Wednesday, December 9, 2020

A Little More Christmas....

 Gentle Friends, with the lockdown now in full force here by the Bay and everyone having a much smaller Yuletide than usual I was not surprised to get an email from our friends over on Alamo square that have the "First of the Season" Christmas party every year.  This year would have been the 21st year of the party and although it didn't happen we were given a "Save The Date" for next year.... December 3, 2021.  Along with the email was a picture of this year's tree.  They ordered it back in February ... and decorated it over the Thanksgiving weekend... here's a snap...

... it's another beautiful tree... I've marked in ink on next year's calendar the date to look forward to.

 I've gotten quite a few requests for the praline recipe... of course, I'll share.  It's a recipe I cobbled together from a few recipes I tried and also read about and tweaked it until I got it where I like it... and those that taste them like them so I must be doing something right.

Pecan Pralines


1 1/2 C White Sugar
1/2 C Packed Dark Brown Sugar
3/4 C Half & Half
4 Tbls Butter
1/8 teas Baking Soda
2 C Pecans - rough chop
1/2 teas Salt
1 teas Vanilla or Bourbon


Get a piece of parchment paper ready on the counter to drop the pralines on, I use a piece that is about 20" x 20"  and can about 25 candies on this, also get the two tablespoons ready and waiting there to scoop and drop.

In a heavy pot toss the first 5 ingredients and over medium heat bring to boil and stir continuously so the mixture does not stick.  Keep on heat stirring until an instant-read thermometer reaches 211 degrees.  Add the pecans at this point and keep stirring until the thermometer reaches 236 degrees.

Take off heat and add the salt and vanilla. (I have also added bourbon instead of vanilla to this and liked it a lot but you can tweak the flavour to your taste)

Stir the mixture vigorously for 3 minutes and then drop by tablespoons full on the parchment.  Let cool completely.  I usually just let them sit there overnight and they are fine.  You can use the parchment a couple of times before it gets a bit rough.  This makes about 25 candies.

It's a pretty forgiving recipe, just get it to temperature and keep stirring so that it doesn't stick and it'll be fine.  You can also use walnuts, I've done it that way but I like the pecan better so that's what I use, but you could probably use any nut out there ... again tweak it to your taste!!

There you go sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by do stop again.  
If you have any questions please feel free to ask.  Stay Safe!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!



  1. Thank you for sharing that marvelous tree with those unable to repeat
    theirs... It helped to feel alot like Christmas. The Praline recipe looks quite doable and delicious.

  2. Sounds delicious! I don't have an instant read thermometer but I
    do have a regular candy thermometer. Will this work or will it be
    too slow?

  3. Thank you so much for the recipe and the picture of the Christmas Tree. It is spectacular!!!

  4. I always enjoy your pictures of that party and the tree is beautiful again this year. Thank you for sharing your recipe. I plan to copy it and give it a try.

  5. Oh that beautiful tree!!!!!! SQUEAL!!! It looks perfectly like something out of a page in history. (And that tres gorgeous ceiling!! What an incredible party that must be!) And thank you ever so much for the recipe!!! I am definitely trying this. Thinking I may try 1/2 vanilla and 1/2 bourboun?? I know the measures aren't that large, but still?? Thank you again!! ~Robin~

  6. Your friends have a beautiful tree and a wonderful house to go with it - just look at that ceiling, it's amazing. I too enjoy seeing pictures of the party there.

  7. I always really like reading your blogs as they start with Gentle Friends, such a lovely beginning to the day. Especially during the pandemic we all need a little extra gentleness in our lives. Thank you for sharing the tree, we all need all the happy pictures and hope for next year that we can get. Have a lovely day. x

  8. What a gorgeous tree! Thanks for the recipe -- I look forward to trying it.

  9. I always look forward for your friends party photos. The tree is ( like always) beautiful. We all have such high hopes for 2021. This year just us two ,so very minimal decorations. Next year 18 so clear out the attic and bring down everything!!!!!

  10. Your friends' tree is gorgeous, Edgar! Sorry about the canceled gathering, but you have something to look forward to in 2021.


A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...