Sunday, April 26, 2020

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle Friends, finally a new snap of Coverlet... 
I really wanted to get that leaf finished before posting...

... but I've put off getting a snap up for far too long...

Thanks for stopping by do stop again!  Stay Safe!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!


  1. I love the "whimsy" of this pattern. The colors are perfect and the different shapes really go together!

  2. I love that design. It really look like the designs on a coverlet. How do you plan to finish it?

  3. Dearest Edgar: This is a very interesting change for you I think, I love this design so far, very different from what you usually stitch.
    Stay Healthy My Dear friend, say hello to Rico and the kids, give them a big hug and kiss.
    Stay Healthy


  4. Wow! That's a lot of progress since the last post on this one. I love it!!

  5. Looking great Edgar!! I'm truly curious to see this finished! Hope the day has been good to you ~ Robin

  6. A change from your samplers but just as lovely. x

  7. Oh my goodness, I really love this piece.The designs just look so homey.

  8. Your colors are lovely and your stitch is coming along nicely !!!


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...