Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Mid-Week Posting

GR&DF not too much going on here in Bagdad by the Bay. I did want to thank you for the comments and think I can answer some of them...

Cindy asked about the header snap - Yes, they are all things I stitched and have yet to get framed. I chose things that were sort of the same size and just folded them over and fanned these out to make a wave like pattern. I can not take credit for this as I saw it over on Margaret's blog first and really liked the way it looked. (go check out her blog she does beautiful stitching and has just finished up a gorgeous sampler!!)

Addie asked about stitching reproduction samplers - and what my thoughts are about whether or not to stitch in the original makers name/initials and date or to stitch in my name and date. I think it depends on the reason for the stitching of the piece. If you are trying to create a reproduction of the original then to include the original makers information will make the piece, however it is your piece and I think stitching in any initials or dates you wish to make it your own are just fine. Again it all depends on what you are stitching it up for. For me I usually change up the piece so much that it no longer is a reproduction - anywho - so I just stitch in my name/initial and dates. Ultimately it is your piece and you should do your own thing.

Berit pointed out my little smack at NPI silks - I went back and read what I wrote and it does come off a bit harsh. I should amend that to say .... I do like NPI for stitching as it stitches a dream - I must like them as I stitched up the whole of VoHRH in NPI and I have kitted up the Shores of HRH in NPI and those use a ton of silk and a pretty big stitching commitments - NPI is very serviceable and the colours are nice - I just prefer the over dyed floss for the interest it brings to a piece of stitching. I think I prefer stitching with silk over cotton - but prefer cotton over dyed to solid colour silk - I guess it would have to be how or what the piece is and what I wanted it the end piece to look like. I still don't think I am being clear.
For me and my stitching - the only floss I do not like is linen floss and will never ever if I can help it ever stitch with a linen floss again- ever!! Now, that was clear.

I wanted to have a clip on today's post and so I found this one of Alice Faye and so I am putting it up - It is from "On the Avenue" - 1937 - a movie I talked about a few days back.

Just a reminder I will not be posting nor emailing until next Wednesday/Thursday. I am taking a break from my regular life and doing some fun stuff - not sure what exactly but there are some things lined up and I am sure others will follow. So do not worry as I will return.

Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comments - I do appreciate them!!!

Take care,


  1. Have fun where ever your adventures may take you! We'll all be here waiting to hear all about them when you return!

    Happy Easter!

  2. We will miss you Edgar. Have lots of fun, you deserve it! Hope you have a wonderful Easter!! :)

  3. Taking a break from regular life sounds like a wonderful idea. ENJOY!!!!

  4. It's okay Edgar, I'm a bit of a Belle Soie "snob" myself!

    I hope you have wonderful adventures on your time off. Don't forget to take some snaps to share with us when you return to the "real world".

  5. Have a wonderful break, Edgar!! Can't wait to read about your adventures upon your return to the "real world". :)

  6. Have a great time on your days off, Edgar! Thanks for the compliments on Catherine -- I do love how she turned out! It's funny that you prefer the overdyed threads. I tend to prefer the solid colored NPI and AVAS. I always have trouble with the stripey effect overdyeds have on pieces. I need to learn how to stitch so the effect goes away. :D Great clip, btw!

  7. I am a silk snob also. I find that Crescent Colors cotton knots up on me very badly. Some of the overdyeds also do but not as bad. I also dislike rayon threands. If I could afford it, all my stitching would be in silks.

    Have a fun weekend.

    Mary in TN.

  8. Have fun and we'll miss you. Totally agree on the NPI--love the way if feels gliding through the fabric, but love the way the colors on overdyed cotton look (especially Crescent).

  9. I think "serviceable" is a very good adjective for NPI--guess they're the DMC of silks! I think I can agree with you overall that overdyed is nicer than flat colour--it's just really interesting to stitch with! I recently tried out NPI for the first time: my LNS (actually a needlepoint store) sells it by the strand off of huge palettes! So, it's a low-risk investment.

    My jury's still out on silk overdyes: I've used dinky dye and a bit of Belle Soie, and each time was on 28 or 32 count linen, 2/2. Somehow, I'm just not sure I like the way that 12-stranded silk separates and lays. It's like the 2 strands just don't "play nicely" together. I think I need to try some 1/2 on a higher count before I make my true verdict. The stitching texture is, of course, a dream.

  10. Sorry I haven't posted a comment in a while. I wanted to let you know that I love your sampler you made in memory of your Dad. So touching! It is really beautiful.
    Also, isn't it a bummer about Kathy at Carriage House Samplings. I don't think I've gotten over the shock! I've got a large list of patterns all ready to order! I may be going a bit overboard, but I can't seem to help myself!
    Have a wonderful break! We will look forward to your return.

  11. Hope your Easter vacation is great!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...