Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Friday....

Gentle Friends, still sheltering in place and in addition to a little stitching I've hauled out an old card table that came from my grandparents and a puzzle.

Today is Good Friday and in art, there are many images of the Crucifixion... 
I had never seen this painting and thought about the image...

Brooklyn Museum's called "What Our Lord Saw from the Cross" by James Tissot c. 1890.  

It's an unconventional perspective of the Crucifixion.  It gives us, the viewer the unique opportunity to put ourselves into Christ's place and consider his thoughts and feelings as he gazed on his friends and enemies who were witnessing or participating in his death.  At his feet is a gathering of humanity: sorrowful women, curious bystanders, a stoic Centurian, and self-satisfied high priests on horseback.  In the background is the tomb where Jesus' body will be laid.  

We as He did... look upon those who supported, condemned or were indifferent to Him... 
it's a really powerful image.

I hope this finds you all well and safe!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!


  1. What a compelling picture Edgar. Thank you for sharing it on this very Holy day. Easter blessings to you and Rico!

  2. I have not seen this image before truly is powerful and thought-invoking. Thank you kindly for sharing. Wishing you a blessed Eastertide...however it fins you spending it ~ Robin

  3. That puzzle is wonderful. A perfect way to spend time this weekend. Take care, Edgar and family.

  4. This is a new picture for me too, thank you for sharing it. Happy easter to you both. x

  5. Wrenching to be met with derision and malice when so much love and
    understanding had been given.... an impactful image and insight....

  6. I have never seen that one before. It is an interesting and thought provoking image. Thanks for sharing.

    May the peace of our Lord be with you always.

  7. for thought. Interesting picture. Glad to hear your ok. I was beginning to worry you were I'll. Happy Easter Edgar to you and yours. May you all be blessed.

  8. Dearest Edgar: What an image to have, thank-you for sharing with us.



A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...