comments - have a great weekend and do stop by again!!!

Take care,


  1. Those are wonderful samplers!! Great find! I love the Easter package- thanks for posting where those cute chickies came from 'cause I was going to ask!

  2. very super cute exchange you rec'd! Gotta love those little chickies.

  3. Cathy's mattress pincushion is lovely, the pink ribbon a perfect finishing touch. Makes me want to run out and get stitching on that pattern.

  4. Lovely exchanges!

    Have a lovely weekend!

  5. Love the film clip, I've a feeling I may be singing this for the rest of they day. What a great package to get through the post, the little chick fob is so sweet.

  6. That's a super Easter exchange from Cathy! You must've shrieked with excitement...or maybe that was me!

    Love the antique samplers you purchased. *sigh* I wish I never see these things because then the 'craving' starts! ;-)

    Have a lovely weekend!

  7. lol! I love that mantra! I'm usually the same way (love brown and black together)--and you forgot the other dingy neutral: taupe! :D What's better than brown and grey? Brown + Grey! lol!

    Yet, in the spring I do go pastel-crazy (Just love 'em! except for cool pink and "baby" blue.)
    But, on a serious note, sometimes you just have to say, "Bless 'em!" and go on! Somebody said to me about a situation like this, "Honey, this is where you just have to think, 'There but for the grace of God go I!'". I think it's better to suffer wrong than to do it, but still--enough with the awfulness, eh?

    As for this exchange, it's great! Love those chicks strutting their stuff!

  8. Great Easter package. She did a great job.

  9. What a wonderful exchange package! Love the little chickie fob..soooo cute!

    Can't wait to see what you do with the sampler patterns.

    Enjoy your weekend...


  10. What a lovely exchange you received! I love those chicks! Cool about the tree too! And Carmen Miranda -- I've never seen her in B&W. Can't imagine it either. lol!

  11. My dad used to sing the Desi Arnez classic.."boom, chica, boom" from "Cuban Pete". The fact that my Irish aunt had married a man named Pedro from Cuba in 1952 made it all the more politically incorrect...but that's my dad!
    Love the Easter exchange. Anything PS catches my eye. What lovely finishing techniques.

  12. Beautiful Easter exchange gift!

    Enjoy your new sampler booklet, and I know you will stitch them beautiful!

    Have a fantastic weekend!

  13. Yep, You were right Edgar !! I couldn't sit still while Carmen Miranda sang and danced !!! I was moving right along with her. !!! I loved the exchange you received. I have not yet joined an exchanges yet her in blog land. What are some good ones to look for. Thanks,

  14. What a sweet Easter exchange! Love the tiny fob!

    Love the booklet of samplers - can't wait to see what you stitch and how you change the colors!

  15. Wouah! Wonderfull old samplers!!!!!!!!Good week-end

  16. What a terrific exchange! The yellow on those little chicks is beautiful! This might motivate me to make another mattress pincushion. They are so much work! Glad you were on the receiving end of such a great exchange.

  17. Hi Edgar, I have withdrawals on weekends when you don't post. I just love to read your blog. Was wondering if you heard that kathy from Carriage House Samplings is quitting designing. I just love hers and YOUR hawk run hollows. Very sad. Dont' ever quit blogging.

  18. Just love the little chick-chicks!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...