Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Stitching Porn

GR&DF thank you for your visits and kind comments. I do appreciate them and the time it takes for you to leave them. I am feeling like I should do a give away soon........ just a thank you - so keep watching.

I got back some funions from the evil tax man - and instead of doing something constructive or grown up - like pay a bill or cc - how novel would that have been!! I decided to thrown some of it into the abyss that has become the economy. Yesterday all of it arrived in one fell swoop and here is a snap of the un-needed but lovely stash......

It is my stitching porn - and I love it!!! I just felt that I deserved it- not that I needed it, as you all know I am trying to de-stash, but some of these things are just way too cute to pass. They are also a couple of things that I have wanted for a long time. From the top left we have Book III - The Gardening Series and Book IV - Quaker Series from The Goode Huswife. These are probably the last chances to get them as once they are gone they are supposedly never to be done again and will become OOP. I fell in love with the gardening things when I saw them on Vonna's Blog - and have loved the Quaker pieces forever. I had a couple of the Quaker charts already (from eBay) but the majority I did not have. Next are two of the four new designs from Prairie Schooler - a real favorite of mine, then there is Heaven Above, The Dirty Brown Sampler, Farmers Prayer and In Wisdom's Way. The last two in the pile are the new BBD series for 2010 - I will collect them all before stitching them up - I don't know why but BBD Designs always appeal to me and these monthly little house samplers will be great all together on one piece of linen. I didn't get the new BBD book - Honeysuckle Manor, yet... I feel the itchy finger for this book as I have heard that it is really good!! Only a matter of time before I cave, but at the moment I am strong - well , not that strong!

The flicker last night was "Crossfire" - 1947 - starring Robert Young, Robert Mitchum, Robert Ryan and Gloria Grahame. This was another Film Noir directed by Edward Dmytryk - it was also the first message movie to deal directly with the subject of antisemitism beating "Gentleman's Agreement" to the theaters by 3 months. It was nominated for 5 Oscars including Best Picture - which was won by Gentleman's Agreement. A taught well played film - where Robert Young playing the detective investigating the murder says - "Hate is just another type of Gun" - what a great line - and still has resonance today!! The story is based on the the book "The Brick Foxhole" by Richard Brooks which dealt with homophobia and not antisemitism - to get the movie done the story was changed to racism and antisemitism.

There you go sports fans - Thanks for stopping by - do come again.

Take care,


  1. Oooooh that picture is very naughty Edgar :P

    We threw our refund into the economy as well, adding an extra strike into the new car sales tally for the month of February. It's our duty as Americans to help save the world one dollar spent at time :)

  2. Yay for Stitchy Porn! Have you seen where Alma posted a picture of Pat Ryan's all-on-one linen start of those 2 houses? I *LOVE* that start of snow garden. I didn't care for it upon seeing the chart cover, but I think it's a really pretty piece if hard to photograph. Nicole's got a floss toss for it up right now; TDF!

    I really like the way "Heaven Above" represents day and night in the diagonals like that! Nice!

  3. Lovely stash! Some fab charts there.

  4. I like the idea of collecting all of the BBD houses before stitching them. That would make "matching" a color of linen to them all a little easier I would think. The new Prairie Schooler charts are great too! Throwing a few bucks into the economy never hurts. Especially if it means building stash! This is why you're de-stashing isn't it? To make room for more. We stitchers can always trick ourselves into believing that one .There are days I think I need a 12 step program! :)

  5. What lovely choices!! And you are totally justified- just popped over to your trade blog and you are getting rid of a lot of charts, way more than you have acquired. So it's ok. ;)

  6. Oh *gasp* what a haul! Wonderful wonderful stuff. Love them. Some I haven't seen, like In Wisdom Ways. Where did you buy this one from?

    That was an excellent way to keep the stitchy economy going! Enjoy!

  7. I think you spent your money wisely, Edgar. Of course, I have been known to be a shameless enabler. ;)

  8. Oh Edgar !! My heart get got to beating so fast looking at your picture !!! Hey, I am with you on putting back into the business. Can't wait to get my taxes back. I am with your all the way. Great Haul !!!

  9. Love your new stash haul!! I am so itching to get to my LNS!! I was going to go today, but had to help out a neighbor with some commuting issues as her car is in the shop.

    Can't wait to see what you've been sitching on!

  10. Love all the new additions to your stash.

  11. Yay for stash!! You picked some good stuff there! Yes, I do think you need the Honeysuckle Manor book. It's wonderful!

  12. Stitching Porn! lol. I like that phrase! I love all your new goodies! I shouldn't have ordered anything but I caved. I can't wait for it all to arrive.

  13. You're such a naughty, but WONDERFUL enabler!! Oh my goodness, I had to wipe the drool of my keyboard, mouse and the sweater I'm wearing...that is a delightful and deserved haul of stash porn!! Enjoy every minute of fondling and stitching!! :)

  14. ooooh. Amazing new stash. I can see why you needed to pick it all up. Those BBD houses are on my wish list. :) Not to mention a few other things in your stitchy porn pic.

  15. That's some goood porn! I pre-ordered the Goode Huswife Quaker book and have been jumping on my mailman all week (figuratively speaking of course) waiting impatiently for its arrival!

  16. Great stash! Life is too short and sometimes we have to just throw caution to the wind and do something fun!

    What are you going to stitch first?

  17. Porn indeed! I am lusting after those Prairie Schoolers right now! "...the abyss that is the economy"....now that's a great line. So true.

  18. Looks like somebody is in for a lot of fun stitching! Hooray for you for not being practical with your tax return. The economy needs it!

  19. My eyes! LOL @ stitching porn. Love your lovelies Edgar.

  20. Yeah, I did the same thing this year, although I gave myself a budget. I only went over by about $50.00, but I figure some of those items are tools that won't be replaced anytime soon.

  21. Love the enhnacement! (We all deserve a little every now and then.) But, you MUST be dirty and add the new BBD book to your stash. Your stash is lusting after it! =)

  22. How generous of you to buy selflessly in order to stimulate the economy! You got some great charts!

  23. Hey, if you're going to throw money at the economy, you might as well throw it in the direction of cross stitch supplies. It's a great investment, if you ask me, especially with the wonderful patterns in this snap. I will be awaiting progress pics on all in due time.

  24. Wow! Great stash Edgar! I think it is a great way to spend your money :)


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...